How to specify the country in facebook graph api search? - facebook-graph-api

How to specify the country in facebook graph api search
im not very tech in this, need in simple form
Then, i want to have replies only in a certain country only.
I have tried several methods, nothing worked out for being not knowledge in this
thanks in advance

Facebook uses geo ip to detect the country where the request came from, you should use a country proxy in order to "tell" facebook what kind of geo located results you want.


Facebook graph api user search by country

Does anyone know a way to search users by country in facebook graph api?
Using following request:
But it just gives all the jakes available even if I change the location to any other country.
Is there a way to find all the users for a given country? Can I somehow use wildcards in q or All statement? Tried but no success I get data[]

Obtaining the location of places on facebook and integrating it into window phone app

I am trying to obtain information of a users current location I already have the users latitude and longitude what I want to know is are there any businesses (restaurants, clothing stores ect.) in that area. I was just looking at the open graph api and It says that you can search over all public objects in the social graph with We support searchs for the following types of objects: places but the ones I really want to use type=location&center=37.76,-122.427&distance=1000 does not work in the API Explorer could anyone tell me what might be the problem and how do I use this in a windows phone 7 app? Links, code snippets, blog post, ebooks, Other web services that would allow me I could send lat and long and will return the location or businesses anything will be very helpfull thanks,-122.427&distance=1000
This query should give you the results you need.

How to get Tour Dates information from a band page through API

I'm working on a web site for a friend's band and I want to pull information from their facebook band page. Specifically I am looking to get tour dates. I am a beginner with the facebook APIs, but I did read through all of the documentation and I couldn't find anything on the tour date information through the graph API. I can pull basic info from them, but I can't seem to figure out how to get tour dates. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
The Tour Dates are provided by the Bandsintown Facebook app (ID: 123966167614127). As such, you need to use their API to access the dates.
Fortunately, does offer a nice API. Check it out at:
The above was just to obtain the dates as you see in the 'Tour Dates' link for most popular bands.
If the band uses Facebook events along with the app, you could just do a simple call to something like
If the band is using the Events functionality on Facebook you can use that to retrieve a list of all tour dates. Check the Events API page in the Facebook documentation:
And look at their example of what this looks like here:

Is the list of cities that can be set for current city or hometown available?

It doesn't look like the input that FB uses for current city and hometown is available as a widget or dialog for developers to use. I'd like to create an autocomplete input field that uses the same names for cities and the corresponding ID's. There's the lists of the cities that FB publishes for post and ad targeting but that is incomplete and appears to be using a different ID space; I'd like the same cities and IDs that are available to users when they edit their current city on their profile. Using jquery to do the autocomplete part is doable but I just can't find an API or data source available to populate it.
Does anybody know how to access that data from the graph API, fql or any other Facebook sanctioned means?
I havn't seen a graph api or fql method for this. The best I have seen from Facebook is this list: which you would want to parse and cache the json since its a pretty big download. If you needed more details about the location, you could call the graph api by the id provided in that file.

GRAPH API - retrieve Posts on a fan page

I am using the Graph API in order to obtain public posts which contain the keyword passed as query parameter (the call syntax is like this :`)
By reading the results, I think that I only retrieve public statuses.
I wonder if it is possible to obtain some posts on a fan page or a group (considering that the fan page and the groups are public)?
Updated edit from OP
What I would like to know is that if there are conditions or parameters that make the publications on a page fan wall or on a group wall available by querying the graph API ? (Is there a number of fans required, a number of group members ? Are there some privacy settings which make publications unavailable thanks to the graph API ? Are there page fan categories for which publications are avalaible are others for which they are unavailable ? etc...).
Yes, if you have the object id then you can just get the feed and other connections for it. It needs an access token though, so you have to authorize a user for it.