How to use a variable in regex(as3) - regex

I am writing a regular expression to replace a char from string.The char to be removed is decided at run time.So,is there any way to put variable in regex.
e.g- var reg:RegExp=/[some vaiable]/g;
I don't want to use the new operator to make regular expression.
Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately, your constraints make this impossible.
As per Adobe's help on regular expressions:
Forward slashes delineate a regular expression literal in the same way as quotation marks delineate a string literal.
When using the new constructor, you use two strings to define the regular expression. The first string defines the pattern
If you want the regex to be defined at runtime, i.e. not be literal, you have to use the second format. It's not at all hard!
var reg:RegExp = new RegExp(some_variable, "g");
It's exactly equivalent to what you want except for one major difference: this way works, while your way doesn't.


Remove text between two characters (parenthesis) in a string

I'm working on a project and I want to remove text between two parentheses in a string.
std::string str = "I want to remove (this)."
How would I go about doing that?
I've searched google and stackoverflow an haven't found anything.
I'd use a regular expression for that. Check out the link I provided. As for the expression to use the following expression
That guy worked for me.
Conditionally replace regex matches in string
Do not get regular and common expressions confused. This is not like the more common expression of :-) or :-O or >:( All-though effective These expressions are mutually exclusive expressions that not many languages understand but are more commonly used.

How to match Regular Expression with String containing a wildcard character?

Regular expression:
/Hello .*, what's up?/i
String which may contain any number of wildcard characters (%):
"% world, what's up?" (matches)
"Hello world, %?" (matches)
"Hello %, what's up?" (matches)
"Hey world, what's up?" (no match)
"Hello %, blabla." (no match)
I have thought of a solution myself, but I'd like to see what you are able to come up with (considering performance is a high priority). A requirement is the ability to use any regular expression; I only used .* in the example, but any valid regular expression should work.
A little automata theory might help you here. You say
this is a simplified version of matching a regular expression with a regular expression[1]
Actually, that does not seem to be the case. Instead of matching the text of a regular expression, you want to find regular expressions that can match the same string as a given regular expression.
Luckily, this problem is solvable :-) To see whether such a string exists, you would need to compute the union of the two regular languages and test whether the result is not the empty language. This might be a non-trivial problem and solving it efficiently [enough] may be hard, but standard algorithms for this do already exist. Basically you would need to translate the expression into a NFA, that one into a DFA which you then can union.
[1]: Indeed, the wildcard strings you're using in the question build some kind of regular language, and can be translated to corresponding regular expressions
Not sure that I fully understand your question, but if you're looking for performance, avoid regular expressions. Instead you can split the string on %. Then, take a look at the first and last matches:
// Anything before % should match at start of the string
targetString.indexOf(splits[0]) === 0;
// Anything after % should match at the end of the string
targetString.indexOf(splits[1]) + splits[1].length === targetString.length;
If you can use % multiple times within the string, then the first and last splits should follow the above rules. Anything else just needs to be in the string, and .indexOf is how you can check that.
I came to realize that this is impossible with a regular language, and therefore the only solution to this problem is to replace the wildcard symbol % with .* and then match two regular expressions with each other. This can however not be done by traditional regular expressions, look at this SO-question and it's answers for details.
Or perhaps you should edit the underlying Regular Expression engine for supporting wildcard based strings. Anyone being able to answer this question by extending the default implementation will be accepted as answer to this question ;-)

Does dart support perl style regular expression and match operator syntax?

Can you write anything like:
string =~ /^.s*(.\S+)/;
print "First word is '$1'";
What is the syntax in dart? Or must one use the raw objects?
There are no regexp literals and match operators in Dart. So yes, you have to use the RegExp object and its siblings.
Dart doesn't have literal regexp syntax:
But it does have raw strings, and you should use them:
new RegExp(r"foo\s*\(bar\)");
without raw strings, you would have to double the backslashes and (if you remembered to do that) you would have:
new RegExp("foo\\s*\\(bar\\)");
I am not sure about dart. But from here
it looks like the syntax is same as any other language.

Do not include the condition itself in regex

Here's the regexp:
But for string name.ns1.ns2 it catches .ns1 and .ns2 values (which does make perfect sense). Is it possible only to get ns1 and ns2 results? Maybe using assertions, nuh?
You have the capturing group, use its value, however you do it in your language.
JavaScript example:
var list = "name.ns1.ns2".match(/\.([^.]+)/g);
// list now contains 'ns1' and 'ns2'
If you can use lookbehinds (most modern regex flavors, but not JS), you can use this expression:
In Perl you can also use \K like so:
I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do, but let's go through some options.
Your regex: /\.([^\.]*)/g
(Minor note: you don't need the backslash in front of the . inside a character class [..], because a . loses its special meaning there already.)
First: matching against a regular expression is, in principle, a Boolean test: "does this string match this regex". Any additional information you might be able to get about what part of the string matched what part of the regex, etc., is entirely dependent upon the particular implementation surrounding the regular expression in whatever environment you're using. So, your question is inherently implementation-dependent.
However, in the most common case, a match attempt does provide additional data. You almost always get the substring that matched the entire regular expression (in Perl 5, it shows up in the $& variable). In Perl5-compatible regular expressions, f you surround part of the regular expression with unquoted parentheses, you will additiionally get the substrings that matched each set of those as well (in Perl 5, they are placed in $1, $2, etc.).
So, as written, your regular expression will usually make two separate results available to you: ".ns1", ".ns2", etc. for the entire match, and "ns1", "ns2", etc. for the subgroup match. You shouldn't have to change the expression to get the latter values; just change how you access the results of the match.
However, if you want, and if your regular expression engine supports them, you can use certain features to make sure that the entire regular expression matches only the part you want. One such mechanism is lookbehind. A positive lookbehind will only match after something that matches the lookbehind expression:
That will match any sequence of non-periods but only if they come after a period.
Can you use something like string splitting, which allows you to break a string into pieces around a particular string (such as a period)?
It's not clear what language you're using, but nearly every modern language provides a way to split up a string. e.g., this pseudo code:
string myString = "bill.the.pony";
string[] brokenString = myString.split(".");

Meaning of "match" as related to Regular Expressions

I'm writing a term paper on regular expressions and I'm a bit confused regarding the way one uses the word "match" when referring to regexes. Which of the following is the correct wording to use:
"The regular expression matches the string"
"The string matches the regular expression"
Or are they both correct? All opinions on this are welcome! I really want to get this right and I think it would help my understanding greatly to get this clarified.
I think both are correct. It depends on what you're focusing on. If your focus is in the regular expression itself to see if it serves to work on a given string or set of strings, then you use the first sentence. In the contrary, if you are more interested in looking at a set of strings that match certain criteria, the second one is applicable. You know, a match has the meaning of some equivalence under certain conditions, so both sentences sound equivalent to me.
The string is being matched to the regular expression pattern, therefore I would say the latter is more accurate
When two things match, it is (from a logical perspective at least) irrelevant in which order you mention them.
So it depends on what you want to put focus on.
The string matches the regular expression: Focus is on the string.
The regular expression matches the string: Focus is on the regex.
The latter sounds better to me. The regex specifies a pattern that the string may match. But there's nothing really wrong with either.
If you said either one to me, I would understand what you're saying. I'm sure people have said both to me, and I never thought either one needed to be corrected.
I agree that the string matches (or not) the regular expression. To make it clear why I'd say: the regular expression defines a grammar, and a given string is either well-formed according to that grammar or not.
"The regular expression matches the string"
True if the RE matches the whole string (eg. using ^ $ or just happening to match everything). Otherwise, I would write: the regular expression has match(es) in the string.
"The string matches the regular expression"
Again, true if the regex matches everything, otherwise it sounds a bit odd.
But indeed, in the case of a whole match, the two sentences are equivalent.
Since you're looking for a regular expression within a string, it's more correct to say that you've found the regular expression since that's a one-way relationship.
But as to which matches which, that's a two way relationship and it doesn't really matter (in English, anyway - I can't vouch for other languages ), so either would be correct.
My preference would be to say that the string matches the regular expression, since the RE is the invariant part and the string changes. But that's a personal preference and is unlikely to have any bearing on reality :-)
"The string matches the regular expression" seems to be shorthand for "the string is in the language defined by and isomorphic to the regular expression."
"The regular expression matches the string" seems to be shorthand for "a parser automaton compiled from the regular expression will parse the string and halt in a final state."
I'd say:
At design time a user/develper creates a regular expression that matches a string.
At run time a regular expression engine finds a string that matches the regular expression.
(Not intended to be a definition, just an example of common usage.)
Since a regular expression represents a possibly infinite set of finite strings, I would say that it is most correct to write that "string s matches regular expression r". You could also say that "string s is member of the set generated by regular expression r".
Also, you should consider using the words accept and reject, especially if you intend to discuss finite automata in your paper.