What is the best WSO2 upgrade strategy? - wso2

What is the best / flexible WSO2 upgrade strategy?
Because now we are upgrading WSO2 DSS 3.0.1 to DSS 3.1.1, therefore there is some difficult changes in dbs file one by one
<data name="BASE_PERSON_DataService" serviceNamespace=
<data description="multiple services per each table" enableBatchRequests="false"
enableBoxcarring="false" name="BASE_PERSON_DataService"
serviceNamespace="http://company.mn/base/BASE_PERSON" serviceStatus="active">
What is the easy way, we have many data services (dbs files)?

As far as I know, there is usually no standard migration tool or procedure available. Check that the newer version uses a compliant schema for the wso2 registry database and so on; maybe it's the same or you just need to create new additional tables. Sometimes you find things like migration scripts in the dbscripts folder. You should also check for differences in newer xml configuration files, and adjust your older custom configuration to the new format (usually few or no changes could be required). As far as the artifacts are concerned, I never heard of any way to convert them. If there are many of them, I would probably try some script and regex to batch modify and adjust them to the new format.

These are the steps you should follow if you are upgrading
Step 1 - Deploy artifacts {dbs/datasource/drivers}
Cappy the deployed data services from current installation to new installation by copying repository/deployment/server folder.(all dbs files are backword compatible so what ever worked in WSO2 DSS 3.0.1, should work on DSS 3.1.1) Also note you need to copy data source configuration properties if you have created carbon data sources therefore copy master-datasources.xml from repository/conf/datasources to the new installation.
Also Copy all the content of repository/component/lib to the new installation to ensure the the jdbc drivers are properly installed.
Step 2- Change the configuration files
Apply the same changes you have done to configurations files inside OLD_DSS/repository/conf to NEW_DSS/repository/conf (if you have done any such to any configuration files)
Note - If you have done registry mounting make sure you apply to the new installation as done before by changing relevant configuration files such as


Is it possible to replace org.apache.axis2.wso2 artifacts with org.apache.axis2 artifacts?

I need to update artifacts in a project that is running on wso2 server.
There were used wso2 specific artifacts like org.apache.axis2.wso2 or org.apache.ws.commons.axiom.wso2.
If I want to replace these wso2 specific artifacts with more up-to-date regular org.apache.axis2 artifacts could it lead to errors or I can use non specific artifacts freely?
WSO2 creates its own versions of such 3rd party libraries in 2 cases.
When the original jar is not OSGi
When WSO2 needs to add new fixes and improvement which are not
there is the original jar
In either case, changing a jar to its original version can break the server.
On the other hand, new versions of those 3rd party jars can have API (signature) changes too. So it can also break the server.
So the bottom line is it won't be possible to do such jar upgrades without internal code changes.

Configure processing server role with config patches

The Sitecore documentation provides some pretty clear instructions on how to configure a Sitecore instance as a processing server:
However, many of those steps require enabling/disabling of files manually on the installed server. Has anybody seen or built a patch file (similar to SwitchMasterToWeb) that can disable/enable the appropriate functionality as a patch? I would rather not touch the default Sitecore install and instead rely on automated deployment of configuration patches.
I haven't seen this as a patch and not sure if its possible to do this with just one patch (would love to be proved wrong), but for something like this I've used a Powershell script.
I set up Octopus Deploy to run a Powershell script step after deploy to disable files and change settings if patch files can't do the job.
I can highly recommend the Powercore tools for this kind of thing.
If anybody else winds up looking for this, I've posted some work up on GitHub for patch files for a variety of versions for 8.0:
The patches there will do the 'disable/enable/change' for authoring, delivery, or processing. I don't have one for the reporting server.
Sitecore has evaluated POC for same. At this point of time applciable for Sitecore CMS 8.1 rev. 160302 (Update-2). See here-

Deploy multiple Content Delivery Servers with same confguration

I am building out a Sitecore farm with multiple Content Delivery servers. In the current process, I stand up the CD server and go through the manual steps of commenting out connection strings and enabling or disabling config files as detailed here per each virtual machine/CD server:
But since I have multiple servers, is there any sort of global configuration file where I could dictate the settings I want (essentially a settings template for CD servers), or a tool where I could load my desired settings/template for which config files are enabled/disabled etc.? I have used the SIM tool for instance installation, but unsure if it offers the loading of a pre-determined "template" for a CD server.
It just seems in-efficient to have to stand up a server then config each one manually versus a more automated process (ex. akin to Sitecore Azure, but in this case I need to install the VMs on-prem).
There's nothing directly in Sitecore to achieve what you want. Depending on what tools you are using then there are some options to reach that goal though.
Visual Studio / Build Server
You can make use of SlowCheetah config transforms to configure non-web.config files such as ConnetionStrings and AppSettings. You will need a different build profiles for each environment you wish to create a build for and add the appropriate config transforms and overrides. SlowCheetah is available as a nuget package to add to your projects and also a Visual Studio plugin which provides additional tooling to help add the transforms.
Continuous Deployment
If you are using a continuous deployment tool like Octopus Deploy then you can substitute variables in files on a per environment and machine role basis (e.g. CM vs CD). You also have the ability to write custom PowerShell steps to modify/transform/delete files as required. Since this can also run on a machine role basis you can write a step to remove unnecessary connection strings (master, reporting, tracking.history) on CD environments as well as delete the other files specified in the Sitecore Configuration Guide.
Sitecore Config Overrides
Anything within the <sitecore> node in web.config can be modified and patch using Include File Patching Facilities built into Sitecore. If you have certain settings which need to be modified or deleted for a CD environment then you can create a CD-specific override, which I place in /website/App_Config/Include/z.ProjectName/WebCD and use a post-deployment PowrrShell script in Octopus deploy to delete this folder on CM environment. There are example of patches within the Include folder, such as SwitchToMaster.config. In theory you could write a patch file to remove all the config sections mentioned in the depoyment guide, but it would be easier to write a PowerShell step to delete these instead.
I tend to use all the above to aid in deploying to various environments for different server roles (CM vs CD).
Strongly recommend you take a look at Desired State Configuration which will do exactly what you're talking about. You need to set up the actual configuration at least once of course, but then it can be deployed to as many machines as you'd like. Changes to the config are automatically flowed to all machines built from the config, and any changes made directly to the machines (referred to as configuration drift) are automatically corrected. This can be combined with Azure, which now has capability to act as a "pull-server" through the Automation features.
There's a lot of reading to do to get up to speed with this feature-set but it will solve your problem.
This is not a Sitecore tool per se.

WSO2 EMM mysql database setup

I am using WSO2 EMM 1.1.0. The documents talk about using a MySQL instead of H2 https://docs.wso2.com/display/EMM110/Setting+up+MySQL. It talks about editing the master-datasource.xml file and updating the WSO2_CARBON_DB, WSO2_EMM_DB and WSO2AM_DB databases. It then gives steps on priming those db's. But the master-datasource.xml file also contains the WSO2_IDENTITY_DB, SOCIAL_CACHE, SOCIAL_CASSANDRA_DB and JAGH2. I expect all of those can be moved to MySQL as well but I don't see the database scripts to set them up. What is the proper procedures to set up a system that uses MySQL instead of H2? Not to mention that the emm database had the database name hard coded into the setup script "USE WSO2EMM_DB" thus nullifying the master-datasource.xml file.
It is mentioned in this documentation[1] under the topic 'How to migrate from H2 to MySQL'
[1] - https://docs.wso2.com/display/EMM110/Upgrading+from+a+Previous+Release
You need to configure WSO2EMM_DB, WSO2AM_DB and WSO2CARBON_DB and WSO2IDENTITY_DB if you are going ahead with a larger deployment. H2 is setup just for make the out of the box experience better. You can create those DBs, Configure master_datasources.xml properly for all above DBs. And then run the server with the flag -Dsetup. It will get the configurations done automatically.
If it fails, you can also go to SERVER_HOME/dbscripts folder and find all the scripts for all above databases. Run them separately and run the server in the usual way which mentioned in our documentation.

Automated deployment of DSS datasource configuration

We have a "mavenized" project with several containers (wso2esb, wso2dss, tomcat) and many components to deploy to them.
We are trying to find a way to deploy the datasource configuration for all our DSS services but I notice it is stored in its own DB (H2).
Do you know if there is any way to declare something like a XML file in order to create the datasource in the DSS in an automated way?
I tried to see the documentation but did not find anything useful for automatic deployment (meaning without using the admin pages).
Yeah, you can use the Carbon data source configuration file datasources.properties, to provide this information. This file should be located at $SERVER_ROOT/repository/conf.
A sample for this configuration file can be found in BPS sources.
After the data sources are defined using this, you can use them using the data source type "carbon data source" from data services.
You can easily deploy artifacts with the hot deployment functionality in WSO2 Servers by simply copying them to a specific directory in the server.
For Data Services Server you can copy the dbs files (in your case with the help of Maven) to $WSO2DSS_HOME/repository/deployment/server/dataservices dirctory. Similarly for BPELs its $WSO2BPS_HOME/repository/deployment/server/bpel
For CAR files created with carbon studio, its $WSO2CARBON_HOME/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps.
For ESB configs, its $WSO2ESB_HOME/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs.