What is the significance of Q_PROPERTY in Qt? - c++

I am not able to understand the usage of Q_PROPERTY. How th Q_PROPERTY helps in making a program defensive? What is it used for? I have seen the forum, but really not able to make its applicaton. I have understood the example, but not it's usage.
Here is the example, what do I gain with it. I understand that read will give a privilege of reading only.
The write property will give the privilege to write only. But what is the need of it? Can someone exemplify it?
class MyClass : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(Priority priority READ priority WRITE setPriority NOTIFY priorityChanged)
MyClass(QObject *parent = 0);
enum Priority { High, Low, VeryHigh, VeryLow };
void setPriority(Priority priority)
m_priority = priority;
emit priorityChanged(priority);
Priority priority() const
{ return m_priority; }
void priorityChanged(Priority);
Priority m_priority;

It has the following advantages:
It is available for the meta object system, so it can be introspected, used from QML etc.
It has further options than just read and write. Look at notify, reset, etc. It is also easier to integrate them into QtCreator (designer).
You do not need to write the boilerplate with Qt 5.1 onwards in common read and write cases because they will be generated for you.


How can I emit a signal of another instance from _clicked() event?

the runnable project is here:
enter link description here
I sincerely glad to have your detail answers to solve this, but I am still confusing on this issue:
case 1: changing socket_session as a member variable of mainwindow
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
SocketThread* socket_session;
But this is not the solution to access setFlag, even after I change the `Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked()' function like this:
void Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked() {
qDebug() <<"clicked()";
Still it doesn't make sense because form1 instance doesn't have "the" instance of socket_thread which has been instantiated from mainwindow.
There's a solution I think is making another class that includes all instances that I want to use from inside of mainwindow but I don't think that is a good one because I am using thread and accessing a global big instance class that includes all of them to be "shared" is not a good idea for someone like me.
#include <form1.h>
#include <ui_form1.h>
#include "socketthread.h"
Form1::Form1(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Form1) {
Form1::~Form1() {
delete ui;
void Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked() {
qDebug() <<"clicked()";
enter image description here
I know I am lack of understanding about this but, do I wanna make something nobody does...? I think everyone wants to separate all objects and their methods clearly and communicate via signals or calling functions from delivered object instances...
case 2: ... let me try how you suggested make possible first...
I can read C++ code and overall structure, but I don't know why I have to struggle with this, so please help me, dear Guru.
On socketthread.h :
class SocketThread : public QThread {
QTcpSocket *socket_session;
bool connectToServer(QString, int);
void sendData(const char*, int, int);
void run(void);
QString message;
volatile bool threadFlag;
void changedThreadFlag(void);
void changedMessageStr(void);
void setThreadFlag(bool);
void setMessageStr(QString);
private slots:
void setStr(QString);
void setFlag(bool);
void socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError);
And its implementation is...
SocketThread::SocketThread() {
socket_session = NULL;
threadFlag = false;
message = "NULL";
connect(this, SIGNAL(setThreadFlag(bool)), this, SLOT(setFlag(bool)));
void SocketThread::setStr(QString str) {
message = str;
void SocketThread::setFlag(bool flag) {
threadFlag = flag;
void SocketThread::run() {
while(true) {
if(threadFlag) {
qDebug() << message;
} else
qDebug() << "loop ended";
And I have one form which has a button, and I put a clicked() slot of it like this...
void Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked() {
qDebug() <<"clicked()";
--how can I emit the signal of the one of socketthread from here??
Now, the mainwindow is like this:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow) {
QString addr_server = "";
int port = 11000;
SocketThread* socket_session = new SocketThread();
socket_session->connectToServer(addr_server, port);
Form1* form1;
form1 = new Form1();
I just simply want to emit the signal setThreadFlag of the socketthread from inside of QPushbutton_clicked() slot.
Once the socket_session->run() started, I need to change the threadFlag by clicking the button by emitting setThreadFlag() of one's from the running thread. And I just stuck in here.
Does it possible even?
Or am I doing this all wrong from the beginning?
As mentioned in this post:
"Emitting a signal" == "calling a function"
So all you really have to do is call the signal function, and all connected slots should be called.
This of course means that the Form1 object needs a pointer to the thread object, i.e. it needs a copy of socket_session. Then you can simply call the signal on the object
Of course, if the Form1 have a copy of the socket_session pointer, it might as well call setFlag directly, if it was public.
I just simply want to emit the signal setThreadFlag of the socketthread from inside of QPushbutton_clicked() slot.
No signal is needed – just call the function.
void Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked() {
qDebug() <<"clicked()";
// --how can I emit the signal of the one of socketthread from here??
// E.g. this way:
To make this possible, another fix is needed:
socket_session is a local variable in OP's exposed code.
To make it "persistent", it has to become e.g. a member variable.
So, the constructor MainWindow::MainWindow() has to be changed:
// Nope: SocketThread* socket_session = new SocketThread();
// Instead:
socket_session = new SocketThread();
and SocketThread* socket_session; has to be added to member variables of class MainWindow.
To make it accessible in Form1, it has to be passed to Form1 as well.
This could be done e.g. by making it a member variable in Form1 also which is initialized with a constructor argument (or set from MainWindow afterwards).
(I must admit that I never have used the Qt UI builder QtDesigner but build all my UIs by C++ code exclusively.)
But, now, another fix is necessary:
volatile doesn't make a variable suitable for interthread communication.
(This was used in ancient times before multi-threading started to be supported by C++11.)
However, this is wrong: Is volatile useful with threads?
An appropriate fix would be to use std::atomic instead:
// Wrong for interthread-com.
//volatile bool threadFlag;
// Correct:
std::atomic<bool> threadFlag; // #include <atomic> needed
FYI: SO: Multithreading program stuck in optimized mode but runs normally in -O0
And, finally, in SocketThread::SocketThread():
connect(this, SIGNAL(setThreadFlag(bool)), this, SLOT(setFlag(bool)));
is not necessary in this case.
SocketThread::setThreadFlag() could call SocketThread::setFlag() directly, or even write threadFlag itself:
void setThreadFlag(bool flag) { threadFlag = flag; }
As I (recommended to) make threadFlag atomic, it can be accessed from any thread without causing a data race.
After OP has updated the question:
I just simply want to emit the signal setThreadFlag of the socketthread from inside of QPushbutton_clicked() slot.
The button (created from UI Form1) can be connected in the MainWindow as well (without using any method of Form1):
QObject::connect(form1->button1, &QPushButton::clicked,
socket_session, &SocketThread::setThreadFlag,
About form1->button1, I'm not quite sure.
I noticed that widgets in UI generated forms can be accessed this way but I don't know the exact details (as I never used the Qt UI builder on my own).
I used the Qt5 style of QObject::connect().
This is what I would recommend in any case.
The Qt5 style is verified at compile time. –
Wrong connections are detected by the C++ type checking.
Additionally, any function with matching signature can be used – no explicit exposure of slots is anymore necessary.
Even conversion of non-matching signature or adding additional parameters becomes possible by using C++ lambdas which are supported as well.
Qt: Differences between String-Based and Functor-Based Connections
It is possible to connect signals and slots of distinct threads.
I used Qt::QueuedConnection to remark this as interthread communication.
(However, I roughly remember that Qt might be able to detect it itself.
See the doc. for Qt::AutoConnection which is the default.
Further reading: Qt: Signals & Slots
Btw. using the Qt signals for inter-thread communication would exclude the necissity to make SocketThread::threadFlag() atomic. It could become a simple plain bool threadFlag; instead. The slot SocketThread::setThreadFlag() is called in the Qt event loop of QThread, in this case.

What is the difference between Q_ENUM and Q_ENUMS

I just found multiple examples showing the usage of Q_ENUM and Q_ENUMS and looking into the definition of Q_ENUM showed me that it includes Q_ENUMS and other definitions.
I am not sure which one to write when using the enum in Q_PROPERTY, Qml/QtQuick, in signals/slots, QVariants and qDebug() output.
It seems like the Q_ENUM is the better one as it is defined using Q_ENUMS, but I'm just guessing here.
What exactly are the differences, why are there two at all and which one should be prefered?
The What's New in Qt 5.5 says:
Added Q_ENUM to replace Q_ENUMS, which allows to get a QMetaEnum at compile time using QMetaEnum::fromType. Such enums are now automatically registered as metatypes, and can be converted to strings within QVariant, or printed as string by qDebug().
Since Qt 5.5 Q_ENUMS is deprecated, replaced with the better Q_ENUM.
There is an example showing its use in the Qt documentation:
class MyClass : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(Priority priority READ priority WRITE setPriority NOTIFY priorityChanged)
MyClass(QObject *parent = 0);
enum Priority { High, Low, VeryHigh, VeryLow };
void setPriority(Priority priority)
m_priority = priority;
emit priorityChanged(priority);
Priority priority() const
return m_priority;
void priorityChanged(Priority);
Priority m_priority;
For further details on the reasons behind the move from Q_ENUMS to Q_ENUM, read this blog entry

How can I provide feedback from a non-Qt C++ library class to a Qt GUI?

I am developing a C++ class library for some computing-intensive tasks (machine vision).
// I am a part of a Qt-agnostic library
class Cruncher
/* ... */
void doStuff();
Then there's a Qt GUI using that library. I'm creating a worker thread to call the heavy-lifting routines from the library:
// I am a part of a Qt-based GUI which utilizes the library
class Worker : public QThread
/* ... */
virtual void run()
/* ... */
Cruncher c;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
c.doStuff(); // takes some time, and while it's working
// it should communicate status changes which should
// become visible in the GUI
Now inside doStuff() a lot happens and I want to provide some feedback to the user on what is going on without waiting for doStuff() to return. For one, maybe some finer progress reporting than just increasing the meter by one step after a each call to doStuff(). Also, doStuff() may encounter non-critical failures which let it continue a part of the work, but I'd like a message to appear in the GUI when this happens as Cruncher is working (and Worker is currently busy with a call to doStuff()).
I want the library to remain Qt-independent so I'm not willing to add signals and slots to Cruncher. Any other way to enable it to provide feedback to the GUI to report on its work when it's not a Qt class?
I was considering creating a QTimer which would poll some "status" and "errorMsg" members of Cruncher at fixed intervals while Worker is running, but this seems highly sub-optimal.
I am posting my own answer because though I took #Nim's advice, I'd like the answer to be a little more verbose and hence more useful if someone should have the same problem.
I created the skeleton of a message dispatcher in the library:
// doesn't need to know about Qt
class MessagePort
virtual void message(std::string msg) = 0;
Next, I added a handle to this object to Cruncher and spiced doStuff() with occasional calls to message():
// now with Super Cow powers!
class Cruncher
MessagePort *msgPort_;
Cruncher(MessagePort *msgPort) : msgPort_(msgPort) {}
void doStuff()
msgPort_->message("Foo caused an overload in Bar!");
Finally, I crafted an implementation of MessagePort inside the GUI using all necessary Qt goodness:
class CruncherMsgCallback : public QObject, public MessagePort
CruncherMsgCallback() : QObject(), MessagePort()
connect(this, SIGNAL(messageSignal(const QString &)),
GUI, SLOT(messageShow(const QString &)),
virtual void message(std::string msg)
emit messageSignal(QString::fromStdString(msg));
void messageSignal(const QString &msg);
Finally when the Worker creates an instance of Cruncher, it also gives it a pointer to a working MessagePort:
class Worker
virtual void run()
CruncherMsgCallback msgC;
Cruncher c(&msgC); // &msgC works as a pointer to a
// generic MessagePort by upcasting
c.doStuff(); // Cruncher can send messages to the GUI
// from inside doStuff()
Use a callback function (class) etc, and pass that in during construction. Things you need to report, report via that callback.
You can safely emit signals from the run() method, I think that's the best way to pass information from worker thread to the main thread. Just add the signals to your QThread subclass (avoid adding slots, if you're at all unsure how QThread threading works).
Better make the connections from these signals explicitly queued, to avoid problems. Though the default, automatic connection type should also work and do Queued signal emit, but I think it's better to be explicit in cases like this. Actually also direct signals should work as such, but then you have to take care of thread safety yourself instead of letting Qt handle it for you, and you can't connect to slots which use any of the QtGui classes which only work in the main thread, so it's better to stick to queued connections.
To pass simple information to the run() method, and if immediate reaction is not needed, maybe use a few shared QAtomicInt variables or something like that as flags, which the worker thread checks when convenient. Slightly more complex method, still requiring polling, is to have shared data structure which you protect with mutex. More complex way of communicating to that direction would involve some kind of message queue (just like Qt uses in the event loop of the main thread, when you emit signal to that direction).

Application->Processmessages in QT?

In Borland 6 I often use this to unstuck program action:
Now, with QT 4.8.1, I don't have found in this foreign (for me) documentation of QT.
Can anyone help me?
In Qt, you'd use the static function QApplication::processEvents().
Alas, your issue is that the design of your code is broken. You should never need to call processEvents simply to "unstuck" things. All of your GUI code should consist of run-to-completion methods that take a short time (on the order of single milliseconds: ~0.001s). If something takes longer, you must split it up into smaller sections and return control to the event loop after processing each section.
Here's an example:
class Worker: public QObject
int longWorkCounter;
QTimer workTimer;
Worker() : ... longWorkCounter(0) ... {
connect(workTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(longWork());
public slots:
void startLongWork() {
if (! longWorkCounter) {
private slots:
void longWork() {
if (longWorkCounter++ < longWorkCount) {
// do a piece of work
} else {
longWorkCounter = 0;
A zero-duration timer is one way of getting your code called each time the event queue is empty.
If you're calling third party blocking library code, then the only (unfortunate) fix is to put those operations into slots in a QObject, and move that QObject to a worker thread.

Broken indentation for Qt-specific constructions in Visual Studio

Automatic indentation in VS editor obviously does not know about Qt. And declarations of signals and slots are auto-formatted like this:
class MyClass : public QObject
signals: // <-- Broken indentation
void someSignal();
public slots: // <-- Also broken
void someSlot();
I want "signals:" and "slots:" automatically formatted just like access specifiers. What are the options? (I'm using VS2010)
In short answer seems to be NO. Maybe not what you are looking for but maybe you can live with this:
class MyClass : public QObject
Q_SIGNAL void someSignal();
Q_SLOT void someSlot();
(It's ugly but it seems you can't have your cake and eat it too ;)
Just something I'm wondering about: Is it worth the effort to build a plugin for automatic formatting? Do we really use CTRL-A CTRL-F so much? If so, then yes it could be a pain. But normally if you are working on header files declaring a new method (signal or slot) should not mess up the previous corrected indentation. Perhaps you have some reasons that justifies this?