how to start Process.start from a web service hosted via a windows service - web-services

I am trying to call Proccess.Start("") from a WCF REST service hosted in a Windows Service through its OnStart method. And i am returning a bool as Process.Start(), though it is returning true, the process is not started.
Please provide me a way to solve this issue. and how can i start a process from a web service hosted through a windows service


Do i need a localhost server to invoke a web service

I'm very fresh and beginner in the web services world, I'm trying to learn how to deploy and consume services.
My question: Using any technology (such as Java), when I want to invoke some web service that is deployed in a remote server, do i need to install and configure a localhost server in order to access the web service? or I can access it without install server
Note: I'm asking about consuming a web service not developing a one
Thanks in advance
No. Just as your web browser doesn't require a web server to access other web servers, your code doesn't require a web server to access other web servers.

Windows Process Activation / Windows Service

I currently have a WCF service hosted in IIS and using WPAS to send messages from MSMQ to it. I would like to host the service in a windows service. Will WPAS still send messages to it when it is hosted as a windows service?
I dont think so. WPAS is integrated and work with IIS. If you host your service in Windows Service, then OS will be responsible for starting and stopping your service. But if you want additional functionality, you have to add code for it

how to call web service deployed in a VPS

I have deployed a restful web service in a godaddy vps.
this VPS can be connected via ipaddress:port(port provided to me).
i.e. 108.XX.XX.XX:43XX
Now, i have installed tomcat 7 in VPS, and i have deployed a RESTful web service in tomcat on port 8080.
i can call the web service from inside the VPS as ipaddress:8080/webServiceName but not able to call it from any other system(other than my VPS).
How can i fix this issue ??
I have checked many places for fixing this issue, but the only thing i find is how to deploy web service in tomcat.
Please Help..!!
This might be an issue with Firewall on your server. Try allowing the required port and it should be able to connect.

Calling a Web Service in a Console Application Using Windows Task Scheduler

I need to sync a sql server database with data hosted on another web server. I wrote a C# console Application to call a web service to give me the data hosted on the other web server. I set up a job to run every 10 minutes in task scheduler in "Server Manager" for Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition.
If I run the console application myself then everything works as it should. If I run it in the Task Scheduler using my username it also runs as it should. However if I run it using the NETWORK SERVICE user, which is what I need to do, then the app stops running once I try to contact the web service.
Where do I give NETWORK SERVICE the permissions to call a web service?
It turns out that the their is the local services on my company servers are not allowed to call web services. I need to make a new internal account. Thanks Rene for your help.

WCF Project type differences

I'm working on few WCF tutorials and I would like to understand the difference between WCF Service Library, WCF Service Application and WCF Workflow Service Application.
Do you have any examples on when I should use service library and service application?
Thank you
WCF Service Application hosts the service directly in IIS.
WCF Service Library you have to handle the hosting yourself.
WCF Workflow Service Application does the same as the WCF Service Application except for Workflow services (WF).