Coding with '&&' instead of 'and' operator [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I see, C++ compilers support && and its textual equivalent and operator (Similar to || operator to or). I tend to like its textual form compare to special character form. But, recently I am discouraged from using textual form of such operator without any concrete reasoning. I don't seriously think, textual form will require more typing compare to special character form. Also, there won't be much on compiler overhead on parsing part. So why major C++ community tend towards && instead and. While I think, textual form is much clear while stating a condition to beginner. It also promote more poetry style coding rather than bombarding code with gibberish character.

Just my personal preference here; visually the && breaks up two identifiers better than and does. So at a glance it is a bit quicker to mentally parse the expression.

This is kind of a standard in most of the major languages.. You got to accept it as syntax and should not argue about how it should be. Language isn't designed according to individual liking or disliking. You're going to find many somewhat confusing things in C/C++ which were taken care of in modern languages like python etc. But C, Java are still most widely used languages so you must follow their syntax if you wish to program in these languages.


What is the advantage of using brackets in this notation verses the other [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've heard from all of my professors that this is how brackets should be used when coding in C++:
void hereIsAFunc(){
Yet, I don't understand why you would ever want to do this when you could do:
void hereIsAFunc()
It looks way cleaner to me, is there a specific advantage that the first has over the other? What is the reason that this is the "standard" in coding?
Your professor has a personal style for indenting and formatting code. There is no "standard", anywhere, that specifies that this is the "right" or the "wrong" way to format the code.
Unlike certain languages, that will remain nameless, that for some odd reason are sensitive to whitespace and indentation, whitespace indentation is mostly irrelevant in C++.
Your professor's preferred style is neither right, nor wrong, nor a standard of any kind. You should simply nod your head in class, submit your homework assignments using your professor's preferred formatting style, get a good grade, then simply forget you heard the whole thing after the class is over.
It's just a style preference. Except for figuring out >> vs. > > or << vs. < < , the compiler doesn't care about white space.

Style and Enumerators [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So, in the process of taking a data-structures class (in C++), my professor wanted us to manipulate a linked list of playing cards. That doesn't matter however, what I am interested in is why she did not use an enumerator to represent the suites.
In her code, she used strings to hold the suite of a card. This seemed inefficient because she wanted us to sort them based on suite, under the circumstances, it would have been considerably easier if she had used an enumerated type instead of a string. The string did not offer any help either, because in printing the suite, she output a Unicode character, roughly doubling the length of her function, simply because she did not use an enum.
Is there any reason for her to have done this, or does she simply have strange preferences when it comes to code style?
If you really want to know what your professor's reasoning is, you have to ask your professor. I can only speculate.
But if I were to speculate, I would guess that there are two possible reasons why your professor chose to use strings as descriptors for these attributes.
She is trying to keep the code simple and easy for newbie C++ programmers to understand. Whether the means meet the goal is debateable.
(Personal bias alert) Professors and others in academia, with no real-world experience, often do and teach things that I would consider to be highly sub-optimal.
My guess would be that she either had not considered that approach or that she wanted to test your ability to work with sorting strings.
Code examples might help in that they might clarify what she did and what you think she should have done.
The likely answer is that she just didn't think about the problem she was using to demonstrate whatever she is trying to teach you. That is, she wanted you to focus on sorting (for example), and probably took some code written by someone else and just adapted it to that purpose without much thought.

PascalCase vs camelCase for functions? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Which is the most common in C++? Is it different between member functions and free functions? Obviously the standard lib uses snake_case for everything, but almost nobody uses that.
A lot of people (including me) prefer the underscore_style. I think from my 20+ years of experience, currently working in a 100.000+ employees company, having reviewed other company's code, etc. I would expect the underscore style to be the most commonly used style. Why? The STL uses it and almost everyone uses the STL. Also, large parts of Boost use it. Of course, there is no way to prove this.
In some domains other style guides or habbits are in place with different naming conventions, but this might be misleading you if you are in such environment to think that it is also common in other places.
To answer your question about member- vs. free functions: I don't think there is a difference wrt the style used.
What I think is most common in C++ is:
Template parameters: They are usually PascalCase.
Macros: They are usually UPPERCASE_UNDERSCORE_STYLE.
Most everything else, including function-, method-, variable- and parameter-names are underscore style.
There are also studies about the underscore style, here's an except from a study from 2010:
Although, no difference was found between identifier styles with respect to accuracy, results indicate a significant improvement in time and lower visual effort with the underscore style.
These studies will IMHO lead to even more adoption of the underscore style in the future. But again, there is no way to prove this (or to predict the future).
It depends. If you're working alone, I'd recommend picking a standard and going with it. If there's some code you're interfacing with, it may make sense to follow that code style.
On projects without a defined style guide, I default to the Google C++ style guide (

What is the best way to define grammars for a text editor? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm masochistically writing an open-source text editor for Mac and have finally reached the point at which I want to add syntax highlighting. I've been going back and forth on various solutions for the past few days, and I've finally decided to open the question to a wider audience.
Here are the options I see:
Define languages basically with a series of regex pattern matching (similar to how TextMate defines its languages)
Define languages with a formal grammar like BNF or PEG
Using regex pattern matching seems less than ideal as it cannot formally represent a language nearly as well as a formal grammar; however, some less formal languages will have a hard time fitting into BNF (i.e. Markdown -- though I know there's a great PEG implementation).
What are the performance tradeoffs for live syntax highlighting? What about flexibility for a wide range of languages?
If I go the BNF route, Todd Ditchendorf created the awesome ParseKit framework which would work nicely out-of-the-box. Anyone know of any anything similar for PEG's?
Unless you want to fight the battle of getting a full-context free (or worse, a full context-sensitive) grammar completely correct for every language you want to process (or worse, for every dialect of the language you want to process... how many kinds of C++ are there?), for the purposes of syntax highlighting you're probably better giving up on complete correctness and accept that sometimes you'll get it wrong. In that case, regexps seem like an extremely good answer. They can also be very fast, so they won't interfere with the person doing the editing.
If you insist on doing full syntax checking/completion (I don't think you are), then you'll need that full grammar. You'll also be a very long time in producing editors for real languages.
Sometimes it is better not to be too serious. A 98% solution that you can get is better than a 100% solution that never materializes.
It might not be exactly what you need since you are writing the editor yourself, but there is an awesome framework called Xtext that will actually generate a complete editor with syntax coloring, customizable outline view and auto-completion etc., based on a grammar for your language:

BNF grammar test case generation [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anyone have any experience with a tool that generates test strings from a BNF grammar that could then be fed into a unit test?
I don't have an answer to the tool question, but I will say it is fairly easy in any text processing language (perl/python/etc) to randomly generate sentences from a BNF grammar, and slightly more verbose in a bigger language (Java/C/etc), but it shouldn't be too hard to roll your own.
The problem with this, of course, is that it can only generate strings in the grammar, and unless your grammar is very simple, the test space is infinitely large.
I've done exactly as hazzen commented (using an embedded DSL in a scripting language). It was a mildly interesting exercise, but except for the most basic tests of e.g. parsing, it wasn't terribly useful. Most of my most interesting tests have to do with more sophisticated relationships than one can easily express in BNF (or any other context-free grammar).
If, say, you're developing a compiler, then you likely have an abstract syntax tree datatype. If so, then you could write a function to generate an random AST -- with that, you can print it to a string and feed that to your unit test. It's guaranteed to be a valid program this way, since you started with your AST.
If I were writing a compiler in Haskell or ML, this is what I would do, using QuickCheck.
Gramtest is one such tool that can generate strings from arbitrary user defined BNF grammars. You can read more details about the algorithm behind Gramtest here and some practical tips on the tool are available here.