How to run in Eclipse Pydev Interactive Console - django

I am trying to run to validate models (as: validate) in the Interactive Shell of a Django project (called djangonew) using Pydev
The PYTHONPATH is set to include /djangonew ... so import djangonew and then dir(djangonew) actually gives me a name as 'settings' in the subfolder /djangonew/djangonew
but at the command-line I am unable run (and even find it)
How do I solve this issue? Thanks much

right click on project, open menu django-> custom command
and type verify ( or other command after "")


[django]how can i change

Several configuration files exist.
If these files have different names
How do I change the settings file every time I run this command?
"python runserver"
Its so simple
read Main Django Tutorial, its all about setting django configuration
a shortcut for using in runserver command is --settings= and this also works with uwsgi
but if you intend to change setting without re-running the server django-constance is the answer
you can add to file
def main():
"""Run administrative tasks."""
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'project_name.settings_name')
After that run
py ----

startapp in pydev

Hi everyone i want to To write a Django view for the main page, and i know that first i need to create a Django application inside my project. I know that i should write the following: $ python startapp name , in a coomand line but my problem is that i don't know how can i do this into the pydev(eclipse). Does anybody knows?
$ python startapp name
filename contains-> __init__
Right click on project root -> Django -> Create application ( startapp).
After creating a Django project inside PyDev, you should be able to right-click the project and select the Django entry for Django related actions... one of those is Create application ( startapp), which may be used to create the Django application.
Check: if you need more info on setting an existing project as a Django project or creating the actual project.

Django management task won't work on CentOS in crontab or outside project directory

On my local machine (Mac OSX 10.6) I wrote a django custom admin command which works great. I can use it both within and outside my project directory just fine. For some reason on my CentOS 5.6 server, it won't work from outside the project directory. This is really annoying since using this custom admin command in a cron job requires it to run from the home directory.
in short:
When I run "python ./ scrape" or "python scrape", everything is fine.
When I run "python /home/[username]/webapps/myproject/ scrape" or "python myproject/ scrape", I get the following error:
unknown command: 'scrape'
Type ' help' for usage.
On CentOS, when I run help inside the project directory, scrape shows up as a command; but if I run it outside the project directory, scrape does not appear as a valid command. On OS-X scrape appears as a valid command regardless of where I run help from.
Any idea how I can fix this?
I know CentOS ships with Python 2.4, so is your code running on 2.4 or are you using a contained environment, this is usually fixed by adding your PYTHONPATH correctly
import sys
print sys.path
verify such for starters
This should get you up and running:

Django, error with custom admin commands when executing with absolute path

I have a custom admin command named which is under /home/user/project/monitor/management/commands. If I change directory to /home/user/ and execute:
user#localhost:~/project$ ./ temperature
It runs ok, and its listed in the available commands. But if I try running it with the absolute path:
user#localhost:/$ /home/user/project/ temperature
It says the command does not exist, it does not show up in the available commands either. I have django 1.2.1 with python 2.6.5 in ubuntu 10.04. Could this be a problem with django? is it the python version? Thanks in advance
Found the reason, it seems that django is looking for the settings under the main directory, if it fails to find one, it will use the defaults. You can change your python path or use this in your file

Modifing settings in Django

I'm trying to get Django's to run with modified settings files.
I have three settings files contains my base settings but on live & preview sites I point the ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] to live or preview which in turn load the base file and any settings specific to that environment.
This works fine, until I try to run migrations using
I updated the file to import settings.preview but now when I try to run syncdb or migrate I get this error:
You haven't set the DATABASE_ENGINE
setting yet.
My settings file has this in it though:
How can I get this to work?
Don't modify if you can help it. Instead pass it the --settings argument to choose an alternate settings module. Setting up a shell script or alias will make it easier to use this.