I want a Regex for version that accepts this format:
but that doesn't accept
If your regex dialect supports negative lookahead assertions (?!...) this is easy:
If your regex dialect does not support ?! and/or \d, please update your question with pertinent details and/or tags.
If only 00.00.00 is not acceptable, then you can use the following regex
A regular expression could look like this:
(\d is a digit, \. is a dot, [1-9] is a digit from 1 to 9)
explanation in detail:
0[1-9] will match numbers from 01 to 09
[1-9]\d will match 10 to 99
(0[1-9]|[1-9\d) will match either 01 to 09 or 10 to 99 (so any number from 01 to 99)
these will be accepted:
these will not be a match:
I want to match everything between "02A1" and "03" IF its 14 characters in between those two.
My RegEx Pattern looks like this:
My problem: It also matches this:
What am i doing wrong? "EEFFFFF7" is clearly not between 02A1 und 03 as before the EEFFFFF7 theres a 03 and after it theres a 02A1.
Can someone help me?
If the fourteen alphanumeric chars cannot contain a 03 substring, use
If it cannot contain 02A1 either, use
See this regex demo.
02A1 - a 02A1 string
(?:(?!03|02A1)[0-9A-Z]){14} - fourteen occurrences of an uppercase ASCII letter or digit that does not start a 03 or 02A1 char sequence
03 - a 03 string.
I have a regex
\(?\+\(?49?\)?[ ()]?([- ()]?\d[- ()]?){11}
This correctly matches German phone code like
+49 1739341284
(+49) 1739341284
+49 17 39 34 12 84
+49 (1739) 34 12 84
+(49) (1739) 34 12 84
+49 (1739) 34-12-84
but fails to match 0049 (1739) 34-12-84.
I need to adjust the regular expression so that it can match numbers with 0049 as well. can anyone help me with the regex?
Try this one:
\(?\+|0{0,2}\(?49\)?[ ()]*[ \d]+[ ()]*[ -]*\d{2}[ -]*\d{2}[ -]*\d{2}
However, it's better to make it accept only +49 or 0049, and throw the error message in case the number fails validation. Because if someday you will require to extend the format - it will require making the regex much more complicated.
If you want to match the variations in the question, you might use a pattern like:
^(?:\+?(?:00)?(?:49|\(49\))|\(\+49\))(?: *\(\d{4}\)|(?: ?\d){4})? *\d\d(?:[ -]?\d\d){2}$
^ Start of string
(?: Non capture group
\+? Match an optional +
(?:00)? Optionally match 2 zeroes
(?:49|\(49\)) Match 49 or (49)
| Or
\(\+49\) Match (+49)
) Close non capture gruop
(?: Non capture group
* Match optional spaces
\(\d{4}\) Match ( 4 digits and )
| Or
(?: ?\d){4} Repeat 4 times matching an optional space and a digit
)? Close non capture group and make it optional
* Match optional spaces
\d\d Match 2 digits
(?:[ -]?\d\d){2} Repeat 2 times matching either a space or - followed by 2 digits
$ End of string
Regex demo
Or a bit broader variation matching the 49 prefix variants, followed by matching 10 digits allowing optional repetitions of what is in the character class [ ()-]* in between the digits.
^(?:\+?(?:00)?(?:49|\(49\))|\(\+49\))(?:[ ()-]*\d){10}$
Regex demo
I want to extract the mobile phones from candidates' CVs.
The mobile phone format I want to extract is 69xxxxxxxx.
The mobile phone formats i come across in the CVs are:
69 xxx xxxxx
0030 69xxxxxxxx
The following formula works great but it extracts the first 10 digits detected and not the one that starts with 69.
=IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(TO_TEXT(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(I252;"\(|\)|\-| "; ""); CHAR(10))); "\d{10}"))
You may use
=IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(TO_TEXT(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(I252;"[-/() ]+"; ""); CHAR(10))); "(?:\+|00)?(?:30)?(69\d{8})"))
See the regex demo and the Google Sheets screenshot below:
The regex matches
(?:\+|00)? - an optional + or 00
(?:30)? - an optional 30
( - start of the capturing group (only this value will be returned):
69 - 69 value
\d{8} - eight digits
) - end of the group.
You might consider appending \b at the end of the regex to avoid matching the 8 digits in chunks of more than 8 digits.
Note that the separator cleaning regex is [-/() ]+ now, it matches 1 or more -, /, (, ) and spaces.
The solution to your problem is to make use of a regex lookbehind (although I do not know if Google Sheets supports this).
A regex lookbehind matches a pattern, but without including in the result. The syntax for this, with your example, is:
The picture below is taken from https://regex101.com/ (which is a super-useful tool when working with regexps).
Regex lookahead, lookbehind and atomic groups has some more examples of how lookaheads and lookbehinds work.
all you need is:
or better:
I am looking for a regex expression matching all numbers between 55 up to 300 including decimals (e.g. 55.1234 or 66.324).
I know how to obtain the results for 50 up to 300, but do not know how to adapt the code.
How to adapt the regex expression to match numbers between 55 to 300?
You change your regex to
Regex Demo
On side note:- \d{2,2} is same as \d{2}
The regex you have will not match 300.00 you can extend it for this case too
Regex Demo
This does the job:
I am novice in regex. Like to know the below date pattern.
I just know,
0[1-9] is 01 or 12 or.... 19
1[012] is 10 or 11 or 12
[0]{2} is 0000 ?
\\d{2} is ?
\d is a predefined character class that is generally equivalent to [0-9] (sometimes it also includes unicode digits, depending on the regex engine). Moreover, {n} is a quantifier, and X{n} matches X exactly n times. Therefore, \d{2} matches 2 consecutive digits.
Also, [0]{2} is 2 consecutive 0s: 00 (not 0000).
You're also slightly off about 0[1-9]: it matches any of 01, 02, ..., 09 (1 can't be at the start). You're correct about 1[012].
Overall, this is what your regex looks like:
If you want to read more about them, a great online reference regarding regular expressions is regular-expressions.info.
Note that in the above answer I've assumed you mean \d by \\d, and have used the latter because you're representing the regex in a string format that requires \s to be escaped. When representing generic regexes, however, it's best to leave \s unescaped. In other words, \\d might be interpreted as a literal backslash followed by a d, so \\d{4} would match \dddd. Presumably this isn't what you mean;