Compiling cairo (cairomm) on Windows - c++

I'm trying to compile cairo into a lib file using Mingw. I've downloaded the cairo, cairomm, and pixman source packages, but I can't figure out where to go from here. The INSTALL help file talks about a bunch of scripts that I can't seem to run or even find ('./configure', 'make', 'make install'). Googling the issue is bringing up nothing helpful.
I feel like this is a noobish question to ask. I've only recently started getting into the C++ side of programming (coming from Java/C#), and this is the first time I've had to compile an external library before using it. The shocking lack of explanations on the process makes me wonder if there was some chapter of a tutorial somewhere I was supposed to read that makes this whole process a complete no-brainer.

I think this project isn't supporting building with Mingw.
There are build instructions here for building with Visual Studio (which can be downloaded for free as the Visual Studio Express Edition from MS Website:
Build instructions here:
It's probably possible to make this work for MingW, but you will have to make it work yourself, which may be a bit of a long step for someone who is new to compilers and build scripts in general.


Installing curlpp library

I need your help in installing the curlpp library. I'm still a newbie to C++ and haven't installed any external libraries yet, I browsed around for quite some time but could only find installation wizards or compilers or automated processes. I want to know how to do it manually. Like fully, you go in File Explorer and put all the source code in by yourself. I want to code specifically in Visual Studio Code.
Thanks for you help!!

How to download, build and include PDCurses in Visual Studio 2019 for C++ on Windows

I'm fairly new to C/C++ but have never tried to include external libraries before in my projects as I've mostly been doing tutorials and such. These have been mostly console applications/games. When I was looking for an alternative to the "evil" system(" ") commands I was pointed to Curses.
Now I've gone to the GitHub for both branches of the PDCurses source library (wmcbrine's branch and Bill-Gray's Branch) but every time I try to build library it returns multiple errors (happy to provide a image of the errors if need be).
The biggest issue is that the documentation is a little difficult to understand for an absolute beginner and most tutorials are extremely outdated. I was hoping that someone know's of a relevant tutorial on how to get PDCurses up and running on windows (for C++) or could explain how to do it on here.
So, I have figured out how to get PDCurses compiled using it's Makefiles ( specifically) and such.
To anyone who may have issue doing this in future, make sure to read the file very slowly and carefully. From a beginners perspective it was a bit vague but it does contain all the information needed it in it, it should just be read a few time 😅.
It also should be noted that when compiling the library into a .dll for Visual Studio 2019 using the nmake function, you have to run the command in the x86/x64 Native Tools Command Prompt. Which one you use will depend on the architecture you plan to build your project in. If your not sure where to find it, open you start menu>all apps>scroll down to the folder "Visual Studio 2019" and they all should be in there.
Run the "nmake" command in this shell configures a .bat file which optimises for x86 or x64 architecture respectively. Hopefully this helps anyone who might ask this (or a similar) question.

Cross-compiling C++ OpenCV from Visual Studio 2013 on Windows to Ubuntu

I've got a C++ VS2013 solution with 3 projects, using OpenCV 2.4.10, easylogging++ and Dlib libraries. The problem is that our client is now migrating to Linux (Ubuntu Server). I've looked into Cygwin and MinGW and a few questions here on stackoverflow, but I'm still lost as to where I should start. I need this done as soon as possible, so the simpler solution would be best. I really appreciate any help you can provide.
I recommend using cmake build system on ubuntu. Using Opencv and easylogging on ubuntu out of the box could be a matter of minutes. dlib's website also mentions a simple cmake building steps that works on ubuntu.
After you get your libraries up and running, build your code and see if there are any system-dependent functions then google how to standardize them across systems. If your code is already standardized it should run right then and there.
You can then ask about any specific issues you meet on the way.

Compiling gRPC using MSYS2/Mingw32

I've come across an issue whilst trying to compile the latest branch of grpc under MSYS2, using mingw64 as suggested by the official installation guide.
The latest gcc for msys2 is 5.2.0, which isn't exactly on good terms with grpc. Still, downgrading to 4.9.1 helped a bit. Through a lot of manual editing of the makefile and a couple C headers, I was finally able to compile all the dependencies. As far as I can tell, most objects had successfully compiled. However, make keeps failing with the error "no target to make libgrp.dll, required by shared_c"(might not be perfect wording). I end up with botched static libs that are recognized by Qt as lacking symbols.
I would greatly appreciate a reliable compilation guide for grpc, and/or precompiled binaries fit for Qt 5.5 32-bit. I know the project is not too mature just yet, but it looks very promising and I can't wait to work with it!
Many thanks!
You're right that mingw isn't quite a first class citizen for grpc, but it's something we're looking to work on soon. Please file bugs at for anything you find!
That said, we do test the C codebase against Visual Studio 2013 regularly. I expect C++ to be tested regularly soon, along with VS2015. Could VS2015 be the solution to your problems, given it's now a free download?

Create Unix makefile from Visual Studio 2008 Solution

I'm writing a C++ static library using Visual Studio 2008. My static library needs to be loaded by different executables for Windows and Linux (Red Hat)
Now, for the windows build I've got no problems since I'm developing using its environment (as I've already said VS 2008 on Win 8).
My problems occurs when I move the code on Linux.
Sincerely I don't know what is the better solution.
So I'm here asking a few questions looking for the right choice:
Should I compile my executable on Windows using some tools to make a build for linux? Is this even possible? What tool? I tried Cmake but I hadn't found a way.
Should I compile my lib on windows, transfer it on my Linux system and compile in Linux an executable that loads my static library?
Is there a tool that merely converts my vcproj into a makefile? So in windows I only generate the makefile, send it to the Linux System and there compile everything?
The real problem is that I'm not that confident with makefiles, the project is really huge and create my own makefile from scratch is my last possible option and I'd like to avoid it since there's a lot of work to do and it could be time consumming
Thank in advance!
At the end of my journey searching for the right choice I've found the solution that best suits my needs.
What I've done was using Make It So that created makefiles for each project inside my solution, then transferred makefile together with source code, after a little customisation of the makefiles to suit my needs I compiled smoothly my code.
Thanks to those who commented, you helped me in my researches!