Running an rsync command produces output similar to this :
66256896 92% 4.51MB/s 0:00:01
How can I grep this output for just the percentage value ?
So anything {0-100}% so instead of showing the full output I only see the percentage ?
The command would be:
rsyncd -Pav localfile.tar.gz | grep xxx
If you really want to use sed, this ugly thing works!
rsyncd -Pav localfile.tar.gz | sed -e 's/%.*/%/; s/.* //'
It replaces % followed by the rest of the line with just % (thereby deleting everything after the percent), then replaces everything up to the space before the percentage also with nothing.
I want to run ack or grep on HTML files that often have very long lines. I don't want to see very long lines that wrap repeatedly. But I do want to see just that portion of a long line that surrounds a string that matches the regular expression. How can I get this using any combination of Unix tools?
You could use the grep options -oE, possibly in combination with changing your pattern to ".{0,10}<original pattern>.{0,10}" in order to see some context around it:
-o, --only-matching
Show only the part of a matching line that matches PATTERN.
-E, --extended-regexp
Interpret pattern as an extended regular expression (i.e., force grep to behave as egrep).
For example (from #Renaud's comment):
grep -oE ".{0,10}mysearchstring.{0,10}" myfile.txt
Alternatively, you could try -c:
-c, --count
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines
for each input file. With the -v, --invert-match option (see
below), count non-matching lines.
Pipe your results thru cut. I'm also considering adding a --cut switch so you could say --cut=80 and only get 80 columns.
You could use less as a pager for ack and chop long lines: ack --pager="less -S" This retains the long line but leaves it on one line instead of wrapping. To see more of the line, scroll left/right in less with the arrow keys.
I have the following alias setup for ack to do this:
alias ick='ack -i --pager="less -R -S"'
grep -oE ".\{0,10\}error.\{0,10\}" mylogfile.txt
In the unusual situation where you cannot use -E, use lowercase -e instead.
cut -c 1-100
gets characters from 1 to 100.
The Silver Searcher (ag) supports its natively via the --width NUM option. It will replace the rest of longer lines by [...].
Example (truncate after 120 characters):
$ ag --width 120 '#patternfly'
1:{"version":3,"file":"react-icons.js","sources":["../../node_modules/#patternfly/ [...]
In ack3, a similar feature is planned but currently not implemented.
Taken from:
The suggested approach ".{0,10}<original pattern>.{0,10}" is perfectly good except for that the highlighting color is often messed up. I've created a script with a similar output but the color is also preserved:
# Usage:
# grepl PATTERN [FILE]
# how many characters around the searching keyword should be shown?
# What is the length of the control character for the color before and after the
# matching string?
# This is mostly determined by the environmental variable GREP_COLORS.
control_length_before=$(($(echo a | grep --color=always a | cut -d a -f '1' | wc -c)-1))
control_length_after=$(($(echo a | grep --color=always a | cut -d a -f '2' | wc -c)-1))
grep -E --color=always "$1" $2 |
grep --color=none -oE \
".{0,$(($control_length_before + $context_length))}$1.{0,$(($control_length_after + $context_length))}"
Assuming the script is saved as grepl, then grepl pattern file_with_long_lines should display the matching lines but with only 10 characters around the matching string.
I put the following into my .bashrc:
grepl() {
$(which grep) --color=always $# | less -RS
You can then use grepl on the command line with any arguments that are available for grep. Use the arrow keys to see the tail of longer lines. Use q to quit.
grepl() {: Define a new function that will be available in every (new) bash console.
$(which grep): Get the full path of grep. (Ubuntu defines an alias for grep that is equivalent to grep --color=auto. We don't want that alias but the original grep.)
--color=always: Colorize the output. (--color=auto from the alias won't work since grep detects that the output is put into a pipe and won't color it then.)
$#: Put all arguments given to the grepl function here.
less: Display the lines using less
-R: Show colors
S: Don't break long lines
Here's what I do:
function grep () {
tput rmam;
command grep "$#";
tput smam;
In my .bash_profile, I override grep so that it automatically runs tput rmam before and tput smam after, which disabled wrapping and then re-enables it.
ag can also take the regex trick, if you prefer it:
ag --column -o ".{0,20}error.{0,20}"
I have a (GNU) bash script which establishes two variables to be matched in a file.
hour=$(head -n 1 sensorstest.log | cut -f5 | cut -d"-" -f1)
dom=$(head -n 1 sensorstest.log | cut -f5 | cut -d"-" -f4)
...and matches them to other occurrences in the file
grep -E [^0-9]+"$hour"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-"$dom"-[0-9]+-[0-9]{4} sensorstest.log
Here is an example of the script calculating the mean for all values in field 2 of the input file for the given hour of day.
hMean=$(grep -E [^0-9]+"$hour"-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-"$dom"-[0-9]+-[0-9]{4} sensorstest.log | cut -f2 | awk ' {sum+=$
1}{count++}{mean=sum/count} END {printf("%.2f",mean) } ' );
Here is an example of the cleanup of the input file.
echo "removing: "$hour"th hour of the "$dom"th day of the "$month"th month"
sed -i -r '/'"$hour"'-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-'"$dom"'-'"$month"'-[0-9]{4}/d' sensorstest.log
And finally... Here is an example line in the file:
The format is:
status<tab>humidity<tab>temperature<tab>unix timestamp<tab>time/date
OK 94.4 16.9 1443058486 1-34-46-24-9-2015
I am attempting to match all instances of the hour on the day of the first entry in the file.
This works fine for numbers below 9, however;
Problem: Numbers over 9 are being matched as two single digit numbers, resulting in 12 matching 1, 2, 12, 21...etc.
Here is an example of where is trips up:
OK 100 17.2 1442570381 9-59-41-18-9-2015
OK 100 17.1 1442570397 9-59-57-18-9-2015
Moistening 100 17.6 1442574014 11-0-14-18-9-2015
Moistening 100 17.6 1442574030 11-0-30-18-9-2015
Here the output skips to 0-0-0-19-9-2015 (and yes I am missing an hour of entries from the log)
$ sudo
100,1.4,1.40,-98.6 16.5,17.2,16.90,.7 1442566811 9-0-0-18-9-2015
removing: 9th hour of the 18th day of the 9th month
$ sudo
100,1.4,1.40,-98.6 18.3,18.8,18.57,.5 1442620804 0-0-0-19-9-2015
removing: 0th hour of the 19th day of the 9th month
The problem is only happening with the hours. the day ($dom) is matching fine.
I have tried using the -w option with grep, but I think this only returns the exact match where I need the whole line.
There's not much online about matching numbers literally in grep. And I found nothing on using bash variables as a number literal.
Any help or relevant links would be greatly appreciated.
I have solved the problem after a night of dredging through the script.
The problem lay with my sed expression right at the end.
The problem being in single quoting parts of the sed expression and double quoting variables for expansion by the shell.
I took this from a suggestion on another thread.
Double quoting the whole expression solved the problem.
The awk suggestion has greatly increased the efficiency and accuracy of the script. Thanks again.
awk to the rescue!
I think you can combine everything to a simple awk script without needing any regex. For example,
awk 'NR==1{split($NF,h,"-")} {split($NF,t,"-")} t[1]==h[1] && t[4]==h[4]'
will parse the time stamp on the first row of the file and filters only the hour and day matching records.
This will take the average of field 2
awk 'NR==1
t[1]==h[1] && t[4]==h[4]
print "Average: " sum/c
I have a text file which has some below data:
I need to remove the data before the second hyphen (-) and produce another text file with the below output:
I am pretty new to linux and trying sed command with unsuccessful attempts for the last couple of hours. How can I get the desired output with sed or any other useful command like awk?
You can use a simple cut call:
$ cat myfile.txt | cut -d"-" -f3- > myoutput.txt
Some explanation, as requested in the comments:
cut breaks up a string of text to fields according to a given delimiter.
-d defines the delimiter, - in this case.
-f defines which fields to output. In this case, we want to eliminate everything before the second hyphen, or, in other words, return the third field and onwards (3-).
The rest of the command is just piping the output. cating the file into cut, and then saving the result to an output file.
Or, using sed:
cat myfile.txt | sed -e 's/^.\+-//'
Using sed, how do I return the last occurance of a match until the End Of File?
(FYI this has been simplified)
So far I've tried:
sed -n '/ Statistics |/,$p' logfile.log
Which returns all lines from the first match onwards (almost the entire file)
I've also tried:
$linenum=`tail -400 logfile.log | grep -n " Statistics |" | tail -1 | cut -d: -f1`
sed "$linenum,\$!d" logfile.log
This works but won't work over an ssh connection in one command, really need it all to be in one pipeline.
Format of the log file is as follows:
(There are statistics headers with sub data written to the log file every minute, the purpose of this command is to return the most recent Statistics header together with any associated errors that occur after the header)
Statistics |
More Stuff
Even more Stuff
Statistics |
More Stuff
Error: incorrect value
Statistics |
More Stuff
Even more Stuff
Statistics |
Error: error type one
Error: error type two
Return needs to be:
Statistics |
Error: error type one
Error: error type two
Your example script has a space before Statistics but your sample data doesn't seem to. This has a regex which assumes Statistics is at beginning of line; tweak if that's incorrect.
sed -n '/^Statistics |/h;/^Statistics |/!H;$!b;x;p'
When you see Statistics, replace the hold space with the current line (h). Otherwise, append to the hold space (H). If we are not at the end of file, stop here (b). At end of file, print out the hold space (x retrieve contents of hold space; p print).
In a sed script, commands are optionally prefixed by an "address". Most commonly this is a regex, but it can also be a line number. The address /^Statistics |/ selects all lines matching the regular expression; /^Statistics |/! selects lines not matching the regular expression; and $! matches all lines except the last line in the file. Commands with no explicit address are executed for all input lines.
Edit Explain the script in some more detail, and add the following.
Note that if you need to pass this to a remote host using ssh, you will need additional levels of quoting. One possible workaround if it gets too complex is to store this script on the remote host, and just ssh remotehost path/to/script. Another possible workaround is to change the addressing expressions so that they don't contain any exclamation marks (these are problematic on the command line e.g. in Bash).
sed -n '/^Statistics |/{h;b};H;${x;p}'
This is somewhat simpler, too!
A third possible workaround, if your ssh pipeline's stdin is not tied up for other things, is to pipe in the script from your local host.
echo '/^Statistics |/h;/^Statistics |/!H;$!b;x;p' |
ssh remotehost sed -n -f - file
If you have tac available:
tac INPUTFILE | sed '/^Statistics |/q' | tac
This might work for you:
sed '/Statistics/h;//!H;$!d;x' file
Statistics |
Error: error type one
Error: error type two
If you're happy with an awk solution, this kinda works (apart from getting an extra blank line):
awk '/^Statistics/ { buf = "" } { buf = buf "\n" $0 } END { print buf }' input.txt
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/.*Statistics/Statistics/g' INPUTFILE
should work (GNU sed 4.2.1).
It reads the whole file to one string, then replaces everything from the start to the last Statistics (word included) with Statistics, and prints what's remaining.
This might also work, slightly more simple version of the sed solution given by the others above:
sed -n 'H; /^Statistics |/h; ${g;p;}' logfile.log
Statistics |
Error: error type one
Error: error type two
I want to show flag places in my Python unittests where I have been lazy and de-activated tests.
But I also have conditional executions that are not laziness, they are motivated by performance or system conditions at time of testing. Those are the skipUnless ones and I want to ignore them entirely.
Let's take some inputs that I have put in a file, test_so_bashregex.txt, with some comments.
!ignore this, because skipUnless means I have an acceptable conditional flag
#unittest.skipUnless(do_test, do_test_msg)
def test_conditional_function():
!catch these 2, lazy test-passing
#unittest.skip("fb212.test_urls_security_usergroup Test_Detail.test_related fails with 302")
def sometest_function():
def test_another_function():
!bonus points... ignore things that are commented out
# #unittest.expectedFailure
Additionally, I can't use a grep -v skipUnless in a pipe because I really want to use egrep -A 3 xxx *.py to give some context, as in:
grep -A 3 "#unittest\." *.py #unittest.skip("rewrite - data can be legitimately missing") def test_storage(self): with getMultiDb() as mdb:
What I have tried:
Trying #
I tried #unittest\.(.+)(?!(Unless\()) and that didn't work, as it matches the first 3.
Ditto #unittest\.[a-zA-Z]+(?!(Unless\())
#unittest\.skip(?!(Unless\()) worked partially, on the 2 with skip.
All of those do partial matches despite the presence of Unless.
on bash egrep, which is where this going to end up, things don't look much better.
jluc#explore$ egrep '#unittest\..*(?!(Unless))' test_so_bashregex.txt
egrep: repetition-operator operand invalid
you could try this regex:
if you don't care if 'skip' or 'expectedFailure' appear you could simplify it:
How about something like this - grep seems a bit restrictive
items=$(find . -name "*.py")
for item in $items; do
cat $item | awk '
if (seen_skip == 1)
print "Being lazy at " $1
OK, I'll put up what I found with sweaver2112's help, but if someone has a good single-stage grep-ready regex, I'll take it.
bash's egrep/grep doesn't like ?! (ref grep: repetition-operator operand invalid). end of story there.
What I have done instead is to pipe it to some extra filters: negative grep -v skipUnless and another one to strip leading comments. These 2 strip out the unwanted lines. But, then pipe their output back into another grep looking for #unittest again and again with the -A 3 flag.
If the negative greps have cleared out a line, it won't show in the last pipestage so drops out of the input. If not, I get my context right back.
egrep -A 3 -n '#unittest\.' test_so_bashregex.txt | egrep -v "^\s*#" | egrep -v "skipUnless\(" | grep #unittest -A 3
7:#unittest.skip("fb212.test_urls_security_usergroup Test_Detail.test_related fails with 302")
8-def sometest_function():
9- xxx
11-def test_another_function():
12- xxx
And my actual output from running it on * *.py*, rather than my test.txt file:
egrep -A 3 -n '#unittest\.' *.py | egrep -v "\d:\s*#" | egrep -v "skipUnless\(" | grep #unittest -A 3
output: #unittest.skip("rewrite - data can be legitimately missing") def test_storage(self): with getMultiDb() as mdb:
-- #unittest.skip("rewrite - data can be legitimately missing") def test_get_li_tag_for_object(self): li = self.mgr.get_li_tag()