I have an expression that works, except I want it to fail if it sees a ; anyplace other than the first character. It works for (as desired)
; Person1: Role1,
but it also works for (not desired)
; Person1: Role1; Person2: Role2,
So, trying to figure out how to modify the following expression to fail on a semicolon after the first character (and actually the semicolon would only be found in the third group):
(^|; )(.+?:)(.+?)(,)
Sorry, I don't know the flavor. Usage is in an addon for a music tagging program.
If you don't want to allow a semicolon, then tell the regex engine so:
^ # Start of string
;?\s* # Match optional ; and optional whitespace
([^;:]+) # Capture one or more characters except ; and : in group 1
:\s* # Match : and optional whitespace
([^,;]+) # Capture one or more characters except , and ; in group 2
, # Match ,
$ # End of string
I'm trying to match the url https://youtube.com/embed/id and its parameters i.e ?start=10&autoplay=1, but I need the autoplay parameter removed or set to 0.
These are some example urls and what I want the results to look like:
I want to remove the autoplay parameter and its value:
2nd example
results should be
I have tried (https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+)(\?[^\t\n\f\r \"']*)(\bautoplay=[01]\b&?) and replace with $1$2, but it matches with a trailing ? and & in example 1 and 2 respectively. Also, it doesn't match at all for a url like
I have the regex and examples on here
The string I am working on contains HTML with one or more youtube urls in it, so I don't think I can easily use go's net/url package to parse the url.
You're asking for a regex but I think you'd be better off using Go's "net/url" package. Something like this:
import "net/url"
u, _ := url.Parse("http://www.youtube.com/embed/JW5meKfy3fY?start=10&autoplay=1")
q := u.Query()
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
clean_url_string = u.String()
In real life you'd want to handle errors from u.Parse of course.
Here's a solution that ensures a valid page URI. Simply match this and only return capture group 1 and 3.
Edit: The pattern is not elegant but it ensures no stale ampersands stay. The previous solution was more elegant and albeit wouldn't break anything, isn't worth the tradeoff imo.
See the demo here.
As the OP has linked to a regex tester that employs the the PCRE (PHP) engine I offer a PCRE-compatible solution. The one token I've used in the regular expression below that is not widely supported in other regex engines is \K (though it is supported by Perl, Ruby, Python's PyPI regex module, R with Perl=TRUE and possibly other engines.
\K causes the regex engine to reset the beginning of the match to the current location in the string and to discard any previously-matched characters in the match it returns (if there is one).
With one caveat you can replace matches of the following regular expression with empty strings.
(?x) # assert 'extended'/'free spacing' mode
# match literal
(?=.*autoplay=[01]) # positive lookahead asserts 'autoplay='
# followed by '1' or '2' appears later in
# the string
[a-zA-Z0-9\\_-]+ # match 1+ of the chars in the char class
[^\t\n\f\r \"']* # match 0+ chars other than those in the
# char class
(?<![?&]) # negative lookbehind asserts that previous
# char was neither '?' nor '&'
(?: # begin non-capture group
(?=\?) # use positive lookahead to assert next char
# is a '?'
(?: # begin a non-capture group
# positive lookahead asserts 'autoplay='
# followed by '1' or '2', then '&' appears
# later in the string
\? # match '?'
)? # end non-capture group and make it optional
\K # reset start of match to current location
# and discard all previously-matched chars
\?? # optionally match '?'
autoplay=[01]&? # match 'autoplay=' followed by '1' or '2',
# optionally followed by '&'
| # or
(?=&) # positive lookahead asserts next char is '&'
\K # reset start of match to current location
# and discard all previously-matched chars
&autoplay=[01]&? # match '&autoplay=' followed by '1' or '2',
# optionally followed by '&'
) # end non-capture group
The one limitation is that it fails to match all instances of .autoplay=.. if more than one such substring appears in the string.
I wrote this expression with the x flag, called extended or free spacing mode, to be able to make it self-documenting.
Start your engine!
I have a text file with the following text:
Is there any way i can split the name and the version using regex. I want to use the results to make two columns 'Name' and 'Version' in excel.
So i want the results from regex to look like
andal 4.1.0.jar
besc 2.1.0-beta
prov 3.0.jar
add4lib 1.0.jar
com_lab 2.0.jar
lis 2_0_1.jar
So far I have used ^(?:.*-(?=\d)|\D+) to get the Version and -\d.*$ to get the Name separately. The problem with this is that when i do it for a large text file, the results from the two regex are not in the same order. So is there any way to get the results in the way I have mentioned above?
Find what: ^(.+?)[-_](\d.*)$
Replace with: $1\t$2
check Wrap around
check Regular expression
UNCHECK . matches newline
Replace all
^ # beginning of line
(.+?) # group 1, 1 or more any character but newline, not greedy
[-_] # a dash or underscore
(\d.*) # group 2, a digit then 0 or more any character but newline
$ # end of line
$1 # content of group 1
\t # a tabulation, you may replace with what you want
$2 # content of group 2
Result for given example:
andal 4.1.0.jar
besc 2.1.0-beta
prov 3.0.jar
add4lib 1.0.jar
com_lab 2.0.jar
lis 2_0_1.jar
Not quite sure what you meant for the problem in large file, and I believe the two regex you showed are doing opposite as what you said: first one should get you the name and second one should give you version.
Anyway, here is the assumption I have to guess what may make sense to you:
"Name" may follow by - or _, followed by version string.
"Version" string is something preceded by - or _, with some digit, followed by a dot or underscore, followed by some digit, and then any string.
If these assumption make sense, you may use
as your regex. Group 1 is will be the name, Group 2 will be the Version.
Demo in regex101: https://regex101.com/r/RnwMaw/3
Explanation of regex
^ start of line
(.+?) "Name" part, using reluctant match of
at least 1 character
(?: )? Optional group of "Version String", which
consists of:
[-_] - or _
( ) Followed by the "Version" , which is
\d+ at least 1 digit,
[._] then 1 dot or underscore,
\d+ then at least 1 digit,
.* then any string
$ end of line
I'm trying to capture only expressions with a difference in given groups by using regular expressions.
For example I need to capture these (in bold):
PRINT_Polohopis.dgn;Different TEXT;2;64;1;0;;;;;;3200;
but not these (if it is the same):
So far I managed to create this regex:
which works only if I include a semicolon inside the capturing groups.
Is it possible to capture those groups in a better way?
Something like this might work for you:
Try it online
The trick here is that a negative lookthahead is used to make sure \1 (back reference) is not at the desired position:
/^; / # Start of string and literal ;
([^;]+); # Capture all but ; followed by literal ;
.*?\n # Match rest of line
[^;]+; # Match all but ; followed by literal ;
(?!\1;) # Negative lookahead to make sure captured
# group is no at this position, followed
# by literal ;
([^;]+) # Capture all but ;
I am trying to understand how regex works. I understand it little by little. However, I don't understand this one completely. It's basically a regex for fully qualified domain names but a requirement is that the ending can't be .arpa.
This doesn't match google.uk. If I change it to:
It works again.
But this works as well
Here is my thought process for
I see it as this
Is a positive look ahead (Can someone explain to me what this actually means?) As I understand it now, it just means that the string needs to match the regex.
Match all characters but it needs to be between 4 and 253 characters long.
Start a capture group and make another capture group within. This capture group says that every non special character can be written 1 to 63 times or till the . is written.
The previous capture group can be repeated indefinitely, but it should always end with a .. This way the next capture group is started.
Then as many times as you want you can write a to z with upper, but it needs to be between 2 and 63.
The last characters can't be .arpa.
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?
This doesn't do what you think it does:
All that says is 'ends with something that isn't one of the letter apr.' - it's a negated character class.
You might be thinking of a negative lookahead assertion:
But if you're trying to compound multiple criteria in a regex, I'd suggest you're probably using the wrong tool for the job. It ends up complicated and hard to debug, thanks to greedy/non-greedy matching, etc.
Your 'positive/negative' lookaheads are to match a piece of a pattern that aren't surrounded by other pieces of pattern. But that can have some unexpected outcomes if you're matching variable widths, because the regex engine will backtrack until it finds something that matches.
A simpler example:
Applied to:
Will it match? What's in the group?
... it will match, because [\w\.]+ will consume all of it, and then the lookahead won't "see" anything.
If you use:
Instead though - you'll capture.... www, but you won't match test (with e.g. g flag, because the www doesn't have .arpa after it, but the test does.
It really does get complicated using negative assertions in a pattern as a result. I'd suggest simply not doing so, and applying two separate tests. It's hard for you to figure out, and it's hard for a future maintenance programmer too!
This is an analysis of your regex:
(?=^.{4,253}$) # force min length: 4 chars, max length: 253 chars
( # Capturing Group 1 (CG1) - not needed
^ # Match start of the string
( # CG2 (can be a non capturing group '(?:...)')
[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,63} # any sequence of letters and numbers with length between 1 and 63
\. # a literal dot
)+ # CLOSE CG2
[a-zA-Z]{1,63} # any letter sequence with length between 1 to 63
[^.arpa] # a negated char class: any char that is not a "literal" '.','a','r','p' (last 'a' is redundant)
$ # end of the string
To avoid the tail of the string to be .arpa you need to use a negative lookahead (?!...), so modify just like this:
An online demo
I've upgraded the regex to rationalise it (i've incorporated also the Sobrique suggestion adding an important details):
Compact version online demo
/ # js regex delimiter
^ # start of the string
(?=.{4,253}$) # force min length: 4 chars, max length: 253 chars
(?: # Non capturing group 1 (NCG1)
[a-z0-9]{1,63} # any letter or digit in a sequence with length from 1 to 63 chars
[.] # a literal dot '.' (more readable than \.)
)+ # CLOSE NCG1 - repeat its content one or more time
(?!arpa$) # force that after the last literal dot '.' the string does not end with 'arpa' (i've added '$' to Sobrique suggestion instead it prevents also '.arpanet' too)
[a-z]{2,63} # a sequence of letters with length from 2 to 63
$ # end of the string
/i # Close the regex delimiter and add case insensitive flag [a-z] match also [A-Z] and viceversa
var re = /^(?=.{4,253}$)([a-z0-9]{1,63}[.])+(?!arpa$)[a-z]{2,63}$/i;
var tests = ['google.uk','domain.arpa','domain.arpa2','another.domain.arpa.net','domain.arpanet'];
var m;
while(t = tests.pop()) {
document.getElementById("r").innerHTML += '"' + t + '"<br/>';
document.getElementById("r").innerHTML += 'Valid domain? ' + ( (t.match(re)) ? '<font color="green">YES</font>' : '<font color="red">NO</font>') + '<br/><br/>';
<div id="r"/>
I am trying to jot down regex to find where I am using ltrim rtrim in where clause in stored procedures.
the regex should match stuff like:
RTRIM(LTRIM(PGM_TYPE_CD))= somethingelse))
I am trying something like...
[RL]TRIM\s*\( Will look for R or L followed by TRIM, any number of whitespace, and then a (
This what you want:
What's that doing is saying:
[LR] # Match single char, either "L" or "R"
TRIM # Match text "TRIM"
\( # Match an open parenthesis
[RL] # Match single char, either "R" or "L" (same as [LR], but easier to see intent)
TRIM # Match text "TRIM"
\( # Match an open parenthesis
[^)]+ # Match one or more of anything that isn't closing parenthesis
\)\) # Match two closing parentheses
\s* # Zero or more whitespace characters
= # Match "="
\s* # Again, optional whitespace (not req unless next bit is captured)
[^)]+ # Match one or more of anything that isn't closing parenthesis
\)* # Match zero or more closing parentheses.
If this is automated and you want to know which variables are in it, you can wrap parentheses around the relevant parts:
Which will give you the first and second variables in groups 1 and 2 (either \1 and \2 or $1 and $2 depending on regex used).
How about something like this:
This will capture the inside of the trim and the right side of the = in groups 1 and 2, and should handle all whitespace in all relevant areas.