Insert link to local file onto xwiki - wiki

Hi this may apply to platforms/wikis outside of xwiki, but I am trying the embed a file by doing the following
where clicking on the newly created link does nothing.
I have tried with backslashed file path too but no difference and three slashes infront of "file:"
this should be pretty straightforward....

There should be three slashes in a URI like file:///C:/.
After the "protocol" part, the file URI scheme takes first a host name (which can be omitted in your case, because you are trying to access a local resource), then the path. Between host and path there is a slash. (This holds for other URI schemes, as well...)
The slash has to remain, even if the host part is omitted.


Google Load Balancer map url containing has '#'

I have a website configured using GCP load-balancer and GCP storage as backend service.
What is now : --> works --> works
what I want: but in backend it should hit /#/path.
I have tried with GCP path mapping using host and path rules but symbol # is causing problem. It converts # to %23 in the broswer and says key not found.
Any idea?
In a URL/URI, the symbol hash (#) has a special meaning and it is a reserved character used as a generic delimiter 1, as a forward slash (/) or at (#) does.
Actually the hash symbol is interpreted as an anchor in the URL, so it is expected to point to an anchored part in your document. An example would be:
It will link the URL directly at the my_document anchor in the your_page.html.
So, if you use the hash character differently than this, the URL map will be encoded for security reasons. As stated in the RFC1738 2: The character "#" is unsafe and should always be encoded because it is used in World Wide Web and in other systems to delimit a URL from a fragment/anchor identifier that might follow it.
Due to that, your URL string is being encoded by the browser mechanism.
More information here 3.
Despite it being possible to set an URL mapping using a hash symbol, it is not recommended to do it. So, I kindly encourage you to not use a hash symbol in the URL map.
The reason for it is working as you mention is simply because the hash symbol “#” has been ignored by your web application when it has not been encoded.
So it can works as for /#/path or /#/#/#/path. But in truth it is interpreting just the /path.

Rewrite path segments with name value pairs to query parameters

I want to rewrite pretty urls to a query parameter in my .htaccess file using regex.
So that:
gets rewritten to:
It needs to handle variable numbers of name pair values. It will include at least one name value pair. Eg it needs to work with and
The s in indicates the rewrite rule should trigger: all other urls should be left alone. The file value is the name of the htm file, so this can have different values.
In I have tried:
pattern: \/([^\/]+)(\/)([^\/]+)
substitution: $1=$3&
On string: /s/new/v/123/c/42
And it returns: s=new&v=123&c=42&
But it should return: new.htm?v=123&c=42
So I have successfully gotten it to work with a variable number of name value pairs. But I just can't get my head around how to make it first move past s and new and then dynamically replace name value pairs.
I did not include in regex101 because in a .htaccess file the initial domain is assumed.
I found this method but it seems to work with a fixed amount of value pairs.
I also reviewed this post which contains great information, but no solution to this specific issue.
In the end I simplified what I needed. In the htaccess file I put:
RewriteRule ^v/([^/]+)/([^/]+) /voucher/$1.htm?v=$2 [NC,R,L]
So now a pretty url that looks like
gets rewritten to

CreateDirectory not working for server path - c++

I am new to c++. The problem i am facing is with CreateDirectory method.
CreateDirectory("\\ServerName\foldername\",NULL) gives no error but it also doesn't create any directory. However if I write "D:\foldername" instead of "\\ServerName\foldername\" it works perfectly fine.
Any help would be highly appreciable.
"\ServerName\foldername\" is not a valid Windows path
"\\ServerName\foldername\" is valid, but this is the name of the "foldername" share on the "ServerName" network host. This is still not a valid directory you can create.
If ServerName is a valid host name, and if sharename, is a valid share on that host, on which you have write rights, then you could create "\\ServerName\sharename\foldername". But you can't create "\\ServerName\foldername\"
Thanks to Matteo for pointing out that in C strings, the \ must be escaped to \\
You must understand the difference between Fully Qualified vs Relative Paths
For Windows API functions that manipulate files, file names can often be relative to the current directory, while some APIs require a fully qualified path. A file name is relative to the current directory if it does not begin with one of the following:
A UNC name of any format, which always start with two backslash
characters ("\")
A disk designator with a backslash, for example "C:\" or "d:\".
A single backslash, for example, "\directory" or "\file.txt". This is
also referred to as an absolute path.
for more Information refer Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces

URL general format

I have written a C++ program that allows URLs to be posted onto YouTube. It works by taking in the URL as input either from you typing it into the program or from direct input, and then it will replace every '/', '.' in the string with '*'. This modified string is then put on your clipboard (this is solely for Windows-users).
Of course, before I can even call the program usable, it has to go back: I will need to know when '.', '/' are used in URLs. I have looked at this article: , and know that '.' is used when dealing with the "master website" (in the case of this URL, ""), and then '/' is used afterwards, but I have been to other websites, , where this simply isn't the case (it even replaced '(', ')' with "%28", "%29", respectively!)
I also seemed to have requested a .aspx file, whatever that is. Also, there is a '.' inside the parentheses in that URL. I have even tried to view the regular expressions (I don't quite fully understand those yet...) regarding URLs. Could someone tell me (or link me to) the rules regarding the use of '.', '/' in URLs?
Can you explain why you are doing this convoluted thing? What are you trying to achieve? It may be that you don't need to know as much as you think, once you answer that question.
In the mean time here is some information. A URL is really comprised of a number of sections
http: - the "scheme" or protocol used to access the resource. "HTTP", "HTTPS",
"FTP", etc are all examples of a scheme. There are many others
// - separates the protocol from the host (server) address - the host. The host name is looked up against a DNS (Dynamic Name Server)
service and resolved to an IP address - the "phone number" of the machine
which can serve up the resource (like "" for - the host with a prefix. Sometimes the same domain (``)
connects multiple servers (or ports) and you can be sent straight to the
right server with the prefix (mail., www., ftp., ... up to the
administrators of the domain). Conventionally, a server that serves content
intended for viewing with a browser has a `www.` prefix, but there's no rule
that says this must be the case.
:8080/ - sometimes, you see a colon followed by up to five digits after the domain.
this indicates the PORT on the server where you are accessing data
some servers allow certain specific services on just a particular port
they might have a "public access" website on port 80, and another one on 8080
the https:// protocol defaults to port 443, there are ports for telnet, ftp,
etc. Add these things only if you REALLY know what you are doing.
/the/ this is the path relative to DOCUMENTROOT on the server where the
resource is located. `.` characters are legal here, just as they are in
directory structures.
etc - usually the resource being fetched is a file. The file may have
any of a great number of extensions; some of these indicate to the server that
instead of sending the file straight to the requester,
it has to execute a program or other instructions in this file,
and send the result of that
Examples of extensions that indicate "active" pages include
(this is not nearly exhaustive - just "for instance"):
.php = contains a php program
.py = contains a python program
.js = contains a javascript program
(usually called from inside an .htm or .html)
.asp = "active server page" associated with a
Microsoft Internet Information Server
parameters that are passed to the server can be shown in the URL.
This can be used to pass parameters, entries in a form, etc.
Any character might be passed here - including '.', '&', '/', ...
But you can't just write those characters in your string...
Now comes the fun part.
URLs cannot contain certain characters (quite a few, actually). In order to get around this, there exists a mechanism called "escaping" a character. Typically this means replacing a character with the hexadecimal equivalent, prefixed with a % sign. Thus, you frequently see a space character represented as %20, for example. You can find a handly list here
There are many functions available for converting "illegal" characters in a URL automatically to a "legal" value.
To learn about exactly what is and isn't allowed, you really need to go back to the original specifications. See for example
I list them in chronological order - the last one being the most recent.
But I repeat my question -- what are you really trying to do here, and why?

How to create a reg exp to parse such url?

So we have we need to get out from it protocol, ip/adress, port, actual url (robot10382.flv here) and actions (action=read here) how to parse all that into string vars in one reg exp?
I'm surprised that AS3 does not include proper URL parsing facilities. To put it simply, it is not easy to safely parse a URL using an RE. Here's an example of doing it though.
/(\w+)\:\/\/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\:(\d+)\/(\w+)\?(.+)/ : $1 - protocol, $2 - ip, $3 - port, $4 - actual url, $5 - actions
there's also another way:
protocol : url.split('://')[0]
ip/domain name : url.split('://')[1].split(':')[0] (or if no port specified - url.split('://')[1].split('/)[0]
port : url.split('://')[1].split(':')[1].split('/')[0]
actual url : url.split('?')[0].split('/').reverse()[0]
actions : url.split('?')[1].split('&')/*the most possible separator imho*/ elements of this array can also be spliced('=') to separate variable names and values.
i know there's an opinion that splice shouldn't be used, but i think it's just beautiful when used properly.
Sometimes when passing a file path to a SWF you would like to perform FileExistance check before passing the file to an AS3 class. To do so you want to know if a URI is a file or an http URL or any other URI with specific protocol (moniker).
The following code will tell you if you are dealing with a local full or relative path.