Fortran loop for discrete values - fortran

Is there any way to run a loop for discrete values of a variable? What about in some latest version?
Something like
for i in 1 5 9 11 31 77
used in Unix shell script?

integer, dimension (5) :: indx = [5, 9, 11, 31, 71]
do i=1, size(indx)
end do

You can also use an implied do loop to accomplish this, but you'll have to define the array of values as above:
integer, dimension (5) :: indx = [5, 9, 11, 31, 71]
integer, dimension (5) :: rslt
integer, external :: func
rslt = (/ func(indx(j)), j=1,5 /)

I am not sure if this helps, but you can use arrays for indeces
program Console1
implicit none
! Variables
INTEGER :: X(4) = (/ 1, 3, 5, 7 /)
REAL :: Y(10) = 0.0
! Body of Console1
print *, X
! 1 3 5 7
Y(X) = 10.0/X
print *, Y
! 10.0 0.0 3.33 0.0 2.00 0.0 1.428 0.0 ...
end program Console1


Search for odd indices using the section method

I don't understand how I can implement the search for even elements using the section method.
I did a search for odd elements, but I need to find even ones
I need it to output 2 4 6 8, but my program outputs 1 3 5 7 9
program main
implicit none
integer, DIMENSION(3, 3) :: array = reshape((/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 /), shape(array))
integer :: i = 0
integer, allocatable :: B(:)
B = [(Array(::2,i), i=1, 3)]
print *, B
end program main
If you're interested in the elements with odd indices, you want
B = [(Array(modulo(i,2)+1::2, i), i=1, 3)]
modulo(i,2)+1 is 2 when i is odd, and 1 when i is even. This means that for columns with odd i you select every other element starting at the second element, and for columns with even i you select every other element starting at the first element.
If instead you're interested in selecting the odd values from an arbitrary array, you can't do this with a simple slice, and you instead need a conditional filter. For example,
B = [integer::]
do i=1,3
do j=1,3
if (modulo(Array(j,i),2)==0) then
B = [B, Array(j,i)]

Need Help: Fortran Infinite Loop

I'm very new to using Fortran, and I can't seem to figure out why this subroutine is getting stuck in an infinite loop. Here's the code for said DO loop:
DO 10 I = 1, 100
XPOS = 20 * X + 1.0
YPOS = 20 * Y + 1.0
I am basically trying to fill a 20 x 20 array randomly with the value 1.
I was also wondering if there is a way to forego using END IF that anyone knows about! Thank you!
The array will eventually all be set to 1 leading to an infinte loop with GOTO 15.
Try this code instead:
This method is horribly inefficient. I'd do it something like the below. Note i've filled with i rather than 1, partially to show the random order of filling, partially to act as a check I haven't screwed up, as each number should appear exactly once.
ian#eris:~/work/stack$ cat random_fill.f90
Program random_fill
Implicit None
Integer, Parameter :: n = 5
Integer, Dimension( 1:n, 1:n ) :: K
Call fillarray( k, n )
Write( *, '( 5( 5( i2, 1x ) / ) )' ) K
Subroutine fillarray( k, n )
Implicit None
Integer , Intent( In ) :: n
Integer, Dimension( 1:n, 1:n ), Intent( Out ) :: K
Integer, Dimension( : ), Allocatable :: index_list
Real :: rand
Integer :: val, x, y
Integer :: i
index_list = [ ( i, i = 0, n * n - 1 ) ]
Do i = 1, n * n
Call Random_number( rand )
val = 1 + Int( rand * Size( index_list ) )
x = 1 + index_list( val ) / n
y = 1 + Mod( index_list( val ), n )
K( x, y ) = i
index_list = [ index_list( :val - 1 ), index_list( val + 1: ) ]
End Do
End Subroutine fillarray
End Program random_fill
ian#eris:~/work/stack$ gfortran -O -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -fcheck=all -std=f2008 random_fill.f90
ian#eris:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
11 8 14 24 16
19 23 25 15 3
21 20 5 7 18
6 17 22 12 9
2 4 1 10 13
ian#eris:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
24 15 7 22 25
8 17 10 1 14
9 5 4 12 2
11 21 20 3 18
6 19 23 13 16
ian#eris:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
22 11 6 21 24
7 3 8 10 25
17 19 16 2 9
13 4 15 5 23
12 1 14 20 18
You are stuck in an infinite loop because the statement goto 15 is always executed.
If k(xpos, ypos) is 1 then the first if statement is false, but the second is true so the goto 15 is executed.
If instead k(xpos, ypos) is not 1 then the first if statement is true, and so k(xpos, ypos) is set to 1. The second if statement is only evaluated after this, and so is true, and so the goto 15 is executed.
As other answers have mentioned, the method you are using is horribly inefficient. However, if you still want to use it, here is the fixed code, with a number of modernisations:
subroutine fillarray(k, n)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, intent(inout) :: k(n,n)
real(dp) :: x, y
integer :: xpos, ypos
integer :: i
do while (i<=100)
call random_number(x)
call random_number(y)
xpos = 20*x + 1.0_dp
ypos = 20*y + 1.0_dp
if (k(xpos, ypos)/=1) then
k(xpos, ypos) = 1
i = i+1
end subroutine
Note that this assumes that the array k has already been initialised, otherwise checking the contents of the array will lead to undefined behaviour.
As to whether end if is optional or not. No, it is not optional. It is always required. All languages need to know where the end of a loop is. C uses }, Python uses un-indentation, Fortran uses endif.

Packed storage with BLAS function

I want to calculate A*x with A lower triangle matrix and x the vector. For example:
1 0 0
A = 2 4 0
3 5 6
with packed storage
A = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/)
X = (/1, 1, 1/)
Now I want to do A*x with BLAS function, shoud I tranform A back to be a 3x3 matrix? If not, could you please give me some hint? (I know in memory of fortran array, A is contiguously stored)
solved by checking:
program main
implicit none
integer :: n
real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: x
real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: A
n = 3
A = 1.0d0
x = 1.0d0
! x will be updated as A*x
call dtpmv('L', 'N', 'N', n, A, x, 1)
end program main

How to index an array with a mask in Fortran [duplicate]

I would like to do something like this in Fortran:
program where
real :: a(6) = (/ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 /)
print *, a(a>7)
end program
In Python I would typically do this with NumPy like this:
import numpy
a = numpy.array([ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
print a[numpy.where(a>7)]
print a[a>7]
I've played around, but nothing has worked thus far, but I'm guessing it is fairly simple.
I'll extend slightly the answer by #VladimirF as I suspect you don't want to limit yourself to the exact print example.
a>7 returns a logical array corresponding to a with .true. at index where the condition is met, .false. otherwise. The pack intrinsic takes such a mask and returns an array with those elements with .true. in the mask.
However, you can do other things with the mask which may fit under your numpy.where desire. For example, there is the where construct (and where statement) and the merge intrinsic. Further you can use pack again with the mask to get the indices and do more involved manipulations.
program where
real :: a(6) = (/ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 /)
print *, pack(a,a>7)
end program
You can find a related topic here: Better way to mask a Fortran array?
I think both where and merge can do the task.
In python, where has the ability to assign different value according to the mask, for example
a = np.array([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
b = np.where(a>7, 1, -1)
b will be array([-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1])
In Fortran, the equivalent of this is merge
real :: a(6) = (/ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 /)
real, allocatable :: b(:)
b = merge(1,-1,a>7)
print*, b
The MERGE function chooses alternative values based on the value of a mask.
where can also do this, but it is slightly more complicated.
real :: a(6) = (/ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 /)
real, allocatable :: b(:)
b = a
where (a>7)
b = 1
else where
b = -1
end where
print*, b
a short version is this
b = a
b = -1
where (a>7) b = 1
You can find more information of where here:

How to call each 4 values out of 40 values in fortran

I have a column matrix with 40 values. Say,
How can I call every four values and average them until it reaches 40th? I managed to do in the following way but is there a better way? Beste!
i = 1, 4
avg1 = avg + avg(i)
i = 5,8
avg2 = avg + avg(i)
i = 9,12
avg3 = avg + avg(i)
i = 37,40
avg10 = avg + avg(i)
It took me a couple of iterations to get the syntax right, but how about this?
integer, parameter, dimension(*) :: a = [ 1, 4, 5, ..., 2 ]
integer :: i
real, dimension(10) :: avg
avg = [ (sum(a(i * 4 + 1 : (i + 1) * 4)) / 4., i = 0, 9) ]
print *, avg
How about that?
program testing
implicit none
integer, dimension(40) :: array
real, dimension(10) :: averages
integer :: i, j, k, aux
array(:) = (/(i, i=1,40)/) ! just values 1 to 40
averages(:) = 0.0
k = 1 ! to keep track of where to store the next average
do i=1,40,4 ! iterate over the entire array in steps of 4
aux = 0 ! just a little helper variable, not really required, but neater I think
do j=i,i+3 ! iterating over 4 consecutive values
aux = aux + array(j)
end do
averages(k) = aux / 4.0
k = k + 1
end do
print *, averages
end program testing
This is the output:
2.500000 6.500000 10.50000 14.50000 18.50000
22.50000 26.50000 30.50000 34.50000 38.50000
Is this what you were looking for?