Store and access keyframes for animations - c++

I want to create an animation system in c++ in wich I store keyframes, that have a time and a value. Those values shall be interpolated during playback, so i need them sortet by their time variable. Because when interpolating, i allways want to interpolate only between last and next keyframe (how it's usually done).
How would I store the keyframes, so I can easily (and fast) access the keyframe before and after a specific time?
At first std::map came to my mind, but there I have problems with the correct order of the keyframes... Any ideas how to do this better?

You can use std::vector and keep the correct order of the keyframes.
Assuming that the keyframes are sorted by time in the vector you can then extract the
relevant keyframe with std::lower_bound or std::binary_search in logarithmic time.
std::map internally keeps the elements sorted by the key
following a strict weak ordering criterion. So, if you use time as the key, you
will keep the correct order of the keyframes.
Personally, I would use std::vector.


How to efficiently add and remove vector values C++

I am trying to efficiently calculate the averages from a vector.
I have a matrix (vector of vectors) where:
row: the days I am going back (250)
column: the types of things I am calculating the average of (10,000 different things)
Currently I am using .push_back() which essentially iterates through each row in each column and then I use erase() in order to remove the last value. As this method goes through all the values, my code is very slow.
I am thinking of a method linked to substitution, however I have a hard time implementing the idea, as all the values have an order (i.e. I need to remove the old value and the value I add / substitute will be the newest).
Below is my code so far.
Any ideas for a solution or guides for the right direction will be much appreciated.
vector <vector<float> > vectorOne;
vectorOne(250, vector<float>(10000, 0)),
//This is the slow method
vectorOne[column].push_back(1);//add newest value
vectorOne[column].erase(vectorOne[column].begin() + 0); //remove latest value
You probably need a different data structure.
The problem sounds like a queue. You add to the end and take from the front. With real queues, everyone then shuffles up a step. With computer queues, we can use a circular buffer (you do need to be able to get a reasonable bound on maximum queue length).
I suggest implementing your own on top of a plain C array first, then using the STL version when you've understood the principle.

At what point does an std::map make more sense for grouping objects compared to two vectors and a linear search?

I am trying to sort a large collection of objects into a series of groups, which represent some kind of commonality between them.
There seems to be two ways I can go about this:
1) I can manage everything by hand, sorting out all the objects into a vector of vectors. However, this means that I have to iterate over all the upper level vectors every time I want to try and find an existing group for an ungrouped object. I imagine this will become very computationally expensive very quickly as the number of disjoint groups increases.
2) I can use the identifiers of each object that I'm using to classify them as a key for an std::map, where the value is a vector. At that point, all I have to do is iterate over all the input objects once, calling myMap[object.identifier].push_back(object) each time. The map will sort everything out into the appropriate vector, and then I can just iterate over the resulting values afterwards.
My question is...
Which method would be best to use? It seems like a vector of vectors would be faster initially, but it's going to slow down as more and more groups are created. AFAIK, std::map uses RB trees internally, which means that finding the appropriate vector to add the object to should be faster, but you're going to pay for that when the tree inevitably needs to be rebalanced.
The additional memory consumption from an std::map doesn't matter. I'm dealing with anywhere from 12000 to 80000 individual objects that need to be grouped together, and I expect there to be anywhere from 12000 to 20000 groups once everything is said and done.
Instead of using either of your mentioned approaches directly, I suggest you evaluate the use of std::unordered_map (docs here) for your use case. It uses maps with buckets and hashed values internally and has average constant complexity for search, insertion and removal.

std::map's behavior on referring to a key

I am writing a program for numerical simulation by using std::map to store some key-value pairs. The map is used as storing the states evoluted during the simulation. The type of the key is a integer and the value of corresponds to the key tells how many copies are there for the same keys, i.e. std::map. For each step of the simulation, I need to calculate how many values are there for the same key, so I will check that by the following code
if (map[key]>0) {do something here with the number of copies}
However, I soon find that this code doesn't work because even there is no such key in the map, whenever you call the map[key], it will generate a placeholder for that key and set the value as zero; therefore, I always overcount the total number of keys by std::map.size(). I later change the code as follow to search the key instead
if (map.find(key)!=map.end()) {...}
So is it the only and fastest way to check if a key exists or not for a map? I am going to run the simulation for hundreds millions times and it will call above code very often to check the key. Will it be too slow to use map.find() instead? Thanks.
The find member function is probably the fastest way to find whether a key is already in the map. That said, if you don't need to iterate over items in the map in order, you might get better performance with an std::unordered_map instead.
In a std::map or hashtable (std::unordered_map), the find function is very fast, as fast as using the [] subscripting operator. In fact, it's faster when the element is not found, because it doesn't have to insert one.
I don't think there is much difference in speed for various ways to check for existence of key. On the other hand: if your keys are integers and range is known, you might just use the array.
I got interested about the speed of simple array, vector, map and unordered map. I have written simple program, that does 100000000 container[n]++, where n is a random number in range of 0 to 10000. The results:
array: 1.27s
vector: 1.36s
unordered map: 2.6s
map: 11.6s
The overhead of loop + index calculation in this simple case is ~0.8s.
So it all depends on how much time is spent elsewhere. If it's considerably more (per 100000000 iterations) then it does not matter much what you use. But if it's not, it can be quite a difference.
you can use hash_map, it is the fastest data structures for your key-value type;
also you can use map,but it is slower than hash_map

How to make a fast search for an object with a particular value in a vector of structs or classes? c++

If I have thousands of struct or class objects in a vector, how to find those that are needed, in a fast way?
For example:
Making a game, and I need fastest way of collision detection. Each tile is a struct, there are many tiles in the vector map, with a values: x and y.
So basically I do:
For(i=0;i<end of vector list;i++)
//searching if x= 100 and y =200
So maybe there is a different way , like smart pointers or something to search for particular objects faster?
You should sort your vector and then use the standard library algorithms like binary_search, lower_bound, or upper_bound.
The above will give you a better compliexity than o(n) given by walk through of entire vector or by using standard library algorithm find.
i think you have to go more in depth that the simple research of a value inside a group of struct, even more if you are planning on searching among a elevated number.
How are the struct generated, how are they collected and how you keep track of them, there is a common key that you can you can use to order while you create them?
You should focus on sorting them while you add it to the whole structure, that way you avoid massive computation burst every time you have to perform a search. Choose a good algorithm (example AVL sorting), that way you can have a O(log(n))) adding/delete/searching.
A vector is just an unordered collection of objects. There is not really anyway to do what you are asking unless you start sorting your vector in specific ways (e.g. if it is sorted you can jump to the middle of the vector and potentially split your search time in half)
You may be better off picking a different data structure (either instead of the vector or in combination with it)
For example:
for_each(v.begin(),v.end(), [](int e)
if (e%2==1)//vector elements that are not divided by 2 without remainder

How to store a sequence of timestamped data?

I have an application that need to store a sequence of voltage data, each entry is something like a pair {time, voltage}
the time is not necessarily continuous, if the voltage doesn't move, I will not have any reading.
The problem is that i also need to have a function that lookup timestamp, like, getVoltageOfTimestamp(float2second(922.325))
My solution is to have a deque that stores the paires, then for every 30 seconds, I do a sampling and store the index into a map
so inside getVoltageOfTimestamp(float2second(922.325)), I simply find the nearest interval_of_30_seconds to the desired time, and then move my pointer of deque to that corresponding_index_of_deque, iterate from there and find the correct voltage.
I am not sure whether there exist a more 'computer scientist' solution here, can anyone give me a clue?
You could use a binary search on your std::deque because the timestamps are in ascending order.
If you want to optimize for speed, you could also use a std::map<Timestamp, Voltage>. For finding an element, you can use upper_bound on the map and return the element before the one found by upper_bound. This approach uses more memory (because std::map<Timestamp, Voltage> has some overhead and it also allocates each entry separately).
Rather then use a separate map, you can do a binary search directly on the deque to find the closet timestamp. Given the complexity requirements of a std::map, doing a binary search will be just as efficient as a map lookup (both are O(log N)) and won't require the extra overhead.
Do you mind using c++ ox conepts ? If not deque<tuple<Time, Voltage>> will do the job.
One way you can improve over binary search is to identify the samples of your data. Assuming your samples are every 30 milliseconds, then in vector/list store the readings as you get them. In the other array, insert the index of the array every 30 seconds. Now given a timestamp, just go to the first array and find the index of the element in the list, now just go there and check few elements preceding/succeeding it.
Hope this helps.