I am trying to write a block of codes in C++ that calculates sinX value with Taylor's series.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// exp example
#include <cstdio> // printf
#include <cmath> // exp
double toRadians(double angdeg) //convert to radians to degree
{ //x is in radians
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
return angdeg / 180.0 * PI;
double fact(double x) //factorial function
{ //Simply calculates factorial for denominator
if(x==0 || x==1)
return 1;
x * fact(x - 1);
double mySin(double x) //mySin function
double sum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
double top = pow(-1, i) * pow(x, 2 * i + 1); //calculation for nominator
double bottom = fact(2 * i + 1); //calculation for denominator
sum = sum + top / bottom; //1 - x^2/2! + x^4/4! - x^6/6!
return sum;
int main()
double param = 45, result;
result = mySin(toRadians(param)); //This is my sin value
cout << "Here is my homemade sin : " << result << endl;
result = sin(param); //This is library value
cout << "Here is the API sin : " << result << endl;
return 0;
So my program works without any error. My output is exactly:
Here is my homemade sin : nan
Here is the API sin:0.850904
I know I am making a big logic mistake but I couldn't find it out. It is my second week with C++. I am more familiar with Java. I coded the same thing and It worked absolutely perfect. The answers matched each other.
Thanks for your time and attention!
in fact, you miss the return: x*fact(x-1); should be return x*fact(x-1);. You can see the compiler complaining if you turn the warnings on. For example, with GCC, calling g++ -Wall program.cpp gives Warning: control reaches end of non-void function for the factorial function.
The API sin also needs the angle in radians, so change result=sin(param); into result=sin(toRadians(param));. Generally, if in doubt about the API, consult the docs, like here.
Your codes seems to have some logical mistakes. Here is my corrected one:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double radians(double degrees) // converts degrees to radians
double radians;
double const pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
radians = (pi/180)*degrees;
return radians;
double factorial(int x) //calculates the factorial
double fact = 1;
for(; x >= 1 ; x--)
fact = x * fact;
return fact;
double power(double x,double n) //calculates the power of x
double output = 1;
output =( x*output);
return output;
float sin(double radians) //value of sine by Taylors series
double a,b,c;
float result = 0;
for(int y=0 ; y!=9 ; y++)
a= power(-1,y);
b= power(radians,(2*y)+1);
c= factorial((2*y)+1);
result = result+ (a*b)/c;
return result;
double n,output;
int main()
cout<<"enter the value\t";
n = radians(n);
cout<< "\nthe value in radians is\t"<< n << "\n";
output = sin(n);
cout<< "\nsine of the given value is\t"<< output;
return 0;
The intention of this program was to use custom functions instead of libraries to make learning for others easy.
There are four user defined functions in this program.The first three user defined functions 'radians()', 'factorial()','power()', are apparently simple functions that perform operations as their name suggests.
The fourth function 'sin()' takes input in radians given by the function 'radians()'. The sin function uses Taylors series iterated term wise in the function's 'for(int y= 0;y!=9;y++)' loop till nine iterations to calculate the output.The 'for()' loop iterates the general mathematical expression: Term(n)=((-1)^n).(x^(2n+1))/(2n+1)!
sin(x)= x- x^3/3! + x^5/5! -x^7/7! + x^9/9!
=x-x^3/2*3 (1- x^2/4*5 + x^4/4*5*6*7 + x^6/4*5*6*7*8*9)
=x - x^3/2*3 {1- x^2/4*5(1- x^2/6*7 + x^4/6*7*8*9)}
=x - x^3/2*3 [{1- x^2/4*5 ( 1- x^2/6*7 (1- x^2/8*9))}]
=x(1 - x^2/2*3 [{1- x^2/4*5 ( 1- x^2/6*7 (1- x^2/8*9))}])
double sin_series_recursion(double x, int n){
static double r=1;
return sin_series_recursion(x,n-2);
}else return r*x;
Hi I am trying to calculate the results of the Taylor series expansion for sine to the specified number of terms.
I am running into some problems
Your task is to implement makeSineToOrder(k)
This is templated by the type of values used in the calculation.
It must yield a function that takes a value of the specified type and
returns the sine of that value (in the specified type again)
double factorial(double long order){
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
double fact = 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= num; i++){
fact *= i;
return fact;
void makeSineToOrder(long double order,long double precision = 15){
double value = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < precision; n++){
value += pow(-1.0, n) * pow(num, 2*n+1) / factorial(2*n + 1);
return value;
int main()
using namespace std;
long double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510L;
for(int order = 1;order < 20; order++) {
auto sine = makeSineToOrder<long double>(order);
cout << "order(" << order << ") -> sine(pi) = " << setprecision(15) << sine(pi) << endl;
return 0;
I tried debugging
here is a version that at least compiles and gives some output
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double factorial(double long num) {
double fact = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
fact *= i;
return fact;
double makeSineToOrder(double num, double precision = 15) {
double value = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < precision; n++) {
value += pow(-1.0, n) * pow(num, 2 * n + 1) / factorial(2 * n + 1);
return value;
int main(){
long double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510L;
for (int order = 1; order < 20; order++) {
auto sine = makeSineToOrder(order);
cout << "order(" << order << ") -> sine(pi) = " << setprecision(15) << sine << endl;
return 0;
not sure what that odd sine(pi) was supposed to be doing
Apart the obvious syntax errors (the includes should be before your factorial header) in your code:
I see no templates in your code which your assignment clearly states to use
so I would expect template like:
<class T> T mysin(T x,int n=15){ ... }
using pow for generic datatype is not safe
because inbuild pow will use float or double instead of your generic type so you might expect rounding/casting problems or even unresolved function in case of incompatible type.
To remedy that you can rewrite the code to not use pow as its just consequent multiplication in loop so why computing pow again and again?
using factorial function is waste
you can compute it similar to pow in the same loop no need to compute the already computed multiplications again and again. Also not using template for your factorial makes the same problems as using pow
so putting all together using this formula:
along with templates and exchanging pow,factorial functions with consequent iteration I got this:
template <class T> T mysin(T x,int n=15)
int i;
T y=0; // result
T x2=x*x; // x^2
T xi=x; // x^i
T ii=1; // i!
if (n>0) for(i=1;;)
y+=xi/ii; xi*=x2; i++; ii*=i; i++; ii*=i; n--; if (!n) break;
y-=xi/ii; xi*=x2; i++; ii*=i; i++; ii*=i; n--; if (!n) break;
return y;
so factorial ii is multiplied by i+1 and i+2 every iteration and power xi is multiplied by x^2 every iteration ... the sign change is hard coded so for loop does 2 iterations per one run (that is the reason for the break;)
As you can see this does not use anything funny so you do not need any includes for this not even math ...
You might want to add x=fmod(x,6.283185307179586476925286766559) at the start of mysin in order to use more than just first period however in that case you have to ensure fmod implementation uses T or compatible type to it ... Also the 2*pi constant should be in target precision or higher
beware too big n will overflow both int and generic type T (so you might want to limit n based on used type somehow or just use it wisely).
Also note on 32bit floats you can not get better than 5 decimal places no matter what n is with this kind of computation.
Btw. there are faster and more accurate methods of computing goniometrics like Chebyshev and CORDIC
I have a working Integrator class that will compute the definite Integral of basic functions of a single variable. I have tested the integrations of some basic functions and it appears to be working correctly.
I'm now at the point where I would like to expand this class to be able to perform multiple Integrals of the same function... and this is where I've hit a roadblock...
Here is my Integrator Class and some basic usage examples:
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
struct Limits {
double lower;
double upper;
Limits() : lower{ 0 }, upper{ 0 } {}
Limits(double a, double b) : lower{ a }, upper{ b } {
if (a > b) std::swap(lower, upper);
void applyLimits(double a, double b) {
lower = a;
upper = b;
if (a > b) std::swap(lower, upper);
class Integrator {
Limits limits_;
std::function<double(double)> integrand_;
double dx_;
double dy_;
double integral_;
int step_size_;
Integrator(Limits limits, int stepSize, std::function<double(double)> integrand, double dy = 0)
: limits_{ limits },
step_size_{ stepSize },
integrand_{ integrand },
dx_{ 0 }, dy_{ 0 }
~Integrator() = default;
constexpr double dx() const { return this->dx_; }
constexpr double dy() const { return this->dy_; }
constexpr double integral() const { return this->integral_; }
Limits limits() const { return limits_; }
std::function<double(double)>* integrand() { return &this->integrand_; }
// This is always a 1st order of integration!
constexpr double evaluate() {
double distance = limits_.upper - limits_.lower; // Distance is defined as X0 to XN. (upperLimit - lowerLimit)
dx_ = distance / step_size_; // Calculate the amount of iterations by dividing
// the x-distance by the dx stepsize
integral_ = 0; // Initialize area to zero
for (auto i = 0; i < step_size_; i++) { // For each dx step or iteration calculate the area at Xi
dy_ = integrand_(limits_.lower + i * dx_);
double area = dy_ * dx_; // Where the width along x is defines as dxStepSize*i
integral_ += area; // and height(dy) is f(x) at Xi. Sum all of the results
return integral_;
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <cmath>
#include "Integrator.h"
constexpr double PI = 3.14159265358979;
constexpr double funcA(double x) {
return x;
constexpr double funcB(double x) {
return (x*x);
constexpr double funcC(double x) {
return ((0.5*(x*x)) + (3*x) - (1/x));
double funcD(double x) {
return sin(x);
int main() {
try {
std::cout << "Integration of f(x) = x from a=3.0 to b=5.0\nwith an expected output of 8\n";
Integrator integratorA(Limits(3.0, 5.0), 10000, &funcA);
std::cout << integratorA.evaluate() << '\n';
std::cout << "\n\nIntegration of f(x) = x^2 from a=2.0 to b=20.0\nwith an expected output of 2664\n";
Integrator integratorB(Limits(2.0, 20.0), 10000, &funcB);
std::cout << integratorB.evaluate() << '\n';
std::cout << "\n\nIntegration of f(x) = (1\\2)x^2 + 3x - (1\\x) from a=1.0 to b=10.0\nwith an expected output of 312.6974\n";
Integrator integratorC(Limits(1.0, 10.0), 10000, &funcC);
std::cout << integratorC.evaluate() << '\n';
std::cout << "\n\nIntegration of f(x) = sin(x) from a=0.0 to b=" <<PI<< "\nwith an expected output of 2\n";
Integrator integratorD(Limits(0.0, PI), 10000, &funcD);
std::cout << integratorD.evaluate() << '\n';
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
Integration of f(x) = x from a=3.0 to b=5.0
with an expected output of 8
Integration of f(x) = x^2 from a=2.0 to b=20.0
with an expected output of 2664
Integration of f(x) = (1\2)x^2 + 3x - (1\x) from a=1.0 to b=10.0
with an expected output of 312.6974
Integration of f(x) = sin(x) from a=0.0 to b=3.14159
with an expected output of 2
I was thinking of adding another function to this class similar to its evaluate() function... It currently looks something like this:
double integrate(Limits limits, double dy) {
double total = 0;
dy_ = dy;
for (int i = 0; i < step_size_; i++) {
double yi = limits_.lower*i*dy_;
double dx = static_cast<double>(yi - limits.lower) / stepSize;
double innerArea = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < step_size_; j++) {
Integrator inner(limits, step_size_, integrand_, dy_);
innerArea += inner.evaluate();
double outerArea = innerArea * dy_;
total += outerArea;
integral_ = total;
return integral_;
And this is where I'm getting confused or stumped... I'm not sure how to implement this function properly when it comes to the limits of integration with respect to the inner and outer integrals.
Take for example the following integral below:
The inner integral's upper limit is based on y for each iteration of computation... This has to be done dynamically. The outer integral is straight forward as it goes from [3,5] as opposed to [1,y].
I think I'm on the right track, but something in the above approach is totally off... I'm getting completely wrong values from expected or intended values...
Any and all suggestions and or tips are highly welcomed!
Edit - Note - I supplied the wrong image above, that has been updated...
The expected output should be: 65.582 with the correctly supplied function f(x) = 1/2x^2 + 3x - (1/x). And when I try to compute the double integral I end up getting this...
And here is the added code to the driver program or main.cpp...
std::cout << "\n\nTesting Double Integration of f(x) = (1\\2)x^2 + 3x - (1\\x) from [3,5] and [1,y]\nwith an expected output of 65.582\n";
Integrator integratorE(Limits(3, 5), 1000, &funcC);
double dy = integratorE.limits().upper - integratorE.limits().lower;
integratorE.integrate(Limits(1, integratorE.integral()), dy);
std::cout << integratorE.integral() << '\n';
However, it is not printing anything to the console...
I wasn't getting output for I wasn't waiting long enough. The iterations were defined as 1000 by the step_size. This will end up generating 1000^1000 total iterations... I had overlooked this in the construction of the Integrator object. I had changed this in my code to have a step_size of 100. And now my application is outputting a value of 2.68306e+189 which is clearly wrong! When I increase the step_size to 500 it is giving me something on the order of 6.62804e+190 which is still wrong.
After going back and watching the video again... I started to break down the double looping structure in my class's integrate() function.
I removed some unneeded parameters from both the constructor and this function's signature. I removed the dependency of passing in the dy since I'm able to calculate and store this value internally.
I had done a minor overhaul of my integrate member function. I'm now calculating both the dy and dx at the appropriate times using the appropriate limits of integration with respect to the step_size.
Instead of creating an instance of an Integrator within this function and using that instance's evaluate() function. I completely removed this behavior since I don't need to do this as this class stores an instance of the function of integration called integrand where this is an std::function<T> object. With this, I can just calculate the current y by passing in the xi into that integrand. Then I can use that to calculate the inner area for the summation.
My updated function looks like this:
double integrate(double lower = 0.0, double upper = 0.0) {
// Since we are not using the inner upper limit directly
// make sure that it is still greater than the lower limit
if (upper <= lower) {
upper = lower + 1;
Limits limits(lower, upper);
double outerSum = 0;
dy_ = static_cast<double>(limits_.upper - limits_.lower) / step_size_;
for (int i = 0; i < step_size_; i++) {
double yi = limits_.lower+i*dy_;
double dx_ = static_cast<double>(yi - limits.lower) / step_size_;
double innerSum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < step_size_; j++) {
double xi = limits.lower + dx_ * j;
double fx = integrand_(xi);
double innerArea = fx*dx_;
innerSum += innerArea;
double outerArea = innerSum * dy_;
outerSum += outerArea;
integral_ = outerSum;
return integral_;
And here is the usage of this function within my main class:
std::cout << "\n\nTesting Double Integration of f(x) = (1\\2)x^2 + 3x - (1\\x) from [3,5] and [1,y]\nwith an expected output of 65.582\n";
Integrator integratorE(Limits(3, 5), 100, &funcC);
//double dy = integratorE.limits().upper - integratorE.limits().lower;
std::cout << integratorE.integral() << '\n';
And this is giving me an output of:
Testing Double Integration of f(x) = (1\2)x^2 + 3x - (1\x) from [3,5] and [1,y]
with an expected output of 65.582
With a step_size of 100 iterations and an output of:
Testing Double Integration of f(x) = (1\2)x^2 + 3x - (1\x) from [3,5] and [1,y]
with an expected output of 65.582
With a step_size of 500 iterations.
So as this class now stands, I can use evaluate() to perform a single definite integration of a single variable and I can use integrate(lower,upper) to perform at least a double definite integration of a single variable.
for example when the input is 30 ; out put of cos() is
0.866025 and out put of my code is
also the loop doesn’t end when the input is 60 or more. i don’t know where is the error.
what should i do to fix it?
int main()
{double deg;
int num;
double x=deg*3.141592654/180;
double term=0;
double cur=x; current term
double result=x;
double s=cos(x);
for(int n=0;;n++){
if(abs(term-cur)< eps){
cout << result << endl;
return 0;
cout << result << endl;
return 0;
I noticed couple of errors.
The first term of the series needs to be 1.0, not x.
double cur = 1.0;
double result = cur;
The expression used to calculate the next term is incorrect.
is incorrect because the last part of that expression, *(2*n+1), becomes a multiplier instead of a divisor due to operator associativity. Change that to:
cur * (-x*x) / ((2*n+2)*(2*n+1));
I think it will be better to move the code to compute the cosine to a function of its own.
double mycos(double x)
double eps = 1.0e-10;
double cur = 1.0;// current term
double result = cur;
for(int n=0;;n++){
int divisor = (2*n + 1)*(2*n + 2);
double term = cur*(-x*x)/divisor;
if(std::fabs(term-cur) < eps){
result += term;
cur = term;
return result;
Then, you can use
std::cout << mycos(x) << std::endl;
from main.
I'm working on this program that approximates a taylor series function. I have to approximate it so that the taylor series function stops approximating the sin function with a precision of .00001. In other words,the absolute value of the last approximation minus the current approximation equals less than or equal to 0.00001. It also approximates each angle from 0 to 360 degrees in 15 degree increments. My logic seems to be correct, but I cannot figure out why i am getting garbage values. Any help is appreciated!
#include <math.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
double fact(int x){
int F = 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= x; i++){
return F;
double degreesToRadians(double angle_in_degrees){
double rad = (angle_in_degrees*M_PI)/180;
return rad;
using namespace std;
double mySine(double x){
int current =99999;
double comSin=x;
double prev=0;
int counter1 = 3;
int counter2 = 1;
prev = comSin;
if((counter2 % 2) == 0){
comSin += (pow(x,(counter1))/(fact(counter1)));
comSin -= (pow(x,(counter1))/(fact(counter1)));
return comSin;
using namespace std;
int main(){
for (int i = 0; i<=360; i+=15){
Here is an example which illustrates how to go about doing this.
Using the pow function and calculating the factorial at each iteration is very inefficient -- these can often be maintained as running values which are updated alongside the sum during each iteration.
In this case, each iteration's addend is the product of two factors: a power of x and a (reciprocal) factorial. To get from one iteration's power factor to the next iteration's, just multiply by x*x. To get from one iteration's factorial factor to the next iteration's, just multiply by ((2*n+1) + 1) * ((2*n+1) + 2), before incrementing n (the iteration number).
And because these two factors are updated multiplicatively, they do not need to exist as separate running values, they can exists as a single running product. This also helps avoid precision problems -- both the power factor and the factorial can become large very quickly, but the ratio of their values goes to zero relatively gradually and is well-behaved as a running value.
So this example maintains these running values, updated at each iteration:
"sum" (of course)
"prod", the ratio: pow(x, 2n+1) / factorial 2n+1
"tnp1", the value of 2*n+1 (used in the factorial update)
The running update value, "prod" is negated every iteration in order to to factor in the (-1)^n.
I also included the function "XlatedSine". When x is too far away from zero, the sum requires more iterations for an accurate result, which takes longer to run and also can require more precision than our floating-point values can provide. When the magnitude of x goes beyond PI, "XlatedSine" finds another x, close to zero, with an equivalent value for sin(x), then uses this shifted x in a call to MaclaurinSine.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
// Importing cmath seemed wrong LOL, so define Abs and PI
static double Abs(double x) { return x < 0 ? -x : x; }
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
// Taylor series about x==0 for sin(x):
// Sum(n=[0...oo]) { ((-1)^n) * (x^(2*n+1)) / (2*n + 1)! }
double MaclaurinSine(double x) {
const double xsq = x*x; // cached constant x squared
int tnp1 = 3; // 2*n+1 | n==1
double prod = xsq*x / 6; // pow(x, 2*n+1) / (2*n+1)! | n==1
double sum = x; // sum after n==0
for(;;) {
prod = -prod;
sum += prod;
static const double MinUpdate = 0.00001; // try zero -- the factorial will always dominate the power of x, eventually
if(Abs(prod) <= MinUpdate) {
return sum;
// Update the two factors in prod
prod *= xsq; // add 2 to the power factor's exponent
prod /= (tnp1 + 1) * (tnp1 + 2); // update the factorial factor by two iterations
tnp1 += 2;
// XlatedSine translates x to an angle close to zero which will produce the equivalent result.
double XlatedSine(double x) {
if(Abs(x) >= PI) {
// Use int casting to do an fmod PI (but symmetric about zero).
// Keep in mind that a really big x could overflow the int,
// however such a large double value will have lost so much precision
// at a sub-PI-sized scale that doing this in a legit fashion
// would also disappoint.
const int p = static_cast<int>(x / PI);
x -= PI * p;
if(p % 2) {
x = -x;
return MaclaurinSine(x);
double DegreesToRadians(double angle_deg) {
return PI / 180 * angle_deg;
int main() {
std::cout<<"Angle\tSine\n" << std::setprecision(12);
for(int i = 0; i<=360; i+=15) {
std::cout << i << "\t" << MaclaurinSine(DegreesToRadians(i)) << "\n";
//std::cout << i << "\t" << XlatedSine(DegreesToRadians(i)) << "\n";
I've written a few programs to find pi, this one being the most advanced. I used Machin's formula, pi/4 = 4(arc-tan(1/5)) - (arc-tan(1/239)).
The problem is that however many iterations I do, I get the same result, and I can't seem to understand why.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
double arctan_series(int x, double y) // x is the # of iterations while y is the number
double pi = y;
double temp_Pi;
for (int i = 1, j = 3; i < x; i++, j += 2)
temp_Pi = pow(y, j) / j; //the actual value of the iteration
if (i % 2 != 0) // for every odd iteration that subtracts
pi -= temp_Pi;
else // for every even iteration that adds
pi += temp_Pi;
pi = pi * 4;
return pi;
double calculations(int x) // x is the # of iterations
double value_1, value_2, answer;
value_1 = arctan_series(x, 0.2);
value_2 = arctan_series(x, 1.0 / 239.0);
answer = (4 * value_1) - (value_2);
return answer;
int main()
double pi;
int iteration_num;
cout << "Enter the number of iterations: ";
cin >> iteration_num;
pi = calculations(iteration_num);
cout << "Pi has the value of: " << setprecision(100) << fixed << pi << endl;
return 0;
I have not been able to reproduce your issue, but here is a bit cleaned up code with a few C++11 idioms and better variable names.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
// double arctan_series(int x, double y) // x is the # of iterations while y is the number
// then why not name the parameters accoringly? In math we usually use x for the parameter.
// prefer C++11 and the auto notation wherever possible
auto arctan_series(int iterations, double x) -> double
// note, that we don't need any temporaries here.
// note, that this loop will never run, when iterations = 1
// is that really what was intended?
for (int i = 1, j = 3; i < iterations; i++, j += 2)
// declare variables as late as possible and always initialize them
auto t = pow(x, j) / j;
// in such simple cases I prefer ?: over if-else. Your milage may vary
x += (i % 2 != 0) ? -t : t;
return x * 4;
// double calculations(int x) // x is the # of iterations
// then why not name the parameter accordingly
// BTW rename the function to what it is supposed to do
auto approximate_pi(int iterations) -> double
// we don't need all of these temporaries. Just write one expression.
return 4 * arctan_series(iterations, 0.2) - arctan_series(iterations, 1.0 / 239.0);
auto main(int, char**) -> int
cout << "Enter the number of iterations: ";
// in C++ you should declare variables as late as possible
// and always initialize them.
int iteration_num = 0;
cin >> iteration_num;
cout << "Pi has the value of: "
<< setprecision(100) << fixed
<< approximate_pi(iteration_num) << endl;
return 0;
When you remove my explanatory comments, you'll see, that the resulting code is a lot more concise, easier to read, and therefore easier to maintain.
I tried a bit:
Enter the number of iterations: 3
Pi has the value of: 3.1416210293250346197169164952356368303298950195312500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Enter the number of iterations: 2
Pi has the value of: 3.1405970293260603298790556436870247125625610351562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Enter the number of iterations: 7
Pi has the value of: 3.1415926536235549981768144789384678006172180175781250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Enter the number of iterations: 42
Pi has the value of: 3.1415926535897940041763831686694175004959106445312500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
As you see, I obviously get different results for different numbers of iterations.
That method converges very quickly. You'll get more accuracy if you start with the smallest numbers first. Since 5^23 > 2^53 (the number of bits in the mantissa of a double), probably the maximum number of iterations is 12 (13 won't make any difference). You'll get more accuracy starting with the smaller numbers. The changed lines have comments:
double arctan_series(int x, double y)
double pi = y;
double temp_Pi;
for (int i = 1, j = x*2-1; i < x; i++, j -= 2) // changed this line
temp_Pi = pow(y, j) / j;
if ((j & 2) != 0) // changed this line
pi -= temp_Pi;
pi += temp_Pi;
pi = pi * 4;
return pi;
For doubles, there is no point in setting precision > 18.
If you want an alternative formula that takes more iterations to converge, use pi/4 = arc-tan(1/2) + arc-tan(1/3), which will take about 24 iterations.
This is another way if some of you are interested. The loop calculates the integral of the function : sqrt(1-x²)
Which represents a semicircle of radius 1. Then we multiply by two the area. Finally we got the surface of the circle which is PI.
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#define f(x) sqrt(1-pow(x,2))
double integral(int a, int b, int p)
double d=pow(10, -p), s=0;
for (double x=a ; x+d<=b ; x+=d)
return s;
int main()
cout << "PI=" << setprecision (9) << 2.0*integral(-1,1,6) << endl;