jQuery cycle2 and 'continueAuto' - jquery-cycle2

I have a simple cycle2 slideshow with a pager. The slideshow proceeds automatically (ie. with set speed and timeout). What I want to achieve is, that once the user clicks a link in the pager, the slideshow becomes "manual" (the automatic transitioning stops) and from that point it is controllable solely by the pager.
The cycle2 API documentation says that there is the 'continueAuto' option which should serve the purpose. So I made a handler to the cycle-pager-activated event like this:
$('#fp_slideshow').on('cycle-pager-activated', function(event, opts ) {
$('#fp_slideshow').cycle({continueAuto: false});
The event gets called as I expect (upon clicking a link in the pager), but calling cycle({continueAuto: false}) does nothing and the slideshow goes on indefinetely.
What am I doing wrong?

The pause command might work better for you in this instance. I tried using the cycle-pager-activated event but couldn't get it to work consistently so instead attached a click handler directly to the pager links. Here's the JavaScript:
var $fp_slideshow = $('#fp_slideshow');
pager: '#fp_slideshow_pager',
pagerTemplate: '<li>Slide {{slideNum}}</li>'
$('a', '#fp_slideshow_pager').on('click', function() {
And here's a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/N43KH/1/


Ionic2 LoadingController spinner animation not working

I am trying to show Loading animation using Ionic2 for long service progress report:
this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
content: 'Please wait...',
spinner: 'ripple' // <<------ Is that correct?
The result is a text box without any spinner.
This is 09/22/2016 Ionic2 using latest beta (11) and I cannot actually find any example like above anywhere. Could this be a future feature documented but not yet implemented?
I am talking about the Ionic2 LoadingController documentations here
Is ripple a custom spinner? Otherwise, you can check the by default available spinners here:
The spinner name should be passed in the spinner property, and any
optional HTML can be passed in the content property. If you do not
pass a value to spinner the loading indicator will use the spinner
specified by the mode. To set the spinner name across the app, set the
value of loadingSpinner in your app's config. To hide the spinner, set
loadingSpinner: 'hide' in the app's config or pass spinner: 'hide' in
the loading options
So another option, would be to just use the specified spynner according to the mode like this:
this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
content: 'Please wait...'
Thing is it might be that the Ionic team just put a way of extending the Loading control using a custom spinner, meaning that you have to put a SVG file name to the property.
It just looks obvious that you can put there one of the built-in spinner names.
Then again, it is reasonable to keep the app's design straight with the same spinner in all loaders. Guess that could be more bolded in the docs...

Best way to rollback all changes to an Ember Data model

I am using ember-data to edit a user with automatic model resolution
this.route('user', function() {
this.route('edit', { path: ':user_id'})
This works fine and the user can modify all aspects of the model DS.attribute, DS.belongsTo and DS.hasMany.
The user can navigate away in a number of ways, in which case all changes should be removed from the model.
Clicking a Cancel button
Clicking the Broswer Back button
Clicking the Save button, the remote request fails, then navigating away from the page.
Just Clicking some other link on the page which takes them somewhere else.
The changes should only be applied if the user explicitly wants them to by clicking the Save button and the server request is successful.
I considered using ember-buffered-proxy but I am not sure how this will cope with DS.belongsTo and DS.hasMany relationships. Regardless, before saving the model I will need to do buffer.applyBufferedChanges(); before saving and if the server fails I am in the save situation as before.
The willTransition hook in the route seems like the obvious place to do this but how can I ensure all changes are removed from the model given rollbackAttributes() only works for DS.attribute controls.
Try utilizing the Ember.Route refresh() method inside the route's willTransition() action hook, like this:
action: {
willTransition() {
const unsavedModel = this.get('unsaved');
if (unsavedModel) {
The refresh() method can be used for "re-querying the server for the latest information using the same parameters as when the route was first entered."
I've suggested a flag named unsaved, which can default to true, unless it has been set to false at some point during a successful save, prior to transitioning.

How can a component respond to an action?

tl;dr: Data can be sent in and out of a component, but I only know how to send actions out. Is there a way to send actions in?
In my Ember application, I have something like the following UI from Google Maps:
The background map corresponds to a PinsRoute/PinsView/PinsController, and it shows many pins. When you click one, you enter the PinRoute, which renders the overlay to {{outlet}}. Both the big map and the thumbnail (in the Google Maps image, the picture that says "Street View") are components: FullscreenMapComponent and ThumbnailMapComponent, respectively.
In Google maps, when you click "Street view", it pans and zooms the main map to the selected point. This is essentially what I'm trying to figure out how to wire up.
When the user clicks "streeth view" on my ThumbnailMapComponent, I can send out an action, which the PinsRoute can handle. The question is, how can I then reach down to my FullscreenMapComponent and invoke the appropriate method (.panToSelected(), in this case)?
Here's a good solution. Have the component register itself to whatever controller it's being rendered in, and that way you can access the component in action handlers.
In my case, I added a method to my component
App.FullscreenMapComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
_register: function() {
this.set('register-as', this);
and a property to my controller:
App.SensorsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
fullscreenMap: null,
In my template, I bind the two with my new register-as property:
// sensors.hbs
{{fullscreen-map data=mapData
register-as=fullscreenMap }}
And now, let's say I click the thumbnail above and it sends an action that bubbles up to my ApplicationRoute, I can now do this:
// ApplicationRoute.js
actions: {
panTo: function(latLong, zoom) {
this.controllerFor('sensors').get('fullscreenMap').panTo(latLong, zoom);
Presto! Components responding to actions.
Update (10/6/2016)
Whew, I've learned a lot in two years.
I would no longer recommend this solution. In general, you should strive for your components to be declarative, and have their output and behavior depend solely on their state. Instead, my original answer here solved the problem using an imperative method, which is brittle, harder to understand, and not very easy to extend (what if we wanted to tie the the map's position to the URL?).
If I was refactoring this specific component, I'd probably make {{fullscreen-map}} accept latLong and zoom params. If someone from the outside sets those, the map would respond and update itself. You can use didReceiveAttrs from within the component to respond to param changes, and then from there call the imperative panTo method from Google's API.
The takeaway is that, even if you have to interact with imperative methods (maybe because of a third-party lib), strive to make your own components' APIs as declarative as possible. What first seems like "sending an action down" can usually be expressed as some function of state, and that state is what you want to identify and make explicit.
This is working example but I am not 100% sure that this approach is best
Here what you can do:
When calling action pass your component as parameter:
App.PinController = Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
actionThatComponentCalls: function(){
// different component will be called
new App.MyOtherComponent().send('differentAction'):
App.FullScreenMapComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
click: function(){
App.MyOtherComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
differentAction: function(){
console.log('different action called');
Hope this helps

Ember.js route hook to be called on every transition

Is there a route hook in Ember.js that is called on every transition, even if the new route is the same as the old route (for example, clicking a top-level navigation link to the same route).
I tried activate, but it's only being called once, and is not being called again when I use the top-level navigation to go to the same route I'm already in.
Example jsFiddle: When I click "Test" the first time, the activate hook is called, but when I click it a second time, it does not.
You can setup a didTransition in the router, exactly how Ember does it for Google Analytics.
doSomething: function() {
// do something here
See example here: http://emberjs.com/guides/cookbook/helpers_and_components/adding_google_analytics_tracking/
UPDATE: (new link since old is broken)
Activate is not being called a second time because This hook is executed when the router enters the route... And when you click on that link-to a second time, the router isn't doing anything... As in, no transition is being made (although it is "attempted").
The method that I have found to work best is observing the currentPath from within a controller. I use this for animations between routes.
In your application controller you can do something like the following:
currentPathChange: function () {
case 'test.index':
case 'test.new':
You should be able to access almost any part of your app from the application controller, so it's a nice "root hook," I suppose.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/mattblancarte/jxWjh/2/
Did you already consider the hook willTransition?
App.SomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
willTransition: function(transition) {
// do your stuff
Alter/Hack EmberJS code and add a jQuery event trigger inside the doTransition() Function. This is Best but kind of defeating the point.
As of today, 1 year later and Ember 2.0 kind of out, there is NO OTHER WAY :(
Ember does not provide a way to track route-change attempts! This includes URLattemts(history), link-to attempts, hash change attempts etc..

emberjs "loading screen" at the beginning

I don't know, if you have seen this demo-app yet: http://www.johnpapa.net/hottowel/ but once you start it, you see a really nice loading screen at the beginning like you would in any bigger desktop application/game.
So I haven't had the chance to go through the code properly myself, but I have started recently with Emberjs and I have the feeling that loading all the js-code for the whole SPA that I am building could be in the seconds area.
My question now, how would such a loading screen be possible with emberjs?
Or would there be a better way to go about that? (I somehow don't think requirejs would be a solution, though I could be wrong)
I'd like to contribute an alternate answer to this. By default, ready fires when the DOM is ready, and it may take some time to render your application after that, resulting in (possibly) a few seconds of blank page. For my application, using didInsertElement on ApplicationView was the best solution.
App.ApplicationView = Ember.View.extend({
didInsertElement: function() {
Please note that Ember also offers the ability to defer application readiness, see the code for more information.
Maybe it's my lazy way of doing things, but I just solved this by adding a no-ember class to my div.loading and in my CSS I added
.ember-application .no-ember {
display: none;
(Ember automatically adds the ember-application to the body.)
This way, you could also add CSS3 animations to transition away from the loading screen.
you can do something like this:
App = Ember.Application.create({
ready: function () {
in your body you set something like this
<img src="img/loading.gif" id="loader">
Alternative to using didInsertElement, the willInsertElement is a better event to perform the loading div removal since it will be removed from the body tag "before" the application template is rendered inside it and eliminates the "flicker" effect ( unless using absolute positioning of the loading div ).
App.ApplicationView = Ember.View.extend({
willInsertElement: function() {
Ember has an automagic loading view logic.
By simply setting App.LoadingView and its template, Ember will show that view while application loads.
This feature is likely to change in next release, in favor of a nested loading route feature which looks promising. See below:
Draft documentation
Feature proposal and discussion
In Ember 2.0 there is no more View layer, but you can do the same with initializers:
name: 'splash-screen-remover',
initialize: function(application) {