Clojure: How does load file? - clojure

Could load file from classpath but outside of the jar file? When I put file within jar file, it'd load file but when I put file outside jar but in classpath it'd not load file.
Jar name: hello.jar
within jar there is file hello.txt
java -jar hello.jar
I saw no problem to read file hello.txt file using line bellow
But when I put hello.txt outside of the jar but in classpath, it fails to load file.
java -cp . -jar hello.jar
hello.txt file in same directory with hello.jar file.

You can't mix -cp and -jar cmdline arguments in that way. You can either do...
java -cp ".:hello.jar" # should use ; instead of : on Windows
or add a
Class-Path: /some/dir/with/hello /some/dir/with/hello/hello.jar
entry to the jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file that includes local directory.(details)
I would recommend you don't use . as the directory, since this will be prone to errors or maybe security issues if the jar file moves.


error in indirect file load in Informatica

I am trying indirect file load in Informatica.
I put below files in $PmSrcFilesDir (from here the workflow task pick up files)
The list.txt files contains the csv file names only.
I configured below options:
Source filetype- Indirect
Source filename- list.txt
Source file directory- $PMSourceFileDir
After running the workflow it shows error- as
FR_3000 Error Opening File...No such file or directory
You can give absolute path in list.txt.
You can use command task or shell script to get absolute path and file name.
Pls check session log, which file it cant read - list file or main file. If list file mention $PMSourceFileDir correctly in param file.
Now, make sure informatica user (user that runs infa server) has read access to those data, list folders and files. Admin can help. documentation on compilation and gen-class

I am reading the documention on about compilation, the last part gen-class examples. I do the examples and then when trying to run it as java app with: java -cp ./classes:clojure.jar clojure.examples.hello Fred in the terminal i get : Error: Could not find or load main class clojure.examples.hello. Can someone help?
Can someone introduce where to learn about gen-class and :gen-class, i find not much documentation on web
The command java -cp ./classes:clojure.jar tst.core from your base+system+user+dave is almost correct. The java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: clojure/lang/IFn error is because the JVM cannot find the Clojure classes as there is no clojure.jar file in the base+system+user+dave directory, so you need to specify the correct path for the clojure.jar file.
As you are using lein, it downloads your project dependencies to your local repository. One of the dependencies will be Clojure itself, so assuming you are on iOS/Linux and that your lein project.clj has a dependency with clojure 1.7.0, the command to run from the base+system+user+dave directory will be:
java -cp ./classes:~/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.7.0/clojure-1.7.0.jar tst.core
As this gets quite annoying once you have more than one dependency, I would suggest to use lein uberjar that will create a file in the target directory called your-project-name-standalone.jar that will have all required classes, so to run it from the command line go to the target directory and run something like :
java -cp tst-standalone.jar tst.core
To understand more about how the classpath works in the JVM, you can start with Wikipedia

How to import a jar in a java file

I'm totally new to clojure and leiningen, all I want to do is write some java code that will use this library
Here is what I did :
Created a new leiningen project.
Added [com.backtype/dfs-datastores "1.3.6"] to my :dependencies ( I checked my .m2/repository/com/backtype/dfs-datastores/1.3.6 and there are some jar files there)
Created a new .java file in the main project directory with some code.
Now how can I use the dfs-datastores code inside my .java file ?

Understanding of usage of Java2Wsdl for axis2/c

I have a problem with the installation of Java2Wsdl tool.
I have succesfully created and compiled(generated the .class file from the .java file) a simple Java class inside a directory /home/user/examples/com/mycompany/app.
In there I compile my SimpleClass and so, I have two files: & a SimpleClass.class .
Next, I have axis2/c installed on my ubuntu system
$ echo $AXIS2C_HOME
I also have axis2/java installed
echo $AXIS2_HOME
I also downloaded, extracted and installed from this link the java2wsdl plugin.
This is how the bin directory looks like.
username#usernamePC:/opt/axis2-1.6.2/bin$ ls
axis2.bat java2wsdl.bat
axis2server.bat wsdl2java.bat
Now, I want to convert my initial project from java to wsdl with java2wsdl but I cannot understand the right place of directory I should put that into, if I have the classpath(?) right and what would be the correct command for the conversion to happen.
I am trying something like that: -cn
In here I put . instead of / and I am typing that in top directory, meaning com directory.
Can you help me out with this?
I am sorry for the long question but I needed to set all things right.
my-app was build with a simple maven project (maven 2.2.1) through this guide.
You should start codegeneration from build/classes directory.
That directory must have com and META-INF subdirs.
Example of generating WSDL:
# compile your project using ant or mvn
# go to binary dir
cd build/classes
# check SimpleClass.class is here
ls com/mycompany/app/SimpleClass.class
# generate WSDL into current directory
$AXIS2_HOME/bin/ -cn
# see generated WSDL
cat SimpleClass.wsdl
To generate WSDL into different directory append -o <directory> switch to command line of script.

Setting CLASSPATH for Clojure project

I have a plain project structure:
Base Dir
src ;; Pile of Clojure files
lib ;; Jar files
To export the classpath:
$ export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:src:lib/*
Trying to run a Clojure file:
java -cp $CLASSPATH -jar lib/clojure.jar src/wizard-game.clj
But I got:
Exception in thread "main" Could not locate clojure/contrib/trace_init.class or clojure/contrib/trace.clj on classpath:
Caused by: Could not locate clojure/contrib/trace_init.class or clojure/contrib/trace.clj on classpath:
Ok, this is a classpath issue but what/where I'm doing wrong?
Is there a better way to try to run it?
I tried this command:
java -classpath $CLASSPATH clojure.main src/wizard-game.clj
It runs ok now.
From the java man pages regarding the -jar option:
When you use this option, the JAR file
is the source of all user classes, and
other user class path settings are
So that's a bit of a bummer, but the good news is that you can get around this by using a different launching syntax (referenced at
java -cp $CLASSPATH clojure.main src/wizard-game.clj
Alternatively, use a tool like Leiningen to manage your project's classpath and dependencies for you!
This is a response to your "How to run a standalone Clojure file in Lein?" you should look at into lein run. I'm not sure the current state but there was a standalone Lein plugin and now there is at least some (maybe all) of the functionality build into lein by default.
Try running a lein help run at the command line for a quick introduction.
Standalone lein-run project. Documentation may be useful. Not 100% sure if it matches up with the built-in lein run but I know from my own usage at least some of it does.