flask + wtforms nameerror - flask

flask + wtforms
Hello, I have some problems with the transfer of data into a form
def edit_comment(n):
idlist = str(n)
if (r.exists('entries:%s' %idlist) != True):
return abort(404)
if 'user_id' not in session:
return abort(401)
if (g.user['group_access'] == '1'):
return abort(403)
form = EditForm(idlist)
return render_template('edit_comment.html',idlist = idlist, r = r, form = form)
class EditForm(Form):
edit_title = TextField("Title",validators = [Required()] ,default =r.hget('entries:%s' %idlist, 'title'))
edit_text = TextAreaField("Text",validators = [Required()],default =r.hget('entries:%s' %idlist, 'text'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 129, in <module>
class EditForm(Form):
File "run.py", line 130, in EditForm
edit_title = TextField("Title",validators = [Required()] ,default =r.hget('entries:%s' %idlist, 'title'))
NameError: name 'idlist' is not defined
here there are clear problems with data transmission. tried to pass through the constructor, but so far No results

You need to set the default value on the EditForm instance. Right now it' set at import time - clearly not what you want, even if the variable was defined. Actually, you don't even need the default field for it - just set it directly:
form = EditForm()
form.edit_title.data = r.hget('entries:%s' % idlist, 'title')
form.edit_text.data = r.hget('entries:%s' % idlist, 'text')
return render_template('edit_comment.html', idlist=idlist, r=r, form=form)
Note: Usually it's a good idea to have your view function to have a structure similar to this:
form = EditForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
# do whatever should be done on submit, then redirect somewhere
return redirect(...)
elif request.method == 'GET':
# Populate the form with initial values
form.edit_title.data = ...
form.edit_text.data = ...
return render_template(..., form=form)
That way whatever the user entered is preserved in case the validation fails, but if he opens the form for the first time it's populated with whatever default data (e.g. the current values from your db) you want.


How to restore sqlite3 database file programmatically in django

The user wishes to have a database backup and restore functionality through the application. They want to be able to download the database file and upload it to restore the database whenever needed. The problem is that django is already running the current DB file. I wrote the following logic to restore the database.
folder ='./'
if request.method == 'POST':
myfile = request.FILES['file']
fs = FileSystemStorage(location=folder)
if myfile.name.split(".")[1] != "sqlite3":
return JsonResponse({"res":"Please upload a database file."})
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, "db.sqlite3")):
os.remove(os.path.join(folder, "db.sqlite3"))
filename = fs.save("db.sqlite3", myfile)
file_url = fs.url(filename)
return JsonResponse({"res":file_url})
I get the following error which is rightly justified:
[WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
So, is there a way I can achieve this functionality through my application?
I found a better way to create this functionality using a csv. One could store the data from the DB into a csv file and restore it when uploaded. Following is my implementation:
def back_up_done(request):
tables = getTableNames()
sql3_cursor = connection.cursor()
for table in tables:
sql3_cursor.execute(f'SELECT * FROM {table}')
with open('output.csv','a') as out_csv_file:
csv_out = csv.writer(out_csv_file)
for result in sql3_cursor:
csv_out.writerow('Null' if x is None else x for x in result)
BaseDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
csv_path = os.path.join(BaseDir, 'output.csv')
dbfile = File(open(csv_path, "rb"))
response = HttpResponse(dbfile, content_type='application/csv')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % 'backup.csv'
response['Content-Length'] = dbfile.size
os.remove(os.path.join("./", "output.csv"))
return response
def back_up_restore(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
DBfile = request.FILES['file']
cursor = connection.cursor()
if DBfile.name.split(".")[1] != "csv":
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "Please upload a CSV file.")
return redirect('back-up-db')
tables = getTableNames()
i = 0
decoded_file = DBfile.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines()
reader = csv.reader(decoded_file)
for row in reader:
if len(row) != 0:
if(row[0] == "|"):
i += 1
query = f'''Insert into {tables[i]} values({concatRowValues(row)})'''
messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, "Data Restored Successfully.")
return redirect('login')
def concatRowValues(row):
data = ''
for i,value in enumerate(row):
if value == "False":
value = '0'
elif value == "True":
value = '1'
if i != len(row) - 1:
data = f'{data}{str(value)},' if value == "Null" else f'{data}\'{str(value)}\','
data = f'{data}{str(value)}' if value == "Null" else f'{data}\'{str(value)}\''
return data
Where getTableNames and concatRowValues are helper functions to get the names of tables and to concatenate column values to form an executable sql statement, respectively. The "|" character is used to mark the end of a table's data.

Replacement for django `render_options`

So I am implementing this answer: Country/State/City dropdown menus inside the Django admin inline, but the def render piece of code needs to be redone.... I have managed to redo it, but I am struggling to find a replacement (or the correct code) for the self.render_options method (which was deprecated on 1.11) of the Widget class.
I am on Django 2.1.
What should I change?
Here is my code:
class StateChoiceWidget(widgets.Select):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, renderer=None):
self.choices = [(u"", u"---------")]
if value is None:
value = ''
model_obj = self.form_instance.instance
if model_obj and model_obj.country:
for m in model_obj.country.state_set.all():
self.choices.append((m.id, smart_text(m)))
obj = State.objects.get(id=value)
for m in State.objects.filter(country=obj.country):
self.choices.append((m.id, smart_text(m)))
final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
output = ['<select%s>' % flatatt(final_attrs)]
for option in self.choices:
output.append('<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (option[0], option[1]))
return mark_safe(''.join(output))
Original poster updated the sample code, so now it doesn't show the code in the question: see previous revision https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/52174508/1
So I figured out the answer. Will post it here in case someone runs into the same issue.
class StateChoiceWidget(widgets.Select):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, renderer=None):
self.choices = [(u"", u"---------")]
if value is None or value == '':
value = ''
model_obj = self.form_instance.instance
if model_obj and model_obj.country:
for m in model_obj.country.state_set.all():
self.choices.append((m.id, smart_text(m)))
obj = State.objects.get(id=value)
for m in State.objects.filter(country=obj.country):
self.choices.append((m.id, smart_text(m)))
final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
s = widgets.Select(choices=self.choices)
select_html = s.render(name=name,value=value,attrs=attrs)
return mark_safe(''.join(select_html))

Getting error when using value returned by a function as an input for another function

I am a starter in using python. I am showing a section of the code I was working on. I was trying to communicate python to an arduino using pyserial and blinking a LED. I want to use the value returned by the function send_data to be used as an input for function delay_for_goodant. But when I run the code, I get the error
global name data not defined.
Any suggestions to get rid of this?
def openthedoor(set_accepted_list):
if(((len(set_accepted_list)) >0) & (set_forbidden_list == set()):
print"yes,open the gate"
print"no,close the gate"
set_for_comparison = set(set_accepted_list & set_list_ant_id)
list_for_comparison = list(set_for_comparison)
return set_for_comparison,list_for_comparison
def establishing_connection():
print ser.read();
last_action = -1
def use_door(activate):
global last_action
if(last_action != activate):
last_action = activate
def send_data(data):
if (data ==0):
print "manga"
return True
print "muringa"
return False
def delay_for_goodant(data):
print "thenga"
global ser
if (ser == None):
ser = serial.Serial("COM1",9600,timeout = 0)
print "reconnect"
if send_data(data) is True:
incoming_data = ser.readline()
print "python is telling arduino to keep the LED dim"
incoming_data2 = ser.readline()
print "python is telling the arduino to keep the LED bright"
except IOError:
ser = None
I call these functions in later parts of the code as. Am i doing a mistake here? What i am trying to do here is if data ==0, i want to ser.write('1').
set_for_comparison,list_for_comparison = openthedoor(set_accepted_list)
activate = use_door()
data = send_data(activate)
arabica = delay_for_goodant(data)
Also the value inside the function delay_for_goodant is not printed.
This is what i get, when i run the code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "door_code_final_calib_dig_2.py", line 352, in <module>
arabica = delay_for_goodant(data)
NameError: name 'data' is not defined

Setting and Retrieving Data with TkInter

I just ran into some strange behavior that has me stumped. I'm writing a simple little GUI for some in-house data processing. I want to allow a user to switch between a few different data-processing modes and input some parameters which define how the data is processed for each mode. The problem is that when the user inputs new parameters, the app ignores requests to switch modes.
The code below replicates the issue. I apologize for the size, this was the shortest code that replicates the problem.
import Tkinter as Tk
class foo(Tk.Frame):
def __init__(self):
self.master = master =Tk.Tk()
Tk.Frame.__init__(self,self.master) #Bootstrap
#Here mode and parameters as key, value pairs
self.data = {'a':'Yay',
self.tex = Tk.Text(master=master)
self.e = Tk.Entry(master=master)
self.sv =Tk.StringVar()
self.b1 = Tk.Radiobutton(master=master,
text = 'a',
indicatoron = 0,
variable = self.sv,
value = 'a')
self.b2 = Tk.Radiobutton(master=master,
text = 'b',
indicatoron = 0,
variable = self.sv,
value = 'b')
self.b3 = Tk.Button(master = master,
self.b4 = Tk.Button(master = master,
def Apply_Func(self):
self.innerdata = self.e.get()
def Print_Func(self):
#This is how I'm retrieving the user selected parameters
def innerdata(self):
return self.data[self.sv.get()]
#And how I'm setting the user defined parameters
def innerdata(self,value):
self.data[self.sv.get()] = value
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = foo()
Expected behavior:
1) Press button 'a' then 'print' prints:
2) Press button 'b' then 'print' prints:
3) Type 'Zep Rocks' into the entry field and press apply
4) Pressing 'print' now yields
Zep Rocks
5) Pressing 'a' then 'print' should yield
But instead yields
Zep Rocks
Which might be true, but not desired right now. What is going on here?
Edit: I have some new information. Tk.Frame in python 2.7 is not a new-style class. It isn't friendly with descriptors, so rather than interpreting the '=' as a request to use the foo.innerdata's __set__ method, it just assigns the result of self.e.get() to innerdata.
Still an open question: how do I get this to do what I want in a clean manner?
So the core problem is that Tk.Frame doesn't subclass from object, so it is not a new-style python class. Which means it doesn't get down with descriptors like I was trying to use. One solution that I found is to subclass my app from object instead.
Code that solves my problem is below:
import Tkinter as Tk
class foo(object):
def __init__(self,master):
self.master = master #Bootstrap
self.mainloop = master.mainloop
self.data = {'a':{'value':7,'metavalue':False},
self.tex = Tk.Text(master=master)
self.e = Tk.Entry(master=master)
self.sv =Tk.StringVar()
self.b1 = Tk.Radiobutton(master=master,
text = 'a',
indicatoron = 0,
variable = self.sv,
value = 'a')
self.b2 = Tk.Radiobutton(master=master,
text = 'b',
indicatoron = 0,
variable = self.sv,
value = 'b')
self.b3 = Tk.Button(master = master,text='Apply',command=self.Apply_Func)
self.b4 = Tk.Button(master = master,text='Print',command=self.Print_Func)
def Apply_Func(self):
self.innerdata = self.e.get()
def Print_Func(self):
def innerdata(self):
return self.data[self.sv.get()]
def innerdata(self,value):
self.data[self.sv.get()] = value
if __name__ == "__main__":
master = Tk.Tk()
app = foo(master)

Django 'int' object has no attribute 'status_code'

I start with def start method, it calls go_adder to add the num value 5 times in the adder.html until num equals 5. After that, the adder method should return ready=1
In views.py
def start(request):
return HttpResponse("Ready: %s "%str(ready_or_not))
def go_adder(num):
if num<5:
return render_to_response('adder.html',{'num':num})
elif num==5:
return ready
def check_post(request,num):
if request.method == 'POST':
return adder(num)
When I try to run this snippet code, it works until my "num=5", Then I get that error :
'int' object has no attribute 'status_code'
Exception Location: C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\middleware\common.py in process_response, line 94
and Traceback says:
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers\base.py in get_response
response = middleware_method(request, response) ...
▶ Local vars
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\middleware\common.py in process_response
if response.status_code == 404: ...
▶ Local vars
How can I fix that error ? Could you please help me ?
The django views need to return an HttpResponse object. You are doing that while num < 5, but then you return an int when num == 5:
def adder(num):
if num<5:
# This renders the template and returns and HttpResponse; good
return render_to_response('adder.html',{'num':num})
elif num==5:
return ready
If all you want for when num==5 is to return a plain text response of the number 1, then you can return an HttpResponse and set the content type:
elif num==5:
return HttpResponse(str(ready), content_type="text/plain")
Update 1
Based on our conversation, you have suggested that you want the view to constantly pass along the count value no matter what, and that you are POST-ing the num value in the actual form. If the number is less than 5 it should return one kind of template, otherwise it should return another kind of template.
You can combine your two different views into one that will handle both the original GET request when the page is first loaded, and the POST request submitted by your form. Just make sure to point your form at that same page.
def check(request):
num = 0
if request.method == 'POST':
num = int(request.POST.get('num'))
return adder(num)
def adder(num):
if num < 5:
num += 1
tpl_name = 'adder.html'
tpl_name = 'print.html'
return render_to_response(tpl_name, {'num':num})
check() is your single view.
adder() is the helper function that will add the value, check it, and return an HttpResponse object based on that value. You must always return this from your view to the client.
Both templates will be passed the context containing the value of num
Update 2
You said that you are actually passing in your num through the url and not through the POST form. Small adjustment to the last example. You don't even need an adder() anymore. You only need a single view.
Set your url to have an optional num pattern:
(r'^checker/(?P<num>\d+)$', 'myapp.views.check')
def check(request, num=0):
num = int(num)
if num < 5:
num += 1
tpl_name = 'adder.html'
tpl_name = 'print.html'
return render_to_response(tpl_name, {'num':num})
Your "checker" url now has an optional number. If it is not passed in the url, it will be a value of 0 in the view. If you send it as a POST request, it will add and return a different template.