MAMP PRO Can't Find WebStart - mamp-pro

I've upgraded from MAMP PRO v2 to v3. Now MAMP PRO can't find WebStart. My browser is going to http://localhost/MAMP/?language=English but can't find a page there?
What do I need to fix?

By default MAMP runs on port 8888 so you need to go to

You may already have found a solution. Anyway,
two things to check:
MAMP PRO -> Settings -> Webstart
ServerRoot "/Applications/MAMP/Library"
DocumentRoot "MAMP_DocumentRoot_MAMP"

For me the issue was that my servers weren't started. If anyone else stumbles upon the same problem...


Localhost Coldfusion install showing cfquery parameters on page (Not speaking with ODBC)

Run cfquery of remote server on local Coldfusion install.
The cfquery parameters are printing onto the screen, instead of running query on remote.Example of cfquery parameter printout on screen
Running Mac OS X Mojave (10.14.3).
Coldfusion is installed. I can access the CF Admin panel at http://localhost:8500/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm
Data Source is installed in Coldfusion Admin and status is "OK"
Using Mamp Pro 5.3. It's running -- can start and stop Apache.
Apache is running on port 80
Updated ODBC Actual SQL Server drivers (Version 4.2.0 from ActualTech). Tested connection to server with driver and it is working.
Remote database is using port 1433
I'm sure there are more questions to answer, but hopefully that's a decent start. What am I doing wrong?
Update: 3/17/2019
Feeling stuck here. I've uninstalled and reinstalled CF2018 and MAMP Pro. I've used the wsconfig applet for Adobe Coldfusion (ACF) as described by Brian Lang and I've also tried the manual approach as described by Adobe.
Update: 4/19/2019
I may have figured this out, now that there is a release of Mac OS 10.14.4. Going to test it on another computer to confirm that the process works and that I have all the steps documented, then will share answers.
The solution to this problem had to do with a conflict with Mac OS X and Coldfusion/Apache. Because Mac OS X 10.14.4 fixed the "mod_jk" file that was conflicting with Apache, Coldfusion 2018 can now run on Mac OS X.
In order to solve the problem, I needed to:
upgrade Mac OS X to 10.14.4
stop all other servers
install Coldfusion 2018
set up Coldfusion Apache Connector
set up local virtual host
I confirmed that it worked on another computer, and have documented detailed instructions in this post:
Fair warning: I think that the mod_jk issue in Mac OS 10.14.3 and prior was the issue, but there were so many different aspects I tested in the process, that there may be unique issues related to your particular computer's configuration. I hope hope this helps anyone out there having issues.

WAMP server directories within web directory(www) are not accessible

The problem I am facing is that I just upgraded to Win 7 64-bit and installed Wamp server with VC++ and it works fine.
But I can't access subdirectories in the web directory (C:\wamp\www), I can access the files although.
Please guide me through.
It is now strongly advised that you create Virtual Hosts for all your project, even those that you store in the \wamp\www\project1 folder structure.
WampServer now assumes that you have done this, and that is why you get this issue.
Here is a previous answer Project Links do not work on Wamp Server

Wamp server icon will not turn green

I read many similar questions about it but the solutions are not working for me.
The icon says WAMP Server online but it stays orange.
when I test port 80 under Apache/services/Test port 80 it says that port 80 is actually used by: Server: Apache/2.2.8 PHP/5.2.6
Shouldn't that be a good thing? As there are no other programs using port 80, despite that when I type local host I get a weird page instead of the normal one, it has pink bars
The AppServ Open Project - 2.5.10 for Windows
phpMyAdmin Database Manager Version 2.10.3
PHP Information Version 5.2.6
About AppServ Version 2.5.10 for Windows
AppServ is a merging open source software installer package for Windows includes :
Apache Web Server Version 2.2.8
PHP Script Language Version 5.2.6
MySQL Database Version 5.0.51b
phpMyAdmin Database Manager Version 2.10.3
Official Site :
Hosting support by :
Change Language :
Easy way to build Webserver, Database Server with AppServ :-)
I really need to start working in this project but this is preventing me from even starting.
I have solution...
Click WampServer icon in tray icons -> Apache -> Service -> Install service
(same for mysql -> Service -> Install service )
Then, Apache -> Service -> Start service (same for MySql -> Service -> Start service)
done! Enjoy :-)
If you are running Skype, stop it since it uses port80 which is needed by WAMP
You can also switch the port needed for Wamp.
Follow this article
How to change port number for apache in WAMP
Unless you really know what you are doing you should only have ONE Apache on your system.
Basically WAMPServer and APPServ are the same thing, that is they are installers for the WAMP Stack i.e. Apache, MySQL and PHP.
You only need one of them so uninstall the other, of course remember to backup anything you may want to move over to the other before you uninstall one of them.
Check if MySQL is running or not
Click on Wamp icon in icon tray then
if Start/Resume Service is visible and clickable it means your MySQL service is not running that's why it is giving you problem.
It's possible that you have installed some other application that installed and running MySQL - so already having one MySQL running is what conflicting with wamp's MySQL.
How to stop other MySQL from running?
Simply go to My Computer and search for file name "my.ini" (without quotes)
There should be at-least two my.ini files on your computer delete all other my.ini except the one in wamp directory
Restart your computer and start the wamp server it should solve your problem
As of WampServer 2.5 (64bit), these are the things I had to do to get it to go green:
In your my.ini
Change [wampmysqld] to [wampmysqld64]. Now when you start/stop wamp you should get information in your mysql log file (and errors if you have any).
I uncommented all the innodb lines under where it says Uncomment the following if you are using InnoDB tables (except for innodb_log_arch_dir and innodb_additional_mem_pool_size).
Make sure the innodb_data_home_dir is set properly, like innodb_data_home_dir = C:/wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.6.17/data/. Do the same for innodb_log_group_home_dir.
Change the locale line to read lc-messages=en_US for English.
You can confirm mysql is up and running with Wamp Icon > Mysql > Service (Start/Resume service should be greyed out)
Install and start apache:
Wamp Icon > Apache > Service > Install Service.
Wamp Icon > Apache > Service > Start. (you can click on "test port 80" to see if something was blocking it like others have mentioned, such as skype, sql reports, etc.)
During the starting of WAMP server, the Apache service should be started as well. In case, it doesn’t start; WAMP server won’t perform as it should be.
To fix this issue, navigate to the WAMP server icon in the system tray > Apache > Service administration ‘wampapache64’ > Install Service.
it will open the Command Prompt on your screen. After closing the Command Prompt, go to the same path and click on Start/Resume Service.
The WAMP server icon should turn to green right away.
In case you can have all these but still, the icon is displaying orange color, you need to click on Restart Service button.

wamp server not working on 8.1

I just upgrade to win8.1 from win8 and I can't start wamp server (2.2 x64)
It was working fine on win8
Try checking that the Apache and MySQL services are still registered as services.
Look in Windows Services for services called - 'wampapache' and wampmysql'
Or if you have WAMPServer 64bit wampapache64 and wampmysqld64
If they dont exist do the following:-
wampmanager -> MySQL -> Service -> Install Service
wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Install Service
Then try to restart all services.
After Upgrading of window to window 8.1.
Please click on the wamp icon go to apache then services and then click on install services. And then go to mysql and services and click on install services and the restart your wamp. And enjoy your coding. Hurry
I've also gone through this situation. I checked the services and there "wampapche" and "wampmysqld" services are disable I've tried to start the services and the service didn't start stating a 1058 error. Then I changed the startup type from manual to automatic and now it's working.
all of your's answers are wrong, not only wampserver but also xampp is not working on windows 8.1 because apache server is not running in windows 8.1 with port 80, becouse port 80 is system reserved port.
#Ahmed that has been what described on the above posts. The simple answer is after upgrade we need to restart the services as they are stopped and yes it depends on the user whether they are going to keep it running or closed as they can choose whether to start manually or automatically.
Apparently Windows 8/8.1 are missing some essentials. The solution is to install Microsoft Essentials for Windows 8/8.1. This adds the .NET framework with all the necessary APIs that allow Wamp to function as designed. You can download Windows Essentials from herE: . I have already tested this out on several devices, including my laptop and desktop running both Windows 8 and 8.1. Good luck! :)

changing CF9 root directory wwwroot to Sites on mac

I have installed CF9 development edition and would like to change the web folder to Sites on my mac rather than wwwroot in the coldfusion 9 folder.
Any ideas how I can achieve this?
You sure can. Here are the instructions:
link text
Add any other questions you have.
(On windows) I usually just modify the web root path in jrun-web.xml.