Is it possible to extract emails from an email list - list

So my university has an email list in the form of:
If I send an email to it will send the email to all people in the list. My question is, how do I extract the emails individually giving me:


How can I add an unsubscribe link in a single email with Mailgun using SMTP?

I am having trouble figuring out how to put an unsubscribe link in my email that is SMTP integrated with Mailgun.
Any thoughts?
Mailgun provides you with several unsubscribe variables:
1) %unsubscribe_url% -- link to unsubscribe recipient from all messages sent by given domain
2) %tag_unsubscribe_url% -- link to unsubscribe from all tags provided in the message
3) %mailing_list_unsubscribe_url% -- link to unsubscribe from future messages sent to a mailing list
If you include these variables in your emails, any recipient that clicks on the url will be automatically unsubscribed and those email addresses will be blocked from receiving future emails from that domain or message tag as appropriate.
You can use it in a href link:
Click here to unsubscribe
Instead of giving entire domain as %unsubscribe_url% , it is better to add %tag_unsubscribe_url% only, so that all the tags which are part for the current email will get unscubscribe.
Here is the code
HTML link will be like
<a style="color: #8798AD;margin: 0;text-decoration: none;" href="%tag_unsubscribe_url%">Unsubscribe</a>
This will add unsubscribe link to all tags which are part of the current send email request.
so, it my send email request has 2 tags (i.e. Orage and Mango) this two tag will get unsubscribe by mailgun.
So if you send any email which contains one of these tag, then that email will not get deliver to client.
Java code example:
String from = "";
String to = "";
String subject="Sample email";
String replyTo="";
String html = "<body><h1>Hello</h1><a style="color: #8798AD;margin: 0;text-decoration: none;" href="%tag_unsubscribe_url%">Unsubscribe</a></body>";
List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();
MailGunRequest mailGunRequest = new MailGunRequest(from, to, subject, html, tags, replyTo);
ResponseEntity<MailGunResponse> mailGunResponseResponseEntity = mailGunClient.sendEmail(mailGunRequest);
for more reference refere :

How I can parse email to get original recipient of an email?

I had email source with me and want parse original recipient of email.
Lets say "" is receiving a email, but in "To" list, & are mentioned. I want to get only user1 from email source.
In initial analysis, email from mdeamon server contains "X-MDaemon-Deliver-To:" tag. Similarly email from Devcot mail server contains "Delivered-To:". But not getting generic parsing logic to get original email recipient.
How I can parse email to get original recipient of an email?
The best way to get this information is probably to parse the Received headers to see who the message was delivered for. In other words, look for a Received header that has a for token followed by (where will be the recipient).

Find email address in a bounced back email

I am trying to get the email addresses for which my mails bounced and the only way I could find was to read the bounced Email using javamail and try finding the Email addresses Contained in the Message. I am able to read the Emails and now My challenge is finding the Emails therein.
Here is My method:
public String findEmailInString(String message) {
String email = "";
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*#[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,4})$");
Matcher match = pat.matcher(message);
while (match.matches()) {
email =;
return email;
EDIT My messages are in this Format:
This is an informative message sent by
The server was not able to deliver your email message
Subject: GAtungo
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 15:52:58 +0300
to the following addresses:
<> ( Mailbox does not exist)"
This Method is returning null despite the fact that there are email addresses in the message body. Is there a better way to achieve this?
I know that this doesn't answer the question directly but the normal practice here isn't to attempt to parse the bounce message at all.
Instead when you send your emails out you set a different Return-Path header for each email that you send. You can then uniquely identify which user this message is from.
This technique is called VERP.

Get the list of mail chimp subscribers in rails

I am working on a simple rails rails app and i have so many subscribers in my mail mailchimp account and i want to get my all subscribers and send the a mail from my rails app. How do i get my subscribers emails in an array.
my code sample is below
def send_now
#news_letter = NewsLetter.find(params[:id])
gb ="xxx")
members = gb.lists.members({:id => 'xxx'})
#for each goes here to send the mail
redirect_to manage_news_letter_path(#news_letter), notice: "Sent news Letter"
I can get the list of subscribers but how can i split out their email into a for_each method in rails cos the format is i in a hash. any help thanks.
example output is below
{"email"=>"", "id"=>"xx", "euid"=>"xx", "email_type"=>"html", "ip_signup"=>nil, "timestamp_signup"=>nil, "ip_opt"=>"", "timestamp_opt"=>"2014-02-21 10:38:20", "member_rating"=>2, "info_changed"=>"2014-02-21 10:38:20", "web_id"=>xx, "leid"=>xx, "language"=>nil, "list_id"=>"xx", "list_name"=>"Blanckdigital website List", "merges"=>{"EMAIL"=>"", "FNAME"=>"", "LNAME"=>""}, "status"=>"subscribed", "timestamp"=>"2014-02-21 10:38:20", "is_gmonkey"=>false, "lists"=>[], "geo"=>[], "clients"=>[], "static_segments"=>[], "notes"=>[]}
what i want is is just the email alone for each of the subscribers

Redirect users to their specified email accounts with receiver and message fields pre-filled

I have an email address "". I have created a django form that has a text field and a button. I want to redirect anyone who types a message in the text box to their respective emails so that they can send the message they typed to "my address". This means that as they log in to their email accounts, their message boxes should already be filled with the message they typed and the receiver field should already have "". The problem is how to redirect the users to their email accounts and prefill the specified fields.
Can anyone help me please?
If the user has set a default email program, most of them will be triggered on mailto:. I know gmail works with mailto: as well, and its possible that other web email services might. All desktop email clients - again only if it is set as the default email program will work on mailto:
The format is:
Here is an example that sets the subject of the email automatically:
Email me