fast encode bitmap buffer to png using libpng - c++

My objective is to convert a 32-bit bitmap(BGRA) buffer into png image in real-time using C/C++. To achieve it, i used libpng library to convert bitmap buffer and then write into a png file. However it seemed to take huge time (~5 secs) to execute on target arm board (quad core processor) in single thread. On profiling, i found that libpng compression process (deflate algorithm) is taking more than 90% of time. So i tried to reduce it by using parallelization in some way. The end goal here is to get it done in less than 0.5 secs at least.
Now since a png can have multiple IDAT chunks, i thought of writing png with multiple IDATs in parallel. To write custom png file with multiple IDATs following methodology is adopted
1. Write PNG IHDR chunk
2. Write IDAT chunks in parallel
i. Split input buffer in 4 parts.
ii. compress each part in parallel using zlib "compress" function.
iii. compute CRC of chunk { "IDAT"+zlib compressed data }.
iv. create IDAT chunk i.e. { "IDAT"+zlib compressed data+ CRC}.
v. Write length of IDAT chunk created.
vi. Write complete chunk in sequence.
3. write IEND chunk
Now the problem is the png file created by this method is not valid or corrupted. Can somebody point out
What am I doing wrong?
Is there any fast implementation of zlib compress or multi-threaded png creation, preferably in C/C++?
Any other alternate way to achieve target goal?
Note: The PNG specification is followed in creating chunks
This method works for creating IDAT in parallel
1. add one filter byte before each row of input image.
2. split image in four equal parts. <-- may not be required passing pointer to buffer and their offsets
3. Compress Image Parts in parallel
(A)for first image part
--deflate(zstrm, Z_FULL_FLUSH)
--store compressed buffer and its length
--store adler32 for current chunk, {a1=zstrm->adler} <--adler is of uncompressed data
(B)for second and third image part
--deflate(zstrm, Z_FULL_FLUSH)
--store compressed buffer and its length
--strip first 2-bytes, reduce length by 2
--store adler32 for current chunk zstrm->adler,{a2,a3 similar to A} <--adler is of uncompressed data
(C) for last image part
--deflate(zstrm, Z_FINISH)
--store compressed buffer and its length
--strip first 2-bytes and last 4-bytes of buffer, reduce length by 6
--here last 4 bytes should be equal to ztrm->adler,{a4=zstrm->adler} <--adler is of uncompressed data
4. adler32_combine() all four parts i.e. a1,a2,a3 & a4 <--last arg is length of uncompressed data used to calculate adler32 of 2nd arg
5. store total length of compressed buffers <--to be used in calculating CRC of complete IDAT & to be written before IDaT in file
6. Append "IDAT" to Final chunk
7. Append all four compressed parts in sequence to Final chunk
8. Append adler32 checksum computed in step 4 to Final chunk
9. Append CRC of Final chunk i.e.{"IDAT"+data+adler}
To be written in png file in this manner: [PNG_HEADER][PNG_DATA][PNG_END]
where [PNG_DATA] ->Length(4-bytes)+{"IDAT"(4-bytes)+data+adler(4-bytes)}+CRC(4-bytes)

Even when there are multiple IDAT chunks in a PNG datastream, they still contain a single zlib compressed datastream. The first two bytes of the first IDAT are the zlib header, and the final four bytes of the final IDAT are the zlib "adler32" checksum of the entire datastream (except for the 2-byte header), computed before compressing it.
There is a parallel gzip (pigz) under development at It will generate zlib datastreams instead of gzip datastreams when invoked as "pigz -z".
For that you won't need to split up your input file because the parallel compression happens internally to pigz.

In your step ii, you need to use deflate(), not compress(). Use Z_FULL_FLUSH on the first three parts, and Z_FINISH on the last part. Then you can concatenate them to a single stream, after pulling off the two-byte header from the last three (keep the header on the first one), and pulling the four-byte check values off of the last one. For all of them, you can get the check value from strm->adler. Save those.
Use adler32_combine() to combine the four check values you saved into a single check value for the complete input. You can then tack that on to the end of the stream.
And there you have it.


can i perform gzseek to update a file compressed using gzwrite (CPP)?

I have a file written using gzwrite. Now i want to edit this file and insert some data in the middle by seeking. Is this possible with gzseek/gzwrite in cpp?
No, it isn't possible. You have to create a new file by successively writing the pieces.
So it is not much different from inserting data in the middle of an uncompressed file, except for one thing: with the uncompressed file, you could leave a hole of the right size (a series of spaces, for example) and later on overwrite that with the data to be inserted, but of course that is not possible with the compressed file because you cannot predict its compressed length.

Compressing data before sending it - controll characters?

In a multiplayer game setting, I was going to use zlib to compress larger strings before sending them. I placed the resulting data back into strings, which are to be sent as byte streams using TCP.
My problem is, that I need to place control characters into the string as well. For example, I need to add the original string length (in plain text) to the front of the compressed string, and seperate it from the compressed data using some symbol, like "|".
But I can't find a way of knowing which bytes are actual content and which bytes are control characters. Are there any characters that a zlib-compressed-string will never contain (besides 0, which I can't use since it marks the end of a c-string) which I can use to seperate "metadata" and "compressed data"?
No, there are no byte values that cannot be contained in a zlib stream. However a zlib stream is self-terminating. By simply using inflate() to decompress the stream, you will find the end when it returns Z_STREAM_END. The bytes not consumed by inflate() are the next bytes immediately after the zlib stream. Upon completion of decompression you know both how many compressed data bytes there are in the stream, as well as how many uncompressed bytes were generated.
If you are simply processing your entire stream, with the zlib stream imbedded, sequentially, then there is no need to store either the compressed or uncompressed lengths anywhere. That information is inherent in the zlib data. You would only need to store such data if you had a need to process your stream non-sequentially, or with the desire to access other data in stream after the zlib data without having to decompress the zlib stream.
If you control both creation of compressed blobs and decompression of them, you can prepend the size to the compressed data (prrobably by reserving some bytes at the beginning of the buffer), and then when decompressing skip the size and pass the pointer to compressed data to the decompression utility. This way you don't have to worry about messing up your compressed data with the size: the decompression code never sees the bytes that carry the size information.
How are you doing the compression? If you're piping the output
through an external program, there's not much you can do, but if
you're using something internal, like a compressing streambuf,
you should be able to output to the original streambuf when
necessary. With filtering streams from boost::iostream, for
example, you can write the length, then push the compression
stream, write the data to be compressed, then pop the
compression stream, and continue writing plain text. (You may
have to insert a judicious flush here and there, before changing
the filter stack.) Or you should be able to compress the parts
you want to compress into a buffer, and use
std::ostream::write to output them.

writing to gz using fstream

How can I write the output to a compressed file (gz, bz2, ...) using fstream? It seems that Boost library can do that, but I am looking for a non Boost solution. I saw example only for reading from a compressed file.
To write compressed data to a file, you would run your uncompressed data through a compression library such as zlib (for DEFLATE, the compression algorithm used with .zip and .gz files) or xz utils (for LZMA, the compression algorithm used with 7zip and .xz files), then write the result as usual using ofstream or fwrite.
The two major pieces to implement are the encoding/compression and framing/encapsulation/file format.
From wikipedia, the DEFLATE algorithm:
Stream format
A Deflate stream consists of a series of blocks. Each block is
preceded by a 3-bit header: 1 bit: Last-block-in-stream marker: 1:
this is the last block in the stream. 0: there are more blocks to
process after this one. 2 bits: Encoding method used for this block
type: 00: a stored/raw/literal section, between 0 and 65,535 bytes in
length. 01: a static Huffman compressed block, using a pre-agreed
Huffman tree. 10: a compressed block complete with the Huffman table
supplied. 11: reserved, don't use. Most blocks will end up being
encoded using method 10, the dynamic Huffman encoding, which produces
an optimised Huffman tree customised for each block of data
individually. Instructions to generate the necessary Huffman tree
immediately follow the block header. Compression is achieved through
two steps The matching and replacement of duplicate strings with
pointers. Replacing symbols with new, weighted symbols based on
frequency of use.
From wikipedia, the gzip file format:
"gzip" is often also used to refer to the gzip file format, which is:
a 10-byte header, containing a magic number, a version number and a
timestamp optional extra headers, such as the original file name, a
body, containing a DEFLATE-compressed payload an 8-byte footer,
containing a CRC-32 checksum and the length of the original
uncompressed data

tar.Z file format, structure, header

I am trying to figure out the file layout of
tar.Z file. (so called .taz file. compressed tar file).
this file can be produced with tar -Z option or
using unix compress utility(result are same)
I tried to google some document about this file structure
but there is no documentation about this file structure.
I know that this is LZW compressed file and starts with
its magic number "1F 9D" but thats all I can figure out.
someone please tell me more details about the file header or
I am not interested about how to uncompress this file, or
what linux command can process this file.
I want to know is internal file structure/header/format/layout.
thank you in advance
A .Z file is compressed using compress and can be uncompressed with uncompress (or on some machines this is called uncompress.real). This .Z file can hold any data. .tar.Z or .taz is just a .tar file that is compressed with compress.
The first 2 bytes (MAGIC_1 and MAGIC_2) are used to check if the .Z file really is a .Z file, and not something else with accidentally the same extension. These bytes are hardcoded in the sources.
The third byte is a settings byte and holds 2 values:
The most significant bit is the block mode.
The last 5 bits indicate the maximum size of the code table (the code table is used for lzw compression).
From the original code: BLOCK_MODE=0x80; byte3=(BIT|BLOCK_MODE); and BIT is in an if/else block where it is 12..16.
If block mode is turned on, in the code table a entity will be added at place 256 (remember 0..255 are filled with the values 0..255) and this will contain the CLEAR sign. So whenever the CLEAR sign is gotten from the data stream from the file, the code table has to be reverted to it's initial state (so it has only 0..256 in it).
The maximum code size indicates the amount of bits the code table can be. When the maximum is hit, there are no entities added to the code table anymore. So if the maximum code size is 0b00001100, it means that the code table can only hold 12 bits, so a maximum of 2^12=4096 entities.
The highest amount possible that is used by compress is 16 bit. That means that there are 2 bits in this settings field that are unused.
After these 3 bytes the raw LZW data starts. Because the LZW table starts at 9 bits, the 4th byte will be the same as the first byte of the input (in case of a .tar.Z file, or taz file, this byte will be the first byte of the uncompressed .tar file).
A tar.Z file is just a compressed tar file, so you will only find the 1F 9D magic number telling you to uncompress it.
When uncompressed you can read the tar file header:
Q: this file can be produced with tar -Z option or using unix compress utility(result are same)
A: Yes. "tar -cvf myfile.tar myfiles; compress myfile.tar" is equivalent to using "-Z". An even better choice is often "j" (using BZip, instead of Zip)
Q: What is the layout of a tar file?
A: There are many references, and much freely available source. For example:
Q: What is the format of a Unix compressed file?
A: Again: many references; easy to find sample source code:
Fot a .tgz (compressed tar file) you'll need both formats: you must first uncompress it, then untar it. The "tar" utility will do both for you, automagically :)

Parallelization of PNG file creation with C++, libpng and OpenMP

I am currently trying to implement a PNG encoder in C++ based on libpng that uses OpenMP to speed up the compression process.
The tool is already able to generate PNG files from various image formats.
I uploaded the complete source code to so you can see what I have done so far:
So far, so good! Now, my problem is to find a way how to parallelize the generation of the IDAT chunks containing the compressed image data. Usually, the libpng function png_write_row gets called in a for-loop with a pointer to the struct that contains all the information about the PNG file and a row pointer with the pixel data of a single image row.
(Line 114-117 in the Pastebin file)
//Loop through image
for (i = 0, rp = info_ptr->row_pointers; i < png_ptr->height; i++, rp++) {
png_write_row(png_ptr, *rp);
Libpng then compresses one row after another and fills an internal buffer with the compressed data. As soon as the buffer is full, the compressed data gets flushed in a IDAT chunk to the image file.
My approach was to split the image into multiple parts and let one thread compress row 1 to 10 and another thread 11 to 20 and so on. But as libpng is using an internal buffer it is not as easy as I thought first :) I somehow have to make libpng write the compressed data to a separate buffer for every thread. Afterwards I need a way to concatenate the buffers in the right order so I can write them all together to the output image file.
So, does someone have an idea how I can do this with OpenMP and some tweaking to libpng? Thank you very much!
This is too long for a comment but is not really an answer either--
I'm not sure you can do this without modifying libpng (or writing your own encoder). In any case, it will help if you understand how PNG compression is implemented:
At the high level, the image is a set of rows of pixels (generally 32-bit values representing RGBA tuples).
Each row can independently have a filter applied to it -- the filter's sole purpose is to make the row more "compressible". For example, the "sub" filter makes each pixel's value the difference between it and the one to its left. This delta encoding might seem silly at first glance, but if the colours between adjacent pixels are similar (which tends to be the case) then the resulting values are very small regardless of the actual colours they represent. It's easier to compress such data because it's much more repetitive.
Going down a level, the image data can be seen as a stream of bytes (rows are no longer distinguished from each other). These bytes are compressed, yielding another stream of bytes. The compressed data is arbitrarily broken up into segments (anywhere you want!) written to one IDAT chunk each (along with a little bookkeeping overhead per chunk, including a CRC checksum).
The lowest level brings us to the interesting part, which is the compression step itself. The PNG format uses the zlib compressed data format. zlib itself is just a wrapper (with more bookkeeping, including an Adler-32 checksum) around the real compressed data format, deflate (zip files use this too). deflate supports two compression techniques: Huffman coding (which reduces the number of bits required to represent some byte-string to the optimal number given the frequency that each different byte occurs in the string), and LZ77 encoding (which lets duplicate strings that have already occurred be referenced instead of written to the output twice).
The tricky part about parallelizing deflate compression is that in general, compressing one part of the input stream requires that the previous part also be available in case it needs to be referenced. But, just like PNGs can have multiple IDAT chunks, deflate is broken up into multiple "blocks". Data in one block can reference previously encoded data in another block, but it doesn't have to (of course, it may affect the compression ratio if it doesn't).
So, a general strategy for parallelizing deflate would be to break the input into multiple large sections (so that the compression ratio stays high), compress each section into a series of blocks, then glue the blocks together (this is actually tricky since blocks don't always end on a byte boundary -- but you can put an empty non-compressed block (type 00), which will align to a byte boundary, in-between sections). This isn't trivial, however, and requires control over the very lowest level of compression (creating deflate blocks manually), creating the proper zlib wrapper spanning all the blocks, and stuffing all this into IDAT chunks.
If you want to go with your own implementation, I'd suggest reading my own zlib/deflate implementation (and how I use it) which I expressly created for compressing PNGs (it's written in Haxe for Flash but should be comparatively easy to port to C++). Since Flash is single-threaded, I don't do any parallelization, but I do split the encoding up into virtually independent sections ("virtually" because there's the fractional-byte state preserved between sections) over multiple frames, which amounts to largely the same thing.
Good luck!
I finally got it to parallelize the compression process.
As mentioned by Cameron in the comment to his answer I had to strip the zlib header from the zstreams to combine them. Stripping the footer was not required as zlib offers an option called Z_SYNC_FLUSH which can be used for all chunks (except the last one which has to be written with Z_FINISH) to write to a byte boundary. So you can simply concatenate the stream outputs afterwards. Eventually, the adler32 checksum has to be calculated over all threads and copied to the end of the combined zstreams.
If you are interested in the result you can find the complete proof of concept at