Multiple lists of the same length to csv - list

I have a couple List<string>s, with the format like this:
List 1 List 2 List 3
1 A One
2 B Two
3 C Three
4 D Four
5 E Five
So in code form, it's like:
List<string> list1 = {"1","2","3","4","5"};
List<string> list2 = {"A","B","C","D","E"};
List<string> list3 = {"One","Two","Three","Four","Five"};
My questions are:
How do I transfom those three lists to a CSV format?
Should I append , to the end of each index or make the delimeter its own index within the multidimensional list?

If performance is your main concern, I would use an existing csv library for your language, as it's probably been pretty well optimized.
If that's too much overhead, and you just want a simple function, I use the same concept in some of my code. I use the join/implode function of a language to create a list of comma separated strings, then join that list with \n.
I'm used to doing this in a dynamic language, but you can see the concept in the following pseudocode example:
header = {"List1", "List2", "List3"}
list1 = {"1","2","3","4","5"};
list2 = {"A","B","C","D","E"};
list3 = {"One","Two","Three","Four","Five"};
values = {header, list1, list2, list3};
for index in values
values[index] = values[index].join(",");
values = values.join("\n");


How to display interaction element with order way of list one in Kotlin

I have two lists and I want to return a result in the following way:
the result should contain elements that are in list one and list two
output should be same order as per first list
Input :
val first = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,7,9,15,11)
val second = listOf(2, 15 , 4,3, 11)
val output = listOf(2,3,4,15,11)
Please help me to learn how to get common values in both lists in order of list first in Kotlin.
You can do
val output = first.filter { second.contains(it) }
What you are looking for is the intersection of the two lists:
val output = first.intersect(second)
As pointed out by #Ivo the result is a Set which can be turned into a list with output.toList(). However, since the result is a set, it contains no duplicates, e.g. if first is listOf(1,2,3,1,2,3) and second is listOf(2,4,2,4), the result will be equal to setOf(2).
If this is not acceptable, the solution of #Ivo should be used instead.

Scala two varying size list concatenate based on condition

I'm new to scala and trying to concatenate two varying size list based on condition,
Below are the lists,
val check1:String = "NULL||BLANK||LENGTH"
val check2:String = "LENGTH||DUPLICATE"
val check3:String = "NUMERIC"
val checkLists = List(check1,check2,check3)
val condList = List(">=2","<7")
I'm trying to concatenate checkLists & condList based on condition and create new list, whenever List contains String "LENGTH" it should concatenated with condList like below
I can able to use zip, foreach and case to concatenate of two equal size lists but here I'm facing trouble with different size lists.
Using zipAll will give the answer you are looking for:
checkLists.zipAll(condList, "", "").map {
case (check, cond) => check.replaceAll("LENGTH", "LENGTH~" + cond)
The missing element of condList is given as "", but a different default condition could be used if required.
Note that if the second LENGTH string is in the third element of checkLists rather than the second element, it will not get any condition. This may or may not be what is required.

Python, FOR looping - creating lists

This is my code to create lists, but its so brutal and inelegant, you guys have some idea to make it much smoother?
Thing is, I want to write code, where you could create your own lists, choose how many of them you want to create and how much items each should have - NOT using while loop. I can manage creating certain number of lists by inputing the range in for loop (number_of_lists)
i = 0
number_of_lists = input('How many lists you want to make? >')
for cycle in range(number_of_lists): #this was originaly range(3),
item1 = raw_input('1. item > ') #and will only work now pro-
item2 = raw_input('2. item > ') #perly, if n_o_l is exact. 3
item3 = raw_input('3. item > ')
#everything is wrong with this
print "-------------------" #code, i need it much more au-
#tonomous, than it is now.
if i == 0:
list1 = [item1, item2, item3]
if i == 1:
list2 = [item1, item2, item3]
if i == 2:
list3 = [item1, item2, item3]
i += 1
print list1
print list2
print list3
Thing is I also want to avoid all that 'if i == int' thing.
Now it will only create 3 lists, right, because instead of number_of_lists i originally used integer 3 to make 3 lists.
Now you see my problem I hope. I need to create new lists from input and name them if possible, so instead of list1 i can name it DOGS or w/e.
I need it all much more simple and interconnected, I hope you understand my problem and maybe have some smooth solution, thanks :)
Ok, I think I got it now - this is new version, doing pretty much what i want it to do:
number_of_lists = input('How many lists you want to make? >')
allItems = []
for cycle in range(int(number_of_lists)):
items = []
number_of_items = input('How much items in this list? >')
for i in range(int(number_of_items)):
item = raw_input(str(i+1) + ". item > ")
print allItems
If anyone has idea how to make this more effective and clear, let me know here! :) thanks for help guyz
You can add your lists to another list, that way it's dynamic like you want. Example below:
number_of_lists = input('How many lists you want to make? >')
allItems = []
for cycle in range(int(number_of_lists)):
items = []
for i in range(1, 4):
item = input(str(i) + ".item > ")
for items in allItems:
for item in items:
You'd still need to check if number_of_lists is an int before parsing it into an int. If the user types a letter it will throw an error.

Identify duplicate string patterns in elements in a list and create n new lists for each unique group of duplicates - python

I have lists like this one:
And I need regroup them into new lists grouped by the characters before the underscores, ie [:-5] to look like this:
So to rephrase, I need to iterate through a given list, identify which elements of the list have the same prefix from the beginning of the string up to before the version number (such as _v001), and then reorganise these elements in to new lists where the grouping is based on this shared prefix.
This is one of my attempts, which succeeds to identify and almost group duplicates, except it doesn't name them correctly when it regroups them.
prefixList = []
for s in fullstringlst:
p = s[:-5]
sublists = []
for item in set(prefixList):
sublists.append([p] * prefixList.count(item))
print sublists
You can try something like this:
fullstringlst = ['review_v001', 'review_v002', 'review_v003', 'layerpack_review_v004', 'layerpack_review_v001', 'x_v001', 'x_v002', 'x_v003']
for s1 in fullstringlst:
similar_strs = []
for s2 in fullstringlst:
if s1[:-5] == s2[:-5]:

removing cyclic substrings from python list

I have a Python list like the following:
['IKW', 'IQW', 'IWK', 'IWQ', 'KIW', 'KLW', 'KWI', 'KWL', 'LKW', 'LQW', 'LWK', 'LWQ', 'QIW', 'QLW', 'QWI', 'QWL', 'WIK', 'WIQ', 'WKI', 'WKL', 'WLK', 'WLQ', 'WQI', 'WQL']
If we pick, say the second element IQW, we see that the list has duplicates of this item HOWEVER its not noticeable right away. This is because it is cyclic. I mean the following are equivalent.
Also it could be backwards which is also a duplicate so I want it removed. So now the list of duplicates are (the reverse of each of one these)
So essentially I would like IQW to be the only one left.
Bonus points, if the one that is remaining in the list is sorted alphabetically.
The way I did was to sort the entire list by alphabetical order:
`IQW`, `QWI`, `WIQ` , `WQI`, `IWQ`, `QIW` ->
`IQW`, `IQW`, `IQW`, `IQW`, `IQW` `IQW`
and then remove the duplicates.
However this also removes combinations say i have ABCD and CDAB. These are not the same because the ends only meet once. But my method will sort them to ABCD and ABCD and remove one.
My code:
print cur_list
sortedlist = list()
for i in range(len(cur_list)):
sortedlist.append(''.join(map(str, sorted(cur_list[i]))))
sortedlist = set(sortedlist)
L = ['IKW', 'IQW', 'IWK', 'IWQ', 'KIW', 'KLW', 'KWI', 'KWL', 'LKW', 'LQW', 'LWK', 'LWQ', 'QIW', 'QLW', 'QWI', 'QWL', 'WIK', 'WIQ', 'WKI', 'WKL', 'WLK', 'WLQ', 'WQI', 'WQL']
seen = set()
res = []
for item in L:
c = item.index(min(item))
item = item[c:] + item[:c]
if item not in seen:
print res
['IKW', 'IQW', 'KLW', 'LQW']
Here is the solution I coded: If anyone has a better algo, I will accept that as answer:
mylist = list()
for item in copy_of_cur:
linear_peptide = item+item
mylist = filter(lambda x: len(x) == 3 , subpeptides_linear(linear_peptide))
for subitem in mylist:
if subitem != item:
if subitem in cur_list: