Program isn't properly extracting info from text files - c++

I could use some help figuring out where the bug is. I have 2 text files from which I need to extract info.
The first is of the form
and I just want the words put into a std::vector. There are 5000 words in the text file. When I put a little tester line in my code and ran it, I see that it only got 729 words.
The second text file is of the form
a a 0
a b 5
a c 3
and I want to put those into a std::map that maps pairs of characters to integers. When I put a little tester line in my code and ran it, I see that it added zero elements to the map.
Here is the relevant code:
class AutoCorrector
AutoCorrector(std::ifstream&, std::ifstream&);
void suggest(std::string);
std::vector<std::string> wdvec;
std::map<std::pair<char,char>,int> kdmap;
AutoCorrector::AutoCorrector(std::ifstream& wdfile, std::ifstream& kdfile)
/* Insert 5000 most commond English words into a vector.
The file that is read was edit-copied copied from
and so the numberings must be ignored on each line in order
to properly extract the words.
if (wdfile.is_open()) {
std::string line;
while (std::getline(kdfile, line))
std::istringstream ss(line);
std::string nb, thisWord;
ss >> nb >> thisWord;
// test ---
std::cout << "wdvec size = " << wdvec.size() << std::endl;
// -------
throw("Was not able to open key distance file.\n");
/* Insert keyboard pairwise distances into a map.
The file that is read from must have lines of the form
a a 0
a b 5
a c 3
indicating the distances between characters on a standard keyboard,
all lower-case letters and the apostrophe for a total of 27x27=729
lines in the file.
if (kdfile.is_open()) {
std::string line;
while (std::getline(kdfile, line))
std::istringstream ss(line);
char c1, c2;
int thisInt;
ss >> c1 >> c2 >> thisInt;
std::pair<char,char> thisPair(c1, c2);
kdmap.insert(std::pair<std::pair<char,char>, int> (thisPair, thisInt));
// test --
std::cout << "kdmap size = " << kdmap.size() << std::endl;
// end test
throw("Was not able to open key distance file.\n");
Any help from the StackOverflow C++ purists is greatly appreciated. I'm open to suggestions on how I can simplify and elegantfy my code. Ultimately I'm trying to make an autocorrector that takes a word and searches for the most similar words from a list of the 5000 most common words.

27 * 27 = 729. So your first vector has got the same number of lines as the second file does. Why? Because you're reading from kdfile when you meant to read from wdfile.
while (std::getline(kdfile, line))
That means you're reading everything out of the pairwise distance file and then the second loop has nothing left to extract.


Parsing a CSV file - C++

Generally, the staff in university has recommended us to use Boost to parse the file, but I've installed it and not succeeded to implement anything with it.
So I have to parse a CSV file line-by-line, where each line is of 2 columns, separated of course by a comma. Each of these two columns is a digit. I have to take the integral value of these two digits and use them to construct my Fractal objects at the end.
The first problem is: The file can look like for example so:
This format of file is okay. But my solution outputs "Invalid input" for that one, where the correct solution is supposed to print only once the respective fractal - 1,1.
The second problem is: The file can look like:
This is supposed to be an invalid input but my solution treats it like a correct one - and just skips over the middle NEWLINE.
Maybe you can guide me how to fix these issues, it would really help me as I'm struggling with this exercise for 3 days from morning to evening.
This is my current parser:
#include <iostream>
#include "Fractal.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <stack>
#include <sstream>
const char *usgErr = "Usage: FractalDrawer <file path>\n";
const char *invalidErr = "Invalid input\n";
const char *VALIDEXT = "csv";
const char EXTDOT = '.';
const char COMMA = ',';
const char MINTYPE = 1;
const char MAXTYPE = 3;
const int MINDIM = 1;
const int MAXDIM = 6;
const int NUBEROFARGS = 2;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != NUBEROFARGS)
std::cerr << usgErr;
std::stack<Fractal *> resToPrint;
std::string filepath = argv[1]; // Can be a relative/absolute path
if (filepath.substr(filepath.find_last_of(EXTDOT) + 1) != VALIDEXT)
std::cerr << invalidErr;
std::stringstream ss; // Treat it as a buffer to parse each line
std::string s; // Use it with 'ss' to convert char digit to int
std::ifstream myFile; // Declare on a pointer to file; // Open CSV file
if (!myFile) // If failed to open the file
std::cerr << invalidErr;
int type = 0;
int dim = 0;
while (myFile.peek() != EOF)
getline(myFile, s, COMMA); // Read to comma - the kind of fractal, store it in s
ss << s << WHITESPACE; // Save the number in ss delimited by ' ' to be able to perform the double assignment
s.clear(); // We don't want to save this number in s anymore as we won't it to be assigned somewhere else
getline(myFile, s, NEWLINE); // Read to NEWLINE - the dim of the fractal
ss << s;
ss >> type >> dim; // Double assignment
s.clear(); // We don't want to save this number in s anymore as we won't it to be assigned somewhere else
if (ss.peek() != EOF || type < MINTYPE || type > MAXTYPE || dim < MINDIM || dim > MAXDIM)
std::cerr << invalidErr;
resToPrint.push(FractalFactory::factoryMethod(type, dim));
ss.clear(); // Clear the buffer to update new values of the next line at the next iteration
while (!resToPrint.empty())
std::cout << *( << std::endl;
return 0;
You do not need anything special to parse .csv files, the STL containers from C++11 on provide all the tools necessary to parse virtually any .csv file. You do not need to know the number of values per-row you are parsing before hand, though you will need to know the type of value you are reading from the .csv in order to apply the proper conversion of values. You do not need any third-party library like Boost either.
There are many ways to store the values parsed from a .csv file. The basic "handle any type" approach is to store the values in a std::vector<std::vector<type>> (which essentially provides a vector of vectors holding the values parsed from each line). You can specialize the storage as needed depending on the type you are reading and how you need to convert and store the values. Your base storage can be struct/class, std::pair, std::set, or just a basic type like int. Whatever fits your data.
In your case you have basic int values in your file. The only caveat to a basic .csv parse is the fact you may have blank lines in between the lines of values. That's easily handled by any number of tests. For instance you can check if the .length() of the line read is zero, or for a bit more flexibility (in handling lines with containing multiple whitespace or other non-value characters), you can use .find_first_of() to find the first wanted value in the line to determine if it is a line to parse.
For example, in your case, your read loop for your lines of value can simply read each line and check whether the line contains a digit. It can be as simple as:
std::string line; /* string to hold each line read from file */
std::vector<std::vector<int>> values {}; /* vector vector of int */
std::ifstream f (argv[1]); /* file stream to read */
while (getline (f, line)) { /* read each line into line */
/* if no digits in line - get next */
if (line.find_first_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos)
Above, each line is read into line and then line is checked on whether or not it contains digits. If so, parse it. If not, go get the next line and try again.
If it is a line containing values, then you can create a std::stringstream from the line and read integer values from the stringstream into a temporary int value and add the value to a temporary vector of int, consume the comma with getline and the delimiter ',', and when you run out of values to read from the line, add the temporary vector of int to your final storage. (Repeat until all lines are read).
Your complete read loop could be:
while (getline (f, line)) { /* read each line into line */
/* if no digits in line - get next */
if (line.find_first_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos)
int itmp; /* temporary int */
std::vector<int> tmp; /* temporary vector<int> */
std::stringstream ss (line); /* stringstream from line */
while (ss >> itmp) { /* read int from stringstream */
std::string tmpstr; /* temporary string to ',' */
tmp.push_back(itmp); /* add int to tmp */
if (!getline (ss, tmpstr, ',')) /* read to ',' w/tmpstr */
break; /* done if no more ',' */
values.push_back (tmp); /* add tmp vector to values */
There is no limit on the number of values read per-line, or the number of lines of values read per-file (up to the limits of your virtual memory for storage)
Putting the above together in a short example, you could do something similar to the following which just reads your input file and then outputs the collected integers when done:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) { /* validate at least 1 argument given for filename */
std::cerr << "error: insufficient input.\nusage: ./prog <filename>\n";
return 1;
std::string line; /* string to hold each line read from file */
std::vector<std::vector<int>> values {}; /* vector vector of int */
std::ifstream f (argv[1]); /* file stream to read */
while (getline (f, line)) { /* read each line into line */
/* if no digits in line - get next */
if (line.find_first_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos)
int itmp; /* temporary int */
std::vector<int> tmp; /* temporary vector<int> */
std::stringstream ss (line); /* stringstream from line */
while (ss >> itmp) { /* read int from stringstream */
std::string tmpstr; /* temporary string to ',' */
tmp.push_back(itmp); /* add int to tmp */
if (!getline (ss, tmpstr, ',')) /* read to ',' w/tmpstr */
break; /* done if no more ',' */
values.push_back (tmp); /* add tmp vector to values */
for (auto row : values) { /* output collected values */
for (auto col : row)
std::cout << " " << col;
std::cout << '\n';
Example Input File
Using an input file with miscellaneous blank lines and two-integers per-line on the lines containing values as you describe in your question:
$ cat dat/csvspaces.csv
Example Use/Output
The resulting parse:
$ ./bin/parsecsv dat/csvspaces.csv
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
Example Input Unknown/Uneven No. of Columns
You don't need to know the number of values per-line in the .csv or the number of lines of values in the file. The STL containers handle the memory allocation needs automatically allowing you to parse whatever you need. Now you may want to enforce some fixed number of values per-row, or rows per-file, but that is simply up to you to add simple counters and checks to your read/parse routine to limit the values stored as needed.
Without any changes to the code above, it will handle any number of comma-separated-values per-line. For example, changing your data file to:
$ cat dat/csvspaces2.csv
Example Use/Output
Results in the expected parse of each value from each line, e.g.:
$ ./bin/parsecsv dat/csvspaces2.csv
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Let me know if you have questions that I didn't cover or if you have additional questions about something I did and I'm happy to help further.
I will not update your code. I look at your title Parsing a CSV file - C++ and would like to show you, how to read csv files in a more modern way. Unfortunately you are still on C++14. With C++20 or the ranges library it would be ultra simple using getlines and split.
And in C++17 we could use CTAD and if with initializer and so on.
But what we do not need is boost. C++`s standard lib is sufficient. And we do never use scanf and old stuff like that.
And in my very humble opinion the link to the 10 years old question How can I read and parse CSV files in C++? should not be given any longer. It is the year 2020 now. And more modern and now available language elements should be used. But as said. Everybody is free to do what he wants.
In C++ we can use the std::sregex_token_iterator. and its usage is ultra simple. It will also not slow down your program dramatically. A double std::getline would also be ok. Although it is not that flexible. The number of columns must be known for that. The std::sregex_token_iterator does not care about the number of columns.
Please see the following example code. In that, we create a tine proxy class and overwrite its extractor operator. Then we us the std::istream_iterator and read and parse the whole csv-file in a small one-liner.
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Define Alias for easier Reading
// using Columns = std::vector<std::string>;
using Columns = std::vector<int>;
// The delimiter
const std::regex re(",");
// Proxy for the input Iterator
struct ColumnProxy {
// Overload extractor. Read a complete line
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, ColumnProxy& cp) {
// Read a line
std::string line;
if(std::getline(is, line) && !line.empty()) {
// Split values and copy into resulting vector
std::sregex_token_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), re, -1), {},
[](const std::string& s) { return std::stoi(s); });
return is;
// Type cast operator overload. Cast the type 'Columns' to
// std::vector<std::string>
operator Columns() const { return columns; }
// Temporary to hold the read vector
Columns columns{};
int main() {
std::ifstream myFile("r:\\log.txt");
if(myFile) {
// Read the complete file and parse verything and store result into vector
std::vector<Columns> values(std::istream_iterator<ColumnProxy>(myFile), {});
// Show complete csv data
std::for_each(values.begin(), values.end(), [](const Columns& c) {
std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
Please note: There are tons of other possible solutions. Please feel free to use whatever you want.
Because I see a lot of complicated code here, I would like to show a 2nd example of how to
Parsing a CSV file - C++
Basically, you do not need more than 2 statements in the code. You first define a regex for digits. And then you use a C++ language element that has been exactly designed for the purpose of tokenizing strings into substrings. The std::sregex_token_iterator. And because such a most-fitting language element is available in C++ since years, it would may be worth a consideration to use it. And maybe you could do basically the task in 2 lines, instead of 10 or more lines. And it is easy to understand.
But of course, there are thousands of possible solutions and some like to continue in C-Style and others like more moderen C++ features. That's up to everybodies personal decision.
The below code reads the csv file as specified, regardless of how many rows(lines) it contains and how many columns are there for each row. Even foreing characters can be in it. An empty row will be an empty entry in the csv vector. This can also be easly prevented, with an "if !empty" before the emplace back.
But some like so and the other like so. Whatever people want.
Please see a general example:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Test data. Can of course also be taken from a file stream.
std::stringstream testFile{ R"(1,2
3, a, 4
5 , 6 b , 7
abc def
8 , 9
11 12 13 14 15 16 17)" };
std::regex digits{R"((\d+))"};
using Row = std::vector<std::string>;
int main() {
// Here we will store all the data from the CSV as std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>
std::vector<Row> csv{};
// This extremely simple 2 lines will read the complete CSV and parse the data
for (std::string line{}; std::getline(testFile, line); )
csv.emplace_back(Row(std::sregex_token_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), digits, 1), {}));
// Now, you can do with the data, whatever you want. For example: Print double the value
std::for_each(csv.begin(), csv.end(), [](const Row& r) {
if (!r.empty()) {
std::transform(r.begin(), r.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "), [](const std::string& s) {
return std::stoi(s) * 2; }
); std::cout << "\n";}});
return 0;
So, now, you may get the idea, you may like it, or you do not like it. Whatever. Feel free to do whatever you want.

Edit file line by line number - C++

I'm trying to edit a .dat file. I want to read a line by line number, turn the content to int, edit and replace it.
like I want to edit line number 23, it says "45" I need to make it "46". How do I do that?
ofstream f2;
theBook b;"/Users/vahidgr/Documents/Files/UUT/ComputerProjects/LibraryCpp/LibraryFiles/Books.dat", ios::app);
ifstream file("/Users/vahidgr/Documents/Files/UUT/ComputerProjects/LibraryCpp/LibraryFiles/Books.dat");
cout<<"In this section you can add books."<<endl;
cout<<"Enter ID: "; cin>>;
cout<<"Enter Name: "; cin>>;
string sID = to_string(;
string bookName =;
string line;
int lineNumber = 0;
while(getline(file, line)) {
++lineNumber ;
if(line.find(bookName) != string::npos && line.find(sID) != string::npos) {
int countLineNumber = lineNumber + 4;
registered = true;
Inside the file:
10000, book {
If your file is small (such as under 1GB), you can just read the entire file into memory line-by-line as a std::vector<std::string> (Hint: use std::getline). Then, edit the required line, and overwrite the file with an updated one.
Iterate Byte for Byte through the file and count line breaks (\n or \r\n on Windows).
After 22 breaks, insert bytes that say “46”. It should overwrite the existing bytes.
If your modifications are the exact size of the original text, you can write back to the same file. Otherwise, you will need to write your modifications to a new file.
Since your file is variable length text, separated by newlines, we'll have to skip lines until we get to the desired line:
const unsigned int desired_line = 23;
std::ifstream original_file(/*...*/);
std::ofstream modified_file(/*...*/);
// Skip lines
std::string text_line;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < desired_line - 1; ++i)
std::getline(original_file, text_line);
modified_file << text_line << std::endl;
// Next, read the text, modify and write to the original file
//... (left as an exercise for the OP, since this was not explicit in the post.
// Write remaining text lines to modified file
while (std::getline(original_file, text_line))
modified_file << text_line << std::endl;
Remember to write your modified text to the modified file before copying the remaining text.
Edit 1: By record / object
This looks like an X-Y problem.
A preferred method is to read in the objects, modify the object, then write the objects to a new file.

Logic for reading rows and columns from a text file (textparser) C++

I'm really stuck with this problem I'm having for reading rows and columns from a text file. We're using text files that our prof gave us. I have the functionality running so when the user in puts "numrows (file)" the number of rows in that file prints out.
However, every time I enter the text files, it's giving me 19 for both. The first text file only has 4 rows and the other one has 7. I know my logic is wrong, but I have no idea how to fix it.
Here's what I have for the numrows function:
int numrows(string line) {
ifstream ifs;
int i;
int row = 0;
int array [10] = {0};
while (ifs.good()) {
while (getline(ifs, line)) {
istringstream stream(line);
row = 0;
while(stream >>i) {
array[row] = i;
and here's the numcols:
int numcols(string line) {
int col = 0;
int i;
int arrayA[10] = {0};
ifstream ifs;
while (ifs.good()) {
istringstream streamA(line);
col = 0;
while (streamA >>i){
arrayA[col] = i;
edit: #chris yes, I wasn't sure what value to return as well. Here's my main:
int main() {
string fname, line;
ifstream ifs;
cout << "---- Enter a file name : ";
while (getline(cin, fname)) { // Ctrl-Z/D to quit!
// tries to open the file whose name is in string fname;
if(fname.substr(0,8)=="numrows ") {
for (int i = 8; i<fname.length(); i++) {
line = line+fname[i];
cout << numrows (line) << endl;
return 0;
This problem can be more easily solved by opening the text file as an ifstream, and then using std::get to process your input.
You can try for comparison against '\n' as the end of line character, and implement a pair of counters, one for columns on a line, the other for lines.
If you have variable length columns, you might want to store the values of (numColumns in a line) in a std::vector<int>, using myVector.push_back(numColumns) or similar.
Both links are to the section, which can provide a large amount of information about C++ and the STL.
Edited-in overview of possible workflow
You want one program, which will take a filename, and an 'operation', in this case "numrows" or "numcols". As such, your first steps are to find out the filename, and operation.
Your current implementation of this (in your question, after editing) won't work. Using cin should however be fine. Place this earlier in your main(), before opening a file.
Use substr like you have, or alternatively, search for a space character. Assume that the input after this is your filename, and the input in the first section is your operation. Store these values.
After this, try to open your file. If the file opens successfully, continue. If it won't open, then complain to the user for a bad input, and go back to the beginning, and ask again.
Once you have your file successfully open, check which type of calculation you want to run. Counting a number of rows is fairly easy - you can go through the file one character at a time, and count the number that are equal to '\n', the line-end character. Some files might use carriage-returns, line-feeds, etc - these have different characters, but are both a) unlikely to be what you have and b) easily looked up!
A number of columns is more complicated, because your rows might not all have the same number of columns. If your input is 1 25 21 abs 3k, do you want the value to be 5? If so, you can count the number of space characters on the line and add one. If instead, you want a value of 14 (each character and each space), then just count the characters based on the number of times you call get() before reaching a '\n' character. The use of a vector as explained below to store these values might be of interest.
Having calculated these two values (or value and set of values), you can output based on the value of your 'operation' variable. For example,
if (storedOperationName == "numcols") {
cout<< "The number of values in each column is " << numColsVal << endl;
If you have a vector of column values, you could output all of them, using
for (int pos = 0; pos < numColsVal.size(); pos++) {
cout<< numColsVal[pos] << " ";
Following all of this, you can return a value from your main() of 0, or you can just end the program (C++ now considers no return value from main to a be a return of 0), or you can ask for another filename, and repeat until some other method is used to end the program.
Further details
std::get() with no arguments will return the next character of an ifstream, using the example code format
std::ifstream myFileStream;"myFileName.txt");
nextCharacter = myFileStream.get(); // You should, before this, implement a loop.
// A possible loop condition might include something like `while myFileStream.good()`
// See the linked page on std::get()
if (nextCharacter == '\n')
{ // You have a line break here }
You could use this type of structure, along with a pair of counters as described earlier, to count the number of characters on a line, and the number of lines before the EOF (end of file).
If you want to store the number of characters on a line, for each line, you could use
std::vector<int> charPerLine;
int numberOfCharactersOnThisLine = 0;
while (...)
numberOfCharactersOnThisLine = 0
// Other parts of the loop here, including a numberOfCharactersOnThisLine++; statement
if (endOfLineCondition)
charPerLine.push_back(numberOfCharactersOnThisLine); // This stores the value in the vector
You should #include <vector> and either specific std:: before, or use a using namespace std; statement near the top. People will advise against using namespaces like this, but it can be convenient (which is also a good reason to avoid it, sort of!)

Convert text to csv file in C++?

I got a text file that contain lots of line like the following:
data[0]: a=123 b=234 c=3456 d=4567 e=123.45 f=234.56
I am trying to extract the number out in order to convert it to a csv file in order to let excel import and recognize it.
My logic is, find the " " character, then chop the data out. For example, chop between first
" " and second " ". Is it viable? I have been trying on this but I did not succeed.
Actually I want to create a csv file like
a, b, c, d, e, f
123, 234, 3456 .... blablabla
234, 345, 4567 .... blablabla
But it seems it is quite difficult to do this specific task.
Are there any utilities/better method that could help me to do this?
I suggest you take a look at boost::tokenizer, this is the best approach I have found. You will find several example on the web. Have also a look at this high-score question.
Steps: for each line:
Cut string in two parts using the : character
Cut the right part into several strings using space character
separate the values using the = character, and stuff these into a std::vector<std::string>
Put these values in a file.
Last part can be something like:
std::ofstream f( "myfile.csv" );
for( const auto& s: vstrings )
f << s << ',';
f << "\n";
A easy way with no non-Standard libraries is:
std::string line;
while (getline(input_stream, line))
std::istringstream iss(line);
std::string word;
if (is >> word) // throw away "data[n]:"
std::string identifier;
std::string value;
while (getline(iss, identifier, '=') && is >> value)
std::cout << value << ",";
std::cout << '\n';
You can tweak it if training commas are causing excel any trouble, add more sanity checks (e.g. that value is numeric, that fields are consistent across all lines), but the basic parsing above is a start.

What's the correct way to read a text file in C++?

I need to make a program in C++ that must read and write text files line by line with an specific format, but the problem is that in my PC I work in Windows, and in College they have Linux and I am having problems because of line endings are different in these OS.
I am new to C++ and don't know could I make my program able read the files no matter if they were written in Linux or Windows. Can anybody give me some hints? thanks!
The input is like this:
James White 34 45.5 10 black
Miguel Chavez 29 48.7 9 red
David McGuire 31 45.8 10 blue
Each line being a record of a struct of 6 variables.
Using the std::getline overload without the last (i.e. delimiter) parameter should take care of the end-of-line conversions automatically:
std::ifstream in("TheFile.txt");
std::string line;
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
// Do something with 'line'.
Here's a simple way to strip string of an extra "\r":
std::ifstream in("TheFile.txt");
std::string line;
std::getline(input, line));
if (line[line.size() - 1] == '\r')
line.resize(line.size() - 1);
If you can already read the files, just check for all of the newline characters like "\n" and "\r". I'm pretty sure that linux uses "\r\n" as the newline character.
You can read this page:
and here is a list of all the ascii codes including the newline characters:
Edit: Linux uses "\n", Windows uses "\r\n", Mac uses "\r". Thanks to Seth Carnegie
Since the result will be CR LF, I would add something like the following to consume the extras if they exist. So once your have read you record call this before trying to read the next.
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
If you know the number of values you are going to read for each record you could simply use the ">>" method. For example:
fstream f("input.txt" std::ios::in);
string tempStr;
double tempVal;
for (number of records) {
// read the first name
f >> tempStr;
// read the last name
f >> tempStr;
// read the number
f >> tempVal;
// and so on.
Shouldn't that suffice ?
Hi I will give you the answer in stages. Please go trough in order to understand the code.
Stage 1: Design our program:
Our program based on the requirements should...:
...include a definition of a data type that would hold the data. i.e. our
structure of 6 variables.
...provide user interaction i.e. the user should be able to
provide the program, the file name and its location. able to
open the chosen file. able to read the file data and
write/save them into our structure. able to close the file
after the data is read. able to print out of the saved data.
Usually you should split your code into functions representing the above.
Stage 2: Create an array of the chosen structure to hold the data
#define MAX 10
strPersonData sTextData[MAX];
Stage 3: Enable user to give in both the file location and its name:
string sFileName;
cout << "Enter a file name: ";
ifstream inFile(sFileName.c_str(),ios::in);
->Note 1 for stage 3. The accepted format provided then by the user should be:
We use two \ backslashes instead of one \, because we wish it to be treated as literal backslash.
->Note 2 for stage 3. We use ifstream i.e. input file stream because we want to read data from file. This
is expecting the file name as c-type string instead of a c++ string. For this reason we use:
Stage 4: Read all data of the chosen file:
while (!inFile.eof()) { //we loop while there is still data in the file to read
So finally the code is as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#define MAX 10
using namespace std;
int main()
string sFileName;
struct strPersonData {
char c1stName[25];
char c2ndName[30];
int iAge;
double dSomeData1; //i had no idea what the next 2 numbers represent in your code :D
int iSomeDate2;
char cColor[20]; //i dont remember the lenghts of the different colors.. :D
strPersonData sTextData[MAX];
cout << "Enter a file name: ";
ifstream inFile(sFileName.c_str(),ios::in);
int i=0;
while (!inFile.eof()) { //loop while there is still data in the file
inFile >>sTextData[i].c1stName>>sTextData[i].c2ndName>>sTextData[i].iAge
cout << "Reading the file finished. See it yourself: \n"<< endl;
for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
return 0;
I am going to give you some exercises now :D :D
1) In the last loop:
for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
Why do I use variable i instead of lets say MAX???
2) Could u change the program based on stage 1 on sth like:
int main(){
...return 0;
I hope i helped...