Wrap native method with input parameter fixed size array - c++

I have a problem with wrapping methods on the C++ CLI, which have a fixed size array as input parameter.
This is the method I need to wrap:
BOOL SetNetworkMask(BYTE ucValue[4]);
What is a decent method to do this? Of all the possibilities, I tried this one, but It seems the most stupid:
bool RFDeviceWrap::SetNetworkMask(byte ucValue[4])
return this->m_RFDevice->SetNetworkMask(ucValue[4]);

All arrays degrade to pointers, so you can use this :
bool RFDeviceWrap::SetNetworkMask(byte * ucValue) {
return this->m_RFDevice->SetNetworkMask(ucValue[4]);


C++ CppCheck algorithm suggestion (std::find_if instead of raw loop) pertinence

CppCheck suggest me to replace one of my code by a STL algorithm, I'm not against it, but I don't know how to replace it. I'm pretty sure this is a bad suggestion (There is warning about experimental functionalities in CppCheck).
Here is the code :
/* Cutted beginning of the function ... */
for ( const auto & program : m_programs )
if ( program->compare(vertexShader, tesselationControlShader, tesselationEvaluationShader, geometryShader, fragmentShader) )
TraceInfo(Classname, "A program has been found matching every shaders.");
return program;
return nullptr;
} /* End of the function */
And near the if condition I got : "Consider using std::find_if algorithm instead of a raw loop."
I tried to use it, but I can't get the return working anymore... Should I ignore this suggestion ?
I suppose you may need to use that finding function not once. So, according to DRY, you need to separate the block where you invoke an std::find_if algorithm to a distinct wrapper function.
// ... function beginning
auto found = std::find_if(m_programs.cbegin(), m_programs.cend(),
[&](const auto& prog)
bool b = prog->compare(...);
if (b)
return b;
if (found == m_programs.cend())
return nullptr;
return *found;
The suggestion is good. An STL algorithm migth be able to choose an appropriate
approach based on your container type.
Furthermore, I suggest you to use a self-balancing container like an std::set.
// I don't know what kind of a pointer you use.
using pProgType = std::shared_pointer<ProgType>;
bool compare_progs(const pProgType &a, const pProgType &b)
return std::less(*a, *b);
std::integral_constant<decltype(&compare_progs), &compare_progs>> progs.
This is a sorted container, so you will spend less time for searching a program by a value, given you implement a compare operator (which is invoked by std::less).
If you can use an stl function, use it. This way you will not have to remember what you invented, because stl is properly documented and safe to use.

C++, how to call functions when reading their ID number from a Mysql table?

I have a Mysql table that I am using as a list of different calculations that needs to be done.
Each line in the table has a column of type INT that has the number of the function that needs to be called.
e.g. line 6, data, (function) 1.
I read all the lines one by one and I need to call the relevant functions for each line.
What is the best way to construct it in C++?
should I have another function that returns the pointer of the functions that needs to be called ?
Are there other recommended solutions?
It depends on the type of the function (input/outputs) but assuming they are all the same, you can make an array of function pointers. For example:
std::vector<void(*)(int)> MyArray;
Will declare an array of function pointers returning void and taking one int as parameter. Then you can put the functions you want in it and when you want to call them you can use MyArray[i]
If the actual type for the function pointer is long and hard to type, you can use decltype(MyFunction) instead. This requires C++11 though.
Using function pointers may work may work but I would rather make use of something like Strategy pattern.
class DataProcessor {
virtual void process(Data& data) = 0;
// some other things like dtors etc
For each type of "function" you can create its corresponding DataProcessor.
To ease lookup, you may make use of a factory, or simply a std::map<int, DataProcessor> (instead of using int as key, will you consider using an enum?), or even a vector/array of DataProcessor.
As a suggestion, this is another way:
//Create only a function and make a switch statement in it:
void myfunction (std::pair<int,int> aRow) { // function:
int result;
int data = aRow.second;
int function_id = aRow.second;
case 1:{
//Funcion with any signature
case 2:{
//Funcion with another signature
//and so on...
//do something with the result...
int main () {
//Fetch your mysql data here:
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > myMySQLdata;
for_each (myMySQLdata.begin(), myMySQLdata.end(), myfunction);

C++ STL list size

i've got some problem/ i don't understand something and it cause this problem :)
Here is some code:
remove_copy_if(vec.begin(),vec.end(), lista.begin(),Warunek_na_Wysokosc(sredniasu));
copy(lista.begin(),lista.end(),ostream_iterator<Walec>(cout, " \n"));
And here is Warunek_Na_Wysokosc definition:
struct Warunek_na_Wysokosc
double wys;
Warunek_na_Wysokosc(const double& h_): wys(h_){ }
bool operator()(const Walec& w)
return w.h >= wys;
The thing is i get some memory problems if i let it be like that, i mean instructions in main function, and there are none if i set list size. But i want it to be set automatically, should i use some insert function? How to correct this? :) Thanks!
I think you want to use inserter here:

Variadic Templates before C++11

How did Boost implement Tuple before C++11 and Variadic Templates?
In other words:
Is it possible to implement a Variadic Templates class or function by not using built-in Variadic Templates feature in C++11?
Boost had a limit for the size of the tuple. As in most real-world scenarios you don't need more than 10 elements, you won't mind this limitation. As a library maintainer, I guess, the world became much simpler with variadic templates. No more macro hacks...
Here is an insightful discussion about the size limit of Boost tuple and its implementation:
boost tuple: increasing maximum number of elements
To answer your second question: No, it is not possible. At least not for an unlimited number of elements.
There are 2 common use cases I've seen, as a library developer, for variadic templates. You can build a work around for both.
Case 1: Function objects
std::function<> and lambdas are very nice, but even c++11 only gives you a fairly basic set of things you can do with them "out of the box". To implement really cool things and utilities on top of them, you need to support variadic templates because std::function can be used with any normal function signature.
A recursive call using std::bind is your friend. It IS less efficient than real variadic templates (and some tricks like perfect forwarding probably won't work), but it'll work okay for modest #s of template arguments until you port to c++11.
Case 2: Ordinary classes
Sometimes you need an ordinary class to manage generic std::function<>s (see above) or expose an API like "printf". Workarounds here come down to details and what each API of the class is doing.
APIs that merely manipulate variadic template data but don't need to store it can run as recursive calls. You need to write them so that they "consume" one argument at a time, and stop when they run out of arguments.
APIs (including constructors) that need to STORE variadic template data are harder- you're screwed if the types are really unlimited and could be anything. BUT, if they're always going to be primitives that map deterministically to binary, you can do it. Just write a "Serialize" call taking all the types you support, then use it to serialize the entire set into a binary buffer and build a vector of "type info" data you use to fetch & set them. Its actually a better solution than std::tuple in terms of memory and performance in the special cases its available.
Here's the "serialize tuple" trick:
// MemoryBuffer: A basic byte buffer w/ its size
class MemoryBuffer {
void* buffer;
int size;
int currentSeekPt;
void ResizeBuffer() {
int newSz = size << 1; // Multiply by 2
void* newBuf = calloc( newSz, 1); // Make sure it is zeroed
memcpy( newBuf, buffer, target->size);
free( buffer);
size = newSz;
buffer = newBuf;
MemoryBuffer(int initSize)
: buffer(0), size(initSize), currentSeekPt(0)
buffer = calloc( size, 1);
~MemoryBuffer() {
if(buffer) {
free( buffer);
// Add data to buffer
bool AddData(const void* data, int dataSz) {
if(!data || !dataSz) return false;
if(dataSz + currentSeekPt > size) { // resize to hold data
memcpy( buffer, data, dataSz);
return true;
void* GetDataPtr() const { return buffer; }
int GetSeekOffset() const { return currentSeekPt; }
int GetTotalSize() const { return size; }
struct BinaryTypeInfo {
std::type_info type; // RTTI type_info struct. You can use an "enum"
// instead- code will be faster, but harder to maintain.
ui64 bufferOffset; // Lets me "jump" into the buffer to
// Versions of "Serialize" for all 'tuple' data types I support
template<typename BASIC>
bool Serialize(BASIC data, MemoryBuffer* target,
std::vector<BinaryTypeInfo>& types)
// Handle boneheads
if(!target) return false;
// Setup our type info structure
BinaryTypeInfo info;
info.type = typeid(data);
info.bufferOffset = target->GetSeekOffset();
int binarySz = sizeof(data);
void* binaryVersion = malloc( binarySz);
if(!binaryVersion) return false;
memcpy( binaryVersion, &data, binarySz); // Data type must support this
if(!target->AddData( binaryVersion, binarySz)) {
free( binaryVersion);
return false;
free( binaryVersion);
// Populate type vector
types.push_back( info);
return true;
This is just a quick & dirty version; you'd hide the real thing better and probably combine the pieces into 1 reusable class. Note that you need a special version of Serialize() if you wish to handle std::string and more complex types.

Filling list inside object and accessing to it later

I'm sorry if the title isn't very explicit, but I'll try to explain it better. I'm not very familiar with c++ and I'm using openFrameworks for the first time. I'm trying to do something that's probably quite easy, at least in other languages it is, but I'm not being able to do it :(
I have a class Video and inside it I have an object list<ofImage> keyFrames; and several methods to interact with it like the following:
void addKeyFrame(ofImage img) {
if(keyFrames.size() == 0) {
else {
list<ofImage> * getKeyFrames() {
list<ofImage> *list = &keyFrames;
return list;
void clearKeyFrames() {
In other class I have several Video objects and I have a function that uses addKeyFrame(ofImage img) to fill the list for each object. In the end of that function if I print the list size it is greater than zero.
Inside draw() function I iterate each Video object and I try to draw each image inside their keyFrame list, but the list is always empty and I just filled it with images... I'm using getKeyFrames() function to return a pointer to the list. How can it be empty if I just added objects to it in another function and if I verified that the size was greater than zero? And if I try to debug the application I feel even more lost lol.
Please tell me if you need anymore information and if you know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!
Ok, A few little things:
1- You shouldn't check for empty lists (or any other STL containers) like this:
if(keyFrames.size() == 0)
This is faster and more "stylish":
2- You've created an unnecessary variable here:
list<ofImage> * getKeyFrames() {
list<ofImage> *list = &keyFrames;
return list;
You could do just:
list<ofImage> * getKeyFrames() {
return &keyFrames;
3- Pointers are not (most times) the best solution in C++. A reference is the most used substitute, but it would be even better in htis case if you returned an iterator:
list<ofImage>::iterator GetBeginIterator() {
return keyFrames.begin();
This way you could use the iterator just like a pointer, increasing it to iterate trough the frames and dereferencing it (with * operator)...