embedding .exe applications on a QT form - c++

I wanted to know if its possible to embed other .exe applications on a QT form.
Say i have an app called foo.exe. Now I want to lauch foo.exe through my application. I know I could do that using QProcess::startDetached() however I would like that program to run within my form.Is that possible ?

Believe what you want is a kind of "EMBED", there seems to be something done, but I can direct you to a few ways:
In X Window System we have o "X-Embed"
For Windows exists Cygwin/X (apparently to run "multi-threaded" in "google chrome" uses cygwin).
QT X11 Systems: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qvfb.html
Nice example: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2009/03/experimental-process-per-tab-browser-created-with-qt-xembed/ (outdated)
You can create Activex Controls, see example: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/activeqt-server.html
In two suggestions that you spent the programs you want to add to your main program should be created by you, in other words, programs that are not compiled with "Cygwin" or is not an "ActiveX" (QT you can add controls ActiveX, such as Internet Explorer or MSExcel).
Believe both examples programs work as "servers" and its main program as a "client", in other words, other processes need not necessarily one graphical interface, I believe the main software is who works the GUI part.
For this reason the programs should be "embedded" created with the purpose of "embedding"
Alternative solution (DotNet and user32.dll)
See article:


Application Qt and Qwt won't run from menu

Greetings for the first time:
Usually I can work my way through problems like this but I think I need help for this one.
I have developed a small utility for myself to plot some data using Qt and Qwt under Mint. When I run the application from Qt Creator everything works fine. Once I added (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/qwt-6.1.3/lib") to my .bashrc file, I can invoke the application from the terminal with “./PlotAccountsChange” and it woks. Also the ldd command shows all dependencies have been found.
The problem I am having is that the application can not be invoked from the Nemo file manager, or from the menu system if I add the link to the executable in the menu, or from a link to the executable placed on the desktop. In all of these cases I get no indication at all, just nothing happens. Any other application that I have created using Qt but that doesn’t use Qwt invokes without problems.
Thank you, regards,
B Kace

Qt C++ application: self autostart installation in Linux

I'm porting some Qt Windows/VC++ code to Linux/GCC. The application can add it's own shortcut to the Windows Autostart folder so the application starts after login.
I want to do the same in Linux. I'm using Kubuntu 15.10 but the solution should work for virtually all (or at least most) Linux variants out there. And it should work without super user rights (or it should request the rights automatically).
I searched the web and found two solutions:
Add a desktop entry file to $HOME/.config/autostart
Add a symbolic link to /etc/init.d/
Will they both work in all Linux distributions? What are the differences? Which is to be preferred?
Also I would like to know if I should do that by programmatically running a shell command or if there is some native API I could use in C/C++ (including easy error detection).
I have put project in GitHub for managing auto-start feature in different OS. It's written in Qt.
Please check it and let me know if you have any problem using it:
You can add application in various ways.
Via linux init system. For newest linux OS systemd is a standard. In this case your need to create systemd unit for your application
Via desktop manager, such as gnome, kde and possible others. In this case you need also create specification for autostarting your app.
Via bash files
I think, prefered way via systemd unit, because now this is standard way for starting process at boot time and for special user, if need.

Show command prompt with Qt Creator and CMake

The dev environment in question consists of:
Windows 7
MinGW (g++)
Qt Creator
The problem is that Qt Creator, a lovely IDE as far as I can tell, does not display programs' command-line output. It seems to have its own proprietary debug pane, but it doesn't give me, for example, runtime errors. It just tells me that the program has failed and gives me the exit code. I'm using Creator only for its C++ capabilities, and not using Qt in any way, so the proprietary pane is useless to me.
So I ask this: Can something be done? Am I missing something really, stupidly obvious like a built-in command line? Or, if not, can I at least use some filthy and/or repulsive hack to get it to display the Windows command prompt upon running a program?
Last thing; I did do some research, and found a way to edit the Qt project file to display the prompt, but... I'm using CMake, not Qt projects. So that doesn't answer my question. If I can do something similar with CMakeLists.txt, that would be wonderful. But Google has failed me on that front, so I'm not holding out too much hope.
I'm specifically worried about runtime errors. cout and printf are rerouted to Qt Creator's window, so that's fine. I don't get runtime errors unless the debugger catches them, and the frequency of that is less than ideal.
Windows GUI programs don't have standard output.
In Windows there are two possible entry points in the standard runtime. The console one and the windows one. The console one will inherit console window from parent process or create a new one and connect the standard input/output/error streams to it, while the windows one will leave them unconnected unless they were explicitly redirected by the invoking process. A Qt application is (probably; you could have console Qt-Core application) a GUI application and Qt Creator (nor any other Windows IDE) does not redirect the output explicitly. Therefore the standard output is not open at all and the writes are being discarded.
However windows have separate logging facility for debugging purpose. This is what you see in the debug window. You can write to it using the native OutputDebugString API. I am sure you can also direct the Qt debug log there.
Note, that when it tells you the program has exited with status 0, it means the program ran, which in turn means it compiled successfully and thus there were no errors from g++. There may have been warnings, in which case you should see them in the appropriate other window. Compiler and program output are different things; the IDE does read the compiler output.

How to create GUI programs with Code::Blocks

Previously I used Visual Studio for my C++ programmings. But some cost effects I had to change my IDE, so I chose Code::Clocks (12.11). But I can't find a way to develop GUI applications with C::B. Is there any way to develop GUIs with C::B?
Yes, You can develop GUIs with CodeBlocks if you have GTK+ or wxWidget Libraries. You can use one of them at your own choice. CodeBlocks can't use them until you download and install them, So you have to perform some actions to make them usable in CodeBlocks. For GTK+ configuration steps see this and for wxWidget see this.
I create Win32 gui apps all the time with Code::Blocks 20.3 (uses MinGW-W64 project compiler) because I code them using the Win32 api. This is the manual way of doing things, and it works great; the down-side is that you must learn the Win32 api. (its an aspiring challenge, but for an experienced C/C++ programmer and some google skills, its doable)
Many programmers believe that gui apps must be built with a graphical builder (GTK+, wxWidgets, etc) but not true. In fact, in the stock version of the 20.3 Code::Blocks one of the project options is Win32 app. It builds a 'very' minimal cpp file that displays a blank window and starts the message loop... this is a good place to start if you've never seen a gui cpp text file that produces a blank window. You will need to study the Win32 api and learn how to use the message loop, how to add controls (buttons etc) to your project, and how to debug it; its a learning curve, but it is rewarding education. Get the book, "Programming Windows" fifth edition--- make sure its the fifth edition only!
The Microsoft docs are pretty good for learning the Win32 api also, but the book is the best approach. Take a class.
If you want to start creating GUI programs with 'Code::Blocks' then using a 'Win32' approach looks promising.
I only recently installed 'Code::Blocks 20.03', using the defaults for the install directory, and type of installation( Full ), and was easily able to create a basic 'Win32 GUI project'.
NB: I was using Windows 10, and the basic project doesn't really do anything.
For some Microsoft documentation, see at
, please note at the bottom left of this page, a 'Download PDF' link.
You could start at page 18 of the pdf, which is where, 'Module 1. Your First Windows Program', starts, page 20 is illuminating.
For information on 'The Message Loop', mentioned in a previous answer, see page 24.
It might be worth bearing in mind 'Reply #3' to the question at

Using MPI under VC++ MFC project?

Does any body know how can I use MS_MPI in my VC++ MFC project?
I already have a big MFC project and I only want to use parallel processing in a part of it with MPI.
(I know how to use MPI in a separate code, but I don't know how to integrate it with my VC++ MFC project)
Not sure about MS_MPI, but you wanna look at MPICH2 Windows documentation guide at the url at the bottom.
9.3 MPI apps with GUI
Many users on Windows machines want to build GUI apps that are also MPI
applications. This is completely acceptable as long as the application follows
the rules of MPI. MPI Init must be called before any other MPI function
and it needs to be called soon after each process starts. The processes must
be started with mpiexec but they are not required to be console applications.
The one catch is that MPI applications are hidden from view so any
Windows that a user application brings up will not be able to be seen.
mpiexec has an option to allow the MPI processes on the local machine
to be able to bring up GUIs. Add -localroot to the mpiexec command to
enable this capability. But even with this option, all GUIs from processes
on remote machines will be hidden.
So the only GUI application that MPICH2 cannot handle by default
would be a video-wall type application. But this can be done by running
smpd.exe by hand on each machine instead of installing it as a service. Log
on to each machine and run “smpd.exe -stop” to stop the service and then
run “smpd.exe -d 0” to start up the smpd again. As long as this process is
running you will be able to run applications where every process is allowed
to bring up GUIs.
It is possible. You use it the same way as any other MPI project.
In general, you can link against any C++ library from an MFC project. MFC is just a set of libraries, and doesn't restrict you from using other C++ libraries.