Using interop constructor in map function(Clojure) - clojure

I am getting this complaint when passing Integer constructor to map function :
=> (map Integer. ["1" "2" "3"])
CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Integer., compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:1)
However when I wrap the constructor in a function everything works:
=> (defn str-to-int [str] (Integer. str))
=> (map str-to-int ["1" "2" "3"])
(1 2 3)
Why do I have to wrap Integer in another function to make this work? Is there a better way to make it work without creating additional function?

map takes in a function and interop uses a special forms like new . and ..
It is fairly easy to wrap these with anonymous function literals
for example
(map #(Integer. %) ["1" "2" "3"])
produces the desired result.

without java interop. if you just need to convert to digits.
; nrepl.el 0.2.0 (Clojure 1.5.1, nREPL 0.2.3)
user> (map read-string ["1" "2"])
(1 2)
user> (class (first *1))
Or if you really need Integer class
user> (map (comp int read-string) ["1" "2"])
(1 2)
user> (class (first *1))


partial application in clojure

How do you do partial application in Clojure?
I have tried:
(dorun (map println ["1" "2" "3" "4"]))
which works.
(async/send! channel "hello")
works too. But if I try to apply partial application
(dorun (map (async/send! channel) ["1" "2" "3" "4"]))
(dorun (map #(async/send! channel) ["1" "2" "3" "4"]))
(apply (partial map (async/send! channel) ["1" "2" "3" "4"]))
It says
clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (1) passed to: immutant.web.async/send!
What am I doing wrong?
In Clojure currying is different than in languages like ML, F# or Haskell.
There are 2 ways to do partial application in Clojure:
Making closure, where you can specify the exact order of arguments:
(fn [coll] (map str coll)) of #(map str %)
Using partial, which will substitute arguments in order they provided:
(partial map str)
When you call function with less arguments than it requires you'll get ArityException (unless it's a multi-arity function, that can accept different number of arguments).
Nevermind, this seems to work:
(dorun (map (partial async/send! channel) ["1" "2" "3" "4"]))
A bit confused why this didn't work
(dorun (map #(async/send! channel) ["1" "2" "3" "4"]))

Clojure call series of functions and store their return values

I'm building a datomic schema and have the following at the foot of my clj file which defines and transacts schema and initial data. The functions being called below each call d/transact.
(defn recreate-database []
"To recreate db after running delete-database in bin/repl"
By default we only see the return value of the last form, but I'd like to see, or save, the result of each of the six function calls.
Wondering what a nice way to do this is.
Thought of something like (map (comp println eval) [functions]), but that's not right.
there is also a nice functional composition function called juxt:
user> ((juxt + - * /) 1 2)
;;=> [3 -1 2 1/2]
user> ((juxt (constantly 1) (constantly 2) (constantly 3)))
;;=> [1 2 3]
or in your case:
(def recreate-database (juxt pt1-transact-schema
You could try this:
(defn recreate-database []
"To recreate db after running delete-database in bin/repl"
(mapv #(%) [pt1-transact-schema
The expression #(%) is a shorthand notation for a lambda function that takes one argument, representing a function, and calls that function. If you find it more readable, you can replace that expression by (fn [f] (f)).
With datomic, all you need is a connection and a list of tx-data. Then you can use map to return the transact result on each step (i.e. each tx-data):
(defn recreate-database [conn & tx-data]
(->> tx-data
(map (partial d/transact conn))

Converting a string into a function that is not in a namespace in clojure

Here is the sample code I want to get to work:
(letfn [(CONC [f] f)
(CONT [f] (str "\newline" f))]
((voodoo "CONC") "hamster"))
Is there some voodo that will make it call the CONC function with hamster as the parameter? That is, is there some way to convert the string "CONC" into a function that is not bound to a namespace but rather to a local binding?
To be clearer, the way this will be called is:
(map #((voodoo (:tag %)) (:value %))
{:tag "CONC" :value "hamster"}
{:tag "CONT" :value "gerbil"}
I'd probably solve this by creating a map of functions indexed by strings:
(def voodoo
{"CONC" (fn [f] f)
"CONT" (fn [f] (str "\newline" f))})
Then your desired code should work directly (exploiting the fact that a map is a function that looks up it's argument)
(map #((voodoo (:tag %)) (:value %))
{:tag "CONC" :value "hamster"}
{:tag "CONT" :value "gerbil"}
Note that the functions here are fully anonymous - you don't need them to be referenced anywhere in the namespace for this to work. In my view this is a good thing, because unless you also need the functions somewhere else then it's best to avoid polluting your top-level namespace too much.
No. Eval does not have access to the local/lexical environment, ever.
Edit: This is not a very good answer, and not really accurate either. You could write voodoo as a macro, and then it doesn't need runtime access to the lexical environment, just compile-time. However, this means it would only work if you know at compile time that the function you want to call is x, and so it wouldn't be very useful - why not just type x instead of (voodoo "x")?
(defmacro voodoo [fname]
(symbol fname))
(letfn [(x [y] (inc y))]
((voodoo "x") 2))
;; 3
(letfn [(x [y] (inc y))]
(let [f "x"]
((voodoo f) 2)))
;; error
Well, it's sort of possible:
(defmacro voodoo [s]
(let [env (zipmap (map (partial list 'quote) (keys &env))
(keys &env))]
`(if-let [v# (~env (symbol ~s))]
(throw (RuntimeException. "no such local")))))
...and now we can do weird stuff like this:
user> (defn example [s]
(letfn [(foo [x] {:foo x})
(bar [x] {:bar x})]
((voodoo s) :quux)))
user> (example "foo")
{:foo :quux}
user> (example "bar")
{:bar :quux}
user> (example "quux")
; Evaluation aborted.
user> *e
#<RuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException: no such local>
That "Evaluation aborted" means an exception was thrown.
You could also replace the throw branch of the if in voodoo with (resolve (symbol ~s)) to defer to the globals if no local is found:
(defmacro voodoo [s]
(let [env (zipmap (map (partial list 'quote) (keys &env))
(keys &env))]
`(if-let [v# (~env (symbol ~s))]
(resolve (symbol ~s)))))
...and now this works with definition of example as above (though note that if you are experimenting at the REPL, you will need to recompile example after redefining voodoo):
user> (defn quux [x] {:quux x})
user> (example "quux")
{:quux :quux}
Now, this is an abuse of Clojure's facilities which one would do well to try to do without. If one cannot, one should probably turn to evalive by Michael Fogus; it's a library which provides an "eval-with-locals" facility in the form of an evil function and a couple of utilities. The functionality seems to be well factored too, e.g. something like the ~(zipmap ...) thing above is encapsulated as a macro and evil there appears to be almost a drop-in replacement for eval (add the env parameter and you're good to go). I haven't read the source properly, but I probably will now, looks like fun. :-)
Im not really clear what you are asking for so i'll try a couple answers:
if you have a string that is the name of the function you wish to call:
(def name "+")
((find-var (symbol (str *ns* "/" name))) 1 2 3)
this would give voodoo a deffinition like this:
(defn voodoo [name args] (apply (find-var (symbol (str *ns* "/" name))) args))
clojure.core=> (voodoo "+" [1 2 3])
this assumes your function is in the current namepace ns.
if you want to turn a string into a function you could use this pattern
(let [f (eval (read-string "(fn [] 4)"))] (f))

How to evaluate a sequence of impure functions in Clojure?

How can I evaluate a list of (impure) functions in Clojure? For instance:
[#(println "1") #(println "2") #(println "3")]
The expected output is:
Is there a way to achieve this without using macros? Something like (map evaluate fns-seq), maybe?
(I need this for drawing some graphics using the Clojure.processing API.)
user> (let [fs [#(println "1") #(println "2") #(println "3")]]
(doseq [f fs] (f)))
This will eagerly consume the whole seq, calling all functions for side effects and returning whatever the last one returns:
(reduce #(%2) nil [#(println :foo) #(println :bar)])
; => prints :foo, then :bar, then returns nil
If you want to hold onto the return values, you can use reductions instead:
(reductions #(%2) nil [#(println :foo) #(println :bar)])
; => prints :foo, then :bar, then returns (nil nil)
reductions is found in clojure.contrib.seq-utils in Clojure 1.1 and in clojure.core in current snapshots of 1.2.
Update: Note that reductions returns a lazy seq, so it's no improvement over map (NB. in map you'd want to use #(%) rather than #(%2)). I mentioned it here mostly for completeness. In fact, I posted the whole answer for completeness, because normally I'd go with the doseq approach (see Brian's answer).
(apply pcalls [#(println "1") #(println "2") #(println "3")]) does just that. Just be wary of pcalls' parallelism (therefore lack of sequentiality) and lazyness.
An old question, I know, but there's another option.
You could simply invoke the functions:
(defn generate-fns []
[#(println "1") #(println "2") #(println "3")])
(dorun (pmap (memfn invoke) (generate-fns)))
This allows you to decide in a different context how you would like to execute the functions (say, pmap, or claypoole's upmap for example)

What's the easiest way to parse numbers in clojure?

I've been using java to parse numbers, e.g.
(. Integer parseInt numberString)
Is there a more clojuriffic way that would handle both integers and floats, and return clojure numbers? I'm not especially worried about performance here, I just want to process a bunch of white space delimited numbers in a file and do something with them, in the most straightforward way possible.
So a file might have lines like:
5 10 0.0002
4 12 0.003
And I'd like to be able to transform the lines into vectors of numbers.
You can use the edn reader to parse numbers. This has the benefit of giving you floats or Bignums when needed, too.
user> (require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
user> (edn/read-string "0.002")
If you want one huge vector of numbers, you could cheat and do this:
user> (let [input "5 10 0.002\n4 12 0.003"]
(read-string (str "[" input "]")))
[5 10 0.0020 4 12 0.0030]
Kind of hacky though. Or there's re-seq:
user> (let [input "5 10 0.002\n4 12 0.003"]
(map read-string (re-seq #"[\d.]+" input)))
(5 10 0.0020 4 12 0.0030)
Or one vector per line:
user> (let [input "5 10 0.002\n4 12 0.003"]
(for [line (line-seq (
( input)))]
(vec (map read-string (re-seq #"[\d.]+" line)))))
([5 10 0.0020] [4 12 0.0030])
I'm sure there are other ways.
If you want to be safer, you can use Float/parseFloat
user=> (map #(Float/parseFloat (% 0)) (re-seq #"\d+(\.\d+)?" "1 2.2 3.5"))
(1.0 2.2 3.5)
Not sure if this is "the easiest way", but I thought it was kind of fun, so... With a reflection hack, you can access just the number-reading part of Clojure's Reader:
(let [m (.getDeclaredMethod clojure.lang.LispReader
(into-array [String]))]
(.setAccessible m true)
(defn parse-number [s]
(.invoke m clojure.lang.LispReader (into-array [s]))))
Then use like so:
user> (parse-number "123")
user> (parse-number "123.5")
user> (parse-number "123/2")
user> (class (parse-number "123"))
user> (class (parse-number "123.5"))
user> (class (parse-number "123/2"))
user> (class (parse-number "123123451451245"))
user> (class (parse-number "123123451451245123514236146"))
user> (parse-number "0x12312345145124")
user> (parse-number "12312345142as36146") ; note the "as" in the middle
Notice how this does not throw the usual NumberFormatException if something goes wrong; you could add a check for nil and throw it yourself if you want.
As for performance, let's have an unscientific microbenchmark (both functions have been "warmed up"; initial runs were slower as usual):
user> (time (dotimes [_ 10000] (parse-number "1234123512435")))
"Elapsed time: 564.58196 msecs"
user> (time (dotimes [_ 10000] (read-string "1234123512435")))
"Elapsed time: 561.425967 msecs"
The obvious disclaimer: clojure.lang.LispReader.matchNumber is a private static method of clojure.lang.LispReader and may be changed or removed at any time.
In my opinion the best/safest way that works when you want it to for any number and fails when it isn't a number is this:
(defn parse-number
"Reads a number from a string. Returns nil if not a number."
(if (re-find #"^-?\d+\.?\d*$" s)
(read-string s)))
(parse-number "43") ;=> 43
(parse-number "72.02") ;=> 72.02
(parse-number "009.0008") ;=> 9.008
(parse-number "-92837482734982347.00789") ;=> -9.2837482734982352E16
(parse-number "89blah") ;=> nil
(parse-number "z29") ;=> nil
(parse-number "(exploit-me)") ;=> nil
Works for ints, floats/doubles, bignums, etc. If you wanted to add support for reading other notations, simply augment the regex.
Brian Carper's suggested approach (using read-string) works nicely, but only until you try and parse zero-padded numbers like "010". Observe:
user=> (read-string "010")
user=> (read-string "090")
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid number: 090 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
This is because clojure tries to parse "090" as an octal, and 090 is not a valid octal!
Brian carper's answer is almost correct. Instead of using read-string directly from clojure's core. Use clojure.edn/read-string. It is safe and it will parse anything that you throw at it.
(ns edn-example.core
(require [clojure.edn :as edn]))
(edn/read-string "2.7"); float 2.7
(edn/read-string "2"); int 2
simple, easy and execution safe ;)
Use bigint and bigdec
(bigint "1")
(bigint "010") ; returns 10N as expected
(bigint "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111")
(bigdec "11111.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")
Clojure's bigint will use primitives when possible, while avoiding regexps, the problem with octal literals or the limited size of the other numeric types, causing (Integer. "10000000000") to fail.
(This last thing happened to me and it was quite confusing: I wrapped it into a parse-int function, and afterwards just assumed that parse-int meant "parse a natural integer" not "parse a 32bit integer")
These are the two best and correct approaches:
Using Java interop:
(Long/parseLong "333")
(Float/parseFloat "333.33")
(Double/parseDouble "333.3333333333332")
(Integer/parseInt "-333")
(Integer/parseUnsignedInt "333")
(BigInteger. "3333333333333333333333333332")
(BigDecimal. "3.3333333333333333333333333332")
(Short/parseShort "400")
(Byte/parseByte "120")
This lets you precisely control the type you want to parse the number in, when that matters to your use case.
Using the Clojure EDN reader:
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(edn/read-string "333")
Unlike using read-string from clojure.core which isn't safe to use on untrusted input, edn/read-string is safe to run on untrusted input such as user input.
This is often more convenient then the Java interop if you don't need to have specific control of the types. It can parse any number literal that Clojure can parse such as:
;; Ratios
(edn/read-string "22/7")
;; Hexadecimal
(edn/read-string "0xff")
Full list here:
I find solussd's answer work great for my code. Based on it, here's an enhancement with support for Scientific notation. Besides, (.trim s) is added so that extra space can be tolerated.
(defn parse-number
"Reads a number from a string. Returns nil if not a number."
(if (re-find #"^-?\d+\.?\d*([Ee]\+\d+|[Ee]-\d+|[Ee]\d+)?$" (.trim s))
(read-string s)))
(parse-number " 4.841192E-002 ") ;=> 0.04841192
(parse-number " 4.841192e2 ") ;=> 484.1192
(parse-number " 4.841192E+003 ") ;=> 4841.192
(parse-number " 4.841192e.2 ") ;=> nil
(parse-number " 4.841192E ") ;=> nil
(def mystring "5")
(Float/parseFloat mystring)