This is a question regarding the default global namespace in C++. I have the following code that compiles and runs properly using g++ clang-500.2.79.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::endl;
using std::cout;
bool is_palindrome(const string& str){
return equal(str.begin(), str.end(), str.rbegin());
int main(){
cout << "Hello is a palindrome: " << is_palindrome("Hello") << endl;
cout << "madam is a palindrome: " << is_palindrome("madam") << endl;
return 0;
My questions is, why does this code compile properly? I forgot to put #include <algorithm> and using std::equal at the beginning of my file. So the expected behaviour is for the compiler to complain.
The example at confirms that I should be using std::equal.
To investigate this further, I tried to track down exactly which version of the equal() function was being called. Being a relative newbie to C++ I don't know exactly how to do this either. I tried,
cout << "The function is: " << equal << endl;
Which generated a compiler error with some interesting information:
note: 'std::equal' declared here
Try as I might, I can't find information about stl_algobase (or more probably, I most likely don't understand what I've found). Is stl_algobase a set of functions that are automatically included in the global namespace?
A further questions is: What is the proper way to track (code or otherwise) down which function is being called when you are dealing with potentially overloaded or template functions in C++?
equal is in the std namespace. What you are seeing is argument dependent lookup (ADL). Because the arguments are in the std, the name lookup for equal considers that namespace too.
Here's a simplified example:
namespace foo
struct Bar {};
namespace foo
void bar(const Bar&) {}
void bar(int) {}
int main()
foo::Bar b;
foo::bar(b); // OK
bar(b); // ADL, OK
foo::bar(42); // OK
bar(42); // No ADL: error: 'bar' was not declared in this scope
Why is the following code illegal?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace what {
void print(int count) {
cout << count << endl;
void what::print(const string& str) {
cout << str << endl;
int main() {
return 0;
The error I get when compiling with clang and -std=c++14 is
error: out-of-line definition of 'print' does not match any declaration in namespace 'what'
I know the fix to the problem but I am wondering why the compiler thinks that I am trying to define the function (print) instead of overload it.
The reason it is not working for you is because the syntax
void what::print(const string& str)
is basically saying
inside the what namespace, define the print function here
If you want to define a function outside of its namespace, you must declare it in the namespace beforehand.
§13.1 of the standard states, "When two or more different declarations are specified for a single name in the same scope, that name is said
to be overloaded."
Overloads of a function must be in the same scope of each other. It is just how the language works.
Visual Studio is going crazy on me recently, and gives me the error in the subject when all I did was a simple cout...
// Lang.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main{
cout << "hi";
int main{
cout << "hi";
Due to the possibility of initialising objects in C++ with the {} syntax, your compiler probably interprets this code as an attempt to create a global int variable called main, initialised with the result of std::ostream::operator<<, a member function which returns a reference to the std::ostream itself.
It's as if you had written:
double some_variable { cout << "hi" }
double some_variable { cout }
std::ostream is actually std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>>. And that type is not compatible with int.
The only thing which is strange is why the ; after "hi" does not immediately cause the compiler to stop trying; but you don't say which compiler version and which options you are using.
In any case, all of those facts finally result in the error message:
no suitable conversion function from “std::basic_ostream<char,
std::char_traits<char>>” to “int” exists
and in:
Also, the semicolon after "hi" is highlighted, and says "expected a }"
Solution: make main a function:
int main() {
cout << "hi";
Is there an error in this code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
std:cout << "hello" "\n";
GCC detects no error but std:cout does not seem standard.
There's no error. I could rewrite your code to make it clearer:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "hello" "\n";
You created a label named std. cout is used unqualified, which is okay since you have the using-directive for std above it. And you can concatenate string literals by writing them next to each other as you did. This is perfectly well-formed code that prints "hello" followed by a newline.
You're defining a label std and then you're calling cout. This is legal because you have using namespace std;
The code has an issue.
while trying to instruct the compiler to use the namespace std, we are trying to call the function cout which is defined in the scope of std.
thus the correct use of the scope resolution operator is
'std::cout '
and not
And others have pointed out
by writing
what you do is create a label.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010, and I'm wondering why I'm getting an error.
The error is: cout is undefined
int main()
cout<<"Why am I not working ??";
printf("My Name is Khan and I'm not a terrorist.");
return 0;
cout is in the std namespace. You either need to declare that you are using the std namespace by adding the following to your code (it is generally put just after includes), though this is generally considered bad practise for non-trivial code:
using namespace std;
Or you can qualify cout every time it is used (this is generally preferred):
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
cout is a global object that lives in the std namespace. You have to fully qualify the name:
std::cout << "Hello";
// ^^^^^
If you really want to omit the qualification, you could have a using declaration in main() before you use the unqualified name cout (in general, avoid putting using declarations at global namespace scope):
// ...
int main()
using std::cout;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
cout << "Why I'm not working ??";
// ...
Add the following before int main:
using namespace std;
Anyone can help me to understand this statement found in chapter 3 (Library Types) by Stanley Lipmann?
"Using an unqualified version of a namespace name without a using declaration is an error, although some compilers may fail to detect this error"
I'm having such hard time understanding the semantics of his sentence (english).
Is he trying to say something like the below scenario?
int main() {
where xx is a namespace not defined using the "using" statement and yy is a member?
cout is a name of the std namespace. The unqualified name is cout. The qualified name is std::cout. It is an error to use the unqualified name(cout) without a using declaration beforehand. You can use either one of the two following declarations:
// This brings in the entire std namespace
using namespace std;
// This only brings in cout. You would still need to qualify other names,
// such as cin, endl, etc...
using std::cout;
What he's saying is that the following code should not compile:
#include <iostream>
void foo() {
cout << "This is an error!" << endl;
The cout and endl names are not defined right now. They're declared as std::cout and std::endl, and in order to use them, you can do one of a few things:
#include <iostream>
void foo() {
std::cout << "This, I think, is the best way to do it." << std::endl;
Using the fully qualified name prevents collisions later on: you'll never have something else called std::cout.
#include <iostream>
void foo() {
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
cout << "This is pretty good." << endl;
Having the using statements specify the exact names you're using, and having the using statements in the function, can save some typing and makes collisions pretty unlikely.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void foo() {
cout << "This works, but isn't good." << endl;
Importing the entire std namespace makes it pretty likely that you'll end up having a function named the same as an std function.. You might discover that as soon as you write it, or you might write your function and then later include the header file with the std version of the function, at which point your application will mysteriously break.
A namespace name is the name of a namespace.
namespace A {
namespace B = A;
The statement says that using a namespace name without a using declaration is an error. But that's not true: The above code is fine, still using the namespace-name A as an unqualified name.
Probably it should say the following, to convey its meaning
"Using an unqualified version of a namespace member name without a using declaration
outside the scope of the namespace is an error, although some compilers may fail to
detect this error"
Mentioning the scope is important. The following, for example, is fine too, even though it uses the unqualified version of a namespace member name
namespace A {
int x;
int &y = x; // x is an unqualified name
Books should be careful to try and not use slippery language. And even outside the scope of the namespace, the above sentence is not entirely correct because you can also extend the scope of x by a using directive. Using declarations aren't the only way to name a namespace member outside the namespace using an unqualified name.