mBed C++ Using an RtosTimer inside of an RtosThread - c++

I am writing some software to control a quadcopter and have got completely stuck with RtosTimers. I am getting the error "Error: No instance of constructor "rtos::RtosTimer::RtosTimer" matches the argument list in "flightController.h", Line: 13, Col: 29"
I have looked at the example code in the handbook and my code seems to match. I have also googled but I couldn't find anything on using RtosTimers inside of RtosThreads.
Maybe I am going about this the wrong way so if anyone has any suggestions it would be much appreciated.
Here is the code that is causing me problems
//Rtos Timers
RtosTimer UpdateFlightTimer(Task500Hz, osTimerPeriodic, (void *)0);
RtosTimer UpdateCommandTimer(Task50Hz, osTimerPeriodic, (void *)0);
// A thread to monitor the serial ports
void FlightControllerThread(void const *args)
// Wait here forever
void Task500Hz(void const *n)
//Get IMU data and convert to yaw, pitch, roll
//Rate mode
if(_rate == true && _stab == false)
//Update rate PID process value with gyro rate
//Update rate PID set point with desired rate from RC
//Compute rate PID outputs
_ratePIDControllerOutputs[0] = _yawRatePIDController->compute();
_ratePIDControllerOutputs[1] = _pitchRatePIDController->compute();
_ratePIDControllerOutputs[2] = _rollRatePIDController->compute();
//Stability mode
//Update stab PID process value with ypr
//Update stab PID set point with desired angle from RC
//Compute stab PID outputs
_stabPIDControllerOutputs[0] = _yawStabPIDController->compute();
_stabPIDControllerOutputs[1] = _pitchStabPIDController->compute();
_stabPIDControllerOutputs[2] = _rollStabPIDController->compute();
//if pilot commanding yaw
if(abs(_rcConstrainedCommands[0]) > 5)
_stabPIDControllerOutputs[0] = _rcConstrainedCommands[0]; //Feed to rate PID (overwriting stab PID output)
_yawTarget = _yrp[0];
//Update rate PID process value with gyro rate
//Update rate PID set point with desired rate from stab PID
//Compute rate PID outputs
_ratePIDControllerOutputs[0] = _yawRatePIDController->compute();
_ratePIDControllerOutputs[1] = _pitchRatePIDController->compute();
_ratePIDControllerOutputs[2] = _rollRatePIDController->compute();
//Calculate motor power if flying
if(_rcCommands[3] > 0 && _armed == true)
_motorPower[0] = Constrain(_rcConstrainedCommands[3] + _ratePIDControllerOutputs[1] + _ratePIDControllerOutputs[2] + _ratePIDControllerOutputs[0], MOTORS_MIN, MOTORS_MAX);
_motorPower[1] = Constrain(_rcConstrainedCommands[3] + _ratePIDControllerOutputs[1] - _ratePIDControllerOutputs[2] - _ratePIDControllerOutputs[0], MOTORS_MIN, MOTORS_MAX);
_motorPower[2] = Constrain(_rcConstrainedCommands[3] - _ratePIDControllerOutputs[1] - _ratePIDControllerOutputs[2] + _ratePIDControllerOutputs[0], MOTORS_MIN, MOTORS_MAX);
_motorPower[3] = Constrain(_rcConstrainedCommands[3] - _ratePIDControllerOutputs[1] + _ratePIDControllerOutputs[2] - _ratePIDControllerOutputs[0], MOTORS_MIN, MOTORS_MAX);
//Not flying
//Disable motors
_motorPower[0] = MOTORS_OFF;
_motorPower[1] = MOTORS_OFF;
_motorPower[2] = MOTORS_OFF;
_motorPower[3] = MOTORS_OFF;
_notFlying ++;
if(_notFlying > 200) //Not flying for 1 second
//Reset iteratior
_notFlying = 0;
//Zero gyro
//Reset I
//Set motor power
void Task50Hz(void const *n)
//Get RC control values
//Rate mode
if(_rate == true && _stab == false)
_rcConstrainedCommands[0] = Constrain(_rcCommands[0], RC_YAW_RATE_MIN, RC_YAW_RATE_MAX);
_rcConstrainedCommands[1] = Constrain(_rcCommands[1], RC_PITCH_RATE_MIN, RC_PITCH_RATE_MAX);
_rcConstrainedCommands[2] = Constrain(_rcCommands[2], RC_ROLL_RATE_MIN, RC_ROLL_RATE_MAX);
_rcConstrainedCommands[3] = Constrain(_rcCommands[3], RC_THRUST_MIN, RC_THRUST_MAX);
_rcConstrainedCommands[0] = Constrain(_rcCommands[0], RC_YAW_RATE_MIN, RC_YAW_RATE_MAX);
_rcConstrainedCommands[1] = Constrain(_rcCommands[1], RC_PITCH_ANGLE_MIN, RC_PITCH_ANGLE_MAX);
_rcConstrainedCommands[2] = Constrain(_rcCommands[2], RC_ROLL_ANGLE_MIN, RC_ROLL_ANGLE_MAX);
_rcConstrainedCommands[3] = Constrain(_rcCommands[3], RC_THRUST_MIN, RC_THRUST_MAX);
My program can be found at http://mbed.org/users/joe4465/code/QuadMK5/
And the problem is in flightController.h I think it should be clear what I am trying to do but if anyone isn't sure let me know.
I also have another totally unrelated problem. I can set my PID variables over serial and then save them to a config file but 1 in 3 times if will hang just after it has saved the data to the file and I'm not sure why. Does anyone have any idea what could cause this?
Thanks Joe

I forgot to put void const *n in the parameters of the functions where they are defined at the top


How to allow my C++ code to update variables?

I'm new to coding and C++.
The code below is meant to monitor a magswitch and a status led on another controller. The code needs to run once the magswitch pin goes high (this works).
The additional code for pulseIn, is what I hope to use to monitor different flash rates of the led when I get the code working. For now I'm just looking for the state variable to update with the if and else if statements.
When I toggle the statusPin, the code picks up the changing state, but I cannot get it to update the "state" and "statuspinstate" variables.
The statuspinstate variable shows as 1, even though it is initialized as 0.
I inserted all the serial prints to try and see where things are going wrong.
This is the serial print when "statusPin" is LOW:
statuspinstate: 0
rate1: 2147483647
period: 0.00
rate2: 0
ontime: 0
offtime: 0
state: 0
statepinstatus: 1
This is the serial print when "statusPin" is HIGH
statuspinstate: 1
rate1: 2147483647
period: 0.00
rate2: 0
ontime: 0
offtime: 0
state: 0
statepinstatus: 1
const int statusPin = 19; //Reads status led
const int magSwitch = 22; //Magswitch to detect movement
int ontime,offtime,rate1,rate2;
float freq,period;
volatile unsigned int state =0;
volatile unsigned int statuspinstate = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(statusPin, INPUT); //input from controller
pinMode(magSwitch, INPUT);
void loop()
while (digitalRead(magSwitch) == LOW) {
statuspinstate = digitalRead(statusPin);
ontime = pulseIn(statusPin,HIGH);
offtime = pulseIn(statusPin,LOW);
period = ontime+offtime;
rate1 = (ontime/period); //future use
rate2 = (offtime); //future use
Serial.println(String("statuspinstate ") + (digitalRead(statusPin))); //all serial print is debug info
Serial.println(String("rate1: ") + (rate1));
Serial.println(String("period: ") + (period));
Serial.println(String("rate2: ") + (rate2));
Serial.println(String("ontime: ") + (ontime));
Serial.println(String("offtime: ") + (offtime));
if ((ontime) != 0)
state = period;
else if (statuspinstate = 1)
state = 9999;
else if (statuspinstate = 0);
state = 0;
Serial.println(String("state: ") + (state));
Serial.println(String("statepinstatus: ") + (statuspinstate));
statuspinstate = 0; //return statuspinstate to zero
Look at your conditional, with proper indentation (do get a text editor that can indent your code for you):
if ((ontime) != 0)
state = period;
else if (statuspinstate = 1)
state = 9999;
else if (statuspinstate = 0);
state = 0;
We know that ontime is zero, so the second condition is tried next.
Now, statuspinstate = 1 is an assignment, not a comparison, and its value is "truth-y" so you take that branch.
Next, the stray semicolon in if (statuspinstate = 0); (which is also an assignment condition, but not evaluated) makes state = 0 unconditional.
So every time ontime is zero, you end up executing statuspinstate = 1 and state = 0.
What you probably want is
if (ontime != 0)
state = period;
else if (statuspinstate == 1)
state = 9999;
else if (statuspinstate == 0)
state = 0;

Sending messages and roadside to roadside (R2R) communication in Veins

I'm new in Omnet Veins. I try to create my own application. So first of all, I have done this in the existing TraciDemo11p files (I have just kept the files name and modify the code).
In the first step, I want to make all nodes sending a HelloMsg (a new packet that I have created .msg .h and .cc).
To well understand how messages are exchanged between nodes, I launched the simulation and all is well, but I cannot realize if the messages are received by nodes or not.
This is a screenshot of what I have:
enter image description here
I followed the transmission of the message between the application, mac and phy layers. I can see that the message is successfully transmitted by node1 for example. But does the message on node[0] "packet was not detected by the card. power was under sensitivity threshold" mean that the packet was not received by node[0]?. If it is the case, how can I fix that? Also, I cannot find the source file of this message (apparently, in PhyLayer80211p.cc or BasehyLayer.cc but I cannot find it).
In the second step, I want to use two RSUs. Nodes broadcast a helloMessage and then each RSU will repeat the received signal. To clarify more, this exactly what I have:
First of all. I add another RSU to the veins example as follows:
# #
# #
*.rsu[0].mobility.x = 6490
*.rsu[0].mobility.y = 1000
*.rsu[0].mobility.z = 3
*.rsu[1].mobility.x = 7491
*.rsu[1].mobility.y = 1000
*.rsu[1].mobility.z = 3
*.rsu[*].applType = "TraCIDemoRSU11p"
*.rsu[*].appl.headerLength = 80 bit
*.rsu[*].appl.sendBeacons = false
*.rsu[*].appl.dataOnSch = false
*.rsu[*].appl.beaconInterval = 1s
*.rsu[*].appl.beaconUserPriority = 7
*.rsu[*].appl.dataUserPriority = 5
Also, I made two maxInterferenceDistance, one of the nodes and the other for the RSUs:
# 11p specific parameters #
# #
# NIC-Settings #
*.connectionManager.sendDirect = true
*.connectionManager.maxInterfDist = 1000m #2600m
*.connectionManager.drawMaxIntfDist = false #false
*.connectionManager.maxInterfDistNodes = 300m
*.connectionManager.drawMaxIntfDistNodes = false
*.**.nic.mac1609_4.useServiceChannel = false
*.**.nic.mac1609_4.txPower = 20mW
*.**.nic.mac1609_4.bitrate = 6Mbps
*.**.nic.phy80211p.sensitivity = -89dBm
*.**.nic.phy80211p.useThermalNoise = true
*.**.nic.phy80211p.thermalNoise = -110dBm
*.**.nic.phy80211p.decider = xmldoc("config.xml")
*.**.nic.phy80211p.analogueModels = xmldoc("config.xml")
*.**.nic.phy80211p.usePropagationDelay = true
*.**.nic.phy80211p.antenna = xmldoc("antenna.xml", "/root/Antenna[#id='monopole']")
To make the transmission range of RSU different on that of nodes, I made this change in the isInRange function of the baseConnectionMannager:
bool BaseConnectionManager::isInRange(BaseConnectionManager::NicEntries::mapped_type pFromNic, BaseConnectionManager::NicEntries::mapped_type pToNic)
double dDistance = 0.0;
if ((pFromNic->hostId == 7) || (pFromNic->hostId == 8)) {
EV<<"RSU In range from: "<<pFromNic->getName()<<" "<<pFromNic->hostId<<" to: "<<pToNic->getName()<<" "<<pToNic->hostId<<"\n";
if(useTorus) {
dDistance = sqrTorusDist(pFromNic->pos, pToNic->pos, *playgroundSize);
} else {
dDistance = pFromNic->pos.sqrdist(pToNic->pos);
return (dDistance <= maxDistSquared);
} else {
if(useTorus) {
dDistance = sqrTorusDist(pFromNic->pos, pToNic->pos, *playgroundSize);
} else {
dDistance = pFromNic->pos.sqrdist(pToNic->pos);
return (dDistance <= maxDistSquaredNodes);
Where node IDs 7 and 8 are the RSUs in the scenario I run.
In addition, I have the TraciDemo11p (for nodes) and TraciDemoRSU11p (for RSUs) modified as follow:
- In the TraciDemo11p, nodes when enter the network broadcast a Hello message to all their neighbors. The code is:
void TraCIDemo11p::initialize(int stage) {
if (stage == 0) {
HelloMsg *msg = createMsg();
HelloMsg* TraCIDemo11p::createMsg() {
int source_id = myId;
double t0 = 0;
int port = 0;
char msgName[20];
sprintf(msgName, "send Hello from %d at %f from gate %d",source_id, t0, port);
HelloMsg* msg = new HelloMsg(msgName);
return msg;
void TraCIDemo11p::SendHello(HelloMsg* msg) {
cMessage* mm = dynamic_cast<cMessage*>(msg);
scheduleAt(simTime() + 10 + uniform(0.01, 0.02), mm);
void TraCIDemo11p::handleSelfMsg(cMessage* msg) {
if (dynamic_cast<HelloMsg*>(msg)) {
HelloMsg* recv = dynamic_cast<HelloMsg*>(msg);
int sender = recv->getSource_id();
if (sender == myId) {
EV <<myId <<" broadcasting Hello Message \n";
else {
void TraCIDemo11p::onHelloMsg(HelloMsg* hmsg) {
if ((hmsg->getSource_id() == 7) || (hmsg->getSource_id() == 8)) {
EV <<"Node: "<<myId<<" receiving HelloMsg from rsu: "<<hmsg->getSource_id()<<"\n";
} else {
EV <<"Node: "<<myId<<" receiving HelloMsg "<<hmsg->getKind()<<" from node: "<<hmsg->getSource_id()<<"\n";
EV <<"Node: "<<myId<<" neighbors list: ";
list<int>::iterator it = neighbors.begin();
while (it != neighbors.end()) {
EV <<*it<<" ";
void TraCIDemo11p::handlePositionUpdate(cObject* obj) {
On the other hand, RSUs just repeat the message they received from nodes. So, I have on the TraciDemoRSU11p:
void TraCIDemoRSU11p::onHelloMsg(HelloMsg* hmsg) {
if ((hmsg->getSource_id() != 7) && (hmsg->getSource_id() != 8))
EV <<"RSU: "<<myId<<" receiving HelloMsg "<<hmsg->getKind()<<" from node: "<<hmsg->getSource_id()<<" at: "<<SIMTIME_DBL(simTime())<<" \n";
//HelloMsg *msg = createMsg();
sendDelayedDown(hmsg->dup(), 2 + uniform(0.01,0.2));
else {
EV<<"Successful connection between RSUs \n";
EV <<"RSU: "<<myId<<" receiving HelloMsg "<<hmsg->getKind()<<" from node: "<<hmsg->getSource_id()<<"\n";
After the execution of this code, I can see:
a few numbers of vehicles receiving the hello message from their neighbors.
also, just a few messages were received by the two RSUs.
Each RSUs repeats the signal it receives, but there is no communication between the two RSU, which are supposed in the transmission of one another.
And always I have a lot of this message "packet was not detected by the card. power was under sensitivity threshold" printed on my screen.
Is there any problem in the transmission range or it is a question of interference? Also, I would like to mention that in the analysis there is no packet loss.
Thanks in advance.
Please help.

Pops / clicks when stopping and starting DirectX sound synth in C++ / MFC

I have made a soft synthesizer in Visual Studio 2012 with C++, MFC and DirectX. Despite having added code to rapidly fade out the sound I am experiencing popping / clicking when stopping playback (also when starting).
I copied the DirectX code from this project: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/7474/Sound-Generator-How-to-create-alien-sounds-using-m
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to cut and paste all the code from the Code Project. Basically I use the Player class from that project as is, the instance of this class is called m_player in my code. The Stop member function in that class calls the Stop function of LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER:
void Player::Stop()
DWORD status;
if (m_lpDSBuffer == NULL)
HRESULT hres = m_lpDSBuffer->GetStatus(&status);
if (FAILED(hres))
EXCEP(DirectSoundErr::GetErrDesc(hres), "Player::Stop GetStatus");
hres = m_lpDSBuffer->Stop();
if (FAILED(hres))
EXCEP(DirectSoundErr::GetErrDesc(hres), "Player::Stop Stop");
Here is the notification code (with some supporting code) in my project that fills the sound buffer. Note that the rend function always returns a double between -1 to 1, m_ev_smps = 441, m_n_evs = 3 and m_ev_sz = 882. subInit is called from OnInitDialog:
#define FD_STEP 0.0005
#define SC_NOT_PLYD 0
#define SC_PLYNG 1
#define SC_FD_OUT 2
#define SC_FD_IN 3
#define SC_STPNG 4
#define SC_STPD 5
bool CMainDlg::subInit()
// initialises various variables and the sound player
Player *pPlayer;
std::vector<DWORD> events;
int t, buf_sz;
pPlayer = new Player();
m_player = pPlayer;
format.NbBitsPerSample = 16;
format.NbChannels = 1;
format.SamplingRate = 44100;
m_ev_smps = 441;
m_n_evs = 3;
m_smps = new short[m_ev_smps];
m_smp_scale = (int)pow(2, format.NbBitsPerSample - 1);
m_max_tm = (int)((double)m_ev_smps / (double)(format.SamplingRate * 1000));
m_ev_sz = m_ev_smps * format.NbBitsPerSample/8;
buf_sz = m_ev_sz * m_n_evs;
m_player->CreateSoundBuffer(format, buf_sz, 0);
for(t = 0; t < m_n_evs; t++)
events.push_back((int)((t + 1)*m_ev_sz - m_ev_sz * 0.95));
m_status = SC_NOT_PLYD;
catch(MATExceptions &e)
MessageBox(e.getAllExceptionStr().c_str(), "Error initializing the sound player");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void CMainDlg::Stop()
// stop playing
m_status = SC_STPD;
void CMainDlg::OnBnClickedStop()
// causes fade out
m_status = SC_FD_OUT;
void CMainDlg::OnSoundPlayerNotify(int ev_num)
// render some sound samples and check for errors
ScopeGuardMutex guard(&m_mutex);
int s, end, begin, elapsed;
if (m_status != SC_STPNG)
begin = GetTickCount();
for(s = 0; s < m_ev_smps; s++)
m_smps[s] = (int)(m_synth->rend() * 32768 * m_fade);
if (m_status == SC_FD_IN)
m_fade += FD_STEP;
if (m_fade > 1)
m_fade = 1;
m_status = SC_PLYNG;
else if (m_status == SC_FD_OUT)
m_fade -= FD_STEP;
if (m_fade < 0)
m_fade = 0;
m_status = SC_STPNG;
catch(MATExceptions &e)
m_player->Write(((ev_num + 1) % m_n_evs)*m_ev_sz, (unsigned char*)m_smps, m_ev_sz);
catch(MATExceptions &e)
end = GetTickCount();
elapsed = end - begin;
if(elapsed > m_max_tm)
m_warn_msg.Format(_T("Warning! compute time: %dms"), elapsed);
m_warn_msg.Format(_T("compute time: %dms"), elapsed);
if (m_status == SC_STPNG)
It seems like the buffer is not always sounding out when the stop button is clicked. I don't have any specific code for waiting for the sound buffer to finish playing before the DirectX Stop is called. Other than that the sound playback is working just fine, so at least I am initialising the player correctly and notification code is working in that respect.
Try replacing 32768 with 32767. Not by any means sure this is your issue, but it could overflow the positive short int range (assuming your audio is 16-bit) and cause a "pop".
I got rid of the pops / clicks when stopping playback, by filling the buffer with zeros after the fade out. However I still get pops when re-starting playback, despite filling with zeros and then fading back in (it is frustrating).

How to find out the next time when the clock will be adjusted for Daylight Saving?

I'm curious, if there's any way to find out the UTC date/time when the next Daylight Saving adjustment will take place?
Something akin to what Windows reports (see circled):
This information is provided in Windows by the EnumDynamicTimeZoneInformation function.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh706893%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
There is a database that has code and data: http://www.iana.org/time-zones
I don't think there's a specific API for this. I would just do a binary search, using localtime (and maybe time and mktime) from <ctime> (C++) or <time.h> (C).
A basic approach is to scan ahead three months at a time until the tm_isdst flag in the returned data structure is flipped. Then you can start binary searching between the last two two dates to figure out exactly when it flips.
See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/tm/ for reference material.
I appreciate all your replies. And, yes, indeed I was asking about a WinAPI for Windows.
I did more research and came up with the following method that does what I wanted. It uses C++ and MFC's COleDateTime for easier date/time calculations. Other than that it's just C++ and WinAPIs. Please check if I understood the documentation for the DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION correctly. Here's the code:
int GetNextDaylightSavingAdjustmentTime(SYSTEMTIME* pOutDtNextDST_Local, int* pnOutAdjustmentMin)
//Get next time when DST adjustment will take place
//'pOutDtNextDST_Local' = if not NULL, receives the (local) time when next DST adjustment will take place
//'pnOutAdjustmentMin' = if not NULL, receives the amount of adjustment in minutes
// = 1 if got the time, or
// = 0 if DST is not used
// = -1 if error (check GetLastError() for info)
int nOSError = NO_ERROR;
//Load API dynamically (in case of Windows XP)
(FARPROC&)pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation =
::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandle(L"Kernel32.dll"), "GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation");
SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
int nBiasDaylight;
//Use newer API if possible
tzID = pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(&dtzi);
StandardDate = dtzi.StandardDate;
DaylightDate = dtzi.DaylightDate;
nBiasDaylight = dtzi.DaylightBias;
//Older API
tzID = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi);
StandardDate = tzi.StandardDate;
DaylightDate = tzi.DaylightDate;
nBiasDaylight = tzi.DaylightBias;
int nRes = -1;
int nAdjMins = 0;
memset(&stDstChange, 0, sizeof(stDstChange));
stDst = tzID != TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT ? DaylightDate : StandardDate;
if(stDst.wMonth >= 1 &&
stDst.wMonth <= 12 &&
stDst.wDay >= 1 &&
stDst.wDayOfWeek >= 0 &&
stDst.wDayOfWeek <= 6)
//Get adjustment bias
nAdjMins = tzID != TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT ? -nBiasDaylight : nBiasDaylight;
if(stDst.wYear == 0)
//Relative date
//Begin from the 1st day of the month &
//make sure that the date is in the future
COleDateTime dt;
for(int nYear = stLocal.wYear;; nYear++)
dt.SetDateTime(nYear, stDst.wMonth, 1, stDst.wHour, stDst.wMinute, stDst.wSecond);
if(dt > COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime())
int nRequiredWeek = stDst.wDay >= 1 && stDst.wDay <= 5 ? stDst.wDay : 5;
for(int nCntDOW = 1;;)
//0=Sunday, 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; 3=Wednesday; 4=Thursday; 5=Friday; 6=Saturday
int dow = dt.GetDayOfWeek() - 1;
ASSERT(dow >= 0 && dow <= 6);
if(dow == stDst.wDayOfWeek)
if(nCntDOW >= nRequiredWeek)
//Go to next day
dt += COleDateTimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
//Convert back to system time
nRes = 1;
//Absolute date
stDstChange = stDst;
nRes = 1;
//DST is not used
nRes = 0;
*pOutDtNextDST_Local = stDstChange;
*pnOutAdjustmentMin = nAdjMins;
return nRes;
PS. And scratch my request for the UTC time. As I learned, it is easier to deal with local time in this situation.

Get frame time in ffmpeg

I am trying to make a little video player that has seek bar (with ffmpeg, of course). For that i need function that will, using data from frame and/or packet, get me current time in the video that should be set in seek slider.
It should work like this:
my_time = get_cur_time()
seek(my_time + 10)
assert(my_time+10 == get_cur_time())
seek(my_time - 10)
assert(my_time-10 == get_cur_time())
I do understand thatffmpeg does not support precise seeking, so equality here means "something reasonably cloae).
What code have i used for this thus far:
frame_time = frame->pts*av_q2d(video_dec_ctx->time_base) * 1000;
where frame is AVFrame and video_dec_ctx is AVCodecContext.
And for seeking:
int fn = ffmpeg::av_rescale(tsms,fmt_ctx->streams[video_stream->index]->time_base.den,
int frame = fn/1000;
printf("\t avformat_seek_file to %d\n",frame);
int flags = AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME;
if (frame < this->frame->pts)
printf("\nFailed to seek for time %d",frame);
return false;
int got_frame = 0;
if (av_read_frame(fmt_ctx, &pkt) >= 0) {
decode_packet_ro(&got_frame, 0);
read_cache = true;
pkt.data = NULL;
pkt.size = 0;
while(!(got_frame && this->frame->pts >= frame));
The code does forward seeking passably, but after any attempt of backward seeking my second assertion fails. After seeking to previous position, my method of getting time does not return position less that one before seeking. That causes my seek slider to work grossly incorrectly.