What are the possible use cases in Amazon RDS - amazon-web-services

I would like to know the possible use cases of Amazon RDS ?
How can we leverage the features and services of amazon RDS?
What is the master slave relationship in RDS? how can we implement this??

You should start here to learn more about Amazon RDS: http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/rds/

You can use RDS in the same use cases you would use the supported relational databases, currently MySQL, Postgres, Oracle and SQL Server, but without installing and managing it yourself.
The master-slave replication feature is called "Multi-AZ" and you can enable when creating your database instances.


In AWS RDS, what is the difference between "managed" and "fully managed" services?

If I want to set up a PostgreSQL-compatible database on AWS, I have 3 choices:
Manual: EC2 (spin up an EC2 and manually set up and maintain a PostgreSQL database on the EC2).
Managed: RDS-PostgreSQL (AWS will set up and maintain the database instances).
Fully managed: RDS Aurora in PostgreSQL-compatible mode (AWS will set up and maintain the database instances, just like with RDS-PostgreSQL?)
My question concerns the difference between "managed" and "fully managed". Many AWS certification training materials highlight the "fully managed" feature as an advantage that RDS Aurora in PostgreSQL-compatible mode has over RDS-PostgreSQL. I don't understand what the distinction is.
AWS documentation lists these items as the advantage of the "managed" feature of RDS Postgres: "hardware provisioning, database setup, patching and backups". To compare, these are the items that AWS documentation lists as the advantage of the "fully managed" feature of RDS Aurora: "hardware provisioning, software patching, setup, configuration, or backups". As far as I can tell, the only difference between these lists is "configuration". What am I missing?
Note that I am not asking about other differences between RDS Aurora and RDS Postgres. I'm specifically asking about the difference between "managed" and "fully managed".
Your concern is to understand fully managed and managed services.
Let me explain fully managed service with an example of DynamoDB, which is a fully managed service. AWS manages all infrastructure, and software updates, and at the end all you need to do is use the service and maybe set up some IAM permissions to access it.
While in case of managed services it works on the shared responsibility, in short you have more control on it, AWS do not manage at Infra level like security patching, updates, scaling etc.
Now the above explanation of managed and fully managed services can be linked with multiple AWS services.

Platform as a Service AWS solution to store informaton received by PHP application

I am new in the AWS Cloud services.
I am doing the learning project to better understand AWS services.
I assigned a project to prepare a new environment in the cloud, to which my team will later migrate their applications. The Stakeholders have come up with some Technical and Business requirements:
Due to the budget issue, the company cannot afford a dedicated DB engineer, so they are willing to outsource the DB management from a Cloud provider, to store and maintain the customer information received by PHP application. You must pick the right solution from AWS, which should be a Platform as a Service.It should also provide high availability, patching and back-ups. (hint: Create DB subnet group)
Which AWS Cloud service I could use to implement this requirement?
Please let me know if I need to provide more details.
Thank you in advance.
You can utilize the Database as a Service(DaaS) options from AWS. There are plenty of choices depending on the data and its requirements. Here is a snapshot from the official documentation:
Analyze your requirements and learn about the above choices to make an educated decision.
If you are looking for a relation database,
Its amazon RDS, A PaaS service provided my amazon web services. it is a highly available, scalable relational database solution service that you can setup and run in the cloud.
In regards to backups, you can enable automated daily backups and also make use of the backup retention policy to define the number of days you want to keep the backups.
Amazon RDS supports different relational databases such as mysql, postgres, oracle ,etc
If you are looking for a document database,
you got some options mainly DynamoDB and new DocumentDb solution.

Does Amazon Aurora support Updatable Views

I tried looking online but I couldn't find anything. We are trying to see if Amazon Aurora supports Updatable Views. We are not using Amazon Aurora yet but the plan is to use it in future.
Because Amazon Aurora implements the Postgres and Mysql engines directly, you can expect all the features of the engine and version that you use on Aurora to work the same way. Updatable views are available in the current database engine versions for both of these engines in Amazon Aurora, and require the same configuration regarding rules and grants as you'd find on a non-Aurora environment.
Postgres engine versions: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraPostgreSQL.Updates.20180305.html
Mysql engine versions: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Updates.html

Simplest way to get data from AWS mysql RDS to AWS Elasticsearch?

I have data in an AWS RDS, and I would like to pipe it over to an AWS ES instance, preferably updating once an hour, or similar.
On my local machine, with a local mysql database and Elasticsearch database, it was easy to set this up using Logstash.
Is there a "native" AWS way to do the same thing? Or do I need to set up an EC2 server and install Logstash on it myself?
You can achieve the same thing with your local Logstash, simply point your jdbc input to your RDS database and the elasticsearch output to your AWS ES instance. If you need to run this regularly, then yes, you'd need to setup a small instance to run Logstash on it.
A more "native" AWS solution to achieve the same thing would include the use of Amazon Kinesis and AWS Lambda.
Here's a good article explaining how to connect it all together, namely:
how to stream RDS data into a Kinesis Stream
configuring a Lambda function to handle the stream
push the data to your AWS ES instance
Take a look at Amazon DMS. Its usually used for DB migrations, however, it also supports continuous data replication. This might simplify the process and be cost-effective.
You can use AWS Database Migration Service to perform continuous data replication. Continuous data replication has a multitude of use cases including Disaster Recovery instance synchronization, geographic database distribution and Dev/Test environment synchronization. You can use DMS for both homogeneous and heterogeneous data replications for all supported database engines. The source or destination databases can be located in your own premises outside of AWS, running on an Amazon EC2 instance, or it can be an Amazon RDS database. You can replicate data from a single database to one or more target databases or data from multiple source databases can be consolidated and replicated to one or more target databases.

What is the difference of SQL Server on EC2 and DBS on Amazon Web Services?

I have not used AWS yet and want to get to kinda assessment about its data center options.
My guess is that you can have a MySQL or SQL Server on an EC2 virtual box.
If DBS is Amazon data specific service, what are the differences between these two approaches:
Using DBS vs DB on EC2?
Check out this related question first.
According to Amazon's documentation:
Connect to your DB Instance using your favorite database tool or programming language. Since you have direct access to a native MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server database engine, most tools designed for these engines should work unmodified with Amazon RDS.
Basically, going the EC2 route requires a lot more maintenance in the long run. If you're using Amazon's services, and you need any one of those kind of databases, you might as well use RDS.