std::set erase complexity anomality? - c++

I am trying to figure out the complexity of erasing multiple elements from std::set. I am using this page as source.
It claims that the complexity for erasing a single item using an iterator is amortized O(1), but erasing multiple items using the range form is log(c.size()) + std::distance(first, last) (i.e. - log of the set's size + the number of elements deleted).
Taken at face value, if the number of elements to be erased (n) is much smaller than the number of elements in the set (m), this means that looping over the elements to be erased and erasing them one at a time is quicker (O(n)) than erasing them with one call (O(log m) assuming n<<m).
Obviously, had that really been the case, the internal implementation of the second form would just do the above loop.
Is this an error at the site? A bug in the specs? Am I just missing something?

Internally elements of a set are stored in a balanced binary tree. Balanced tree is a tree where maximal height difference between any left and right subtree of any node is 1.
Maintaining balanced structure is important to guarantee that a search of any element in the tree (in the set) takes in worst case O(log(n)) steps.
Removal of an element may destroy balance. To restore balance rotations must be performed. In some cases a single removal causes several rotations so that the operation takes O(log(n)) steps, but in average a removal takes O(1) steps.
So, when several elements scattered over the set must be deleted, one by one, the amortized costs with high probability will be O(1) per removal.
Removing several elements in the range (first, last, where one element follows the next) will almost certainly destroy the balance, what causes the log factor in the complexity: log(n) + std::distance(first, last)

It seems the problem is hiding behind the (somewhat weasel) word "amortized". The single item erase has O complexity of log(c.size()), but amortized complexity of O(1).
Performing multiple single erases in a loop will thus cost log(c.size()) + number of erases, which is exactly what the range form's complexity is.


Why doesn't list an amortized time complexity for the unordered containers' insert()?

Why does list an amortized time complexity for vectors' push_back() but average and worst time complexities for the unordered containers' insert()? Is there an implementation that doesn't need to rehash?
Amortised complexity doesn't make sense for unordered associative containers.
For vectors, the complexity of a particular insertion does not depend on the value of the element being inserted, but only on the history of previous insertions and deletions. Thus it is possible to calculate amortised complexity: insert N elements, take the overall complexity and divide by N. Some of these insertions are very fast and some require reallocation which is O(size()). The amortised complexity is the average of them all, and does not depend on the distribution of inserted values.
For unordered containers, the complexity may depend on the value of the element being inserted and on the values of elements already present in the container. As an edge case, consider a n unordered set where hashes of all elements are equal, and another one with the same hash is being added. The operation is O(size()) and will always remain O(size()), however many elements you add. OTOH if the element being inserted falls into an empty bucket, the complexity is O(1). You cannot take the average of these cases without knowing the distribution of inserted values.

STL container to select and remove random item?

The algorithm I'm implementing has the structure:
while C is not empty
select a random entry e from C
if some condition on e
append some new entries to C (I don't care where)
remove e from C
It's important that each iteration of the loop e is chosen at random (with uniform probability).
Ideally the select, append and remove steps are all O(1).
If I understand correctly, using std::list the append and remove steps will be O(1) but the random selection will be O(n) (e.g., using std::advance as in this solution).
And std::deque and std::vector seem to have complementary O(1) and O(n) operations.
I'm guessing that std::set will introduce some O(log n) complexity.
Is there any stl container that supports all three operations that I need in constant time (or amortized constant time)?
If you don't care about order and uniqueness of elements in your container, you can use the following:
std::vector<int> C;
while (!C.empty()) {
size_t pos = some_function_returning_a_number_between_zero_and_C_size_minus_one();
if (condition())
else {
C[i] = std::move(C.back());
No such container exists if element order should be consistent. You can get O(1) selection and (amortized) append with vector or deque, but removal is O(n). You can get O(1) (average case) insertion and removal with unordered_map, but selection is O(n). list gets you O(1) for append and removal, but O(n) selection. There is no container that will get you O(1) for all three operations. Figure out the least commonly used one, choose a container which works for the others, and accept the one operation will be slower.
If the order of the container doesn't matter per use 3365922's comment, the removal step could be done in O(1) on a vector/deque by swapping the element to be removed with the final element, then performing a pop_back.
I'm guessing that std::set will introduce some O(log n) complexity.
Not quite. Random selection in a set has linear compexity.
Is there any stl container that supports all three operations that I need in constant time (or amortized constant time)?
Strictly speaking no.
However, if you don't care about the order of the elements, then you can remove from a vector or deque in constant time. With this relaxation of requirements, all operations would have constant complexity.
In case you did need to keep the order between operations, constant complexity would still be possible as long as the order of the elements doesn't need to affect the random distribution (i.e. you want even distribution). The solution is to use a hybrid approach:
Store the values in a linked list. Store iterator to each element in a vector. Use the vector for random selection; Erase the element of the list using the iterator which keeps the order of elements; Erase the iterator from the vector without maintaining order of the iterators. When adding elements to the list, remember to add the iterator.

Best container for ordered elements

I am developing a time critical application and am looking for the best container to handle a collection of elements of the following type:
class Element
int weight;
Data data;
Considering that the time critical steps of my application, periodically performed in a unique thread, are the following:
the Element with the lowest weight is extracted from the container, and data is processed;
a number n>=0 of new Element, with random(*) weight, are inserted into the container.
Some Element of the container may have the same weight. The total number of elements in the container at any time is quite high and almost stationary in average (several hundreds of thousands). The time needed for the extract/process/insert sequence described above must be as low as possible. (Note(*): new weight is actually computed from data but is considered as random here to simplify.)
After some searches and tries of different STL containers, I ended up using std::multiset container, which performed about 5 times faster than ordered std::vector and 16 times faster than ordered std:list. But still, I am wondering if I could achieve even better performance, considering that the bottleneck of my application remains in the extract/insert operations.
Notice that, though I only tried ordered containers, I did not mentioned "ordered container" in my requirements. I do not need the Element to be ordered in the container, I only need to perform the "extract lowest weighted element"/"insert new elements" operations as fast as possible. I am not limited to STL containers and can go for boost, or any other implementation, if suited.
Thanks for help.
I do not need the Element to be ordered in the container, I only need to perform the "extract lowest weighted element"/"insert new elements" operations as fast as possible.
Then you should try priority_queue<T>, or use make_heap/push_heap/pop_heap operations on a vector<T>.
Since you are looking for min heap, not max heap, you would need to supply a custom comparator that orders your Element objects in reverse order.
I think that within the STL , lazy std::vector will give the best results.
a suggested psuedo code may look like:
emplace back new elements in the end of the vector
only when you want to smallest element, sort the array and get the first element
in this way, you get the amortized insertion time of vector, relativly small amount of memory allocations and good cache locality.
It is instructive to consider different candidates and how your assumptions would impact the final selection. When your requirements change, it then becomes easer to switch containers.
Generally, the containers of size N have roughly 3 complexity categories for their basic acces/modification operations: (amortized) O(1), O(log N) and O(N).
Your first requirement (finding the lowest weight element) gives you roughly three candidates with O(1) complexity, and one candidate with O(N) complexity per element:
O(1) for std::priority_queue<Element, LowestWeightCompare>
O(1) for std::multiset<Element, LowestWeightCompare>
O(1) for boost::flat_multiset<Element, LowestWeightCompare>
O(N) for std::unordered_multiset<Element>
Your second requirement (randomized insertion of new elements) gives you the following complexity per element for each of the above four choices
O(log N) for std::priority_queue
O(log N) for std::multiset
O(N) for boost::flat_multiset
amortized O(1) for std::unordered_multiset
Among the first three choices, boost::multiset should be dominated by the other two for large N. Among the remaining two, the better caching behavior of std::priority_queue over std::multiset might prevail. But: measure, measure, measure, however.
It is a priori ambiguous whether std::unorderd_multiset is competitive with the other three. Depending on the number n of randomly inserted elements, total cost per batch of find(1)-insert(n) would be O(N) search + O(n) insertion for std::unordered_multiset and O(1) search + O(n log N) insertion for std::multiset. Again, measure, measure, measure.
How robust are these considerations with respect to your requirements? The story would change as follows if you would have to find the k lowest weight elements in each batch. Then you'd have to compare the costs of find(k)-insert(n). The search costs would scale roughly as
O(k log N) for std::priority_queue
O(1) for std::multiset
O(1) for boost::flat_multiset
O(k N) for std::unordered_multiset
Note that a priority_queue can only efficiently access the top element, not its k top elements without actually calling pop() on them, which has O(log N) complexity per call. If you expect that your code would likely change from a find(1)-insert(n) batch-mode to a find(k)-insert(n), then it might be a good idea to choose std::multiset, or at least document what kind of interface changes it would require.
Bonus: the best of both worlds?! You might also want to experiment a bit with Boost.MultiIndex and use something like (check the documentation to get the syntax correct)
ordered_non_unique<member<Element, &Element::weight>, std::less<>>,
The above code will create a node-based container that implement two pointer structures to keep track of both the ordering by Element weight and also to allow quick hashed insertion. This will allow O(1) lookup of the lowest weight Element and also allows O(n) random insertion of n new elements.
For large N, it should scale better than the four previously mentioned containers, but again, for moderate N, cache effects induced by pointer chasing into random memory might spoil its theoretical advantage over std::priority_queue. Did I mention the mantra of measure, measure, measure?
Try either of these:
The int above is the weight.
These both have different speeds for find, remove and add depending on many different factors such as if the element is there or not. (If there, unordered_map .find is faster, if not, map .find is faster)

Looking for clarification on Hashing and BST functions and Big O notation

So I am trying to understand the data types and Big O notation of some functions for a BST and Hashing.
So first off, how are BSTs and Hashing stored? Are BSTs usually arrays, or are they linked lists because they have to point to their left and right leaves?
What about Hashing? I've had the most trouble finding clear information regarding Hashing in terms of computation-based searching. I understand that Hashing is best implemented with an array of chains. Is this for faster searching or to decrease overhead on creating the allocated data type?
This following question might be just bad interpretation on my part, but what makes a traversal function different from a search function in BSTs, Hashing, and STL containers?
Is traversal Big O(N) for BSTS because you're actually visiting each node/data member, whereas search() can reduce its time by eliminating half the searching field?
And somewhat related, why is it that in the STL, list.insert() and list.erase() have a Big O(1) whereas the vector and deque counterparts are O(N)?
Lastly, why would a vector.push_back() be O(N)? I thought the function could be done something along the lines of this like O(1), but I've come across text saying it is O(N):
vector<int> vic(2,3);
vector<int>::const iterator IT = vic.end();
//wanna insert 4 to the end using push_back
(*IT) = 4;
hopefully this works. I'm a bit tired but I would love any explanations why something similar to that wouldn't be efficient or plausible. Thanks
BST's (Ordered Binary Trees) are a series of nodes where a parent node points to its two children, which in turn point to their max-two children, etc. They're traversed in O(n) time because traversal visits every node. Lookups take O(log n) time. Inserts take O(1) time because internally they don't need to a bunch of existing nodes; just allocate some memory and re-aim the pointers. :)
Hashes (unordered_map) use a hashing algorithm to assign elements to buckets. Usually buckets contain a linked list so that hash collisions just result in several elements in the same bucket. Traversal will again be O(n), as expected. Lookups and inserts will be amortized O(1). Amortized means that on average, O(1), though an individual insert might result in a rehashing (redistribution of buckets to minimize collisions). But over time the average complexity is O(1). Note, however, that big-O notation doesn't really deal with the "constant" aspect; only order of growth. The constant overhead in the hashing algorithms can be high enough that for some data-sets the O(log n) binary trees outperform the hashes. Nevertheless, the hash's advantage is that its operations are constant time-complexity.
Search functions take advantage (in the case of binary trees) of the notion of "order"; a search through a BST has the same characteristics as a basic binary search over an ordered array. O(log n) growth. Hashes don't really "search". They compute the bucket, and then quickly run through the collisions to find the target. That's why lookups are constant time.
As for insert and erase; in array-based sequence containers, all elements that come after the target have to be bumped over to the right. Move semantics in C++11 can improve upon the performance, but the operation is still O(n). For linked sequence containers (list, forward_list, trees), insertion and erasing just means fiddling with some pointers internally. It's a constant-time process.
push_back() will be O(1) until you exceed the existing allocated capacity of the vector. Once the capacity is exceeded, a new allocation takes place to produce a container that is large enough to accept more elements. All the elements need to then be moved into the larger memory region, which is an O(n) process. I believe Move Semantics can help here as well, but it's still going to be O(n). Vectors and strings are implemented such that as they allocate space for a growing data set, they allocate more than they need, in anticipation of additional growth. This is an efficiency safeguard; it means that the typical push_back() won't trigger a new allocation and move of the entire data set into a larger container. But eventually after enough push_backs, the limit will be reached, and the vector's elements will be copied into a larger container, which again has some extra headroom left over for more efficient push_backs.
Traversal refers to visiting every node, whereas search is only to find a particular node, so your intuition is spot on there. O(N) complexity because you need to visit N nodes.
std::vector::insert is for insert in the middle, and it involves copying all subsequent elements over by one slot, inorder to make room for the element being inserted, hence O(N). Linked list doesnt have this issue, hence O(1). Similar logic for erase. deque properties are similar to vector
std::vector::push_back is a O(1) operation, for the most part, only deviates if capacity is exceeded and reallocations + copy are needed.

Which STL Container?

I need a container (not necessarily a STL container) which let me do the following easily:
Insertion and removal of elements at any position
Accessing elements by their index
Iterate over the elements in any order
I used std::list, but it won't let me insert at any position (it does, but for that I'll have to iterate over all elements and then insert at the position I want, which is slow, as the list may be huge). So can you recommend any efficient solution?
It's not completely clear to me what you mean by "Iterate over the elements in any order" - does this mean you don't care about the order, as long as you can iterate, or that you want to be able to iterate using arbitrarily defined criteria? These are very different conditions!
Assuming you meant iteration order doesn't matter, several possible containers come to mind:
std::map [a red-black tree, typically]
Insertion, removal, and access are O(log(n))
Iteration is ordered by index
hash_map or std::tr1::unordered_map [a hash table]
Insertion, removal, and access are all (approx) O(1)
Iteration is 'random'
This diagram will help you a lot, I think so.
Either a vector or a deque will suit. vector will provide faster accesses, but deque will provide faster instertions and removals.
Well, you can't have all of those in constant time, unfortunately. Decide if you are going to do more insertions or reads, and base your decision on that.
For example, a vector will let you access any element by index in constant time, iterate over the elements in linear time (all containers should allow this), but insertion and removal takes linear time (slower than a list).
You can try std::deque, but it will not provide the constant time removal of elements in middle but it supports
random access to elements
constant time insertion and removal
of elements at the end of the
linear time insertion and removal of
elements in the middle.
A vector. When you erase any item, copy the last item over one to be erased (or swap them, whichever is faster) and pop_back. To insert at a position (but why should you, if the order doesn't matter!?), push_back the item at that position and overwrite (or swap) with item to be inserted.
By "iterating over the elements in any order", do you mean you need support for both forward and backwards by index, or do you mean order doesn't matter?
You want a special tree called a unsorted counted tree. This allows O(log(n)) indexed insertion, O(log(n)) indexed removal, and O(log(n)) indexed lookup. It also allows O(n) iteration in either the forward or reverse direction. One example where these are used is text editors, where each line of text in the editor is a node.
Here are some references:
Counted B-Trees
Rope (computer science)
An order statistic tree might be useful here. It's basically just a normal tree, except that every node in the tree includes a count of the nodes in its left sub-tree. This supports all the basic operations with no worse than logarithmic complexity. During insertion, anytime you insert an item in a left sub-tree, you increment the node's count. During deletion, anytime you delete from the left sub-tree, you decrement the node's count. To index to node N, you start from the root. The root has a count of nodes in its left sub-tree, so you check whether N is less than, equal to, or greater than the count for the root. If it's less, you search in the left subtree in the same way. If it's greater, you descend the right sub-tree, add the root's count to that node's count, and compare that to N. Continue until A) you've found the correct node, or B) you've determined that there are fewer than N items in the tree.
But it sounds like you're looking for a single container with the following properties:
All the best benefits of various containers
None of their ensuing downsides
And that's impossible. One benefit causes a detriment. Choosing a container is about compromise.
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