Sorting events to show this week, month etc - ruby-on-rails-4

I have a list of events but I'm struggling to work out how to show specific date ranges in the index view.
I would like to list the events by showing events today, this week, this month etc.
I'm new to rails so I've tried to use this site and I've come up with the following which works for today's events.
#events_today = Event.find(:all, :conditions => ["date between ? and ?",, Date.tomorrow])
But I'm not sure how to set the page to automatically update and show only this weeks events and this month.

Your basic query should do something like this:
Event.where(date: date_range)
Now before calling this query you can set the date range variable. If you only want this week:
date_range =
Event.where(date: date_range)
Now there are all sorts of things you can do. You can select a start and end date or a custom period using either a form or a dropdown select. In this case date_range is set based on your params. You could also always use one predefined period.
If you want to work with several date range periods it could be nice to have a last_week, last_month, etc. scope in your model (or concern). Or you could simply define date_range constants in your initializers.

As per my understanding, you want to show all the event of a week or month on click of tab 'Week' or 'Month' from view.
When you clicked on month or week for getting events, you send simply month or week in params(assuming params[:events_in] hold 'week' or 'month')
apply check on this attributes of params
def get_events_in_week_or_month
if params[:events_in] =='week'
start_date_of_time_period =
end_date_of_time_period =
start_date_of_time_period =
end_date_of_time_period =
#events in descending order
#events = Event.where("date between ? and ? ", start_date_of_time_period, end_date_of_time_period).order("created_at DESC")
#events in ascending order
#events = Event.where("date between ? and ? ", start_date_of_time_period, end_date_of_time_period)
for getting more methods of date class, you should run following command on rails console :


Bigquery, how to count events group by week?

I just started working with Bigquery. Data comes from firebase and I noticed that I got the data each day, for example gara-e78a5.analytics_247657392.events_20221231, gara-e78a5.analytics_247657392.events_20221230 etc....
Each row comes with an event_date like under this format 20221231
I want to count the number of people landing on our page each week, but I don't know I to group them by week.
I started something like this but I don't know to group it by week:
SELECT count(event_name) FROM app-xxxx.analytics_247657392.events_* where event_name = 'page_download_view' group by
Thanks in advance for your help
Based on #Ronak, i found the solution.
SELECT week_of_year, sum(nb_download) as nb_download_per_week from (
SELECT DISTINCT EXTRACT (WEEK from (PARSE_DATE('%Y%m%d', event_date))) as week_of_year, count(event_name) as nb_download from `tabllle-e78a5.analytics_XXXXX.events_*` where event_name = 'landing_event_download_apk' group by event_date) group by week_of_year
You can use the WEEK (or ISOWEEK) function.
WEEK: Returns the week number of the date in the range [0, 53]
Formats -
This should work
select EXTRACT(ISOWEEK FROM(CAST(PARSE_DATE('%Y%m%d', <column>) as TIMESTAMP))) as week_of_year from <table>

Power BI - Creating a calculated table

I am creating a dashboard in Power BI. I have to report the executions of a process in a daily basis. When selecting one of these days, I want to create another calculated table based on the day selected (providing concrete information about the number of executions and hours) as it follows:
When [dateSelected] is previously calculated from the selected day as it follows:
dateSelected = FORMAT(FIRSTDATE(TABLE_A[EXEC_DATE]);"dd/MM/yyyy")
I tried a lot of alternatives as, for example, create individualy the year, month and day to later compare. I used the format in both sides of the comparation, but none of them works for me. The most of the cases it returns me the whole source table without any kind of filters. In other cases, it doesn't return anything. But, when I put a concrete day ...
... it makes the filter correctly generating the table as I want.
Does someone know how to implement the functionality I am searching for?
Thanks in advance.
You're almost there Juan. You simply need to use dateSelected as a varialbe inside of your DAX query:
var dateSelected = FIRSTDATE(TABLE_A[EXEC_DATE])
Note that all my dates are formatted as Date so I didn't need to use a FORMAT function.
Here's the final result:
I admit that this behavior can be quite confusing! Here is a useful link that will help you understand Power BI's context:
Let's treat option 1 as FILTER(TABLE_A; TABLE_A[EXEC_DATE] = "20/02/2019") and option 2 as FILTER(TABLE_A; TABLE_A[EXEC_DATE] = [dateSelected]). Quote from the post:
In option 1, in the filter function, you are iterating
over each row of your 'Table' (row context). In option 2, because you
are using a measure as part of the filter condition, this row context
is transformed into an equivalent filter context (context transition).
Using variables (...) is very convenient when you want to filter
a column based on the value of a measure but you don't want context
transition to apply.

Power BI: Find Last Inactive Period of 365 Days

I'd like to find the reactivation date after someone had last been inactive for 365 days.
There are two tables:
A Login Table with non-distinct users and their multiple login dates.
A User Table with distinct users and their last login dates. I would also like this Reactivation Date to be placed here.
I used the following Dax formula to get the "last login date"
Last Login Date = MAXX(RELATEDTABLE('Login Table'), 'Login Table'[Login Date])
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One way to solve this is by using multiple measures and columns.
For your Login Table, add a new calculated column with the following definition:
Previous Login = CALCULATE(MAX(LoginTable[Login]), FILTER(LoginTable, LoginTable[User] = EARLIER(LoginTable[User]) && LoginTable[Login] < EARLIER(LoginTable[Login])))
This will create a new calculated column in your Login Table which adds the date of the previous login to your table. (My Login Date column is called Login, therefore you might need to change this)
Now, simply calculate the DAY difference between the login date and the previous login date:
Day Difference = DATEDIFF(LoginTable[Previous Login], LoginTable[Login], DAY)
Using a simple IF statement, you can now add a new calculated column returning 1 if this login is a reactivation or not:
Is Reactivated = IF(DATEDIFF(LoginTable[Previous Login],LoginTable[Login], DAY) > 360, 1, 0)
To make things easier, also create a calculated column that returns the login date, if this is a reactivation:
Reactivate = IF(LoginTable[Is Reactivated] == 1, LoginTable[Login], BLANK())
Now you simply have to create a calculated table which groups by user and gets the max login date and max reactivated date like this:
Table = GROUPBY(LoginTable, LoginTable[User], "Last Login", MAXX(CURRENTGROUP(), LoginTable[Login]), "Last Reactivation", MAXX(CURRENTGROUP(), LoginTable[Reactivate]))
A lot of steps could be put into one steps but this way, it is simpler to understand and troubleshoot.
Hope this helps!

Setting the Default Value of a Slicer on power bi

I want to set default filter of this week to slicer.However ,every answer use the option list.
if(weeknum(now())=weeknum([mydate]),"current week",[mydate]).
I selected the bar and choose start date with end date to filter date.On the previous way it's work on option-list but not on bar.
Any ideas?
I'd go about this in two ways.
Create a slicer which is used to calculate the week:
ThisWeek = if(weeknum(now) = weeknum(date), "Yes", "No")
It is however worth noting that if you have a data set that contains dates over several years it could show more data than required. In this case I would create the below column and use a Slicer based off of that.
ThisWeek = if(weeknum(now) = weeknum(date && year(now) = year(date), "Yes", "No")
You can then setup the interactions to filter your date slicer so the default range would be set as the value defined within "ThisWeek"
Alternately you could create a page filter which only shows records for this week. Again you would use the same format as above however there would be no need for the slicer.

Top user of day, week, all time - best way to implement?

Suppose each user on my site has a score which increases as they use the site (like Stackoverflow) and I have a field score stored in the user profile table for each user.
Getting the top 10 users of all time is easy, just order by the score column.
I want to have "top 10 today", "top 10 this week", "top 10 of all time".
What's the best way to implement this? Do I need to store every single score change with a timestamp?
You would have to have a table that stored the increments and use a timestamp. I.E.
CREATE TABLE ScoreIncreases (
ScoreIncrease INT,
CreatedDate DATETIME)
Your query would then be something like
SELECT TOP 1 u.PrimaryKey, SUM(ScoreIncrease)
FROM Users u
INNER JOIN ScoreIncreases si ON si.Userid=u.PrimaryKey
WHERE DATEDIFF(day,si.CreatedDate,GETDATE()) = 0
GROUP BY u.PrimaryKey
ORDER BY SUM(ScoreIncrease) DESC