Is it prime? TI-BASIC - primes

Hi Im trying to translate this code to TI-BASIC. Im having problems with how to change for loop into while loop and also with incrementing a number in TI-BASIC.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n, i, flag=0;
printf("Enter a positive integer: ");
if (flag==0)
printf("%d is a prime number.",n);
printf("%d is not a prime number.",n);
return 0;

You can efficiently use a While loop in this situation:
Input "NUMBER: ",A
If not(fPart(A/2
DelVar BWhile I<=D and B
If not(B
Disp "NOT

In TI-Basic a While loop works as you would expect and you can have conditions for it.
Incrementing a number is as simple as saying
Where 'i' is the incrementer.
To change a For loop into a While loop, you'll have to set up the While loop to constantly check to see if the number and increment have passed the upper bound while increasing the increment each run through.
If you wanted to mimic i++ or ++i in TI-Basic (Using a While loop), all you would have to change would be the arrangement of the code. Please note that TI-Basic For statements always operates under ++i.
Example (i++):
While X<10
Disp X
This will display (With each number on a new line)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Example (++i):
While X<10
Disp X
This will display (With each number on a new line)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Let it be noted that TI-Basic For statements are much much faster than While loops when it comes to incrementing and should almost always be considered superior for the task.
Integrating Timtech's idea to skip even numbers effectively halves the required time to check the primality of the number with the addition of only a few extra lines.
I expanded the idea to skip multiples of two and multiples of three.
Input "Number:",X:abs(X->X
If not(fPart(X/2)) or not(fPart(X/3:Return
If not(fPart(X/B)) or not(fPart((X+2)/B:Return
Test Number: 1003001
Time Required: ~4 Seconds (So much better than 15 :D)
Size: 65 Bytes

I dont see why you would want to use a while loop as ti-basic has for loops:
If N/I=int(N/I
If F
N/I=int(N/I is a way to check for a number's remainder (another way of saying N%I==0 but ti basic does not have modulus). Another trick here is setting I to its maximum bound (int(N/2) as a sort of "break" like other languages would have


c++ loops happy number cs101.1x

Practice Programming Assignment (PPA 03)
Happy Numbers: A number is called a happy number, if you repeat the process, of squaring the sum of the digits, till the value 1 is obtained. E.g. You need to do the following to perform this check: (a) compute the sum of the squares of its digits (b) if the resultant value is 1, then the number is a happy number, else execute point (a). If a number is not a happy number, there will be an endless loop/cycle to this execution.
Task: In this programming assignment, you are required to write code that checks whether the number is a happy number or not, for 10 cycles (iterations) only. 2 examples of happy numbers (limited to 10 cycles ) are given below:
You are required to do the following:
Find the sum of square of the digits of the number.
Check the result obtained in point 1. If it is 1, assign value 1 to the variable 'finalNumber', else again execute point 1, till the number obtained is 1 or till the number of cycle increases to 10.
Assign the iteration value to the variable 'cycle_no'.
Write the required code in C++. My code so far:
int number, finalnumber, a, cycle_no;
for (cycle_no=0,finalnumber=0;cycle_no<=10;cycle_no+=1)
for (a=0;number>0;number/=10)
if (finalnumber==1)
using namespace std;
int a, number ;
int cycle_no=1;
int sumdigits( int number)
int sum=0;
return sum;
int main(){
}if( sumdigits(number)==1)
cout<<sumdigits (number );
else cout<<number;

How does this program print number's digits in reverse?

#include <iostream>
int main() {
int nr;
while (nr > 0) {
int digit = nr % 10;
nr /= 10;
return 0;
Can someone please explain the workflow of this program, basically with the input "32" it outputs "23", that is good, thats my goal, my question is, why does it say "23" instead of just "2", why is the "3" being added in the end if i only said "cout digit". I get that the "3" comes from " nr /= 10", but why is it being outputed near the "2" to farm the answer "23"?
I get that the "3" comes from nr /= 10
Before the program gets to printing 3, it prints 2, which is a remainder you get after dividing 32 by 10.
The result of this division is, indeed, 3. Next loop iteration picks it up, and prints it, because 3 % 10 is 3.
The while makes two iterations. It tests if the condition is true, executes what is inside. Digit takes the value 2, nr becomes 3, it outputs 2. Then for the second iteration, nr is still bigger than 0, so digit becomes 3, nr becomes 0, it outputs 3. The condition is no longer met, so it exits the loop. (Using 23 as an input, that is)
Flow of your code
Your code works a follows (assuming you have entered the number 32, thus the variable nr is 32).
First iteration
Step 1
while(32 > 0)
result: true.
Step 2
int digit = nr % 10;
result: digit now contains the value 2 due to the remainder (%) operation.
Step 3
nr /= 10;
result: nr now contains the value 3, because 32 / 10 results in 3.2 which is a float, but since you are assigning this
number to an integer it implicit converts to the number 3.
Step 4
result: 2 (the variable digit is still unaffected since the remainder operation 2).
Second iteration
Step 1
while(3 > 0)
result: true (the condition in the while-loop get called again and the variable nr is 3).
Step 2
int digit = nr % 10;
result: digit now contains the value 3, because 3 % 10 = 3.
Step 3
nr /= 10;
Is not relevant anymore for any changes of the flow besides that the while-loop will terminate.
Step 4
result: 3 (since the digit variable is now 3).
So the complete output will be 23.
Because the while loop means the code within it is repeated until the condition is no longer satisfied. For a two digit number the print statement will therefore be executed twice.

Having trouble understanding a portion of code (bit operation)

I can't understand how to count number of 1's in binary representation.
I have my code, and I hope someone can explain it for me.
int count (int x)
int nr=0;
while(x != 0)
return nr;
Why while ? For example if i have 1011, it wouldn't stop at 0?
Why nr += x%2 ?
Why x/=2 ?!
nr += x % 2;
Imagine x in binary:
The Modulo operator returns the remainder from a / b.
Now the last bit of x is either a 0, in which case 2 will always go into x with 0 remainder, or a 1, in which case it returns a 1.
As you can see x % 2 will return (if the last bit is a one) a one, thus incrementing nr by one, or not, in which case nr is unchanged.
x /= 2;
This divides x by two, and because it is a integer, drops the remainder. What this means is is the binary was
It will find out how many times 2 would go into it, in this case 1. It effectively drops the last digit of the binary number because in base 2 (binary) the number of times 2 goes into a number is just the same as 'shifting' everything down a space (This is a poor explanation, please ask if you need elaboration). This effectively 'iterates' through the binary number, allowing the line about to check the next bit.
This will iterate until the binary is just 1 and then half that, drop the remainder and x will equal 0,
while (x != 0)
in which case exit the loop, you have checked every bit.
'count`is possibly not the most descriptive name for a function, consider naming it something more descriptive of its purpose.
nr will always be a integer greater or equal to zero, so you should probably have the return type unsigned int
int count (int x)
int nr=0;
while(x != 0)
return nr;
This program basically gives the numbers of set bits in a given integer.
For instance, lets start with the example integer 11 ( binary representation - 1011).
First flow will enter the while loop and check for the number, if it is equal to zero.
while(11 != 0)
Since 11 is not equal to zero it enter the while loop and nr is assigned the value 1 (11%2 = 1).nr += 11%2;
Then it executes the second line inside the loop (x = x/2). This line of code assigns the value 5 (11/2 = 5 ) to x.
Once done with the body of the while loop, it then again checks if x ie 5 is equal to zero.
while( 5 != 0).
Since it is not the case,the flow goes inside the while loop for the second time and nr is assigned the value 2 ( 1+ 5%2).
After that the value of x is divided by 2 (x/2, 5/2 = 2 )and it assigns 2 to x.
Similarly in the next loop, while (2 != 0 ), nr adds (2 + 2%2), since 2%2 is 0, value of nr remains 2 and value of x is decreased to 1 (2/2) in the next line.
1 is not eqaul to 0 so it enters the while loop for the third time.
In the third execution of the while loop nr value is increased to 3 (2 + 1%2).
After that value of x is reduced to 0 ( x = 1/2 which is 0).
Since it fails the check (while x != 0), the flow comes out of the loop.
At the end the value of nr (Which is the number of bits set in a given integer) is returned to the calling function.
Best way to understand the flow of a program is executing the program through a debugger. I strongly suggest you to execute the program once through a debugger.It will help you to understand the flow completely.

use of random() and randomize() in C++

Please explain me how the code i am providing gives the output as :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
int main()
int Num, Rndnum;
cin >> Num;
Rndnum = random(Num) + 7;
for (int N =1; N<=Rndnum; N++)
cout << N <<"";
Please explain me this code snippet
Well you are taking an input Num from the user and passing that to a random() function. You are then taking the returned value from that function and adding 7 to it and assigning it to Rndnum. Finally you are looping through from 1 to the Rndnum and printing of each of those numbers (1, 2, ...., Rndnum).
In the case of printing out 1 - 11 you must have gotten a return value of 4 from random(Num).
since I cannot see neither the function randomize() nor random(), I cannot tell you what they do but in this case the function call random(Num) gives back a 4, so Rndum adds up to 11.
Lastly, the for-loop repeates 11 (1 to inclusively 11) times and each time the output is the counter N itself.
So depending on what random does to your variable Num the number of iterations of your loop change.
Hope that helps!
P.S. If you want to look into random numbers in c++, take a look here
C++ rand

recursively print n, n-1, n-2,...3,2,1,2,3,...n

Hello I have a homework question I am stuck in..any hint or tips would be appreciated. the questions is:
Write a single recursive function in C++ that takes as argument a positive integer n then print n, n-1, n-2,...3,2,1,2,3,...n. How many recursive call does your algorithm makes? What is the worst case running time of your algorithm?
I am stuck in the first part. writing a recursive function that prints n, n-1, n-2,...3,2,1,2,3,...n
so far I have:
print(int n)
if (n==0)
cout<<n<<" ";
but this only prints from n to 1
I am lost about how I would print from 2 to n using just one parameter and recursively single function.
I tried this: which gives the correct output but has a loop and has two parameters:
p and z has the same value.
void print(int p,int z)
if (p==0)
for(int x=2;x<=z; x++)
cout<<x<<" ";
cout<<p<<" ";
any hint or tips is much appreciated thank you.
so it is working now, but I am having trouble understanding how (question in comment):
void print(int n)
if (n==1){
cout<< n;
print(n-1); // how does it get passed this? to the line below?
cout<<n; // print(n-1) takes it back to the top?
The output you want is mirrored, so you can have this series of steps:
print num
recursive step on num-1
print num again
That's the recursive case. Now you need an appropriate base case upon which to stop the recursion, which shouldn't be difficult.
Given the pseudocode:
if n == 1:
print 1
print n
print n
(If you prefer, just look at your solution instead).
Let's trace it. A dot will mark where we're up to in terms of printing.
. recursive_print(3) // Haven't printed anything
3 . recursive_print(2) 3 // Print the 3
3 2 . recursive_print(1) 2 3 //Print 2
3 2 1 . 2 3 // Print 1
3 2 1 2 . 3 // Print 2
3 2 1 2 3 . // Print 3
Each unrolling of the function gives us 2 numbers on opposite sides and we build down to the "1", then go back and print the rest of the numbers.
The "unrolling" is shown in this picture:
If you strip away the functions and leave yourself with a sequence of commands, you'll get:
print 3
print 2
print 1
print 2
print 3
where each indentation signifies a different function.
Simple solution for this:
Def fxn(n):
if n <= n:
if n > 0:
fxn(n - 1)
Def main():
Number = 6
If you struggle understanding how this works:
Basically, each time you call a function in a recursive problem, it isn't a loop. It's as if you were on the woods leaving a trail behind. Each time you call a function inside a function, it does its thing, then it goes right back to were you called it.
In other words, whenever you call a recursive function, once the newer attempt is done, it will go right back to were it used to be.
In loops, once each step is done, it is done, but in recursive functions you can do a lot with a lot less.
Printing before the recurse call in my code is the descension step, and once its descension finished, it will progresively unfold step by step, printing the ascension value and going back to the former recurse.
It seems way harder than it is, but it is really easy once you grasp it.
The answer is simpler than you think.
A recursive call is no different from a regular call. The only difference is that the function called is also the caller, so you need to make sure you don't call it forever (you already did that). Let's think about a regular call. If you have the following code snippet:
The statement1 is executed, then f is called and does it's thing and then, after f finishes, statement2 is executed.
Now, let's think about your problem. I can see that your hard work on this question from the second program you've written, but forget about it, the first one is very close to the answer.
Let's think about what your function does. It prints all numbers from n to 0 and then from 0 to n. At the first step, you want to print n, then all the numbers from n-1 to 0 and from 0 to n-1, and print another n. See where it's going?
So, you have to do something like this:
call f(n-1)
I hope my explanation is clear enough.
This is more of hack -- using the std::stream rather than recursion...
void rec(int n) {
if (n==1) { cout << 1; return; }
cout << n;
cout << n;
int main() {