C++ - Testing serial ports without a physical device - c++

I have a program that splits a serial device into multiple virtual serial ports and routes all the data to them.
---- /dev/ttyS1.a [data]->
[data]-> /dev/ttyS1 ---- /dev/ttyS1.b [data]->
---- /dev/ttyS1.c [data]->
My working program (pseudo code for sake of readability and simplicity):
poll(...) {
// Route data from master to vsp
for(virtual serial ports as vsp) {
// Route data from vsp to master (if need be)
for(virtual serial ports as vsp) {
if(vsp.needs_to_write()) {
I have one physical serial port device on my machine that continuously feeds data through, which is how I tested if my program initially works, but I would like to write a test to emulate/simulate writing and reading both directions and verifying the data on both ends. Since the data I am receiving from my physical serial port device writes seemingly random data it is hard to verify what is going in is exactly what is being written.
How would I be able to do this? (pseudo code)
1. fork process that feeds a known char sequence into /dev/ttyS2 in a loop
2. use my program to read from the COM `master.read(buf)` and then write to the vsp `vsp.write(buf)`
3. how can I verify that after writing to the buf that the vsp has the correct data?
Any help is appreciated I am confused on how to automate testing this.
Edit 1:
No one can help?

I think you can use com0com to test. You can connect virtual serial ports and then write to one and read from other what it received.
enter link description here


Qt Serial Communication not sending all data

I am writing a Qt application for serial communication with a Qorvo MDEK-1001. All built-in serial commands I've had to use work fine except for one: aurs n k, where n and k are integers corresponding to the desired rate of data transmission (e.g. "aurs 1 1\r"). Write function is:
void MainWindow::serialWrite(const QByteArray &command)
qDebug() << "Command: " << command;
If I send the command "aurs 1 1\r". It doesn't actually get sent to the device until I send another command for some reason. So if I subsequently send the "quit" command to the device, the returned data from the device is: "aurs 1quit", which registers as an unknown command. Any assistance getting this command to send properly is appreciated.
I've tried a bunch of stuff (setting bytes to write as second parameter in write(), using QDataStream, appending individual hex bytes onto QByteArray and writing that), but nothing has worked. This is the first time I've had to use Qt's serial communication software so I've probably missed something obvious.
On Linux Manjaro (same thing happens on Windows 8.1)
Connection settings: 8 data bits, Baud: 115200, No Flow Control, No Parity, One Stop Bit

QTcpSocket sends more data than wanted - Qt/C++

first of all a little background on my situation:
- Qt/C++ UI desktop application
- embedded device (Stm32l4xx family) +ATWINC1500 wifi module
I'm developing the gui application in order to send commands and files to the emdedded device via sockets.
For simple commands I've done all successfully, but for sending files (text files in GCODE format) I am stuck with some issues.
The embedded device has already a socket management(not written by me, so I have not the possibility to modify the way sockets are managed, coming from third party company), and the reception of that type of files is managed in a way that the API waits for every single line of the file being sent, and then wrotes it into a reserved portion of the flash.
My problem is that when I send file from qt Application(by reading each line and and calling write() on the line, in reality my socket sends an entire chunk of the file, like 50 lines, resulting in my device not managing the file reception.
My sending code is this:
void sendGCODE(const QString fileName)
QFile *file = new QFile(fileName,this);
bool result = true;
if (file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
while (!file->atEnd())
QByteArray bytes(file->readLine());
result = communicationSocket->write(bytes);
console->append("-> GCODE line sent:"+ QString(bytes));
console->append("-> Error sending GCODE line!");
Have anyone of you guys any hints on what I am doing wrong?
I've already searched and someone suggests on other topic that for this purpose it should be better to use UDP instead of TCP sockets, but unfortunately I cannot touch the embedded-device-side code.
thank you all!
After suggestions from comments, I've sniffed tcp packets and the packets are sent correctly(i.e. each packet contains a single line). BUT... at the receiver(device), I understood that there is something regarding memory which is not well managed. an example:
sender sends the line "G1 X470.492 Y599.623 F1000" ; receiver receives correctly the string "G1 X470.492 Y599.623 F1000"
next, if the line length is less than the previous sent, i.e. sending "G1 Z5", the receiver receives: "G1 Z5\n\n.492 Y599.623 F1000", so it is clear that the buffer used to store the data packet is not re-initialized from previous packet content, and the new part overwrites the previous values where the remaining part is from the previous packet
I'm trying to figure out how I could reset that part of memory.
This is all wrong. TCP is not a message-oriented protocol. There is no way to ensure that the TCP packets contain any particular amount of data. The receiver code on the device mustn't expect that either - you perhaps misunderstood the receiver's code, or are otherwise doing something wrong (or the vendor is). What the receiver must do is wait for a packet, add the packet's data to a buffer, then extract and process as many complete lines as it can, then move the remaining data to the beginning of the buffer. And repeat that on every packet.
Thus you're looking for the wrong problem at the wrong place, unless your device never ever had a chance of working. If that device works OK with other software, then your "packetized" TCP assumption doesn't hold any water.
Here's how to proceed:
If the device is commercially available and has been tested to work, then you're looking in the wrong place.
If the device is a new product and still in development, then someone somewhere did something particularly stupid and you either need to fix that stupidity, or have the vendor fix it, or hire a consultant to fix it. But just to be completely clear: that's not how TCP works, and you cannot just accept that "it's how it is".

Android usb host input bulktransfer fails to read randomly when data available

The following code is inside a thread and reads input data coming over usb. Approximately every 80 readings it misses one of the packets coming from an stm32 board. The board is programmed to send data packets to the android tablet every one second.
// Non Working Code
int resp = bulktransfer(mInEp,mBuf,mBuf.lenght,1000);
}else if(resp<0)
I was looking the Missile Launcher example in android an other libraries on the internet and they put a delay of 50ms between each poll. Doing this it solves the missing package problem.
//Working code
int resp = bulktransfer(mInEp,mBuf,mBuf.lenght,1000);
}else if(resp<0)
}catch(Exception e){}
Does anyone knows the reason why the delay works. Most of the libraries on github has this delay an as I mention before the google example too.
I am putting down my results regarding this problem. After all seems that the UsbConnection.bulkTransfer(...) method has some bug when called continuously. The solution was to use the asynchronous API, UsbRequest class. Using this method I could read from the input endpoint without delay and no data was lost during the whole stress test. So the direction to take is asynchronous UsbRequest instead of synchronously bulktransfer.

RS-232 confusion under C++

What's the problem in given code? Why it is not showing the output for rs232 when we connect it by the d-9 connector with the short of pin number 2 & 3 in that?
#include <bios.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define COM1 0
#define DATA_READY 0x100
#define SETTINGS ( 0x80 | 0x02 | 0x00 | 0x00)
int main(void)
int in, out, status;
bioscom(0, SETTINGS, COM1); /*initialize the port*/
cprintf("Data sent to you: ");
while (1)
status = bioscom(3, 0, COM1); /*wait until get a data*/
if (status & DATA_READY)
if ((out = bioscom(2, 0, COM1) & 0x7F) != 0) /*input a data*/
if (kbhit())
if ((in = getch()) == 27) /* ASCII of Esc*/
bioscom(1, in, COM1); /*output a data*/
return 0;
Well, the code looks alright. Have you really connected the remaining pins correctly in the plug, see serial and pin connections.
Nothing obvious stands out from your code as the cause. Check all your bases as you are dealing with hardware/software. The following Microsoft article has a different implementation using _bios_serialcom (from bios.h) which might be a good reference point for you.
Suggestions for where to go from here:
I would also suggest replacing the literals (eg 0x08) using the constants predefined for Baud rate, Parity (eg _COM_NOPARITY) to make the code more readable in your question.
Check that the Com port is actually open, as its a assumption which is unchecked in your code example above.
Also check up on the pin connections for the DB9. To connect two computers/devices you will need to null modem it, eg pin 2 to pin 3 at the other end, plus the Signal Ground. Make sure you are disabling/not looking for DTR.
If the other computer/device is setup then I would suggest first running HyperTerminal (Programs->Accessories->Communication) and connect to your COM 1 and check you can see characters from the other device. If not its most likely related to your cable.
Hope that helps.
Before checking with your code always check your serial communication with a terminal program. I don't have much experience with Windows environment but in Linux you have programs like cutecom or gtkterm where you can send/receive data from serial port. We extensively used these programs for serial communication in Linux, they are great for debugging potential problems with serial port interface (both h/w & s/w as well). So, before suspecting your code check with a terminal emulator program.
Hey, I am not an expert on Win32, but it seems to be easier to use another article as a source (the one mentioned here before looks outdated):
This is old too, dated around 1995, but it looks still effective. The NT architecture is very restrictive when it comes to grant access to hardware, for example, to send bytes to a PC paralell port one needs to rely on workarounds dll written by open source developers.
I'm assuming from your comment about "pin 2 & 3" that you've connected a loopback cable, so you're expecting to see anything you type come up on the screen (and stop doing so when you disconnect the cable).
I think there's a bug in the code: the if (kbhit()) is inside the if (status & DATA_READY).
That means you only check the keyboard if there is some input ready to receive from the serial port - which there won't be, because you haven't sent it anything yet! Try moving the test and see if it improves matters.
(Here is some similar serial port code that puts the if (kbhit()) test outside the DATA_READY check. It doesn't claim to work, but provides some evidence that this might be the source of the problem...)

reading problem from socket during run time

i am able to read data during debug time ,but when i perform write and read ,during run time ,i am unable to read data during run time
delete iBuffer1;
iBuffer1 = NULL;
iBuffer1 = HBufC8::NewL(1000);
TPtr8 bufferPtr2(iBuffer1->Des());
i am using three active object for connect,read and write
bufferPtr2 goes out of scope after SetActive, it needs to live until RunL is called.
Common Symbian descriptor misstake.
I am not sure what exactly the problem was during the run time. I guess that did you check out the socket connection as well as a handshake protocol before the communication is established ? you were using the three active objects for communications, did you synchronize those objects during reading/writing ?
I hope it helps.