how to deploy c++ application and create setup file for my music player - c++

I have developed one music player in C++. Now I want to create setup.exe for that application so that i can put that application for downloading for other users. When we download some software from website we get setup for installing that application. I want to know how can i create that setup file for me cpp application. Please help as soon as possible

For Windows platform
There are loads of solutions some free some not
personnaly I'd recommend wix (it's free, it uses windows installer technology) but for some it's overkill
for a great example/cook book
Others include
install shield (used to have a cool debugger, but not free)
inno Setup (
Wise Installer (OK looks like it's dead!)
Do it by hand using ORCA (an MSI editor
WIX 3.X (

You can also do this with the free edition of Advanced Installer. Here is 5 minutes tutorial showing how to do it:
To create projects of type "Simple" you don't need a license and you can deploy the package for commercial purposes too.


Windows Store deployment file from folder instead of MSI

I want to ask you a couple of questions i looked in internet and didn't found an answer though...
I have an application for windows 10 PCx64 (artifacts of a built project C++/x64)
Is it possible to create odrinary Windows Store deployment file from folder?
How to do that? As i see MS is pushing new 'universal applciations' concept. But i don't want to rewrite apps entirely to .net/c#/Universal Apps. I just want to change build process so it will produce windows store deployment file, not MSI
You will soon be able to create a Windows Store package for a Win32 app and deploy it through the Windows Store. You'll even get access to UWP APIs and services :)
Subscribe to the "Windows Developer Preview Programs" to get some fresh news about "Project Centennial".

Getting started developing with Sitecore CMS on a Mac using C#

We are going to be switching to Sitecore for our CMS and my team uses Macs. We have no .net, c# experience but are excited to learn. I understand Microsoft recently released Visual Studio Code to work on Mac, and I've looked into Xamarin. Can someone provide any tips for a Mac guy?
Visual Studio for Mac will not help you because Sitecore quite tightly relates on windows features like IIS and windows filesystem with drives and paths; also the rest of cross-platform ASP.NET 5 features (like owin etc.) are not yet supported by Sitecore.
At the moment the best way to work with Sitecore on Mac is virtualisation and in particular - Parallels Desktop for Mac. I am using that myself for last 3 years - that is the most convenient way. Parallels Desktop is a virtual machine solution that integrates your Windows VM very tightly into Mac, you can run multiple (let's say 2-4) Windows virtual machines at the same time (nice to test Content Management / Content Delivery distributed between separate "machines" just on one Mac) - they are all connected to each other and Mac by a "network". Also you will need to have an instance of SQL server (in that case you may allocate a separate VM or simply reference an external SQL server).
Parallels Desktop has a mode called Coherence, when in fact win and mac environments are sort of merged into each other, so you can for example drag-drop from Finder into Windows Exploreк like you do it natively, and get Windows start button at you Dock and many other great features.
However I prefer to run Parallels in a full screen mode on a second monitor to be 1-to-1 like a regular Windows machine. By setting hosts file on Mac machine I can run CMS and hosted websites right from Safari on Mac.
Also virtual machines are stored as folders on your hard drive, so you can easily backup your current state of OS as easy as just archiving that folder, and later revert to that moments you have "saved" - very helpful to experiment, especially if you are a beginner in Sitecore, so you'd not afraid to break anything accidentally.
Good place to start: official website, as well as quickly investigate all its magic on YouTube reviews.
P.S. of course, you may use any alternative virtualisation software, like VmWare etc.
I use Visual Studio for Mac to build my Sitecore solutions. We use a gulp task based on the one that comes with Habitat to deploy changes to files (binaries, views, config, etc...) into a Windows virtual machine running in Parallels on my Mac.
There have only been two things I am missing from Visual Studio on Windows - debugging and Sitecore Rocks.
If you can live without those two things you can definitely develop your Sitecore solutions from a Mac with Sitecore running in Windows.

Automated build installer using team foundation service

I have started using the preview of Microsoft Team Foundation Service (TFS in the cloud, henceforth TFService) for a small project, and I'm currently setting up builds using the online build service included with TFService.
What I want to do is to add an installer of some kind. I've previously worked with InstallShield Limited Edition, WIX and Inno Setup and would like to keep using one of those if possible.
I've previously integrated Inno Setup as part of a build process (TFS 2010). This involved installing Inno Setup on the build computer, and adding a custom build task for running an inno setup script. The last part should be possible with TFService as well, because it's possible to create custom build process templates.
However, I realize that installing anything such as Inno Setup or InstallShield will not work with TFService, since it's not possible to install any 3rd party software on the build computer (it's just a cloud service running on some unknown virtual computer which I cannot access).
So my question is; is there a way to automatically create an installer as part of a build process running on TFService? For example, is the build service capable of building installshield projects out of the box (there's a license included with Visual Studio after all)? Or are there other ways to do this?
I have some experience with this trying to get WiX and InstallShield to work with Microsoft TFS Preview cloud service using their managed build agents. On these agents, you don't have administrator rights and you can't install software.
This currently rules out InstallShield which must be installed.
It is however possible to check the WiX binaries into source control and pull them down as part of your build.
WiX uses .wixproj files (MSBuild) to define their project compile activities. This references a targets file and other properties ( referencing registry values ) that won't exist when you deploy this way. A small bit of hacking will get all of these properties to resolve to workable values.
The one problem you may still have though (and I'm thinking TFS managed build environment ) is that you may have to configure your projects to skip MSI ICE validation suites. On the build machines, I played on the windows installer service was outright disabled and this prevented the tests from running.

Creating installer for a c++ windows service Dynamically

I have created a windows service which checks for the status of the printer.
The user can download this service from a website. I need to query for the status of printers used by this user. So when the user clicks on the download button I want to store the user information in a file which my service can use. The service will use this information to fetch the printers from the database. I want to include this file in my installer. So I have to create the installer at runtime(i.e. when the user click the download button on my website).
How can I create the installer for the win service dynamically using C#?
NOTE: my win service is written in C++. I know about WIX.
quite a few years ago, when I did some work with InstallShield, it was possible to specify in the installer project which file(s) you don't want to be compressed and packed into the .cab files (or whatever they are called nowadays) when generating the installation package. Such a file would be left as-is and separate in the package, and you could later replace it with another file with the same name (I think I actually did something of the sort). So you can have a dummy file when building the install package, and then replace it on the fly with the right one.
I am not familiar with modern tools, but am quite sure this functionality is preserved as it is quite useful.
In WiX you can create custom actions which are arbitrary code you write (You provide the .dll which can be built using C++). In the custom action you can generate your user/location customization file.

Simplest technology for distributing Web Services

Is there a way to meet the following criteria in distributing a Web Service to Windows machines?
1) Automatic installation and configuration of the Web Server.
2) No configuration (or even awareness) of a Web Server required by the customer.
3) No prompts to download and install Java or .NET - especially anything after .NET 2.0; those installs / restarts can take forever!
In short, is there a way to deliver a single install process that installs the Web Server along with a simple web app without requiring lengthy installations of pre-requisites? Something for even the most non-technical of users?
.NET's WCF almost meets the requirements but getting .NET updated up to 3.0 / 3.5 is a lengthy process and can be a turn-off for customers, even if the install holds their hand through the whole thing.
Rubyscript2exe was also very close, but it is extremely touchy and out-dated.
I am open to any technology / programming language - just looking for the slickest distribution process for my customers that meets the above three criteria.
I've been doing quite a bit of research on this as it is extremely important to me that my users have a simple installation experience. Here are a few things that I've found:
UltiDev Cassini: Cassini is that convenient mini-server that runs when you debug your web apps from Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer. UltiDev Cassini builds on that and looks pretty promising. It offers support for all non-beta flavors of .Net and integrates right into Visual Studio. Most interesting to me is the ability to include as part of your installer. The only down side is that pesky .Net pre-requisite. I can handle helping users get installed up to 2.0, but the install process to move to 3.0 and 3.5 is way too heavy for the typical user.
RubyScript2Exe: I like the premise of an executable Rails app. However, I attempted to use this on a Mac and it is simply too outdated and requires too many workarounds for my tastes. It's too bad, because I love Ruby on Rails development.
Server2Go: This is my favorite of the three options. It is easily distributable (just send off a zip file) and has a lot of nice options. For example, you can configure it to leave the included Apache server running even after the browser closes - that is PERFECT for a nicely packaged web service. It can also provide a customizable icon in the task bar for shutting down the service if necessary. I think this best meets my needs for the time being.
Please, if you know of any other options, let me know.
Also, you may be wondering, "Why not just write a desktop app?". The simple answer is that I don't need much of a GUI, if any. I need a simple to install web service that can be consumed by various other applications (web, mobile, and desktop included).