I want to write a wide string to a file as a sequence of bytes. I tried two ways, the first way:
std::wstring str = L"This is a test";
LPBYTE pBuf = (LPBYTE)str.c_str();
FILE* hFile = _wfopen( L"c:\\temp.txt", L"w" );
for( int i = 0; i<(str.length()*sizeof(wchar_t)); ++i)
fwprintf( hFile, L"%02X", pBuf[i] );
The second way:
std::wstring str = L"This is a test";
LPBYTE pBuf = (LPBYTE)str.c_str();
DWORD dwRet;
WriteFile( hFile, pBuf, str.length()*sizeof(wchar_t), &dwRet, NULL );
When I open the result file, in the first case the contents of the file are:
In the second case, the contents of the file are:
This is a test
Why the first way doesn't work as expected? it looks like both ways are equal.
In the first example, you used fwprintf to format the bytes as 2-digit hex strings so that is why you see hex in that file.
I suspect you should spend some time researching the ASCII code and UTF-16LE and looking at text using a hex editor.
Every file is just a sequence of bytes so your question is not well defined and makes me think you have some fundamental misunderstanding about bytes and encodings but I'm not sure what it is.
Assuming you want to write out the in-memory representation of the string:
#include <fstream>
int main (int argc,char *argv[]) {
std::wstring str = L"This is a test";
std::ofstream fout(R"(c:\temp.txt)");
fout.exceptions(std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit);
fout.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str.data()), sizeof(wchar_t) * str.size());
We use ofstream because this is C++ and it's better to use RAII types instead of having to manually call fclose or CloseHandle. We use a raw string for the filename so we don't have to deal with escaping the backslash. (On platforms that use a sensible path separator ; ) the raw string here is unnecessary.) We also turn on exceptions so that we don't have to explicitly check for errors.
Then we write out the bytes using the write member function. Note that the codecvt facet is still applied to the data written using this method. This is the reason we're using ofstream instead of wofstream; The default facet for ofstream does nothing, but the default facet for wofstream would convert the wchar_t to char using the default locale.
If you simply want to write UTF-16 data out then there are better ways than trying to write the raw bytes of a wchar_t string. (wchar_t isn't necessarily UTF-16. Some platforms just happen to use UTF-16.)
One way is to use a the codecvt_utf16 facet:
#include <fstream>
#include <codecvt>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::wstring str = L"This is a test";
std::wofstream fout(R"(C:\temp.txt)");
fout.exceptions(std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit);
fout.imbue(std::locale(std::locale("C"), new std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t>));
fout << str;
Here we write a wchar_t string normally, but we've imbued the wstream with codecvt_utf16, so that the the wchar_t is converted to UTF-16. If you want little endian UTF-16, or you want to include U+FEFF at the beginning of the file (these are frequently done on Windows) then there are flags to enable that: std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10FFFF, std::codecvt_mode::generate_header | std::codecvt_mode::little_endian>. (also note that codecvt_utf16 will treat wchar_t as UCS-2 or UCS-4, never UTF-16. The upshot is that this only handles the BMP on Windows)
Another option is to use normal streams and the wstring_convert facility:
#include <fstream>
#include <codecvt>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::wstring str = L"This is a test";
std::ofstream fout(R"(C:\temp.txt)");
fout.exceptions(std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit);
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> convert;
fout << convert.to_bytes(str);
This is probably the option I would choose, since it allows one to almost completely avoid wchar_t.
I have C code that I am trying to convert to C++. To summarize a snippet of the code in C is as follows:
FILE *fp = fopen("temp.bin", "wb");
wchar_t* wide_word = _T("wide char");
char* word = "char";
fwprintf(fp, _T("%s"), wide_word);
fprintf(fp, "%s", word);
The advantage in the C case being we can continue using the same fp pointer to print both char and wide char by simple passing the pointer. Can we achieve the same in C++ without needing to initialize to objects ofstream and wofstream to write to the same file and get exact same output as the above C implementation?
I tried the following in C++ (amongst many other things)
auto os = std::ofstream("temp_cpp.bin", std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
wchar_t* wide_word = _T("wide char");
char* word = "char";
std::wstring st(wide_word);
std::string str(st.begin(),st.end());
os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str.c_str()), sizeof(str));
os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(word), sizeof(word));
Yes, you can use the same write function to either write the ANSI bytes or wide char bytes to the file. There are some mistakes in the code. sizeof(str) will return the size of the std::string object, not the length of the string and sizeof(word) will return the size of a pointer, again not the length of the string (although you might be lucky with this one on 32-bit systems where the size of the pointer matches your string length). Further, you are writing ANSI chars two times rather than first writing wide chars and then ANSI chars as you have probably intended following your fprintf example. What you meant to write there was probably:
auto os = std::ofstream("temp_cpp.bin", std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
const wchar_t* wide_word = L"wide char";
const char* word = "char";
std::wstring st(wide_word);
std::string str(st.begin(), st.end());
os.write((const char*)(st.c_str()), st.length() * sizeof(wchar_t));
os.write(word, strlen(word));
This should yield the same file content as your fprintf example (but it is not guaranteed as it may depend on setLocale). Or, without the use of std::wstring:
auto os = std::ofstream("temp_cpp.bin", std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
const wchar_t* wide_word = L"wide char";
const char* word = "char";
os.write((const char*)wide_word, wcslen(wide_word) * sizeof(wchar_t));
os.write(word, strlen(word));
Whether it is advisable to write different text encodings into the same file is another question.
I'm using std::wofstream to write characters in a text file.My characters can have chars from very different languages(english to chinese).
I want to print my vector<wstring> into that file.
If my vector contains only english characters I can print them without a problem.
But if I write chineses characters my file remains empty.
I browsed trough stackoverflow and all answers said bascially to use functions from the library:
#include <codecvt>
I can't include that library, because I am using Dev-C++ in version 5.11.
I did:#define UNICODE in all my header files.
I guess there is a really simple solution for that problem.
It would be great, if someone could help me out.
My code:
#define UNICODE
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string Path = "D:\\Users\\\t\\Desktop\\korrigiert_RotCommon_zh_check_error.log";
wofstream Out;
wstring eng = L"hello";
wstring chi = L"程序";
Out.open(Path, ios::out);
Out << eng;
Out << chi;
return 0;
Kind Regards
Even if the name of the wofstream implies it's a wide char stream, it's not. It's still a char stream that uses a convert facet from a locale to convert the wchars to char.
Here is what cppreference says:
All file I/O operations performed through std::basic_fstream<CharT> use the std::codecvt<CharT, char, std::mbstate_t> facet of the locale imbued in the stream.
So you could either set the global locale to one that supports Chinese or imbue the stream. In both cases you'll get a single byte stream.
#include <locale>
const std::locale loc = std::locale(std::locale(), new std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>);
Out.open(Path, ios::out);
Unfortunately std::codecvt_utf8 is already deprecated[2]. This MSDN
article explains how to do UTF-8 conversion using MultiByteToWideChar C++ - Unicode Encoding Conversions with STL Strings and Win32 APIs.
Here the Microsoft/vcpkg variant of an to_utf8 conversion:
std::string to_utf8(const CWStringView w)
const size_t size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, w.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
std::string output;
output.resize(size - 1);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, w.c_str(), -1, output.data(), size - 1, nullptr, nullptr);
return output;
On the other side you can use normal binary stream and write the wstring data with write().
std::ofstream Out(Path, ios::out | ios::binary);
const uint16_t bom = 0xFEFF;
Out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&bom), sizeof(bom)); // optional Byte order mark
Out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chi.data()), chi.size() * sizeof(wchar_t));
You forgot to tell your stream what locale to use:
You'll obviously need to include <locale> for this.
Actually i have a requirement wherein i need to open the same file using wfstream file instance at one part of the code and open it using fstream instance at the other part of the code. I need to access a file where the username is of type std::wstring and password is of type std::string. how do i get the values of both the variables in the same part of the code?
Like you can see below i need to get the values for username and password from the file and assign it to variables.
type conversion cannot be done. Please do not give that solution.
the code is written as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string y;
unsigned int l;
std::wstring username;
std::wstring x=L"username";
std::wstring q;
std::string password;
std::string a="password";
std::cout<<"enter the username:";
std::cout<<"enter the password:";
std::wfstream fpp("/home/aricent/Documents/testing.txt",std::ios::in | std::ios::out );
if (q.find(x, 0) != std::string::npos) {
std::wstring z=q.substr(q.find(L"-") + 1) ;
std::wcout<<"the username is:"<<z;
fpp.seekg( 0, std::ios::beg );
fpp<<q.replace(x.length()+1, z.length(), username);
std::fstream fp("/home/aricent/Documents/testing.txt",std::ios::in | std::ios::out );
if (y.find(a, 0) != std::string::npos)
unsigned int len=x.length()+1;
unsigned int leng=username.length();
std::string b=y.substr(y.find("-") + 1) ;
fp<<y.replace(a.length()+1, b.length(), password);
It's not recommended to open multiple streams to a same file simultaneously. On the other hand, if you don't write to the file, but only read (and thus, would be using ifstream and wifstream), that's probably safe.
Alternatively, you can simply open a wfstream, read the username, close the stream, open a fstream and read the password.
If you have the choice, avoid mixed encoding files entirely.
You should not try to open the same file with two descriptors. Even if it worked (read only mode for example), both descriptors would not be synchronised, so you would read first characters on one, and next same characters on second.
So IMHO, you should stick to one single solution. My advice is to use a character stream to process the file, and use a codecvt to convert from a narrow string to a wide wstring when you need it.
An example conversion function could be (ref: cplusplus.com: codecvt::in):
std::wstring wconv(const std::string& str, const std::locale mylocale) {
// define a codecvt facet for the locale
typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t,char,std::mbstate_t> facet_type;
const facet_type& myfacet = std::use_facet<facet_type>(mylocale);
// define a mbstate to use in codecvt::in
std::mbstate_t mystate = std::mbstate_t();
size_t l = str.length();
const char * ix = str.data(), *next; // narrow character pointers
wchar_t *wc, *wnext; // wide character pointers
// use a wide char array of same length than the narrow char array to convert
wc = new wchar_t[str.length() + 1];
// conversion call
facet_type::result result = myfacet.in(mystate, ix, ix + l,
next, wc, wc + l, wnext);
// should test for error conditions
*wnext = 0; // ensure the wide char array is properly null terminated
std::wstring wstr(wc); // store it in a wstring
delete[] wc; // destroy the char array
return wstr;
This code should test for abnormal conditions, and use try catch to be immune to exceptions but it is left as exercise for the reader :-)
A variant of the above using codecvt::out could be used to convert from wide string to narrow string.
In above code, I would use (assuming nconv is the function using codecvt::out to convert from wide string to narrow string):
#include <locale>
std::locale mylocale;
std::fstream fp("/home/aricent/Documents/testing.txt",std::ios::in | std::ios::out );
q = wconv(y, mylocale);
fp<<nconv(q.replace(x.length()+1, z.length(), username));
std::getline(fp, y);
libxml2 seems to store all its strings in UTF-8, as xmlChar *.
* xmlChar:
* This is a basic byte in an UTF-8 encoded string.
* It's unsigned allowing to pinpoint case where char * are assigned
* to xmlChar * (possibly making serialization back impossible).
typedef unsigned char xmlChar;
As libxml2 is a C library, there's no provided routines to get an std::wstring out of an xmlChar *. I'm wondering whether the prudent way to convert xmlChar * to a std::wstring in C++11 is to use the mbstowcs C function, via something like this (work in progress):
std::wstring xmlCharToWideString(const xmlChar *xmlString) {
if(!xmlString){abort();} //provided string was null
int charLength = xmlStrlen(xmlString); //excludes null terminator
wchar_t *wideBuffer = new wchar_t[charLength];
size_t wcharLength = mbstowcs(wideBuffer, (const char *)xmlString, charLength);
if(wcharLength == (size_t)(-1)){abort();} //mbstowcs failed
std::wstring wideString(wideBuffer, wcharLength);
delete[] wideBuffer;
return wideString;
Edit: Just an FYI, I'm very aware of what xmlStrlen returns; it's the number of xmlChar used to store the string; I know it's not the number of characters but rather the number of unsigned char. It would have been less confusing if I had named it byteLength, but I thought it would have been clearer as I have both charLength and wcharLength. As for the correctness of the code, the wideBuffer will be larger or equal to the required size to hold the buffer, always (I believe). As characters that require more space than wide_t will be truncated (I think).
xmlStrlen() returns the number of UTF-8 encoded codeunits in the xmlChar* string. That is not going to be the same number of wchar_t encoded codeunits needed when the data is converted, so do not use xmlStrlen() to allocate the size of your wchar_t string. You need to call std::mbtowc() once to get the correct length, then allocate the memory, and call mbtowc() again to fill the memory. You will also have to use std::setlocale() to tell mbtowc() to use UTF-8 (messing with the locale may not be a good idea, especially if multiple threads are involved). For example:
std::wstring xmlCharToWideString(const xmlChar *xmlString)
if (!xmlString) { abort(); } //provided string was null
std::wstring wideString;
int charLength = xmlStrlen(xmlString);
if (charLength > 0)
char *origLocale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8");
size_t wcharLength = mbtowc(NULL, (const char*) xmlString, charLength); //excludes null terminator
if (wcharLength != (size_t)(-1))
mbtowc(&wideString[0], (const char*) xmlString, charLength);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, origLocale);
if (wcharLength == (size_t)(-1)) { abort(); } //mbstowcs failed
return wideString;
A better option, since you mention C++11, is to use std::codecvt_utf8 with std::wstring_convert instead so you do not have to deal with locales:
std::wstring xmlCharToWideString(const xmlChar *xmlString)
if (!xmlString) { abort(); } //provided string was null
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>, wchar_t> conv;
return conv.from_bytes((const char*)xmlString);
catch(const std::range_error& e)
abort(); //wstring_convert failed
An alternative option is to use an actual Unicode library, such as ICU or ICONV, to handle Unicode conversions.
There are some problems in this code, besides the fact that you are using wchar_t and std::wstring which is a bad idea unless you're making calls to the Windows API.
xmlStrlen() does not do what you think it does. It counts the number of UTF-8 code units (a.k.a. bytes) in a string. It does not count the number of characters. This is all stuff in the documentation.
Counting characters will not portably give you the correct size for a wchar_t array anyway. So not only does xmlStrlen() not do what you think it does, what you wanted isn't the right thing either. The problem is that the encoding of wchar_t varies from platform to platform, making it 100% useless for portable code.
The mbtowcs() function is locale-dependent. It only converts from UTF-8 if the locale is a UTF-8 locale!
This code will leak memory if the std::wstring constructor throws an exception.
My recommendations:
Use UTF-8 if at all possible. The wchar_t rabbit hole is a lot of extra work for no benefit (except the ability to make Windows API calls).
If you need UTF-32, then use std::u32string. Remember that wstring has a platform-dependent encoding: it could be a variable-length encoding (Windows) or fixed-length (Linux, OS X).
If you absolutely must have wchar_t, then chances are good that you are on Windows. Here is how you do it on Windows:
std::wstring utf8_to_wstring(const char *utf8)
size_t utf8len = std::strlen(utf8);
int wclen = MultiByteToWideChar(
CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, utf8len, NULL, 0);
wchar_t *wc = NULL;
try {
wc = new wchar_t[wclen];
CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, utf8len, wc, wclen);
std::wstring wstr(wc, wclen);
delete[] wc;
wc = NULL;
return wstr;
} catch (std::exception &) {
if (wc)
delete[] wc;
If you absolutely must have wchar_t and you are not on Windows, use iconv() (see man 3 iconv, man 3 iconv_open and man 3 iconv_close for the manual). You can specify "WCHAR_T" as one of the encodings for iconv().
Remember: You probably don't want wchar_t or std::wstring. What wchar_t does portably isn't useful, and making it useful isn't portable. C'est la vie.
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
convert xmlChar* to string
std::string strGbk((char*)node);
convert string to wstring
std::string strGbk = "china powerful forever";
std::wstring wstr = boost::locale::conv::to_utf<wchar_t>(strGbk, "gbk");
std::cout << strGbk << std::endl;
std::wcout << wstr. << std::endl;
it works for me,good lucks.
I'm writing a program to get the infomation in *.rc file encoding in UCS-2 Little Endian.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
wstring csvLine(wstring sLine);
wifstream fin("en.rc");
wofstream fout("table.csv");
wofstream fout_rm("temp.txt");
wstring sLine;
fout << "en\n";
while(getline(fin,sLine)) {
if (sLine.find(L"IDS") == -1)
fout_rm << sLine << endl;
fout << csvLine(sLine);
fout << flush;
return 0;
The first line in "en.rc" is #include <windows.h> but sLine shows as below:
[0] 255 L'ÿ'
[1] 254 L'þ'
[2] 35 L'#'
[3] 0
[4] 105 L'i'
[5] 0
[6] 110 L'n'
[7] 0
[8] 99 L'c'
. .
. .
. .
This program can work out correctly for UTF-8. How can I do it to UCS-2?
Wide streams use a wide stream buffer to access the file. The Wide stream buffer reads bytes from the file and uses its codecvt facet to convert these bytes to wide characters. The default codecvt facet is std::codecvt<wchar_t, char ,std::mbstate_t> which converts between the native character sets for wchar_t and char (i.e., like mbstowcs() does).
You're not using the native char character set, so what you want is a codecvt facet that reads UCS-2 as a multibyte sequence and converts it to wide characters.
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <codecvt>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
wifstream fin("en.rc", std::ios::binary); // You need to open the file in binary mode
// Imbue the file stream with a codecvt facet that uses UTF-16 as the external multibyte encoding
new std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0xffff, consume_header>));
// ^ We set 0xFFFF as the maxcode because that's the largest that will fit in a single wchar_t
// We use consume_header to detect and use the UTF-16 'BOM'
// The following is not really the correct way to write Unicode output, but it's easy
std::wstring sLine;
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>, wchar_t> convert;
while (getline(fin, sLine))
std::cout << convert.to_bytes(sLine) << '\n';
Note that there's an issue with UTF-16 here. The purpose of wchar_t is for one wchar_t to represent one codepoint. However Windows uses UTF-16 which represents some codepoints as two wchar_ts. This means that the standard API doesn't work very well with Windows.
The consequence here is that when the file contains a surrogate pair, codecvt_utf16 will read that pair, convert it to a single codepoint value greater than 16 bits and have to truncate the value to 16 bits to stick it in a wchar_t. This means this code really is limited to UCS-2. I've set the maxcode template parameter to 0xFFFF to reflect this.
There are a number of other problems with wchar_t, and you might want to just avoid it entirely: What's “wrong” with C++ wchar_t?
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
FILE* f = _wfopen(L"myfile.txt", L"rb");
auto file_size = fs::file_size(filename);
std::wstring buf;
buf.resize((size_t)file_size / sizeof(decltype(buf)::value_type));// buf in my code is a template object, so I use decltype(buf) to decide its type.
fread(&buf[0], 1, 2, f); // escape UCS2 BOM
fread(&buf[0], 1, file_size, f);