I am working on a code where it will do Linux command piping. Basically in my code, it will parse the user input command, then run it using the execvp function.
However, to do this, I would need to know the command, as well as its parameters. I have been trying to get the parsing to work correctly, however, it seems that when I do a test case, the output from both of the arrays that store their respective programs is the same. The commands/parameters are stored in a char array called prgname1 and prgname2.
For instance, if I were to run my program with the parameter "ps aux | grep [username]", then the output of prgname1[0] and prgname2[0] are both [username]. They are supposed to be ps and grep, respectively.
Can anyone take a look at my code and see where I might be having an error which is causing this?
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#define MAX_PARA_NUM 5
#define MAX_COMMAND_LEN 1024
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *prgname1[MAX_PARA_NUM], *prgname2[MAX_PARA_NUM];
char command[MAX_COMMAND_LEN];
int pfd[2];
pid_t cid1, cid2;
char *full = argv[1];
char str[MAX_COMMAND_LEN];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
int ind = 0;
while (ind < strlen(full)) {
if (full[ind] == ' ') {
strncpy(command, str, i);
cout << command << endl;
prgname1[j] = command;
i = 0;
else {
str[i] = full[ind];
if(full[ind] == '|') {
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (ind < strlen(full)) {
if (full[ind] == ' ') {
strncpy(command, str, i);
cout << command << endl;
prgname2[j] = command;
i = 0;
else {
str[i] = full[ind];
if (ind == strlen(full)) {
strncpy(command, str, i);
cout << command << endl;
prgname2[j] = command;
// test output here not working correctly
cout << prgname1[0] << endl;
cout << prgname2[0] << endl;
// exits if no parameters passed
if (argc != 2) {
cout << "Usage:" << argv[0] << endl;
// exits if there is a pipe error
if (pipe(pfd) == -1) {
cerr << "pipe" << endl;
cid1 = fork(); // creates child process 1
// exits if there is a fork error
if (cid1 == -1 || cid2 == -1) {
cerr << "fork";
// 1st child process executes and writes to the pipe
if (cid1 == 0) {
char **p = prgname1;
close(1); // closes stdout
dup(pfd[1]); // connects pipe output to stdout
close(pfd[0]); // closes pipe input as it is not needed
close(pfd[1]); // closes pipe output as pipe is connected
execvp(prgname1[0], p);
cerr << "execlp 1 failed" << endl;
cid2 = fork();
// 2nd child process reads from the pipe and executes
else if (cid2 == 0) {
char **p = prgname2;
close(0); // closes stdin
dup(pfd[0]); // connects pipe input to stdin
close(pfd[0]); // closes pipe input as pipe is connected
close(pfd[1]); // closes pipe output as it is not needed
execvp(prgname2[0], p);
cerr << "execlp 2 failed" << endl;
else {
waitpid(cid1, NULL, 0);
waitpid(cid2, NULL, 0);
cout << "Program successfully completed" << endl;
return 0;
argv[1] gives you the first argument on the command line - not the entire command line. If you want the full list of command line arguments passed into the process, you will need to append argv[1], argv[2], ..., argv[argc - 1] together with a space between each.
Additionally, when you process it, you are setting the pointer for your prgname1[index] to command, so every time you set a given character pointer, they are all pointing to the same location (hence, they are all the same value). You need to allocate space for each element in prgname1 and copy command into it (using strncpy). Alternatively, using std::string and std::vector eliminates much of your current code.
I have been struggling for two days to attempt to fix this final bug in my code, but can't seem to find the error. The code is supposes to(in order):
Receive a string from the user (in this case me)
Create a child process
Send the string to the child process
Rework the string so that every word starts with a capital letter
Send the string back to the parent with the changes
Display the string
The code runs fine until the parent read. An example output is:
Input: "helLO tHerE"
Parent writes "helLO tHerE"
Child reads "helLO tHerE"
Child writes "Hello There"
Parent reads ##$%^$#%^&* - or some other such non-standard characters, then displays error -
double free or corruption (out): 0x00007ffeeebb2690 ***
Below is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int fd[2];
int pfc[2];
int status = 0;
string val = "";
if(pipe(fd) == -1 || pipe(pfc) == -1) fprintf(stderr,"Pipe failed");
pid_t pid = fork();
// fork() returns 0 for child process, child-pid for parent process.
if (pid == 0){ // child: reading only, so close the write-descriptor
string writeval = "";
// now read the data (will block)
read(fd[0], &val, sizeof(val));
cout << "Child reads " << val.c_str() << endl;
string temp = " " + val;
transform(temp.begin(), temp.end(), temp.begin(), ::tolower);
for(size_t i = 1; i < temp.length(); i++){
if(!isspace(temp[i]) && isspace(temp[i-1])){
temp[i] = toupper(temp[i]);
writeval = temp.substr(1, temp.length() - 1);
// close the read-descriptor
cout << "Child writes " << writeval.c_str() << endl;
write(pfc[1], &writeval, sizeof(writeval));
string readval = "";
string temp ="";
// parent: writing only, so close read-descriptor.
// send the value on the write-descriptor.
while(getline(cin, temp)){
val += temp;
write(fd[1], &val, sizeof(val));
cout << "Parent writes " << val << endl;
// close the write descriptor
read(pfc[0], &readval, sizeof(readval));
cout << "Parent reads " << readval << endl;
return 0;
So the answer is simple. In the child process I was passing the memory location of writeval in the write back to the parent method, but in the parent process I was trying to read from the memory location of readval. This is fixed by changing them to be the same variable, outside of the if/else calls, like was done with the variable val.
See here for more details on why this is a problem.
Somewhere in my project I use fork and pipe to execute another process and pipe its I/O to communicate with it (I'm writing it in C++). There is no problem when I compile it in Ubuntu 14.04, it will work just fine, but I compiled it in fedora on a WMWare virtual machine and strange things began to happen. If I run the binary in terminal, there is no error but nothing will be written in the pipe (but getting streams of characters will work). I tried to debug my code in fedora, I put a break point in my code, but then a broken pipe signal was given when process tried to read from pipe (there were no signals when executing in terminal).
So, have any of you encountered such problems before? Is there any difference in piping between debian and red hat linux? Or is it because I'm running fedora on a virtual machine?
int mFD_p2c [2];
int mFD_c2p [2];
int mEnginePID;
if (pipe(mFD_p2c) != 0 || pipe(mFD_c2p) != 0)
cout << "Failed to pipe";
mEnginePID = fork();
if (mEnginePID < 0)
cout << "Fork failed";
else if (mEnginePID == 0)
if (dup2(mFD_p2c[0], 0) != 0 ||
close(mFD_p2c[0]) != 0 ||
close(mFD_p2c[1]) != 0)
cout << "Child: failed to set up standard input";
if (dup2(mFD_c2p[1], 1) != 1 ||
close(mFD_c2p[1]) != 0 ||
close(mFD_c2p[0]) != 0)
cout << "Child: failed to set up standard output";
string engine = "stockfish";
execlp(engine.c_str(), (char *) 0);
cout << "Failed to execute " << engine;
string str = "uci";
int nbytes = str.length();
if (write(mFD_p2c[1], str.c_str(), nbytes) != nbytes)
cout << "Parent: short write to child";
cout << "The following string has been written to engine:\n"
<< string(1, '\t') << str;
char readBuffer[2];
string output = "";
while (1)
int bytes_read = read(mFD_c2p[0], readBuffer, sizeof(char));
if (readBuffer[0] == '\n')
readBuffer[bytes_read] = '\0';
output += readBuffer;
cout << "Got: " << output;
I see you're using Stockfish. I too have exactly experienced this behavior from Stockfish. The problem lies within how it handles output. Defined in misc.h:
#define sync_cout std::cout << IO_LOCK
And looking at the code again we'll see that IO_LOCK is an enum which is used in an overloaded friend operator for cout:
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, SyncCout sc) {
static Mutex m;
if (sc == IO_LOCK)
if (sc == IO_UNLOCK)
return os;
What I see here is that during using cout, a mutex is locked. I don't know how exactly this affects cout's output in a pipe instead of stdout, but I'm positive that this is the cause for the problem. You can check it by removing the lock functionality.
Edit: I forgot to mention that the pipe behavior is not different in linux based systems as mentioned before, but there might be slight differences between distributions handling mutexes used with pipes.
There are no differences in piping between debian and red hat, but the following list of questions may help you:
-Are the Ubuntu and the Fedora using the same architecture (64 bit vs 32) ?
-Are you using the same version of gcc (or any other compiler) ?
(Suggestion: use cerr for your error outputs, and maybe your debug output too -> you dup the standard outputs and inputs, so if something fails you may not see it)
Anyhow, here's how you turn it into a self-contained, compilable example:
#cat stockfish
tr a-z A-Z #just so we do something
echo #need to end with a "\n" or else the parent won't break out of the while loop
Run command:
make pipes && PATH=.:$PATH pipes
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
using namespace std;
int mFD_p2c [2];
int mFD_c2p [2];
int mEnginePID;
if (pipe(mFD_p2c) != 0 || pipe(mFD_c2p) != 0)
cout << "Failed to pipe";
mEnginePID = fork();
if (mEnginePID < 0)
cout << "Fork failed";
else if (mEnginePID == 0)
if (dup2(mFD_p2c[0], 0) != 0 ||
close(mFD_p2c[0]) != 0 ||
close(mFD_p2c[1]) != 0)
cout << "Child: failed to set up standard input";
if (dup2(mFD_c2p[1], 1) != 1 ||
close(mFD_c2p[1]) != 0 ||
close(mFD_c2p[0]) != 0)
cout << "Child: failed to set up standard output";
string engine = "stockfish";
char *const args[]={};
int ret;
execvp(engine.c_str(), args);
//I need the endl here or else it doesn't show for me when the execvp fails; I wasn't able to compile the original exec command so I used a different one from the exec* family
cout << "Failed to execute " << engine << endl;
string str = "uci";
int nbytes = str.length();
if (write(mFD_p2c[1], str.c_str(), nbytes) != nbytes)
cout << "Parent: short write to child";
//My particular child process tries to read to the end, so give it the EOF
cout << "The following string has been written to engine:\n"
<< string(1, '\t') << str;
char readBuffer[2];
string output = "";
while (1)
int bytes_read = read(mFD_c2p[0], readBuffer, sizeof(char));
if (readBuffer[0] == '\n')
readBuffer[bytes_read] = '\0';
output += readBuffer;
cout << "Got: " << output;
return 0;
The following string has been written to engine:
uciGot: UCI
This question follows from my attempt to implement the instructions in:
Linux Pipes as Input and Output
How to send a simple string between two programs using pipes?
My question is along the lines of the question in: Linux Pipes as Input and Output, but more specific.
Essentially, I am trying to replace:
/directory/program < input.txt > output.txt
using pipes in C++ in order to avoid using the hard drive. Here's my code:
int fd_p2c[2], fd_pFc[2], bytes_read;
// "p2c" = pipe_to_child, "pFc" = pipe_from_child (see above link)
pid_t childpid;
char readbuffer[80];
string program_name;// <---- includes program name + full path
string gulp_command;// <---- includes my line-by-line stdin for program execution
string receive_output = "";
pipe(fd_p2c);//create pipe-to-child
pipe(fd_pFc);//create pipe-from-child
childpid = fork();//create fork
if (childpid < 0)
cout << "Fork failed" << endl;
else if (childpid == 0)
dup2(0,fd_p2c[0]);//close stdout & make read end of p2c into stdout
close(fd_p2c[0]);//close read end of p2c
close(fd_p2c[1]);//close write end of p2c
dup2(1,fd_pFc[1]);//close stdin & make read end of pFc into stdin
close(fd_pFc[1]);//close write end of pFc
close(fd_pFc[0]);//close read end of pFc
//Execute the required program
execl(program_name.c_str(),program_name.c_str(),(char *) 0);
close(fd_p2c[0]);//close read end of p2c
close(fd_pFc[1]);//close write end of pFc
//"Loop" - send all data to child on write end of p2c
write(fd_p2c[1], gulp_command.c_str(), (strlen(gulp_command.c_str())));
close(fd_p2c[1]);//close write end of p2c
//Loop - receive all data to child on read end of pFc
while (1)
bytes_read = read(fd_pFc[0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
if (bytes_read <= 0)//if nothing read from buffer...
break;//...break loop
receive_output += readbuffer;//append data to string
close(fd_pFc[0]);//close read end of pFc
I am absolutely sure that the above strings are initialized properly. However, two things happen that don't make sense to me:
(1) The program I am executing reports that the "input file is empty." Since I am not calling the program with "<" it should not be expecting an input file. Instead, it should be expecting keyboard input. Furthermore, it should be reading the text contained in "gulp_command."
(2) The program's report (provided via standard output) appears in the terminal. This is odd because the purpose of this piping is to transfer stdout to my string "receive_output." But since it is appearing on screen, that indicates to me that the information is not being passed correctly through the pipe to the variable. If I implement the following at the end of the if statement,
cout << receive_output << endl;
I get nothing, as though the string is empty. I appreciate any help you can give me!
EDIT: Clarification
My program currently communicates with another program using text files. My program writes a text file (e.g. input.txt), which is read by the external program. That program then produces output.txt, which is read by my program. So it's something like this:
my code -> input.txt -> program -> output.txt -> my code
Therefore, my code currently uses,
system("program < input.txt > output.txt");
I want to replace this process using pipes. I want to pass my input as standard input to the program, and have my code read the standard output from that program into a string.
Your primary problem is that you have the arguments to dup2() reversed. You need to use:
dup2(fd_p2c[0], 0); // Duplicate read end of pipe to standard input
dup2(fd_pFc[1], 1); // Duplicate write end of pipe to standard output
I got suckered into misreading what you wrote as OK until I put error checking on the set-up code and got unexpected values from the dup2() calls, which told me what the trouble was. When something goes wrong, insert the error checks you skimped on before.
You also did not ensure null termination of the data read from the child; this code does.
Working code (with diagnostics), using cat as the simplest possible 'other command':
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int fd_p2c[2], fd_c2p[2], bytes_read;
pid_t childpid;
char readbuffer[80];
string program_name = "/bin/cat";
string gulp_command = "this is the command data sent to the child cat (kitten?)";
string receive_output = "";
if (pipe(fd_p2c) != 0 || pipe(fd_c2p) != 0)
cerr << "Failed to pipe\n";
childpid = fork();
if (childpid < 0)
cout << "Fork failed" << endl;
else if (childpid == 0)
if (dup2(fd_p2c[0], 0) != 0 ||
close(fd_p2c[0]) != 0 ||
close(fd_p2c[1]) != 0)
cerr << "Child: failed to set up standard input\n";
if (dup2(fd_c2p[1], 1) != 1 ||
close(fd_c2p[1]) != 0 ||
close(fd_c2p[0]) != 0)
cerr << "Child: failed to set up standard output\n";
execl(program_name.c_str(), program_name.c_str(), (char *) 0);
cerr << "Failed to execute " << program_name << endl;
cout << "Writing to child: <<" << gulp_command << ">>" << endl;
int nbytes = gulp_command.length();
if (write(fd_p2c[1], gulp_command.c_str(), nbytes) != nbytes)
cerr << "Parent: short write to child\n";
while (1)
bytes_read = read(fd_c2p[0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer)-1);
if (bytes_read <= 0)
readbuffer[bytes_read] = '\0';
receive_output += readbuffer;
cout << "From child: <<" << receive_output << ">>" << endl;
return 0;
Sample output:
Writing to child: <<this is the command data sent to the child cat (kitten?)>>
From child: <<this is the command data sent to the child cat (kitten?)>>
Note that you will need to be careful to ensure you don't get deadlocked with your code. If you have a strictly synchronous protocol (so the parent writes a message and reads a response in lock-step), you should be fine, but if the parent is trying to write a message that's too big to fit in the pipe to the child while the child is trying to write a message that's too big to fit in the pipe back to the parent, then each will be blocked writing while waiting for the other to read.
It sounds like you're looking for coprocesses. You can program them in C/C++ but since they are already available in the (bash) shell, easier to use the shell, right?
First start the external program with the coproc builtin:
coproc external_program
The coproc starts the program in the background and stores the file descriptors to communicate with it in an array shell variable. Now you just need to start your program connecting it to those file descriptors:
your_program <&${COPROC[0]} >&${COPROC[1]}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i, status, len;
char str[10];
mknod("pipe", S_IFIFO | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, 0); //create named pipe
pid_t pid = fork(); // create new process
/* Process A */
if (pid == 0) {
int myPipe = open("pipe", O_WRONLY); // returns a file descriptor for the pipe
cout << "\nThis is process A having PID= " << getpid(); //Get pid of process A
cout << "\nEnter the string: ";
cin >> str;
len = strlen(str);
write(myPipe, str, len); //Process A write to the named pipe
cout << "Process A sent " << str;
close(myPipe); //closes the file descriptor fields.
/* Process B */
else {
int myPipe = open("pipe", O_RDONLY); //Open the pipe and returns file descriptor
char buffer[21];
int pid_child;
pid_child = wait(&status); //wait until any one child process terminates
int length = read(myPipe, buffer, 20); //reads up to size bytes from pipe with descriptor fields, store results
// in buffer;
cout<< "\n\nThis is process B having PID= " << getpid();//Get pid of process B
buffer[length] = '\0';
cout << "\nProcess B received " << buffer;
i = 0;
//Reverse the string
for (length = length - 1; length >= 0; length--)
str[i++] = buffer[length];
str[i] = '\0';
cout << "\nRevers of string is " << str;
return 0;
I have a program that forks off four processes and calls execlp() to run different code for the child. I pass the child a number as an id. So far, all the child does is try to pass the id back to the parent process. The pipes work, if i put a string though the stream it prints out in the parent process. However, when i try to put the id as an int thought the stream, it does not work. I dont even get to the line of code after the fprintf() and fflush() command in the child.
I made some changes for how i created the file descriptors and added more code for an example. Now, in the child, i am unable to create the FILE* out. However, if i create out on file descriptor 1, it does print to the screen. I tried creating out on file descriptor 3 and the program just sits there and waits for input from the child that never comes.
Here is my parent:
pipeCount = fileCount = 0;
int fd[2];
for(int c=0; c<NUMJOBS; ++c) jobs[c] = newJob();
ret = pipe(fd);
if(ret < 0) fatal("Error creating pipes");
//cout << fd[0] << "\t" << fd[1] << endl;
pipes[fileCount++] = fdopen(fd[0], "r");
fcntl( 3, F_SETFD, 0 );
//for(int c=3; c<FILEDESCRIPTORS; c+=2) pipes[pipeCount++] = fdopen(c, "w");
for(int c=0; c<4; c++)
int tmp = -1;
//cout << "About to read from children, tmp = " << tmp << endl;
ret = fscanf(pipes[0], "%d", &tmp);
//char* buffer = (char*) malloc(80*sizeof(char));
//char buffer[80];
//read(3, buffer, 80);
cout << ret << "\t" << tmp << endl;
//cout << ret << " " << tmp << endl;
Create all the children by using fork() and execlp()
void Mom::createChildren()
int fd[2];
fcntl( fd[IN], F_SETFD, 0 );
for(int c=0; c<NUMCHILDREN; c++)
ret = pipe(fd);
if(ret < 0) fatal("Error creating pipes");
int pid = fork();
//cout << pid << endl;
if(pid == 0)
setupChild(c, fd);
set up the child and call exec to run ChildMain
void Mom::setupChild(int count, int fd[])
//cout << "Creating child with id: " << count << endl;
char cnt = '0' + count;
string id_str (&cnt + '\0');
fcntl( fd[0], F_SETFD, 0 );
pipes[fileCount++] = fdopen(fd[1], "w");
//execlp("ChildMain", "ChildMain", id_str.c_str(), NULL);
execlp("ChildMain", id_str.c_str(), NULL);
And here is the child code:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//cout << argv[argc-1] << endl;
if(argc < 1) fatal("Not enough arguments provided to ChildMain");
int id = atoi(argv[argc-1]);
//cout << *argv[1] << " " << id << endl;
//redirect STDIN and STDOUT
/*int c_in = dup(0);
dup((2*id) + 5);
int c_out = dup(1);
//Child kid((int) *argv[1]);
FILE* out = fdopen(4, "w");
if(out == NULL)
cout << "Error opening stream to parent in child: " << id << endl;
//char childID = '0' + id;
//char buf[80];
//strcpy(buf, "Child ");
//strcat(buf, &childID);
string buf ("Child");
//cout << tmp << " " << childID << endl;
//write(4, buf.c_str(), buf.length()+1);
//cout << id << endl;
int ret = fprintf(out, "%d", id);
//cout << id << " " << ret << endl;
//ch.push_back((char) id);
//put STDIN and STDOUT back to correct file descriptors
return 0;
I am very confused why this works for the first child, with id 0, but no the others. Does anyone know what is wrong with my code?
execlp(3) is expecting null terminated strings as it's args. &cnt won't be null terminated.
Simple fix:
void Mom::setupChild(int count, int fd[])
char cnt[2];
cnt[0] = '0' + count;
cnt[1] = '\0';
fcntl( fd[(2*count)+3], F_SETFD, 0 );
execlp("ChildMain", "ChildMain", &cnt, NULL);
This doesn't scale to 10 processes though, so I'd probably use a buffer and just sprintf() into it.
Here is a small example on how to implement the suggestion in my comment:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
/* Need two sets of pipes: one for child stdin, one for child stdout */
int pipefds1[2];
int pipefds2[2];
int rc = fork();
if (rc == -1)
else if (rc == 0)
/* In child */
/* Close the old stdin and stdout */
/* Create new stdin/stroud from the pipes */
dup2(pipefds1[0], STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(pipefds2[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
/* Close the unneeded pipe handles */
/* Now pass control to the new program */
execl("/bin/ls", "ls", "-l", "/", NULL);
/* In parent */
/* Close the uneeded pipe handles */
/* We want to use stdio functions */
FILE *fp = fdopen(pipefds2[0], "r");
/* Read all from the child */
char buffer[128];
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
printf("Input from child: %s\n", buffer);
/* Wait for child to exit */
return 0;
Hopefully this will be enough for you to build on.
The error handling is non-existant, but it is tested.
I'm running some code on Mac OSX 10.6.6 and XCode 3.2.4 and I have some pretty standard code: fork(), if pid == 0 then execvp with a command and the args (the args include the command as the first element in the array, and the array is null terminated).
We're going over this in my Operating Systems class and our assignment is to write a simple shell. Run commands with their args and switches, both redirects (< and >) and pipe (|). I'm getting several problems.
1) Sometimes I get the EXC_SOFTWARE signal while debugging (so far I haven't gotten it if I run the app outside of XCode, but I'm new to Mac and wouldn't know what that would look like if I did)
2) Sometimes the getline for the next command gets junk that seems to be printed by other couts. This begins looping forever, exponentially breaking. I have tested with printing getpid() with every prompt and only the beginning process prints these out, I don't appear to have an accidental "fork bomb."
Here's what I have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
char** Split(char* buffer, int &count) {
count = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(buffer); i++) {
if (buffer[i] == ' ') {
const char* delim = " ";
char* t = strtok(buffer, delim);
char** args = new char*[count + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
args[i] = t;
t = strtok(NULL, delim);
args[count] = 0;
return args;
void Run(char** argv, int argc) {
int pid = 0;
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
//for testing purposes, print all of argv
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
cout << "{" << argv[i] << "}" << endl;
execvp(argv[0], argv);
cout << "ERROR 1" << endl;
} else if (pid < 0) {
cout << "ERROR 2" << endl;
int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
char buffer[512];
char prompt[] = ":> ";
int count = 0;
while (true) {
cout << prompt;
cin.getline(buffer, 512);
char **split = Split(buffer, count);
Run(split, count);
It's exactly what I have, you should be able to cut, paste, and build.
I'm not the best at C++, and chances are there's a memory leak when I don't delete split but my main focus is the EXC_SOFTWARE signal and see what I'm doing wrong with my looping issue. Any thoughts?
The assignment requires very limited error checking and I'm assuming all input is correct. By correct I mean properly formatted and limited for my app to run the command, i.e. no bizarre space count, no & to run async, no multi piping commands, etc.
One problem is that you do not check the return from cin.getline(), so if you type EOF, the code goes into a tight loop. You're also leaking memory.
while (cout << prompt && cin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer))
int count = 0;
char **split = Split(buffer, count);
Run(split, count);
delete[] split;
The code in Split() does not really handle blank lines at all well. It seems to take an aeon to run execvp() when the only arguments are null pointers, which is what happens if you return a blank line.
I'm able to run multiple simple commands (such as 'vim makefile' and 'make shell' and 'ls -l' and 'cat shell.cpp' and so on - I even did a few with more than two arguments) OK with this, and I can quit the command (shell) with Control-D and so on. I have fixed it so it compiles with no warnings from g++ -O -Wall -o shell shell.cpp. I have not fixed the splitting code so that it handles empty lines or all blank lines correctly.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
char** Split(char* buffer, int &count) {
count = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(buffer); i++) { // #1
if (buffer[i] == ' ') {
char** args = new char*[count + 1];
const char* delim = " ";
char* t = strtok(buffer, delim);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
args[i] = t;
t = strtok(NULL, delim);
args[count] = 0;
return args;
void Run(char** argv, int argc) {
int pid = 0;
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
//for testing purposes, print all of argv
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i] != 0) // #2
cout << "{" << argv[i] << "}" << endl;
cout << "{ NULL }" << endl; // #3
execvp(argv[0], argv);
cout << "ERROR 1" << endl;
} else if (pid < 0) {
cout << "ERROR 2" << endl;
int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
char buffer[512];
char prompt[] = ":> ";
while (cout << prompt && cin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) // #4
int count = 0;
char **split = Split(buffer, count);
if (count > 0) // #5
Run(split, count);
delete[] split; // #6
I've marked the significant changes (they mostly aren't all that big). I'm compiling with GCC 4.2.1 on MacOS X 10.6.6.
I can't readily account for the garbage characters you are seeing in the buffer.
You're making the assumption that the input line contains one more token than spaces. This assumption may fail if the input line is empty, ends or begins with a space or contains multiple consecutive spaces. In these cases, one of the calls to strtok will return NULL, and this will crash the forked process when you try to print that argument in Run. These are the only cases in which I've encountered problems; if you've encountered any others, please specify your input.
To avoid that assumption, you could do the counting with strtok the same way you do the tokenizing. That's generally a good idea: if you need two things to coincide and you can do them the same way, you introduce an additional source of errors if you do them differently instead.