Unit Testing Reactive Extensions with a method using Wait - unit-testing

I am trying to unit test a method that uses the Wait() method on an IObservable however my test never completes - the Wait never finishes. My test contains the following:
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var input1 = scheduler.CreateColdObservable<List<string>>(
new Recorded<Notification<List<string>>>(100, Notification.CreateOnNext(new List<string> { "John", "Harry" })),
new Recorded<Notification<List<string>>>(200, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<List<string>>())
I am using Moq to setup the response on my method by returning input1. For example
myObj.Setup(f => f.GetStrings()).Returns(input1);
It doesn't actually matter about the details of myObj. I start the scheduler and call my method which contains a Wait(e.g somewhere in my method I call
var results = myObj.GetStrings().Wait();
But this never returns. I suspect I am using the scheduler wrong but I am not sure.

The problem is that you are creating a cold observable and advancing the scheduler before you have subscribed to it.
If you call the blocking Wait() operation on a single threaded test, you are dead in the water at that point. This is because the TestScheduler's internal clock only advances when you call Start() or one of the AdvanceXXX() methods and, since you have a cold observable, the event times you specify are relative the point of subscription. There are also some nuances to calling Start() which I will explain below.
So, as Wait will block, you might try to call it on another thread, but it's still tricky. Consider the following code, which is similar to yours:
void Main()
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var source = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(100, Notification.CreateOnNext(1)),
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(200, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<int>()));
// (A)
int result = 0;
var resultTask = Task.Run(() => { result = source.Wait(); });
// (B)
This code tries to wait on a background thread. If we insert a call to scheduler.Start() at point (A), then source.Wait() will block forever.
This is because Start() will ONLY advance the internal clock of the TestScheduler until all currently scheduled events are executed. With a cold observable, events are scheduled relative to the virtual time of subscription. Since there are no subscribers at point (A), you will find that TestScheduler.Now.Ticks will report 0 even after the call to Start().
Hmmm. Things get even worse if we move the call to scheduler.Start() to point B. Now we have a race condition! It's a race condition that will almost always result in the test hanging at the call to resultTask.Wait(). This is because the chances are that the resultTask will not have had time to execute it's action and subscribe to source before the scheduler.Start() call executes - and so time once again will not advance.
A deterministic execution is therefore very hard to achieve - there is no nice way to announce that the Wait() call has been issued before advancing time, since the Wait() call itself will block. Inserting a long enough delay before calling Start() will work, but kind of defeats the object of using the TestScheduler:
// (B)
What this question really demonstrates to me (IMHO) is that calling Wait() and blocking a thread is almost always a bad idea. Look for using methods like LastAsync() instead, and/or using continuations to get hold of results to asynchronous methods.
I can't recommend the approach due to the complexity, but here is a deterministic solution that makes use of an extension method to signal when a subscription has been made.
void Main()
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var source = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(100, Notification.CreateOnNext(1)),
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(200, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<int>()));
// (A)
var waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);
int result = 0;
var resultTask = Task.Run(() =>
result = source.AnnounceSubscription(waitHandle).Wait();
// (B)
public static class ObservableExtensions
public static IObservable<T> AnnounceSubscription<T>(
this IObservable<T> source, AutoResetEvent are)
return Observable.Create<T>(o =>
var sub = source.Subscribe(o);
return sub;
Recommended approach for testing Rx
A more idiomatic use of the TestScheduler is to create an observer to collect results, and then assert they meet expectations. Something like:
void Main()
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var source = scheduler.CreateColdObservable(
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(100, Notification.CreateOnNext(1)),
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(200, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<int>()));
var results = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();
// here you would append to source the Rx calls that do something interesting
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(100, Notification.CreateOnNext(1)),
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(200, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<int>()));
Finally, if you derive a unit test class from ReactiveTest you can take advantage of OnNext, OnCompleted and OnError helper methods to create Recorded<Notification<T>> instances in a more readable fashion.


Kotlin runTest with delay() is not working

I am testing a coroutine that blocks. Here is my production code:
interface Incrementer {
fun inc()
class MyViewModel : Incrementer, CoroutineScope {
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = Dispatchers.IO
private val _number = MutableStateFlow(0)
fun getNumber(): StateFlow<Int> = _number.asStateFlow()
override fun inc() {
launch(coroutineContext) {
And my test:
class IncTest {
fun setup() {
fun teardown() {
fun incrementOnce() = runTest {
val viewModel = MyViewModel()
val results = mutableListOf<Int>()
val resultJob = viewModel.getNumber()
launch(StandardTestDispatcher(testScheduler)) {
assertEquals(listOf(0, 1), results)
How would I go about testing my inc() function? (The interface is carved in stone, so I can't turn inc() into a suspend function.)
There are two problems here:
You want to wait for the work done in the coroutine that viewModel.inc() launches internally.
Ideally, the 100ms delay should be fast-forwarded during tests so that it doesn't actually take 100ms to execute.
Let's start with problem #2 first: for this, you need to be able to modify MyViewModel (but not inc), and change the class so that instead of using a hardcoded Dispatchers.IO, it receives a CoroutineContext as a parameter. With this, you could pass in a TestDispatcher in tests, which would use virtual time to fast-forward the delay. You can see this pattern described in the Injecting TestDispatchers section of the Android docs.
class MyViewModel(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) : Incrementer {
private val scope = CoroutineScope(coroutineContext)
private val _number = MutableStateFlow(0)
fun getNumber(): StateFlow<Int> = _number.asStateFlow()
override fun inc() {
scope.launch {
Here, I've also done some minor cleanup:
Made MyViewModel contain a CoroutineScope instead of implementing the interface, which is an officially recommended practice
Removed the coroutineContext parameter passed to launch, as it doesn't do anything in this case - the same context is in the scope anyway, so it'll already be used
For problem #1, waiting for work to complete, you have a few options:
If you've passed in a TestDispatcher, you can manually advance the coroutine created inside inc using testing methods like advanceUntilIdle. This is not ideal, because you're relying on implementation details a lot, and it's something you couldn't do in production. But it'll work if you can't use the nicer solution below.
advanceUntilIdle() // Returns when all pending coroutines are done
The proper solution would be for inc to let its callers know when it's done performing its work. You could make it a suspending method instead of launching a new coroutine internally, but you stated that you can't modify the method to make it suspending. An alternative - if you're able to make this change - would be to create the new coroutine in inc using the async builder, returning the Deferred object that that creates, and then await()-ing at the call site.
override fun inc(): Deferred<Unit> {
scope.async {
// In the test...
If you're not able to modify either the method or the class, there's no way to avoid the delay() call causing a real 100ms delay. In this case, you can force your test to wait for that amount of time before proceeding. A regular delay() within runTest would be fast-forwarded thanks to it using a TestDispatcher for the coroutine it creates, but you can get away with one of these solutions:
// delay() on a different dispatcher
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { delay(100) }
// Use blocking sleep
For some final notes about the test code:
Since you're doing Dispatchers.setMain, you don't need to pass in testScheduler into the TestDispatchers you create. They'll grab the scheduler from Main automatically if they find a TestDispatcher there, as described in its docs.
Instead of creating a new scope to pass in to launchIn, you could simply pass in this, the receiver of runTest, which points to a TestScope.

Flutter/Dart: Concurrent Modification Exception without changing list elements

During testing and debugging of an app, i noticed there was an Exception that mostly happens during debug testing only, inside a for-loop that iterates over a list:
[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(177)] Unhandled Exception: Concurrent modification during iteration: Instance(length:0) of '_GrowableList'.
I have searched around and found that it mostly happens if you change the list itself during the iteration, but i cannot see where it happens in the code:
Main function:
static Future<void> save(EntryModel entry) async {
List<TagModel> tagsList = entry.tags;
List<int> tagIdsInserted = [];
if (tagsList != null && tagsList.isNotEmpty) {
for (TagModel tag in tagsList) {
//Error happens inside this loop
int tagIdInserted = await TagContract.save(tag); //this function does not alter the tag in any way.
if (tagIdInserted == null || tagIdInserted <= 0) {
throw Exception('Invalid TagID!');
What happen is during the first iteration it runs fine, but the second or third one the List<TagModel> tagsList suddenly becomes empty, including from the initial object (the entry passed to the function).
Also i noticed that during runs without debugging it runs mostly fine, but i am not sure if that is because i am not catching the error.
Thanks in advance.
Try to avoid using await inside a loop, it is just too dangerous.
You have to understand how asynchronous code execute. If an await is encountered and the Future is unable to return synchronously, the runtime will suspend the execution of this function and jump to whatever other jobs that are on the top of the queue.
So when the await is encountered, the runtime will start executing some god-knows-where code and those code touched your tagsList.
Try to understand the following example. This will directly triggers the exception.
void main() {
List<int> ids = [1,2,3];
ids.add(1); // If the async function get suspended, this becomes the top of the queue.
void test(List<int> ids) async {
for (final id in ids) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10));
In async programming, avoid writing an await who depends on exposed shared states.
For a list of async tasks, always prepare them in an Iterable<Future>, then use Future.wait to synchronize them and get the result in a single await.
For your code
final results = await Future.wait(tagsList.map((tag)=>TagContract.save(tag)))

Difference between ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher and CoroutineDispatcher

Can someone please explain the difference between Kotlin Coroutine's ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher and CoroutineDispatcher from practical point of view, i.e. in which scenarios to use one against another?
So far I've been using Dispatchers, but (as far as I see) it can't give me a single background thread. That's the reason I'm using newSingleThreadExecutor().
What I've noticed though is that my main process never ends while using ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher (1) (with CoroutineDispatcher it finished as expected (2)). After some investigation it appears that I should run method close() on ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher for the main process to be finished (3). With CoroutineDispatcher you don't have to do this, it doesn't even have method close() (4).
Is CoroutineDispatcher closed automatically? Why do we have closure process for ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher, but not for CoroutineDispatcher?
Below is a code I've used for testing:
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
val dispatcher1 = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher() // (1) <-- main process runs indefinitely w/o closing dispatcher1 (3)
val dispatcher2 = Dispatchers.Unconfined // (2)
launch(dispatcher1) {
printInfo(coroutineContext, this)
dispatcher1.close() // (3) <-- need to close dispatcher1 for the main process to finish, otherwise it runs indefinitely
// dispatcher2.close() // (4) <-- dispatcher2 doesn't have method 'close()'
Is CoroutineDispatcher closed automatically? Why do we have closure process for ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher, but not for CoroutineDispatcher?
The difference is not in the dispatcher type, but in how the underlying Java Executor Service is configured. The default shared executors use daemon threads, which don't prevent the JVM from shutting down. If you want to, you can get the same for your own executors:
val myExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor { task ->
Thread(task).also { it.isDaemon = true }
val myDispatcher = myExecutor.asCoroutineDispatcher()
suspend fun main() {
withContext(myDispatcher) {
println("On my dispatcher")

How to unit test Kotlin suspending functions

I follow the MVP pattern + UseCases to interact with a Model layer. This is a method in a Presenter I want to test:
fun loadPreviews() {
launch(UI) {
val items = previewsUseCase.getPreviews() // a suspending function
println("[method] UseCase items: $items")
println("[method] View call")
My simple BDD test:
fun <T> givenSuspended(block: suspend () -> T) = BDDMockito.given(runBlocking { block() })
infix fun <T> BDDMockito.BDDMyOngoingStubbing<T>.willReturn(block: () -> T) = willReturn(block())
fun `load previews`() {
// UseCase and View are mocked in a `setUp` method
val items = listOf<PreviewItem>()
givenSuspended { previewsUseCase.getPreviews() } willReturn { items }
println("[test] before Presenter call")
runBlocking { presenter.loadPreviews() }
println("[test] after Presenter call")
println("[test] verify the View")
The test passes successfully but there's something weird in the log. I expect it to be:
"[test] before Presenter call"
"[method] UseCase items: []"
"[method] View call"
"[test] after Presenter call"
"[test] verify the View"
But it turns out to be:
[test] before Presenter call
[test] after Presenter call
[test] verify the View
[method] UseCase items: []
[method] View call
What's the reason of this behaviour and how should I fix it?
I've found out that it's because of a CoroutineDispatcher. I used to mock UI context with EmptyCoroutineContext. Switching to Unconfined has solved the problem
Update 02.04.20
The name of the question suggests that there'll be an exhaustive explanation how to unit test a suspending function. So let me explain a bit more.
The main problem with testing a suspending function is threading. Let's say we want to test this simple function that updates a property's value in a different thread:
class ItemUpdater(val item: Item) {
fun updateItemValue() {
launch(Dispatchers.Default) { item.value = 42 }
We need to somehow replace Dispatchers.Default with an another dispatcher only for testing purposes. There're two ways how we can do that. Each has its pros and cons, and which one to choose depends on your project & style of coding:
1. Inject a Dispatcher.
class ItemUpdater(
val item: Item,
val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher // can be a wrapper that provides multiple dispatchers but let's keep it simple
) {
fun updateItemValue() {
launch(dispatcher) { item.value = 42 }
// later in a test class
fun `item value is updated`() = runBlocking {
val item = Item()
val testDispatcher = Dispatchers.Unconfined // can be a TestCoroutineDispatcher but we still keep it simple
val updater = ItemUpdater(item, testDispatcher)
assertEquals(42, item.value)
2. Substitute a Dispatcher.
class ItemUpdater(val item: Item) {
fun updateItemValue() {
launch(DispatchersProvider.Default) { item.value = 42 } // DispatchersProvider is our own global wrapper
// later in a test class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- This block can be extracted into a JUnit Rule and replaced by a single line ---
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun setUp() {
DispatchersProvider.Default = Dispatchers.Unconfined
fun cleanUp() {
DispatchersProvider.Default = Dispatchers.Default
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun `item value is updated`() = runBlocking {
val item = Item()
val updater = ItemUpdater(item)
assertEquals(42, item.value)
Both of them are doing the same thing - they replace the original Dispatchers.Default in test classes. The only difference is how they do that. It's really really up to you which of them to choose so don't get biased by my own thoughts below.
IMHO: The first approach is a little too much cumbersome. Injecting dispatchers everywhere will result into polluting most of the classes' constructors with an extra DispatchersWrapper only for a testing purpose. However Google recommends this way at least for now. The second style keeps things simple and it doesn't complicate the production classes. It's like an RxJava's way of testing where you have to substitute schedulers via RxJavaPlugins. By the way, kotlinx-coroutines-test will bring the exact same functionality someday in future.
I see you found out on you own, but I'd like to explain a bit more for the people that might run into the same problem
When you do launch(UI) {}, a new coroutine is created and dispatched to the "UI" Dispatcher, that means that your coroutine now runs on a different thread.
Your runBlocking{} call create a new coroutine, but runBlocking{} will wait for this coroutine to end before continuing, your loadPreviews() function creates a coroutine, start it and then return immediately, so runBlocking() just wait for it and return.
So while runBlocking{} has returned, the coroutine that you created with launch(UI){} is still running in a different thread, that's why the order of your log is messed up
The Unconfined context is a special CoroutineContext that simply create a dispatcher that execute the coroutine right there on the current thread, so now when you execute runBlocking{}, it has to wait for the coroutine created by launch{} to end because it is running on the same thread thus blocking that thread.
I hope my explanation was clear, have a good day

Ensuring that only one instance of a function is running?

I'm just getting into concurrent programming. Most probably my issue is very common, but since I can't find a good name for it, I can't google it.
I have a C++ UWP application where I try to apply MVVM pattern, but I guess that the pattern or even being UWP is not relevant.
First, I have a service interface that exposes an operation:
struct IService
virtual task<int> Operation() = 0;
Of course, I provide a concrete implementation, but it is not relevant for this discussion. The operation is potentially long-running: it makes an HTTP request.
Then I have a class that uses the service (again, irrelevant details omitted):
class ViewModel
unique_ptr<IService> service;
task<void> Refresh();
I use coroutines:
task<void> ViewModel::Refresh()
auto result = co_await service->Operation();
// use result to update UI
The Refresh function is invoked on timer every minute, or in response to a user request. What I want is: if a Refresh operation is already in progress when a new one is started or requested, then abandon the second one and just wait for the first one to finish (or time out). In other words, I don't want to queue all the calls to Refresh - if a call is already in progress, I prefer to skip a call until the next timer tick.
My attempt (probably very naive) was:
mutex refresh;
task<void> ViewModel::Refresh()
unique_lock<mutex> lock(refresh, try_to_lock);
if (!lock)
// lock.release(); commented out as harmless but useless => irrelevant
auto result = co_await service->Operation();
// use result to update UI
Edit after the original post: I commented out the line in the code snippet above, as it makes no difference. The issue is still the same.
But of course an assertion fails: unlock of unowned mutex. I guess that the problem is the unlock of mutex by unique_lock destructor, which happens in the continuation of the coroutine and on a different thread (other than the one it was originally locked on).
Using Visual C++ 2017.
use std::atomic_bool:
std::atomic_bool isRunning = false;
if (isRunning.exchange(true, std::memory_order_acq_rel) == false){
auto result = co_await Refresh();
isRunning.store(false, std::memory_order_release);
//use result
isRunning.store(false, std::memory_order_release);
Two possible improvements : wrap isRunning.store in a RAII class and use std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_bool> if the lifetime if the atomic_bool is scoped.