I've been having trouble trying to retrieve data from the first node in my linked list for quite some time now. Forgive me, but I am still new to C++ and especially pointers and linked lists.
Here is how I am reading the data from my text file (working fine so far)
void readFile(ifstream& budgetFile, budgetItem *newNode, int& counter, budgetItem *temp, budgetItem *header)
char pauseChar;
int ctype;
string cname;
double camount;
char cleared;
itemPtr listTop = NULL;
while (!budgetFile.eof())
//newNode = new budgetItem;
budgetFile >> ctype >> cname >> camount >> cleared;
newNode->theType = ctype;
cout << newNode->theType << endl;
//cout << ctype << endl;
newNode->name = cname;
cout << newNode->name << endl;
newNode->amount = camount;
cout << newNode->amount << endl;
if (cleared == 'Y') {
newNode->cleared = true;
newNode->cleared = false;
newNode->next = listTop;
listTop = newNode;
if (counter == 0)
header = newNode;
And here is how I am trying to retrieve the data starting from the first node. It doesn't work at all. Any help on this would be appreciated.
void showBudget (budgetItem *newNode, budgetItem *temp, budgetItem *header)
double incomeTotal;
double expenseTotal;
double differenceTotal;
//itemPtr *newlist;
//newNode = header;
itemPtr listTop;
budgetItem *here = listTop;
do {
cout << "INCOME:" << endl;
cout << " Item Amount Cleared" << endl;
cout << " ---------------- ------- -------" << endl;
if (newNode == NULL)
cout << "List is empty." << endl;
if (newNode->theType != 0)
cout << " " << newNode->name << setw(23) << fixed << setprecision(2) << newNode->amount << " ";
if (newNode->cleared == true) {
cout << "no" << endl;
cout << "yes" << endl;
cout << endl;
newNode = newNode->next;
} while (newNode != NULL);
cout << "End of List." << endl;
// ...
// create next node here:
newNode = new budgetItem;
For each new element in the list we need to allocate new object in memory. You were using the same object again and again.
This program is a binary search tree of string to store information of students with the following details such as id, name and CGPA. And using unique id of a student to search, delete and insert different data. But in deletion when a subtree is involved the tree gets separated, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct BstNode
string iD;
string name;
float cgpa;
BstNode *left;
BstNode *right;
BstNode *root;
BstNode *GetNewNode(string iD0, string n0, float cg0)
BstNode *NewNode = new BstNode();
NewNode->iD = iD0;
NewNode->name = n0;
NewNode->cgpa = cg0;
NewNode->left = NULL;
NewNode->right = NULL;
return NewNode;
void PreOrder(BstNode *root)
if (root == NULL)
cout << "ID: " << root->iD << "\nNAME: " << root->name << "\nCGPA: " << root->cgpa << endl;
void InOrder(BstNode *root)
if (root == NULL)
cout << "ID: " << root->iD << "\nNAME: " << root->name << "\nCGPA: " << root->cgpa << endl;
void PostOrder(BstNode *root)
if (root == NULL)
cout << "ID: " << root->iD << "\nNAME: " << root->name << "\nCGPA: " << root->cgpa << endl;
cout << endl;
BstNode *Insert(BstNode *root, string iD2, string n2, float cg2)
if (root == NULL)
root = GetNewNode(iD2, n2, cg2);
else if (iD2 <= root->iD)
root->left = Insert(root->left, iD2, n2, cg2);
root->right = Insert(root->right, iD2, n2, cg2);
return root;
BstNode *Rectify(BstNode *root, string id1, string n, float cg)
root->iD = id1;
root->name = n;
root->cgpa = cg;
return root;
struct BstNode *FindMin(BstNode *root)
struct BstNode* current = root;
/* loop down to find the leftmost leaf */
while (current && current->left != NULL)
current = current->left;
return current;
BstNode *Delete(BstNode *root, string data)
if (root == NULL)
return root;
if (data < root->iD)
root->left = Delete(root->left, data);
else if (data > root->iD)
root->right = Delete(root->right, data);
if (root->left == NULL and root->right == NULL)
return NULL;
else if (root->left == NULL)
struct BstNode *temp = root->right;
return temp;
else if (root->right == NULL)
struct BstNode *temp = root->left;
return temp;
struct BstNode *temp = FindMin(root->right);
root->iD = temp->iD;
root->name = temp->name;
root->cgpa = temp->cgpa;
root->right = Delete(root->right, temp->iD);
return root;
BstNode *Search(BstNode * root, string iDs)
cout << "Finding " << endl;
if (root == NULL)
cout << "No such info!" << endl;
return root;
else if (root->iD == iDs)
cout << "Found 0 " << endl;
cout << "ID: " << root->iD << endl;
cout << "NAME: " << root->name << endl;
cout << "CGPA: " << root->cgpa << endl;
bool done = false;
while (!done)
cout << "Would you like to update this student's information? [y/n]\n";
string x;
cin >> x;
if (x == "y")
cout << "The following fields are updatable:\n";
cout << "1. Student ID\n";
cout << "2. Student Name\n";
cout << "3. Student CGPA\n";
cout << "4. Remove Student\n";
cout << "Enter your choice:\n";
bool done1 = false;
while (!done1)
int ch;
cin >> ch;
if (ch == 1)
cout << "Please enter new ID: \n";
string nwid;
cin >> nwid;
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "Updating \n";
cout << "============================" << endl;
root = Rectify(root, nwid, root->name, root->cgpa);
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "Updated Successfully! \n";
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << root->iD << endl;
cout << root->name << endl;
cout << root->cgpa << endl;
cout << "============================" << endl;
done1 = true;
else if (ch == 2)
cout << "Please enter new name: \n";
string nwname;
cin >> nwname;
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "Updating \n";
cout << "============================" << endl;
root = Rectify(root, root->iD, nwname, root->cgpa);
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "Updated Successfully! \n";
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << root->iD << endl;
cout << root->name << endl;
cout << root->cgpa << endl;
cout << "============================" << endl;
done1 = true;
else if (ch == 3)
cout << "Please enter new CGPA: \n";
float nwcg;
cin >> nwcg;
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "Updating \n";
cout << "============================" << endl;
root = Rectify(root, root->iD, root->name, nwcg);
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "Updated Successfully! \n";
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << "============================" << endl;
cout << root->iD << endl;
cout << root->name << endl;
cout << root->cgpa << endl;
cout << "============================" << endl;
done1 = true;
else if (ch == 4)
cout << "Removing\n";
root = Delete(root, root->iD);
cout << "Removed!\n";
return root;
done1 = true;
cout << "Wrong input try again! \n";
done = true;
else if (x == "n")
done = true;
cout << "Wrong input try again! \n";
return root;
else if (iDs <= root->iD)
return Search(root->left, iDs);
return Search(root->right, iDs);
int main()
root = NULL;
root = Insert(root, "21-44631-1", "Rafiul", 3.75);
root = Insert(root, "21-44531-1", "Haque", 4.0);
root = Insert(root, "21-44431-1", "Rafsun", 3.78);
root = Insert(root, "21-44331-1", "Rafi", 3.5);
root = Insert(root, "21-44231-1", "ABC", 4.0);
root = Insert(root, "21-44611-1", "AC", 4.0);
cout << "Please enter the ID you want to search: ";
string s;
cin >> s;
cout << endl;
Search(root, s);
cout << "Reading tree in preorder : \n";
cout<<"============================"<< endl;
cout << "\nReading tree in inorder : \n";
cout<<"============================"<< endl;
cout << "\nReading tree in postorder : \n";
cout << "============================" << endl;
Deleting a BST node from a simple (e.g. non-self-balancing) implementation involves three things:
Find the node you're deleting. More specifically, find the pointer in the tree (which may be the root pointer) that points to the node you want to delete.
Once found, promote one of the children to occupy the vacancy about to be left by the node being deleted.
Hang the opposite child (if there even is one) in the left (or right, depending on which child you promoted in (2), position possible of the promoted child.
Note that it is possible to cover all four node+children cases (no children, only a left child, only a right child, or both), using a single algorithm, especially when using a pointer-to-pointer to iterate the tree. It is done like this (liberally commented to try and explain what is going on):
BstNode *Delete(BstNode *root, string data)
BstNode **pp = &root;
// find the node we want to delete by id
while (*pp)
if (data < (*pp)->iD)
pp = &(*pp)->left;
else if ((*pp)->iD < data)
pp = &(*pp)->right;
else // equivalent. fount it
// if this is non-null, we found the pointer in the
// tree that points to the node we want to delete.
// note that this could even be the root pointer
// where we started.
if (*pp)
// remember the node. we're about to overwrite
// the tree pointer that is referring to it.
BstNode *victim = *pp;
// always promote the right node.
*pp = victim->right;
// now iterate down the opposite side of the
// note we just promoted, looking for the first
// null slot on which we can hang our sibling
// (if there even is one; it's ok if there isn't)
while (*pp)
pp = &(*pp)->left;
// this is where we hang the sibling node
*pp = victim->left;
// the tree is fixed up and the node excised. we
// can delete it now.
delete victim;
// return this. remember, root may have been pointing
// to the node we deleted, and if so, it has changed
// so we need to inform the caller by return result.
return root;
Sans the overt comments explaining what is happening, it is a surprisingly small amount of code, especially when you consider what it is accomplishing.
I created a simple doubly linked list to store data about the plant. I needed to make the data write and read from a file c++. There were no problems with writing to the file. But I have no idea how to properly read data from a file(. Maybe there are some features.
Earlier, when I wrote data from a file to an array, I sorted through the elements using a loop, by index. but now when I need to write the elements in a double linked list - I really do not understand what to do.
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <list>
#include <fstream>
#include <locale>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
typedef struct
char plant[100];
char family[100];
char species[100];
typedef struct tag_obj
struct tag_obj* prev, * next;
OBJ* head = NULL, * tail = NULL;
void add_obj(OBJ* obj, BOOK book, char sim[50]) {
OBJ* c = head;
while (c != NULL) {
if (strcmp(c->b.plant, sim) == 0){
cout<< " element already existst(("<< endl;
return ;
c = c->next;
OBJ* ptr = new OBJ;
ptr->b = book;
ptr->prev = obj;
ptr->next = (obj == NULL) ? NULL : obj->next;
if (obj != NULL) {
obj->next = ptr;
if (obj->next != NULL) obj->next->prev = ptr;
if (ptr->prev == NULL) head = ptr;
if (ptr->next == NULL) tail = ptr;
void del_obj(OBJ* obj) {
char x[50];
cout << "enter the name of the plant whose data you want to delete: ";
cin >> x;
OBJ* tmp;
OBJ* h;
if (head == NULL)
cout << "List empty,nothing to delete" << endl;
if (strcmp(head->b.plant, x) == 0)
tmp = head;
head = head->next;
head->prev = NULL;
cout << "Element Deleted" << endl;
h = head;
while (h->next->next != NULL)
if (strcmp(h->next->b.plant, x) == 0)
tmp = h->next;
h->next = tmp->next;
tmp->next->prev = h;
cout << "Element Deleted" << endl;
h = h->next;
if (strcmp(h->next->b.plant, x) == 0)
tmp = h->next;
h->next = NULL;
cout << "Element Deleted" << endl;
cout << "Element " << x << " not found" << endl;
void show() {
OBJ* c = head;
int d = 1;
while (c != NULL) {
cout << d << ")" << " " << c->b.plant << " " << c->b.family << " " << c->b.species << endl;
c = c->next;
int main() {
//setlocale(LC_ALL, "ukr");
ofstream fout;
fout.open("plant account.txt", ios::app);
ifstream fin;
fin.open("plant account.txt");
if (!fout.is_open())
cout << "Помилка вiдкриття файлу";
return 1;
char sim[50];
BOOK book = { " PLANT "," FAMILY " };
//add_obj(tail, book);
int choice;
cout << "**plant account**" << endl;
cout << "1(add an element)" << endl;
cout << "2(delete)" << endl;
cout << "3(show)" << endl;
cout << "4(exit)" << endl << endl;
cout << " Choose action : ";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
fout << endl;
cout << "Plant name: ";
cin >> book.plant;
strcpy_s(sim, book.plant);
fout << book.plant << " ";
cout << "Plant family: ";
cin >> book.family;
fout << book.family << " ";
cout << "Plant species: ";
cin >> book.species;
fout << book.species << " ";
add_obj(tail, book,sim);
cout << endl;
goto start;
case 2:
cout << endl;
goto start;
case 3:
cout << endl;
goto start;
case 4:
cout << " " << endl;
return 0;
I am making this function that deletes an element inside of a list. The problem is when I delete the last remaining node of the list it gives me back nothing. To be precise, let's say we have a link list
head -> node_1 -> node_2 -> NULL
I want to delete all of the items inside the list hence " head -> NULL; "
void delete_item(NODE **start,int *last){
NODE *before, *discard;
int delete_value;
if(is_empty(*start) == 1){
cout << endl << "THE LIST IS EMPTY";
discard = *start;
cout << endl << "What item would you like to delete?: ";
cin >> delete_value;
if((*start)->next == NULL){
cout << endl <<"entered" << endl;
delete *start;
*start = NULL;
//if delete value is in the first node
if((*start)->value == delete_value){
*start = (*start)->next;
(*start)->prev = NULL;
int index{1};
//searches for the value
while(discard != NULL && discard->value != delete_value){
before = discard;
discard = discard->next;
if(discard == NULL){
cout << endl<< "ITEM DOES NOT EXIST TRY AGAIN!" << endl;
//if item is in the last node of the list
if(index == *last){
before->next = NULL;
cout << endl << "ITEM SUCCESSFULLY DELETED!" << endl;
//if item is in between the list
discard->next->prev = before->next;
before->next = discard->next;
cout << endl << "ITEM SUCCESSFULLY DELETED!" << endl;
It is always best to delete a given node in a seperate function and then call that function according to your requirement. You can find that kind of code in any coding website.
However, I did not want to discourage your method. So I am editing your code only.
void delete_item(NODE **start,int *last){
NODE *before, *discard;
int delete_value;
if(is_empty(*start) == 1){
cout << endl << "THE LIST IS EMPTY";
discard = *start;
cout << endl << "What item would you like to delete?: ";
cin >> delete_value;
//if delete value is in the first node
if((*start)->value == delete_value){
*start = (*start)->next;
(*start)->prev = NULL;
int index{1};
//searches for the value
while(discard != NULL && discard->value != delete_value){
before = discard;
discard = discard->next;
if(discard == NULL){
cout << endl<< "ITEM DOES NOT EXIST TRY AGAIN!" << endl;
//if item is in the last node of the list
if(index == *last){
before->next = NULL;
cout << endl << "ITEM SUCCESSFULLY DELETED!" << endl;
//if item is in between the list
discard->next->prev = before;
before->next = discard->next;
cout << endl << "ITEM SUCCESSFULLY DELETED!" << endl;
I'm having some difficulties with writing adding and removing function.
Here's some code for displaying the list, searching and removing the list.
I know how to implement it iteratively, but with recursion, I have some problems.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct AddressBook
string name;
string surname;
long long phone;
AddressBook* next;
void delPerson(AddressBook*& head)
if (head == NULL)
cout << "There are no persons in my book\n";
string pName;
cout << "Enter name of person: ";
getline(cin, pName);
AddressBook* temp = head;
AddressBook* curr = NULL;
while (temp != NULL)
if (temp->name == pName)
curr = temp;
temp = temp->next;
if (temp == NULL)
cout << "There are no person with this name\n";
if (temp == head)
head = head->next;
delete temp;
curr->next = temp->next;
delete temp;
cout << pName << " was deleted from the book\n";
void display(AddressBook* head)
if (head == NULL)
cout << "My book is empty\n";
AddressBook* temp = head;
while (temp != NULL)
cout << endl;
cout << "Name: " << temp->name << endl;
cout << "Surname: " << temp->surname << endl;
cout << "Phone: " << temp->phone << endl;
temp = temp->next;
void search(AddressBook* head)
if (head == NULL)
cout << "My book is empty\n";
string pName;
cout << "Enter name of person: ";
getline(cin, pName);
AddressBook* temp = head;
while (temp != NULL)
if (temp->name == pName)
cout << temp->name << " is found\n\n";
cout << "Name: " << temp->name << endl;
cout << "Surname: " << temp->surname << endl;
cout << "Phone: " << temp->phone << endl;
temp = temp->next;
if (temp == NULL)
cout << pName << " isn't found in my book\n";
void delMemory(AddressBook* head)
while (head != NULL)
AddressBook* temp = head;
head = head->next;
delete temp;
void addPerson(AddressBook*& head)
string pName;
string sName;
long long pPhone = 0;
while (true)
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the name(press '0' to end): ";
getline(cin, pName);
if (pName == "0")break;
cout << "Enter surname: ";
getline(cin, sName);
cout << "Enter phone: ";
cin >> pPhone;
AddressBook* bleah = new AddressBook;
bleah->name = pName;
bleah->surname = sName;
bleah->phone = pPhone;
bleah->next = NULL;
if (head == NULL)
head = bleah;
AddressBook* temp = head;
while (temp->next != NULL)
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = bleah;
int main()
cout << "=============== My Address Book ===============\n\n";
cout << "1. To add person\n";
cout << "2. To display all\n";
cout << "3. To delete person\n";
cout << "4. To search person\n";
cout << "5. Exit\n";
AddressBook* head = NULL;
int choice = 0;
while (true)
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1: addPerson(head);
case 2: display(head);
case 3: cin.get();
case 4: search(head);
case 5: return 0;
default: return 0;
cout << "=============== My Address Book ===============\n\n";
cout << "1. To add person\n";
cout << "2. To display all\n";
cout << "3. To delete person\n";
cout << "4. To search person\n";
cout << "5. Exit\n";
cout << endl;
return 0;
And this is recursive solution, but I have troubles implementing add and removing functions
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct AddressBook
string name;
string surname;
long long phone;
AddressBook* next;
AddressBook* delPerson(AddressBook*& head)
AddressBook* display(AddressBook* head)
if (head!= NULL)
cout << endl;
cout << "Name: " << head->name << endl;
cout << "Surname: " << head->surname << endl;
cout << "Phone: " << head->phone << endl;
return display(head->next);
return head;
AddressBook* search(AddressBook* head, string pName)
if (head == NULL)
cout << pName << " isn't found in my book\n";
return head;
if (head->name == pName)
cout << head->name << " is found\n\n";
cout << "Name: " << head->name << endl;
cout << "Surname: " << head->surname << endl;
cout << "Phone: " << head->phone << endl;
return head;
return search(head->next, pName);
void delMemory(AddressBook* head)
if (head != NULL)
delete head;
AddressBook* allMem(AddressBook*& head)
int main()
cout << "=============== My Address Book ===============\n\n";
cout << "1. To add person\n";
cout << "2. To display all\n";
cout << "3. To delete person\n";
cout << "4. To search person\n";
cout << "5. Exit\n";
AddressBook* head = NULL;
string pName;
int choice = 0;
while (true)
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1: allMem(head);
case 2: display(head);
case 3: cin.get();
case 4: cin.get();
cout << "Enter name of person: ";
getline(cin, pName);
search(head, pName);
case 5: return 0;
default: return 0;
cout << "=============== My Address Book ===============\n\n";
cout << "1. To add person\n";
cout << "2. To display all\n";
cout << "3. To delete person\n";
cout << "4. To search person\n";
cout << "5. Exit\n";
cout << endl;
return 0;
What's already posted misses a huge portion of the problem: Asking for user input in a recursive function just leads to pain. Either the user input is asked for in every iteration or additional control information needs to be passed to to tell the function to NOT ask for user input. Either is bad planning.
Instead insert another function or two. This is beneficial from a software engineering standpoint: A function should do the absolute minimum to do one job. Functions that do only one thing are very easy to comprehend, very easy to debug, and tend to be very short.
So we need a function to get an AddressBook from the user:
AddressBook* bleah = new AddressBook; // terrible name, by the way
// since we got the bleah first, we can directly assign to it. No need for
// extra temporary variables.
cout << "Enter the name: ";
getline(cin, bleah->name);
cout << "Enter surname: ";
getline(cin, bleah->surname);
cout << "Enter phone: ";
cin >> bleah->phone; // bad idea to store phone number as a number.
// For example a number can't record preceding zeros
bleah->next = NULL;
return bleah;
This is a simple stupid function that does nothing but make an AddressBook. To be honest, this should be an AddressBook constructor, but we can save that for a future question. Note also that there is none of the exit on 0 nonsense. This function makes an AddressBook. Period. If you don't want an AddressBook, you don't call this function. Let the menu handle exiting.
Next we need a function to find where the AddressBoook will be added. It looks like this is always the end of the list, so
AddressBook*& findEnd(AddressBook *& head)
if (head != NULL)
return findend(head->next); // keep looking for the end
return head; // return the end.
Again, a simple, stupid function that does nothing but find the last next in the list. Note you get a reference to a pointer to an AddressBook. This allows you to happily return a next that points to NULL and replace the NULL with the new AddressBook
Which brings us back to addPerson
AddressBook* addPerson(AddressBook*& head)
findEnd(head) = createAddressBook();
return head;
Simple, stupid function that calls two other simple, stupid functions and adds a person to the list.
Apply a similar process to delPerson.
Note: I haven't run any of this. Could be a typo or two in there.
Here's a really simple example of how you can use a add to a linked list using recursion. You can apply this technique to your example above.
struct node{
int i;
node* next;
void add(node* cur, int i){
if(cur->next == nullptr){
node* n = new node;
n->i = i;
cur->next = n;
add(cur->next, i);
You simply check to see if the next node is null. If it is, you've reached the end of your list and you can add your new node there. If not, call the function recursively, providing the current next node.
Try this:
typedef struct Nodetype {
int key;
struct Node * next;
} Node;
Node * newNode(int data){
Node *temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
temp->key = data;
temp->next = NULL;
return temp;
Node* add(Node * head, int val){
return newNode(val);
head->next = add(head->next, val);
return head;
Node * delete(Node *head, int val){
return NULL;
Node * temp;
if(head->key == val){
temp = head;
head = head->next;
head->next = delete(head->next, val);
return head;
You can change your code as per your need. I have assumed everything as integer.
I've written my own implementation of linked list which stores numbers. It was quite simple. Now I have to change it to store information about students. Every student that is added to the list must contain:
field of study,
year of study,
The index is sth like key, if we want to find the student in the list, we type index to find it and display full info about student. The same thing with deleting specified student - we type index to delete it.
Can anyone give me an advice or an example how to change it to store informations about students? I thought about asking about every info in constructor - when the object is created, it would display a query about the item and the object would be added to the list. :
head = NULL;
cout << "Type index: ";
cin >> index;
cout << "Type name: ";
cin >> name;
But I don't know if it would work properly and if it is generally good idea. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you in advance!
Here is the code that stores numbers in list:
class node{
int data;
node *next;
class linkedList{
node * head;
node * createNode(int);
void insertBegin();
void insertPos();
void insertLast();
void deletePos();
void display();
void deleteList();
head = NULL;
node *linkedList::createNode(int value){
node *temp;
temp = new(node);
temp->data = value;
temp->next = NULL;
return temp;
void linkedList::insertBegin(){
int value;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Type value: ";
cin >> value;
node *temp, *p;
temp = createNode(value);
if (head == NULL){
head = temp;
head->next = NULL;
p = head;
head = temp;
head->next = p;
cout << "Element added." << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
void linkedList::insertLast(){
int value;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Type a value:: ";
cin >> value;
node *temp, *s;
temp = createNode(value);
if (head == NULL){
head = temp;
head->next = NULL;
} else{
s = head;
while (s->next != NULL){
s = s->next;
temp->next = NULL;
s->next = temp;
cout << "Element added." << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
void linkedList::insertPos(){
int value, pos, counter = 0;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Type value: ";
cin >> value;
node *temp, *s, *ptr;
temp = createNode(value);
cout << "Type position: ";
cin >> pos;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
int i;
s = head;
while (s != NULL){
s = s->next;
if (pos == 1){
if (head == NULL){
head = temp;
head->next = NULL;
ptr = head;
head = temp;
head->next = ptr;
else if (pos > 1 && pos <= counter){
s = head;
for (i = 1; i < pos; i++){
ptr = s;
s = s->next;
ptr->next = temp;
temp->next = s;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "There is no such position. Type a value from 1 to " << counter <<
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Element added." << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
void linkedList::deletePos(){
int pos, i, counter = 0;
if (head == NULL){
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "List is empty" << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Type position: ";
cin >> pos;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
node *s, *ptr;
s = head;
if (pos == 1){
head = s->next;
while (s != NULL)
s = s->next;
if (pos > 0 && pos <= counter){
s = head;
for (i = 1;i < pos;i++){
ptr = s;
s = s->next;
ptr->next = s->next;
cout << "There is no such position. Type a value from 1 to " << counter <<
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
delete s;
cout << "Element added." << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
void linkedList::display(){
node *temp;
if (head == NULL){
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "List is empty" << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
temp = head;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "List elements:: " << endl;
while (temp != NULL){
cout << temp->data << "->";
temp = temp->next;
cout << "NULL" << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
void linkedList::deleteList (){
node *temp;
while (head != NULL){
temp = head;
head = head -> next;
delete temp;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << "List deleted." << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
class menu{
void displayMenu();
void menu::displayMenu(){
linkedList link;
int option;
cout << "1.Add element at the first pos" << endl;
cout << "2.Add element at the last pos" << endl;
cout << "3.Add element at the pos" << endl;
cout << "4.Delete specific pos" << endl;
cout << "5.Delete whole list" << endl;
cout << "6.Print list" << endl;
cout << "0.End " << endl;
cout << "Choose an option: ";
cin >> option;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
} while (option != 0);
int main(){
menu k;
return 0;
Use templates. C++ version of generic programming.
Define your linked list node with a template:
template<class T>
class node<T>{
T data;
node<T> *next;
This means that you can now have a node of any kind of data type, just by accessing node's data attribute member.
Then define a new container class/struct to hold that other relevant information you were mentioning to include:
class data {
/* ctor, dtor, accesor and modifier operations */
unsigned int index, age;
std:string name, surname, university, fieldOfStudy, yearOfStudy;
You would need to redefine your linkedList class to also use templates:
template<class T>
class linkedList<T> {
/* ...declaration and implementation taking in to account <T> data type.
Then outside your scope, in main() for example, you can do the following:
int main() {
linkedList<data> list;
// ... etc.
return 0;
You could also NOT use generic programming/templates and make your node have specific data you want
This will also impact your code less, because when adding templates you would probably have to add and change more lines of code.
What you can do is to simply change your node class adding all the attributes that we had added to the data class, like so:
class node {
/* ctor, dtor, accesor and modifier operations */
node *next;
unsigned int index, age;
std:string name, surname, university, fieldOfStudy, yearOfStudy; // Now we have all the attributesyou needed and we omit the data attribute member.
You will need to make simple modifications to your linkedList methods, mainly only when you're instantiating node objects.
The problem with this solution is that it binds you to those attributes you chose above. The previous generic solution does not bind you to any data type and still all the linkedList functionality will work for any data type you decide to use (C++ int, double, float, std::string, custom classes).