Remove duplicate filename extensions - regex

I have thousands of files named something like filename.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz.gz
I am using the find command like this find . -name "*.gz*" to locate these files and either use -exec or pipe to xargs and have some magic command to clean this mess, so that I end up with filename.gz
Someone please help me come up with this magic command that would remove the unneeded instances of .gz. I had tried experimenting with sed 's/\.gz//' and sed 's/(\.gz)//' but they do not seem to work (or to be more honest, I am not very familiar with sed). I do not have to use sed by the way, any solution that would help solve this problem would be welcome :-)

one way with find and awk:
find $(pwd) -name '*.gz'|awk '{n=$0;sub(/(\.gz)+$/,".gz",n);print "mv",$0,n}'|sh
I assume there is no special chars (like spaces...) in your filename. If there were, you need quote the filename in mv command.
I added a $(pwd) to get the absolute path of found name.
you can remove the ending |sh to check generated mv ... .... cmd, if it is correct.
If everything looks good, add the |sh to execute the mv
see example here:

You may use
ls a.gz.gz.gz |sed -r 's/(\.gz)+/.gz/'
or without the regex flag
ls a.gz.gz.gz |sed 's/\(\.gz\)\+/.gz/'

ls *.gz | perl -ne '/((.*?.gz).*)/; print "mv $1 $2\n"'
It will print shell commands to rename your files, it won't execute those commands. It is safe. To execute it, you can save it to file and execute, or simply pipe to shell:
ls *.gz | ... | sh
sed is great for replacing text inside files.

You can do that with bash string substitution:
for file in *.gz.gz; do
mv "${file}" "${file%%.*}.gz"

This might work for you (GNU sed):
echo *.gz | sed -r 's/^([^.]*)(\.gz){2,}$/mv -v & \1\2/e'

find . -name "*.gz.gz" |
while read f; do echo mv "$f" "$(sed -r 's/(\.gz)+$/.gz/' <<<"$f")"; done
This only previews the renaming (mv) command; remove the echo to perform actual renaming.
Processes matching files in the current directory tree, as in the OP (and not just files located directly in the current directory).
Limits matching to files that end in at least 2 .gz extensions (so as not to needlessly process files that end in just one).
When determining the new name with sed, makes sure that substring .gz doesn't just match anywhere in the filename, but only as part of a contiguous sequence of .gz extensions at the end of the filename.
Handles filenames with special chars. such as embedded spaces correctly (with the exception of filenames with embedded newlines.)

Using bash string substitution:
for f in *.gz.gz; do
mv "$f" "${f%%.gz.gz*}.gz"
This is a slight modification of jaypal's nice answer (which would fail if any of your files had a period as part of its name, such as foo.c.gz.gz). (Mine is not perfect, either) Note the use of double-quotes, which protects against filenames with "bad" characters, such as spaces or stars.
If you wish to use find to process an entire directory tree, the variant is:
find . -name \*.gz.gz | \
while read f; do
mv "$f" "${f%%.gz.gz*}.gz"
And if you are fussy and need to handle filenames with embedded newlines, change the while read to while IFS= read -r -d $'\0', and add a -print0 to find; see How do I use a for-each loop to iterate over file paths output by the find utility in the shell / Bash?.
But is this renaming a good idea? How was your filename.gz.gz created? gzip has guards against accidentally doing so. If you circumvent these via something like gzip -c $1 > $1.gz, buried in some script, then renaming these files will give you grief.

Another way with rename:
find . -iname '*.gz.gz' -exec rename -n 's/(\.\w+)\1+$/$1/' {} +
When happy with the results remove -n (dry-run) option.


Script to place files in folder by extracting date from filename

I know this has been asked many times, i am terrible with bash and i do not understand the regex format for it. Figured i'd ask for help..
I have a security camera which writes files to a folder in this format:
so it goes -- MDalarm_yearmonthday_hourminutesecond.mkv
I want to create a cronjob that will run a script to clean this up, by doing the following:
Taking the files and placing them in a folder for year/month/day then renaming the file to the time only ie: 08_26_15.mkv, even 082615.mkv would be fine if too much of a hassle.
So in the example of MDalarm_20170320_084514.mkv
it should produce
or similar.
The files will be placed in the root folder as they come and the script will run once/twice a day on the folder for cleanup.
I'm decent with regex in php/js/etc.. but the bash one i completely do not understand well enough to get this done. I sincerely appreciate the help.
Use this to make the desired file name
$echo MDalarm_20170320_084514.mkv | sed -E "s/^MDalarm_[[:digit:]]{8}_//"
and this to make the desired folder name
$echo MDalarm_20170320_084514.mkv | sed -E "s/^MDalarm_([[:digit:]]{4})([[:digit:]]{2})([[:digit:]]{2})_.*$/\/\1\/\2\/\3/"
Use them in shell commands to make folder (if needed) and copy/rename/move file.
This is what i ended up with and it works, thank you Yunnosch for the regex.
if [[ `ls | grep -c mkv` == 0 ]]
for f in *.mkv; do
name=`echo "$f"| sed -E "s/^MDalarm_[[:digit:]]{8}_([[:digit:]]{2})([[:digit:]]{2})([[:digit:]]{2})(.*)$/\1h-\2m-\3s\4/"`
dir=`echo "$f" | sed -E "s/^MDalarm_([[:digit:]]{4})([[:digit:]]{2})([[:digit:]]{2})_.*$/\1\/\2\/\3/"`
mkdir -p "$dir"
mv "$f" "$name"
mv "$name" "$dir"
Once someone wrote the regex out i figured out the format, different yet similar.

why the ls -R (recursing down) doesn't work with regular expression

In my case, the directory tree is following
[peter#CentOS6 a]$ tree
├── 2.txt
└── b
└── 1.txt
1 directory, 2 files
why the following two command does only get 2.txt?
[peter#CentOS6 a]$ ls -R *.txt
[peter#CentOS6 a]$ ls -R | grep *.txt
In both cases, your shell is expanding *.txt into 2.txt before the argument hits the command. So, you are in effect running
ls -R 2.txt
ls -R | grep 2.txt
You can't tell ls to look for a file pattern - that's what find is for. In the second case, you should quote your expression and use a proper regex:
ls -R | grep '\.txt'
You can use find as follows to list all matching files in current and sub directories
find . -name "*.txt"
It isn't clear if you are asking "why" meaning "explain the output" or "how should it be done". Steephen has already answered the latter, this is an answer to the former.
The reason for that is called "shell expansion". When you type *.txt in the command line, the program doesn't get it as a parameter, but rather the shell expands it and then passes the results.
*.txt expands to be "all files in the current directory with arbitrarily many symbols in the beginning, ending with '.txt' and not starting with '.'".
This means that when you type "ls -R *.txt" the command that actually executes is "ls -R 2.txt"; and when you do "ls -R | grep *.txt" it actually executes "ls -R | grep 2.txt".
This is the exact reason why Steephen has put quotation marks around the wildcard in the answer provided. It is necessary to stop this expansion. In fact you could also do so with single quotes or by placing a slash before any special character. Thus any of the following will work:
find . -name "*.txt"
find . -name '*.txt'
find . -name \*.txt
The other problem that nobody has mentioned yet is that, beyond the fact that the shell intercepts the * before grep sees it, the shell treats * differently from grep.
The shell uses file globbing, and * means "any number of characters".
grep uses regular expressions, and * means "any number of the preceding item".
What you need to do is
ls -R | grep .\*\\.txt
which will
escape the * so your shell does not intercept it
properly format the regular expression the way grep expects
properly escape the . in .txt to ensure that you have file extensions

How to Recursively Remove Files of a Certain Type

I misread the gzip documentation, and now I have to remove a ton of ".gz" files from many directories inside one another. I tried using 'find' to locate all .gz files. However, whenever there's a file with a space in the name, rm interprets that as another file. And whenever there's a dash, rm interprets that as a new flag. I decided to use 'sed' to replace the spaces with "\ " and the space-dashes with "\ -", and here's what I came up with.
find . -type f -name '*.gz' | sed -r 's/\ /\\ /g' | sed -r 's/\ -/ \\-/g'
When I run the find/sed query on a file that, for example, has a name of "Test - File - for - show.gz", I get the output
./Test\ \-\ File\ \-\ for\ \-\ show.gz
Which appears to be acceptable for rm, but when I run
rm $(find . -type f -name '*.gz'...)
I get
rm: cannot remove './Test\\': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '\\-\\': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'File\\': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '\\-\\': No such file or directory
I haven't made extensive use of sed, so I have to assume I'm doing something wrong with the regular expressions. If you know what I'm doing wrong, or if you have a better solution, please tell me.
Adding backslashes before spaces protects the spaces against expansion in shell source code. But the output of a command in a command substitution does not undergo shell parsing, it only undergoes wildcard expansion and field splitting. Adding backslashes before spaces doesn't protect them against field splitting.
Adding backslashes before dashes is completely useless since it's rm that interprets dashes as special, and it doesn't interpret backslashes as special.
The output of find is ambiguous in general — file names can contain newlines, so you can't use a newline as a file name separator. Parsing the output of find is usually broken unless you're dealing with file names in a known, restricted character set, and it's often not the simplest method anyway.
find has a built-in way to execute external programs: the -exec action. There's no parsing going on, so this isn't subject to any problem with special characters in file names. (A path beginning with - could still be interpreted as an option, but all paths begin with . since that's the directory being traversed.)
find . -type f -name '*.gz' -exec rm {} +
Many find implementations (Linux, Cygwin, BSD) can delete files without invoking an external utility:
find . -type f -name '*.gz' -delete
See Why does my shell script choke on whitespace or other special characters? for more information on writing robust shell scripts.
There is no need to pipe to sed, etc. Instead, you can make use of the -exec flag on find, that allows you to execute a command on each one of the results of the command.
For example, for your case this would work:
find . -type f -name '*.gz' -exec rm {} \;
which is approximately the same as:
find . -type f -name '*.gz' -exec rm {} +
The last one does not open a subshell for each result, which makes it faster.
From man find:
-exec command ;
Execute command; true if 0 status is returned. All following
arguments to find are taken to be arguments to the command until an
argument consisting of ;' is encountered. The string{}' is
replaced by the current file name being processed everywhere it occurs
in the arguments to the command, not just in arguments where it is
alone, as in some versions of find. Both of these constructions
might need to be escaped (with a `\') or quoted to protect them from
expansion by the shell. See the EXAMPLES section for examples of the
use of the -exec option. The specified command is run once for
each matched file. The command is executed in the starting directory.
There are unavoidable security problems surrounding use of the -exec
action; you should use the -execdir option instead.

Safe search&replace on linux

Let's consider I have files located in different subfolders and I would like to search, test and replace something into these files.
I would like to do it in three steps:
Search of a specific pattern (with or without regexp)
Test to replace it with something (with or without regexp)
Apply the changes only to the concerned files
My current solution is to define some aliases in my .bashrc in order to easily use grep and sed:
alias findsrc='find . -name "*.[ch]" -or -name "*.asm" -or -name "*.inc"'
alias grepsrc='findsrc | xargs grep -n --color '
alias sedsrc='findsrc | xargs sed '
Then I use
grepsrc <pattern> to search my pattern
(no solution found yet)
sedsrc -i 's/<pattern>/replace/g'
Unfortunately this solution does not satisfy me. The first issue is that sed touch all the files even of no changes. Then, the need to use aliases does not look very clean to me.
Ideally I would like have a workflow similar to this one:
Register a new context:
$ fetch register 'mysrcs' --recurse *.h *.c *.asm *.inc
Context list:
$ fetch context
1. mysrcs --recurse *.h *.c *.asm *.inc
Extracted from ~/.fetchrc
Find something:
$ fetch files mysrcs /0x[a-f0-9]{3}/
./foo.c:235 Yeah 0x245
./bar.h:2 Oh yeah 0x2ac hex
Test a replacement:
$ fetch test mysrcs /0x[a-f0-9]{3}/0xabc/
./foo.c:235 Yeah 0xabc
./bar.h:2 Oh yeah 0xabc hex
Apply the replacement:
$ fetch subst --backup mysrcs /0x[a-f0-9]{3}/0xabc/
./foo.c:235 Yeah 0xabc
./bar.h:2 Oh yeah 0xabc hex
Backup number: 242
Restore in case of mistake:
$ fetch restore 242
This kind of tools look pretty standard to me. Everybody needs to search and replace. What alternative can I use that is standard in Linux?
# Call the batch with the 2 (search than replace) pattern value as argument
# assuming the 2 pattern are "sed" compliant regex
# Assuming it start the search from current folder and take any file
# if more filter needed, use a find before with a pipe
grep -l -r "$SearchStr" . | while read ThisFile
sed -i -e "s/${SearchStr}/${ReplaceStr}/g" ${ThisFile}
should be a base script to adapt to your need
I often have to perform such maintenance tasks. I use a mix of find, grep, sed, and awk.
And instead of aliases, I use functions.
For example:
# i. and ii.
function grepsrc {
find . -name "*.[ch]" -or -name "*.asm" -or -name "*.inc" -exec grep -Hn "$1"
# iii.
function sedsrc {
grepsrc "$1" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | uniq | while read f; do
sed -i s/"$1"/"$2"/g $f
Usage example:
sedsrc "foo[bB]ar*" "polop"
for F in $(grep -Rl <pattern>) ; do sed 's/search/replace/' "$F" | sponge "$F" ; done
grep with the -l argument just lists files that match
We then use an iterator to just run those files which match through sed
We use the sponge program from the moreutils package to write the processed stream back to the same file
This is simple and requires no additional shell functions or complex scripts.
If you want to make it safe as well... check the folder into a Git repository. That's what version control is for.
Yes there is a tool doing exactely that you are looking for. This is Git. Why do you want to manage the backup of your files in case of mistakes when specialized tools can do that job for you?
You split your request in 3 subquestions:
How quickly search into a subset of my files?
How to apply a substitution temporarly, then go back to the original state?
How to substitute into your subset of files?
We first need to do some jobs in your workspace. You need to init a Git repository then add all your files into this repository:
$ cd my_project
$ git init
$ git add **/*.h **/*.c **/*.inc
$ git commit -m "My initial state"
Now, you can quickly get the list of your files with:
$ git ls-files
To do a replacement, you can either use sed, perl or awk. Here the example using sed:
$ git ls-files | xargs sed -i -e 's/search/replace/'
If you are not happy with this change, you can roll-back anytime with:
$ git checkout HEAD
This allows you to test your change and step-back anytime you want to.
Now, we did not simplified the commands yet. So I suggest to add an alias to your Git configuration file, usually located here ~/.gitconfig. Add this:
sed = ! git grep -z --full-name -l '.' | xargs -0 sed -i -e
So now you can just type:
$ git sed s/a/b/
It's magic...

Recursive find and replace based on regex

I have changed up my director structure and I want to do the following:
Do a recursive grep to find all instances of a match
Change to the updated location string
One example (out of hundreds) would be:
from common.utils import debug --> from etc.common.utils import debug
To get all the instances of what I'm looking for I'm doing:
$ grep -r 'common.' ./
However, I also need to make sure common is preceded by a space. How would I do this find and replace?
It's hard to tell exactly what you want because your refactoring example changes the import as well as the package, but the following will change common. -> etc.common. for all files in a directory:
sed -i 's/\bcommon\./etc.&/' $(egrep -lr '\bcommon\.' .)
This assumes you have gnu sed available, which most linux systems do. Also, just to let you know, this will fail if there are too many files for sed to handle at one time. In that case, you can do this:
egrep -lr '\bcommon\.' . | xargs sed -i 's/\bcommon\./etc.&/'
Note that it might be a good idea to run the sed command as sed -i'.OLD' 's/\bcommon\./etc.&/' so that you get a backup of the original file.
If your grep implementation supports Perl syntax (-P flag, on e.g. Linux it's usually available), you can benefit from the additional features like word boundaries:
$ grep -Pr '\bcommon\.'
By the way:
grep -r tends to be much slower than a previously piped find command as in Rob's example. Furthermore, when you're sure that the file-names found do not contain any whitespace, using xargs is much faster than -exec:
$ find . -type f -name '*.java' | xargs grep -P '\bcommon\.'
Or, applied to Tim's example:
$ find . -type f -name '*.java' | xargs sed -i.bak 's/\<common\./etc.common./'
Note that, in the latter example, the replacement is done after creating a *.bak backup for each file changed. This way you can review the command's results and then delete the backups:
$ find . -type f -name '*.bak' | xargs rm
If you've made an oopsie, the following command will restore the previous versions:
$ find . -type f -name '*.bak' | while read LINE; do mv -f $LINE `basename $LINE`; done
Of course, if you aren't sure that there's no whitespace in the file names and paths, you should apply the commands via find's -exec parameter.
This is roughly how you would do it using find. This requires testing
find . -name \*.java -exec sed "s/FIND_STR/REPLACE_STR/g" {}
This translates as "Starting from the current directory find all files that end in .java and execute sed on the file (where {} is a place holder for the currently found file) "s/FIND_STR/REPLACE_STR/g" replaces FIND_STR with REPLACE_STR in each line in the current file.