I'm learning Go by writing an HTTP testing client like Apache's ab. The code below seems pretty straightforward: I create a configurable number of goroutines, each of which sends a portion of the overall HTTP requests and records the result. I iterate over the resultChan channel and inspect/record each result. This works find when the number of messages is, say, 100. When I increase the number of messages, however, it hangs and htop shows VIRT of 138G for the process.
Here's the code in question:
package main
import "net/http"
import "fmt"
import "time"
const (
SUCCESS = iota
TOTAL = iota
TIMEOUT = iota
ERROR = iota
type Result struct {
successful int
total int
timeouts int
errors int
duration time.Duration
func makeRequests(url string, messages int, resultChan chan<- *http.Response) {
for i := 0; i < messages; i++ {
resp, _ := http.Get(url)
if resp != nil {
resultChan <- resp
func deployRequests(url string, threads int, messages int) *Result {
results := new (Result)
resultChan := make(chan *http.Response)
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", time.Since(start))
for i := 0; i < threads; i++ {
go makeRequests(url, (messages/threads) + 1, resultChan)
for response := range resultChan {
if response.StatusCode != 200 {
results.errors += 1
} else {
results.successful += 1
results.total += 1
if results.total == messages {
return results
return results
func main () {
results := deployRequests("http://www.google.com", 10, 1000)
fmt.Printf("Total: %d\n", results.total)
fmt.Printf("Successful: %d\n", results.successful)
fmt.Printf("Error: %d\n", results.errors)
fmt.Printf("Timeouts: %d\n", results.timeouts)
fmt.Printf("%s", results.duration)
There are obviously some things missing or stupidly done (no timeout checking, channel is synchronous, etc) but I wanted to get the basic case working before fixing those. What is it about the program as written that causes so much memory allocation?
As far as I can tell, there are just 10 goroutines. If one is created per HTTP request, which would make sense, how does one perform operations that would create many goroutines in a loop? Or is the issue totally unrelated.
I think the sequence leading to the hang is:
http.Get in makeRequests fails (connection denied, request timeout, etc.), returning a nil response and an error value
The error is ignored and makeRequests moves on to the next request
If any errors occur, makeRequests posts less than the expected number of results to resultChan
The for .. range .. chan loop in deployRequests never breaks because results.total is always less than messages
One workaround would be:
If http.Get returns an error value, post a nil response to resultChan:
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
resultChan <- nil
} else if resp != nil {
resultChan <- resp
In deployRequests, if the for loop reads a nil value from resultChan, count that as an error:
for response := range resultChan {
if response == nil {
results.errors += 1
} else if response.StatusCode != 200 {
// ...
For some reason, I cannot seem to get ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body), where res is the *http.Response returned by res, err := hc.Do(redirectRequest) (for hc http.Client, redirectRequest *http.Request).
Testing strategy thus far
Any time I see hc.Do or http.Request in the SUT, my instinct is to spin up a fake server and point the appropriate application states to it. Such a server, for this test, looks like this :
badServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// some stuff
w.Write([some bad bytes])
defer badServer.Close()
I don't seem to have a way to control res.Body, which is literally the only thing keeping me from 100% test completion against the func this is all in.
I tried, in the errorThrowingServer's handler func, setting r.Body to a stub io.ReadCloser that throws an error when Read() is called, but that doesn't effect res.
You can mock the body. Basically body is an io.ReadCloser interface so, you can do something like this:
import (
type mockReadCloser struct {
func (m *mockReadCloser) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
args := m.Called(p)
return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)
func (m *mockReadCloser) Close() error {
args := m.Called()
return args.Error(0)
func TestTestingSomethingWithBodyError(t *testing.T) {
mockReadCloser := mockReadCloser{}
// if Read is called, it will return error
mockReadCloser.On("Read", mock.AnythingOfType("[]uint8")).Return(0, fmt.Errorf("error reading"))
// if Close is called, it will return error
mockReadCloser.On("Close").Return(fmt.Errorf("error closing"))
request := &http.Request{
// pass the mock address
Body: &mockReadCloser,
expected := "what you expected"
result := YourMethod(request)
assert.Equal(t, expected, result)
To stop reading you can use:
mockReadCloser.On("Read", mock.AnythingOfType("[]uint8")).Return(0, io.EOF).Once()
As far as I could find perusing the source files for all of the working parts, the only way to get http.Response.Body.Read() to fail is commented here:
The response body is streamed on demand as the Body field is read. If
the network connection fails or the server terminates the response,
Body.Read calls return an error.
Or there is the possibility in ioutil.ReadAll() for it to return bytes.ErrTooLarge here:
If the buffer overflows, we will get bytes.ErrTooLarge. Return that as
an error. Any other panic remains.
I reimplement my project with golang recently. The project was implemented with C++. When I finished the code and have a performance test. I'm shocked by the result. When I query the database with C++, I can get the 130 million rows result in 5 mins. But with golang, it's almost 45 mins. But when I separate the code from the project and build the code snippet, it's finished in 2mins. Why does they have so much huge difference performance result?
My code snippet :
package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
func main() {
// defer profile.Start(profile.CPUProfile, profile.ProfilePath(".")).Stop()
dbRead, err := connectDB("test:test#tcp(")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error happend when connecting to DB. %s\n", err.Error())
defer dbRead.Close()
query := fmt.Sprintf("WHERE company_id in (11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,00,111,222,333,4444,555,666,777,888,999)")
relations := getRelations(dbRead, query)
func connectDB(addr string) (*sql.DB, error) {
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = db.Ping(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return db, nil
type Relation struct {
childId int64
parentId int64
func getRelations(db *sql.DB, where string)[]Relation {
begin := time.Now()
var err error
var rows *sql.Rows
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT `child_id`, `parent_id` FROM `test_relations` %s", where)
rows, err = db.Query(query)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("query error:", err.Error())
return nil
defer rows.Close()
columns, err := rows.Columns()
buffer := make([]sql.RawBytes, len(columns))
scanArgs := make([]interface{}, len(buffer))
for i := range scanArgs {
scanArgs[i] = &buffer[i]
relations := []Relation{}
relation := Relation{}
for rows.Next() {
if err = rows.Scan(scanArgs...); err != nil {
fmt.Println("scan:", err.Error())
return nil
relation.parentId, _ = strconv.ParseInt(string(buffer[1]), 10, 64)
relation.childId, _ = strconv.ParseInt(string(buffer[0]), 10, 64)
relations = append(relations, relation)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("next error:", err.Error())
return nil
fmt.Printf(">>> getRelations cost: %s\n", time.Since(begin).String())
// output :>>> getRelations cost:1m45.791047s
return relations
// len(relations): 131123541
My go version is 1.6. The cpu profile I got are as below:
The Code Snippet profile top20:
75.67s of 96.82s total (78.16%)
Dropped 109 nodes (cum <= 0.48s)
Showing top 20 nodes out of 82 (cum >= 12.04s)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
11.85s 12.24% 12.24% 11.85s 12.24% runtime.memmove
10.28s 10.62% 22.86% 20.01s 20.67% runtime.mallocgc
5.82s 6.01% 28.87% 5.82s 6.01% strconv.ParseUint
5.79s 5.98% 34.85% 5.79s 5.98% runtime.futex
3.42s 3.53% 38.38% 10.28s 10.62% github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.(*buffer).readNext
3.42s 3.53% 41.91% 6.38s 6.59% runtime.scang
3.37s 3.48% 45.39% 36.97s 38.18% github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.(*textRows).readRow
3.37s 3.48% 48.87% 3.37s 3.48% runtime.memclr
3.20s 3.31% 52.18% 3.20s 3.31% runtime.heapBitsSetType
3.02s 3.12% 55.30% 7.36s 7.60% database/sql.convertAssign
2.96s 3.06% 58.36% 3.02s 3.12% runtime.(*mspan).sweep.func1
2.53s 2.61% 60.97% 2.53s 2.61% runtime._ExternalCode
2.39s 2.47% 63.44% 2.96s 3.06% runtime.readgstatus
2.24s 2.31% 65.75% 8.06s 8.32% strconv.ParseInt
2.21s 2.28% 68.03% 5.24s 5.41% runtime.heapBitsSweepSpan
2.15s 2.22% 70.25% 7.68s 7.93% runtime.rawstring
2.06s 2.13% 72.38% 3.18s 3.28% github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.readLengthEncodedString
1.95s 2.01% 74.40% 12.23s 12.63% github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.(*mysqlConn).readPacket
1.83s 1.89% 76.29% 79.42s 82.03% main.Relations
1.81s 1.87% 78.16% 12.04s 12.44% runtime.slicebytetostring
The project cpu profile top20:
(pprof) top20
38.71mins of 42.82mins total (90.40%)
Dropped 334 nodes (cum <= 0.21mins)
Showing top 20 nodes out of 76 (cum >= 1.35mins)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
12.02mins 28.07% 28.07% 12.48mins 29.15% runtime.addspecial
5.95mins 13.89% 41.96% 15.08mins 35.21% runtime.pcvalue
5.26mins 12.29% 54.25% 5.26mins 12.29% runtime.readvarint
2.60mins 6.08% 60.32% 7.87mins 18.37% runtime.step
1.98mins 4.62% 64.94% 19.45mins 45.43% runtime.gentraceback
1.65mins 3.86% 68.80% 1.65mins 3.86% runtime/internal/atomic.Xchg
1.57mins 3.66% 72.46% 2.93mins 6.84% runtime.(*mspan).sweep
1.52mins 3.54% 76.01% 1.78mins 4.15% runtime.findfunc
1.41mins 3.30% 79.31% 1.42mins 3.31% runtime.markrootSpans
1.13mins 2.64% 81.95% 1.13mins 2.64% runtime.(*fixalloc).alloc
0.64mins 1.50% 83.45% 0.64mins 1.50% runtime.duffcopy
0.46mins 1.08% 84.53% 0.46mins 1.08% runtime.findmoduledatap
0.44mins 1.02% 85.55% 0.44mins 1.02% runtime.fastrand1
0.42mins 0.97% 86.52% 15.49mins 36.18% runtime.funcspdelta
0.38mins 0.89% 87.41% 36.02mins 84.13% runtime.mallocgc
0.30mins 0.7% 88.12% 0.78mins 1.83% runtime.scanobject
0.26mins 0.6% 88.72% 0.32mins 0.74% runtime.stkbucket
0.26mins 0.6% 89.32% 0.26mins 0.6% runtime.memmove
0.23mins 0.55% 89.86% 0.23mins 0.55% runtime.heapBitsForObject
0.23mins 0.53% 90.40% 1.35mins 3.15% runtime.lock
I got my answer and want to share it. This is caused by my mistake. Sometimes ago, I tried to add memory profile and set runtime. MemProfileRate=1 in my init method. But I forgot to reset it to a reasonable value. I ignored this method when I checked my code every time. After removing this setting from my project, it returns to normal, and spend almost 5~6mins to query these 130M datas. The speed is pretty close to the C++ version. My advise is that please carefully when you set runtime.MemProfileRate=1 unless you make sure you want to do that, and remember to reset it back.
Golang is likely running the DB query processing more in parallel for the snippet alone. Your complete application is almost certainly using some of those cores for other things.
The loop where you process all 130M rows seems the likely culprit.
Try setting the max procs to 1 in the snippet if you want to test this theory.
New to go. I'm using 1.5.1. I'm trying to accumulate a word list based on an incoming channel. However, my input channel (wdCh) is sometimes getting the empty string ("") during testing. I'm perplexed. I'd rather not have a test for the empty string before I add its accumulated count in my map. Feels like a hack to me.
package accumulator
import (
var words map[string]int
func Accumulate(wdCh chan string, closeCh chan bool) {
words = make(map[string]int)
for {
select {
case word := <-wdCh:
fmt.Printf("word = %s\n", word)
case <-closeCh:
func pushWords(w []string, wdCh chan string) {
for _, value := range w {
fmt.Printf("sending word = %s\n", value)
wdCh <- value
func TestAccumulate(t *testing.T) {
sendWords := []string{"one", "two", "three", "two"}
wMap := make(map[string]int)
wMap["one"] = 1
wMap["two"] = 2
wMap["three"] = 1
wdCh := make(chan string)
closeCh := make(chan bool)
go Accumulate(wdCh, closeCh)
pushWords(sendWords, wdCh)
closeCh <- true
assert.Equal(t, wMap, words)
Check out this article about channel-axioms. Looks like there's a race between closing wdCh and sending true on the closeCh channel.
So the outcome depends on what gets scheduled first between pushWords returning and Accumulate.
If TestAccumulate runs first, sending true on closeCh, then when Accumulate runs it picks either of the two channels since they can both be run because pushWords closed wdCh.
A receive from a closed channel returns the zero value immediately.
Until closedCh is signaled, Accumulate will randomly put one or more empty "" words in the map.
If Accumulate runs first then it's likely to put many empty strings in the word map as it loops until TestAccumulate runs and finally it sends a signal on closeCh.
An easy fix would be to move
after sending true on the closeCh. That way wdCh can't return the zero value until after you've signaled on the closeCh. Additionally, closeCh <- true blocks because closeCh doesn't have a buffer size, so wdCh won't get closed until after you've guaranteed that Accumulate has finished looping forever.
I think the reason is when you close the channle, "select" will although receive the signal.
So when you close "wdCh" in "func pushWords", the loop in Accumulate will receive signal from "<-wdCh".
May be you should add some code to test the action after channel is closed!
for {
select {
case word, ok := <-wdCh:
if !ok {
fmt.Println("channel wdCh is closed!")
fmt.Printf("word = %s\n", word)
case <-closeCh:
This is a function I wrote that adds a request to a request queue:
func (self *RequestQueue) addRequest(request *Request) {
self.queue[request.NormalizedUrl()] = request.ResponseChannel
and this is one of its tests:
func TestAddRequest(t *testing.T) {
before := len(rq.queue)
r := SampleRequests(1)[0]
if (len(rq.queue) - 1) != before {
t.Errorf("Failed to add request to queue")
When I run this test, the application hangs. If I comment out this test, everything works fine.
I think the problem is the locking inside the function. Is there something that I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!
The problem was an infinite loop in the SampleRequests() function:
func SampleRequests(num int) []Request {
requests := make([]Request, num, num+10)
for i := 0; i < len(requests); i++ {
r := NewRequest("GET", "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather", nil)
r.Params.Set("lat", "35")
r.Params.Add("lon", "139")
r.Params.Add("units", "metric")
requests = append(requests, r)
return requests
I was checking if i was less than the length of the array in the continuation condition of the for loop. With each iteration, an item was added to the array, the length increased and the for loop continued executing.
I want to test the type of the error returned against a table test of expected results, like so:
var tabletest = []struct{
instruction string
want string
err error
{"synonym for hi", "hello", nil}, // input, retval, errtype
{"synonym for hig", "", TranslationError{}},
{"sssnymm for hi", "", InstructionError{}},
func TestThesaurus(t *Testing) {
for _, testcase := range tabletest {
got, err := Thesaurus(testcase.instruction)
// check error type
// check result type
In the example above, different error sub-classes are returned based on the type of error that occurred. You may imagine that the caller of the made-up Thesaurus function would handle each error type differently.
What is the idiomatic way to assert that the type of error returned, and the type of error expected, are the same?
Use a type switch.
func TestThesaurus(t *Testing) {
for _, testcase := range tabletest {
got, err := Thesaurus(testcase.instruction)
// Don't use && because we want to trap all cases where err is nil
if err == nil {
if testcase.err != nil {
// failure
switch err.(type) {
case TranslationError:
if _,ok := (testcase.err).(TranslationError); !ok {
// failure
case InstructionError:
if _,ok := (testcase.err).(InstructionError); !ok {
// failure
// Unrecognized error, failure
It's definitely not as succinct as the reflect way of doing it, but I think it's more Go-ish and explicit.
There's also this idiom:
In Thesaurus...
import "errors"
var (
TranslationError = errors.New("")
InstructionError = errors.New("")
In Testcase...
if err != testcase.err {
However, I think in this idiom the errors must be defined in advance (i.e. the message cannot be changed).
reflect.TypeOf does the job:
import "reflect"
func TestThesaurus(t *Testing) {
for _, testcase := range tabletest {
got, err := Thesaurus(testcase.instruction)
// check error type
if goterr, wanterr := reflect.TypeOf(err), reflect.TypeOf(testcase.err);
goterr != wanterr {
t.Errorf("For instruction %q, unexpected error: %q. Wanted %q",
testcase.instruction, goterr, wanterr)
// check result type
if want := testcase.want; got != want {
t.Errorf("For instruction %q, got %q, want %q.",
testcase.instruction, got, want)
Whether or not it's idiomatic is for the community to decide.