On a c++ efficient storage, flushing into file(s) strategy - c++

Here is the situation: A c++ program is endlessly generating data in a regular fashion. The data needs to be stored in persistent storage very quickly so it does not impede the computing time. It is not possible to know the amount of data that will be stored in advance.
After reading this and this posts, I end up following this naive strategy:
Creating one std::ofstream ofs
Opening a new file ofs.open("path/file", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app)
Adding std::string using the operator <<
Closing the file has terminated ofs.close()
Nevertheless, I am still confused about the following:
Since the data will only be read afterwards, is it possible to use a binary (ios::binary) file storage? Would that be faster?
I have understood that flushing should be done automatically by std::ofstream, I am safe to use it as such? Is there any impact on memory I should be aware of? Do I have to optimize the std::ofstream in some ways (changing its size?)?
Should I be concerned about the file getting bigger and bigger? Should I close it at some point and open a new one?
Does using std::string have some drawbacks? Is there some hidden conversions that could be avoided?
Is using std::ofstream::write() more advantageous?
Thanks for your help.

1.Since the data will only be read afterwards, is it possible to use a binary (ios::binary) file storage? Would that be faster?
Since all the datatype on any storage device is binary telling compiler to save it so will result in more or less optimized saving of 0's & 1's. It depends on... many things and how you are going to use/read it after. Some of them listed in Writing a binary file in C++ very fast.
When comes to storing on HD, perfomance of your code is always limited to speed of particular HD (which is widespread fact).
Try to give a "certainty/frames" to your questions, they are too general for stating as "problem"

I'm probably not answering your direct questions, but please excuse me trying if I take a step back.
If I understand the issue correctly, the concern is about staying too long writing to disk that would delay the endless data generation.
Perhaps you can allocate a thread just for writing, while processing continues on the main thread.
The writer thread could awake at periodic intervals to write to disk what it has been generated so far.
Communication between the two threads can be either:
two buffers (one active where the generation happens, one frozen, ready to be written to disk on the next batch)
or a queue of data, inserted by the producer and removed by the consumer/writer.


Thread Optimization [duplicate]

I have an input file in my application that contains a vast amount of information. Reading over it sequentially, and at only a single file offset at a time is not sufficient for my application's usage. Ideally, I'd like to have two threads, that have separate and distinct ifstreams reading from two unique file offsets of the same file. I can't just start one ifstream up, and then make a copy of it using its copy constructor (since its uncopyable). So, how do I handle this?
Immediately I can think of two ways,
Construct a new ifstream for the second thread, open it on the same file.
Share a single instance of an open ifstream across both threads (using for instance boost::shared_ptr<>). Seek to the appropriate file offset that current thread is currently interested in, when the thread gets a time slice.
Is one of these two methods preferred?
Is there a third (or fourth) option that I have not yet thought of?
Obviously I am ultimately limited by the hard drive having to spin back and forth, but what I am interested in taking advantage of (if possible), is some OS level disk caching at both file offsets simultaneously.
Two std::ifstream instances will probably be the best option here. Modern HDDs are optimized for a large queue of I/O requests, so reading from two std::ifstream instances concurrently should give quite nice performance.
If you have a single std::ifstream you'll have to worry about synchronizing access to it, plus it might defeat the operating system's automatic sequential access read-ahead caching, resulting in poorer performance.
Between the two, I would prefer the second. Having two openings of the same file might cause an inconsistent view between the files, depending on the underlying OS.
For a third option, pass a reference or raw pointer into the other thread. So long as the semantics are that one thread "owns" the istream, the raw pointer or reference are fine.
Finally note that on the vast majority of hardware, the disk is the bottleneck, not CPU, when loading large files. Using two threads will make this worse because you're turning a sequential file access into a random access. Typical hard disks can do maybe 100MB/s sequentially, but top out at 3 or 4 MB/s random access.
Other option:
Memory-map the file, create as many memory istream objects as you want. (istrstream is good for this, istringstream is not).
It really depends on your system. A modern system will generally read
ahead; seeking within the file is likely to inhibit this, so should
definitly be avoided.
It might be worth experimenting how read-ahead works on your system:
open the file, then read the first half of it sequentially, and see how
long that takes. Then open it, seek to the middle, and read the second
half sequentially. (On some systems I've seen in the past, a simple
seek, at any time, will turn off read-ahead.) Finally, open it, then
read every other record; this will simulate two threads using the same
file descriptor. (For all of these tests, use fixed length records, and
open in binary mode. Also take whatever steps are necessary to ensure
that any data from the file is purged from the OS's cache before
starting the test—under Unix, copying a file of 10 or 20 Gigabytes
to /dev/null is usually sufficient for this.
That will give you some ideas, but to be really certain, the best
solution would be to test the real cases. I'd be surprised if sharing a
single ifstream (and thus a single file descriptor), and constantly
seeking, won, but you never know.
I'd also recommend system specific solutions like mmap, but if you've
got that much data, there's a good chance you won't be able to map it
all in one go anyway. (You can still use mmap, mapping sections of it
at a time, but it becomes a lot more complicated.)
Finally, would it be possible to get the data already cut up into
smaller files? That might be the fastest solution of all. (Ideally,
this would be done where the data is generated or imported into the
My vote would be a single reader, which hands the data to multiple worker threads.
If your file is on a single disk, then multiple readers will kill your read performance. Yes, your kernel may have some fantastic caching or queuing capabilities, but it is going to be spending more time seeking than reading data.

reading big data in C++

Im using C++ to read large files with over 30000 lines and 3000 colums. (30000 x 3000) matrix. im using a 2d vector to push the read data. But i need to do this process a couple of times. Is there any way to optimize the reading process?
I Will give you some ideas but not exact solution. Because I do not know full details of your system.
Actually if you have this much big file with data and only some data change in next reading. try to use some Data base methodology.
For performance you can use concurrent file reading (read same file part by part by using multiple thread).
If you need to process data as well, then use separate thread(s) to process and may possible to link by a queue or parallel queues.
If your data length is fixed (such as fix length numbers). and if you know the changed location, try to read only changed data instead of reading and processing whole file again and again.
if any of above not helped use memory mapping methodology. If you looking for portability, Boost Memory-Mapped Files will support you to reduce your works
Memory map mechanism is Ok, since there are only reading operations.

Performance when reading a file line by line vs reading the whole file

Is there a noticeable difference (in theory) when reading a while line by line compared to reading the whole file in one go?
Reading the whole file does have a negative impact on the amount of memory used but does it work faster?
I need to read a file and process each line. I don't know whether I should read one line at a time and process it, or read the whole file, process all, then write to output.
I've already setup the prgm to read line by line and I want to know whether it is worth the effort to change it to read the whole file (not easy given my setup).
Reading the whole file will be slightly faster -- but not much!
But be careful reading the whole file is not scalable as you are limited by the available memory in the system, once the file size exceeds the size of RAM avaibale to your program it will start using swap space will be much slower. If the file size exceeds the size of virtual memory available then your program will crash.
I think it would depend on the needs of your application (like most things, I know). Reading a 1 MB file in Node js is ~3-4x faster with fs.readFile() than using a readable stream or line reader as far as just file reading goes. Streams may offer some additional performance if the file is very large and you are processing input on the fly. It may also be ideal if your application is already consuming a lot of memory as a Node process has a ~1.5 GB memory limit on 64 bit systems. Processing chunks as they come in may also be more performant if the source of the data is slow relative to how fast the cpu can process it (archives on HDD or tape, network connections like TCP). As far as reading a file into memory vs. streaming it into memory, I am guessing the function call overhead of emitting data events and switching to the processing function callback slow down the process.
Like others, I believe doing bigger reads will improve the performance of your application some, but don't expect miracles, I/O is already buffered at the OS layer, so you'll only be gaining by reducing the overhead of having too many read calls. Reading the whole file in one go is dangerous, unless you know the maximum possible size for your input files. A most reasonable approach is to read the file in large blocks.
If you wanted to improve even more, you should consider overlapping the I/O with the processing. Let's say you read the input file in blocks of 128MB. On your main thread you read the first 128MB block and then pass it on to a worker thread for processing. While the worker thread gets to work the main thread reads the second 128MB block. From that point on, while the worker thread is processing block N, the main thread is reading block N+1 from disk.
Reading the entire file into memory is generally not a good idea because the files can be huge and may take up a lot of memory and in worst case run out of memory. So, to balance performance and memory usage, you read a block of file into a buffer and parse through the buffer. When you are done processing the block, read the next block until EOF.
Deciding on a good block size will have to be done based on what you want to achieve.
To be honest, after studying the efficiency for a while during my degree, I came to conclude this about your question: it depends how often this file is going to be read. If you reading it once, then do the whole thing, because that would just free the process for other tasks.
Again one more thing to keep in your mind, is the file going to be edited later and require update (as in read the updated part only?) if so you might need to set a marker to recgonise where to read from (and then again how often it is updated?). But yes if it is a one time job, go ahead and read it as a whole, as long as you do not require tokens to be created of certain literals in the file.
hope this helps.
One factor is how much data you are going to be reading, and so how long the program initially takes to run, i.e. whether there's any benefit in working on the performance.
See the book quotes in this answer for some good, general advice on thinking about software performance.
(I know you're for an answer in theory, but this aspect of when to worry about performance is also important, whenever you have a finite amount of time to spend.)

Need some help writing my results to a file

My application continuously calculates strings and outputs them into a file. This is being run for almost an entire day. But writing to the file is slowing my application. Is there a way I can improve the speed ? Also I want to extend the application so that I can send the results to an another system after some particular amount of time.
Thanks & Regards,
There are several things that may or may not help you, depending on your scenario:
Consider using asynchronous I/O, for instance by using Boost.Asio. This way your application does not have to wait for expensive I/O-operations to finish. However, you will have to buffer your generated data in memory, so make sure there is enough available.
Consider buffering your strings to a certain size, and then write them to disk (or the network) in big batches. Few big writes are usually faster than many small ones.
If you want to make it really good C++, meaning STL-comliant, make your algorithm a template-function that takes and output-iterator as argument. This way you can easily have it write to files, the network, memory or the console by providing appropriate iterators.
How if you write the results to a socket, instead of file. Another program Y, will read the socket, open a file, write on it and close it, and after the specified time will transfer the results to another system.
I mean the process of file handling is handled by other program. Original program X just sends the output to the socket. It does not concern it self with flushing the file stream.
Also I want to extend the application
so that I can send the results to an
another system after some particular
amount of time.
If you just want to transfer the file to other system, then I think a simple script will be enough for that.
Use more than one file for the logging. Say, after your file reaches size of 1 MB, change its name to something contains the date and the time and start to write to a new one, named as the original file name.
then you have:
results2010-1-2-1-12-30.txt (January 2 2010, 1:12:30)
and so on.
You can buffer the result of different computations in memory and only write to the file when buffer is full. For example, your can design your application in such a way that, it computes result for 100 calculations and writes all those 100 results at once in a file. Then computes another 100 and so on.
Writing file is obviously slow, but you can buffered data and initiate the separate thread for writhing on file. This can improve speed of your application.
Secondly you can use ftp for transfer files to other system.
I think there are some red herrings here.
On an older computer system, I would recommend caching the strings and doing a small number of large writes instead of a large number of small writes. On modern systems, the default disk-caching is more than adequate and doing additional buffering is unlikely to help.
I presume that you aren't disabling caching or opening the file for every write.
It is possible that there is some issue with writing very large files, but that would not be my first guess.
How big is the output file when you finish?
What causes you to think that the file is the bottleneck? Do you have profiling data?
Is it possible that there is a memory leak?
Any code or statistics you can post would help in the diagnosis.

All things equal what is the fastest way to output data to disk in C++?

I am running simulation code that is largely bound by CPU speed. I am not interested in pushing data in/out to a user interface, simply saving it to disk as it is computed.
What would be the fastest solution that would reduce overhead? iostreams? printf? I have previously read that printf is faster. Will this depend on my code and is it impossible to get an answer without profiling?
This will be running in Windows and the output data needs to be in text format, tab/comma separated, with formatting/precision options for mostly floating point values.
Construct (large-ish) blocks of data which can be sequentially written and use asynchronous IO.
Accurately Profiling will be painfull, read some papers on the subject: scholar.google.com.
I haven't used them myself, but I've heard memory mapped files offer the best optimisation opportunities to the OS.
Edit: related question, and Wikipedia article on memory mapped files — both mention performance benefits.
My thought is that you are tackling the wrong problem. Why are you writing out vast quantities of text formatted data? If it is because you want it to be human readable, writing a quick browser program to read the data in binary format on the fly - this way the simulation application can quickly write out binary data and the browser can do the grunt work of formatting the data as and when needed. If it is because you are using some stats package to read and analyse text data then write one that inputs binary data.
Scott Meyers' More Effective C++ point 23 "Consider alternate libraries" suggests using stdio over iostream if you prefer speed over safety and extensibility. It's worth checking.
The fastest way is what is fastest for your particular application running on its typical target OS and hardware. The only sensible thing to do do is to try several approaches and time them. You probably don't need a complete profile, and the exercise should only take a few hours. I would test, in this order:
normal C++ stream I/O
normal stream I/O using ostream::write()
use of the C I/O library
use of system calls such as write()
asynch I/O
And I would stop when I found a solution that was fast enough.
Text format means it's for human consumption. The speed at which humans can read is far, far lower than the speed of any reasonable output method. There's a contradiction somewhere. I suspect the "output must be text format".
Therefore, I beleive the correct was is to output binary, and provide a separate viewer to convert individual entries to readable text. Formatting in the viewer need only be as fast as people can read.
Mapping the file to memory (i.e. using a Memory Mapped File) then just memcopy-ing data there is a really fast way of reading/writing.
You can use several threads/cores to write to the data, and the OS/kernel will sync the pages to disk, using the same kind of routines used for virtual memory, which one can expect to be optimized to hell and back, more or less.
Chiefly, there should be few extra copies/buffers in memory when doing this. The writes are caught by interrupts and added to the disk queue once a page has been written.
Open the file in binary mode, and write "unformatted" data to the disc.
fstream myFile;
myFile.open ("mydata.bin", ios:: in | ios::out | ios::binary);
class Data {
int key;
double value;
char[10] desc;
Data x;
myFile.seekp (location1);
myFile.write ((char*)&x, sizeof (Data));
EDIT: The OP added the "Output data needs to be in text format, whether tab or comma separated." constraint.
If your application is CPU bound, the formatting of output is an overhead that you do not need. Binary data is much faster to write and read than ascii, is smaller on the disc (e.g. there are fewer total bytes written with binary than with ascii), and because it is smaller it is faster to move around a network (including a network mounted file system). All indicators point to binary as a good overall optimization.
Viewing the binary data can be done after the run with a simple utility that will dump the data to ascii in whatever format is needed. I would encourage some version information be added to the resulting binary data to ensure that changes in the format of the data can be handled in the dump utility.
Moving from binary to ascii, and then quibbling over the relative performance of printf versus iostreams is likely not the best use of your time.
The fastest way is completion-based asynchronous IO.
By giving the OS a set of data to write, which it hasn't actually written when the call returns, the OS can reorder it to optimise write performance.
The API for doing this is OS specific: on Linux, its called AIO; on Windows its called Completion Ports.
A fast method is to use double buffering and multiple threads (at least two).
One thread is in charge of writing data to the hard drive. This task checks the buffer and if not empty (or another rule perhaps) begins writing to the hard drive.
The other thread writes formatted text to the buffer.
One performance issue with hard drives is the amount of time required to get up to speed and position the head to the correct location. To avoid this from happening, the objective is to continually write to the hard drive so that it doesn't stop. This is tricky and may involve stuff outside of your program's scope (such as other programs running at the same time). The larger the chunk of data written to the hard drive, the better.
Another thorn is finding empty slots on the hard drive to put the data. A fragmented hard drive would be slower than a formatted or defragmented drive.
If portability is not an issue, you can check your OS for some APIs that perform block writes to the hard drive. Or you can go down lower and use the API that writes directly to the drive.
You may also want your program to change it's priority so that it is one of the most important tasks running.