why cookie is set in response but session in request? - django

I know how session and cookies work. I am doing an online course on django where a function for setting language preference in session and cookie is written in views.py. I do not understand why cookie is set on response but session on request. The instructor mentioned it works the same in PHP or any other web framework.
but he did not explain why? can some one explain why?
Here is the function:
def language(request,language=“en-us”):
response=HttpResonse(“setting language to %s” %language)
return response

I will talk about Java but it shall be similar in django. Session attributes are accesible in servlets and jsp in similar way like request parameters. You can look at it like server side stored request parameters. Some frameworks like JSF even use request scope to store session variable. So basicly you can look at session as request decorator which puts value stored in web container.


How can a spider bond login cookie, user agent and proxy in its requests process?

I want to crawl a website which has a strong security protocol and want to crawl data as fast as possible. Thus I thought I need a multi-login-cookie, multi-user-agent, and multi-proxy crawler.
I have tens of usernames and passwords and I can login using each one and get all the cookies. To hide the identity of my crawler I thought I should also replace the user-agent setting and my IP. I have found many user agents and proxies.
I learned that the cookie is needed each time I send a request to the server, and that cookie should be of the same identity and contain the information of the previous request and the corresponding response. I've gained the knowledge of how to pass it through requests without logging in from this answer. And I know two ways to login in, one outside the scrapy(by passing the cookie to the cookiesmiddleware in the middleware.py file:
from cookies import cookies # script written to login some accounts and return the cookies
import random
class CookiesMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request, spider):
cookie = random.choice(cookies)
request.cookies = cookie
) and another inside it.
What's more in the middleware.py file I passed the user agents randomly in the same as for cookies to the scrapy requests.
My question is: if I pass the cookies randomly as aforementioned, will one spider get the same cookie each time it sends a request? If not the server side will detect me as a bot and block me. What's worse, the same applies to the user-agents and proxies. How to bond each trinity(login cookie, user-agent and proxy) starting from the login, extending the aforesaid answer both in the horizontal and vertical dimension?
To be more precise, should I pass the login cookie in the form of {cookies= user1_cookie} or { meta={'cookiejar': user1_cookie},? And should I pass the user agent and proxy in the meta parameter?
Thanks. Please kindly point me in the right direction, and any suggestions will be highly received and appreciated.
Seems like you are looking for cookiejar. It will allow you to store multiple cookie sessions in single spider session.
Using middleware for random cookies is a bad idea since cookies in most cases store your whole browsing sessions.

Oauth2 code from mobile app

I'm writing an Android app which will authenticate itself using OAuth2 to a Web server under my control.
I'm using Apache Amber on the client side, and oauth2app with Django on the server side.
From the client, I can generate an authorization request, and start a browser Activity that goes to a page asking whether to allow the client access, and after answering in the affirmative, redirects to a page with a "code" parameter.
But how do I get the "code" back to my client, in order to make the subsequent access_token request?
Do I need to bypass the browser entirely? How would that work?
I believe you have a couple of choices here.
The redirect_uri parameter will indicate to the server where it should send the code.
From the ouath2app docs:
If a request is authorized, Authorizer:grant_response() will serialize an object into a JSON response will return a redirect response to the client’s redirect_uri with information on the authorization code passed as query string parameters (response_type CODE) or access token passed as URI fragments.
So armed with that:
If that value is a location on your server, then your mobile browser is going to get the value as part of the redirect. Specifically, you're trying to read the URI fragments in the redirect. I believe this is the intended usage for an application like yours. This blog post seems to have code that might be relevant, under the section "Retrieving the access token".
Alternatively, as you pointed out, you could send the token to a different handler on your server, and then pass it back to your client. It must the callback URL defined in the service.
I found a different blog post, specific to OAuth 2:
The trick is to fire up a new Activity whose content is provided by a WebView (rather than a layout). You can attach a handler to the WebView that's called on the redirect to the page containing the "code" parameter.
Some of the specifics in the blog post concern Google APIs, but so far my experiments suggest that it will work in my situation.

How to login a Django account from an iOS App?

In my App I need to communicate with my Django website. Some resources require authentication so I need user login.
But this does not happen in a browser or a web view. I need to use Object-C to issue a login request and handle the response - basically to store the session ID I guess.
On the web server side, how should I do this in Django? To have a stand-alone view for that and return JSON maybe? How can I get the newly generated session ID though?
I wouldn't get the session ID. I believe logging in a user is more geared toward a web interface. I would create an API that serves the resources you need in your app. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer Authentication would probably be best suited for a private/public key pair or some other similar popular api authentication system.
You don't need to make any changes to your authentication system, save for maybe making sure the login form is usable on the smaller screen. Cookies work the same on iOS as they do on the web. You can display a modal UIWebView with your login form. After the user logs in, presumably you are setting a session cookie. If you make a subsequent request to the domain the cookie matches, the cookie should be sent along. You want to look into the HTTP 'Accept' header field, which specifies the content type the client expects to receive. In your controller (view?), you'll want to check the 'Accept' header, and return the appropriate content type, probably 'application/json' (or a custom type for your API).

Working with Sessions and Cookies

I have this one question in mind that in login sessions does client have to maintain anything so that server uniquely identify client and in multiple client requests response to correct client. I don't understand this sessions and cookies. I asked many about this some say that its server job to maintain sessions and client just send normal request.
Yes, the client must keep track of something, called a session ID. Most commonly, it is a cookie. However, a less used approach is to rewrite all links to pass the session ID in the URL.
Example ID names are ASP.NET_SessionId and PHPSESSID.
Matthew's answer is correct.
It is the server's job to keep track of login sessions, and it's the client web browser's job to keep track of cookies. When you provide username & password on a site, a cookie is provided by the web server to your browser, which will automatically be provided along with subsequent requests to the web server. This cookie uniquely identifies a session which belongs to a particular user on the site (even the "guest" user). So, the server keeps track of all client sessions, and each client remembers its session cookie & provides it along with all its requests. It's a simple scheme. Using Firebug for example, you can see what the web requests look like when you log into a site. You might find that interesting to look at.
It is the server which will maintain the sessions. And it is the server responsibilty to allow session tracking happen. Clients need not bother about sending any information explicitly. As Cliens also sends Cookies saved on the client along with every request, server might use Cookies for sesssion tracking.
Note: Cookies are just one of the way to implement Session Tracking. It is also the best way
So server Cookies as one of the ways to handle session tracking.
It can also be done in other ways:
URL rewriting - the application/server should append the session id in all URL's/Links. When those are invoked from the client the session comes to the server along with the URL.
Hidden Form Fields - The forms may contain hidden input type with session id as field value. When the form is posted, the session id comes along with the form data.

Want to understand authorization,cookies,users logins,sessions

I want to understand the logic of authorization,cookies,users logins,sessions..Do you know any source that explain and teach me about it. If it could give any examples it would be great. I mostly use php,jsp but it would be no problem if you give answer related other languages.
The cookie is primarily used to maintain some state on the client side between the requests on a specific domain and/or path. The session is primarily used to maintain some state on the server side between the requests on a specific domain and/or path.
The session is usually backed by a cookie. In PHP it's the cookie with the name PHPSESSID and in JSP it's the cookie with the name JSESSIONID. Both contains a long, unique autogenrated value.
The server side has a mapping between the cookie value and all attached session objects in the memory. On every request, it checks the cookie value in the request header and reveals the attached session objects from the mapping using the cookie value as key. On every response it writes the cookie value to the response header. The client in turn returns it back in the header of the subsequent requests until the cookie is expired.
With regard to authorization/logins, you can put the logged-in User object in the server side session and check on every request if it is there and handle accordingly. On logout you just remove the User object from the session or invalidate the session. In PHP you can access the session by $_SESSION and in Java/JSP by HttpServletRequest#getSession().
The principle is the same in all other web programming languages.