cfspreadsheet cannot add rows to object created using query result - coldfusion

'excelFileQuery' contains a query.
<cfset spreadsheetAddRows(s, excelFileQuery)>
<cfset spreadsheetAddRows(s,"#volunteeralias# Export Report (#dateformat(now(),'mmmm d, yyyy')# at #timeformat(now(),'h:mm tt')#)",1,1)>
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=myexcel.xlsx">
<cfcontent type="application/msexcel" variable="#spreadsheetReadBinary(s)#" reset="true">
But when the file is generated, on the query rows are showing up, not the second row. Am I doing it wrong?

I am not quite sure about your goal, but spreadSheetAddRows expects a query or an array. So the second statement should pass in an array, not a string. If you prefer to use a string, you must use the spreadsheetSetCellValue function instead.
If your goal is to append that last string after the query results, then convert the string to an array first. Also, remove the row/column number so the data is appended to the first empty row after the query results.
<cfset spreadsheetAddRows(s, excelFileQuery)>
<cfset spreadsheetAddRows(s, ["#volunteeralias# Export Report (#dateformat(now(),'mmmm d, yyyy')# at #timeformat(now(),'h:mm tt')#)"] )>
If you want to prepend it (as a header), do the same thing, but obviously you swap the two statements.


Stripping CGI.HTTP_REFERER and CGI.SCRIPT_NAME in Coldfusion

I have the block of code below which runs a query and checks for an existing record and runs a second insert query if no record is found.
<cffunction name="EndRequestFunc" access="public" returnType="string">
<!---Queries Table To Get Requested Record--->
<cfquery name="qryGetPageRecord" datasource="First_Main_Dev"
SELECT pageName
FROM tblCFMPageRequest
WHERE pageName = '#CGI.HTTP_REFERER#' AND scriptName =
<!---Conditional Check for record count equal to 0--->
<cfif qryGetPageRecord.recordCount eq 0>
<!---If record count equal to 0, recordset query executed--->
<cfquery name="setNewRecord" datasource="First_Main_Dev"
What I need to do is strip the values of the two CGI variables of all formatting so that a value like this "" will be stripped of http and everything else down everything to just mypage.cfm before its inserted by the query. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Update: Thank to the advice given, I was able to eliminate the portion of the URL using the ListLast function.
I was short sighted in not remembering my urls have characters that need to be eliminated after the "cfm" point. Here is one of my actual results from ListLast: client_modify.cfm?uid=248&al=1&a_trigger=1.
I've tried using some other List functions in Coldfusion to no avail as of yet. Any advice on how to eliminate the bold portion of:
client_modify.cfm ?uid=248&al=1&a_trigger=1 so I'm just left with a clean client_modify.cfm
Use ListLast() function with / as a delimiter. Also, always try to use cfqueryparam to put values in queries. Like this.
<cfquery name="setNewRecord" datasource="First_Main_Dev" bname="First_Services_Dev">
VALUES (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#ListLast(CGI.HTTP_REFERER,'/')#">, <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#ListLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME,'/')#">)
CGI variables shouldn't have any "formatting", so your question is a bit confusing.
If you're just looking to get the filename at the end of the string, you can use the list functions.
fileIwant = ListLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME,"/");
If CGI.SCRIPT_NAME is /wwwroot/example/index.cfm, fileIwant will result in index.cfm.
Have a care with the referrer, as it may not be defined and parsing it out will throw an error.

ArrayMin on query column with a null value

I was using this line to get the MIN value of a query column. I just noticed a null value in a recordset causes an error. Is there a simply way to tell ArrayMin to skip nulls w/o having to loop the column and load an array with all non-null values?
<cfset temp_data_min = #round(ArrayMin(query_x["some_field"]))#>
Building off of what Al said with using the query-of-queries, just adding the Min() call into the query.
<cfquery name="query_x_fixed" dbtype="query">
SELECT Min(some_field) as some_field
FROM query_x
WHERE some_field IS NOT NULL
<cfset temp_data_min = round(query_x_fixed.some_field)>
Tested to work in CF9
You could loop through your array and create a new array that doesn't contain any null values. Then apply the ArrayMin function to the new array.
<cfset newArray = []>
<cfloop index="x" array="#query_x["some_field"]#">
<cfif x NEQ 'null'>
<cfset arrayAppend(newArray, x)>
<cfset temp_data_min = round(ArrayMin(newArray))>
Simplest way is probably to do a query-of-queries with just that column and remove the nulls.
<cfquery name="query_x_fixed" dbtype="query">
SELECT some_field
FROM query_x
WHERE some_field IS NOT NULL
<cfset temp_data_min= round(ArrayMin(query_x_fixed["some_field"]))>
(not tested)
You can keep the solution at one line by converting the column to a list then into an array. ListToArray defaults to ignoring empty list items, which is what the null values will be.
<cfset temp_data_min = Round(ArrayMin(ListToArray(ValueList(query_x.some_field, Chr(7)), Chr(7))))>
This should be faster than any of the other proposed solutions and is less code.
I've specified the delimiter for locales that use the comma as the decimal separator in numbers. If you're in the US or another locale that uses the "." then you can remove the delimiter arguments.
Additional functions used:

How to access query column with multiple words?

I'm using a cfspreadsheet read to read a sheet into a query object.
<cfspreadsheet action="read" src="TestExcel.xls" sheet="1" query="spreadsheetData" headerrow="1" excludeHeaderRow="true">
The problem is, some of the headers contain more than one word. So I end up with a query a bit like this:
ID Name Start Date End Date
3 Test 1/1/2009 1/1/2013
17 Test 2 11/11/2010 11/11/2012
If I try to access one of the columns that have a space in the column name, I get an error.
<cfoutput query="spreadsheetData">
#start date#
I've tried #[start date]# as well, but that didn't work. I cannot control the format of the excel sheet that I receive. Is there any way to access the multiple-worded-header columns?
When using bracket notation the contents must end up as a string, so:
<cfoutput query="spreadsheetData">
#spreadsheetData['start date'][CurrentRow]#
If you don't use quotes, you are passing in a variable, which is done like so:
<cfset ColumnName = 'start date' />
<cfoutput query="spreadsheetData">
Note that you must use the query name before the brackets - if you simply write [ColumnName] then this is inline array creation notation, not accessing the variable.
Also, if using this outside of a query loop (i.e. not within cfoutput/cfloop with query attribute), you also need to scope the CurrentRow variable, i.e.
(or provide your own explicit number/variable).
As Leigh notes below, for cfspreadsheet-specific behaviour, you can also specify the columnnames attribute, to rename the column to something directly accessible, e.g.
<cfspreadsheet query=".." columnNames="Foo,Bar,StartDate,Etcetera" ..>

coldfusion query loop not cooperating

I'm trying to create a function to create csv files from queries. After I run the query, I'm looping through it and appending each row's fields to a StringBuffer object. To that end, I'm putting the column names into an array:
<cfset indexes = #ListToArray(Arguments.header)# />
where the argument is currently a string like:
"col1, col2, col3...."
I've verified that both the query and the array are what they should be by dumping.
The trouble comes when looping through the query results. Given:
<cfset indexes_length = #ArrayLen(indexes)# />
<cfloop query="query_for_csv">
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#indexes_length#">
<cfset attr = #indexes[i]# />
<cfset sbOutput.Append(
"#query_for_csv[attr][query_for_csv.CurrentRow]#") />
Only the first value of the first row is output before I get the error message:
[Table (rows 10 columns col1, col2, col3):
[col1: coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn#6f731eba]
[col2: coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn#6ee67e7f]
[col3: coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn#5c6647cb]
is not indexable by col2
If I replace the variable #attr# with the literal "col2":
then the loop sails through with no problem, and spits out all the values indexed by 'col2'. Any ideas?
I would guess it's the spaces in your header list that is the problem, so probably this would work:
<cfset attr = trim(indexes[i]) />
However, since you're not using them, you probably don't need that and can just do this...
<cfloop query="QueryName">
<cfloop index="CurCol" list=#QueryName.ColumnList# >
<cfset sbOutput.Append(
You'll note here that there's only one pair of hashes - there only needs to be one pair in your original code snippets too (in the to attribute) - the rest are unnecessary noise.
As has already been said before, try to avoid spaces before or after a list element.
In case you want to compare notes, check out the approach Ben Nadel chose to implement such a Query2CSV converter:

cfspreadsheet escape comma in comma separated row insert

The function for adding a row to a coldfusion spreadsheet is SpreadsheetAddrow which accepts data as "A comma delimited list of cell entries, one per column."
Some of my data has commas within it. How do I escape the commas within my data without escaping the commas in the list?
I am currently creating an array with the contents of the row, then converting it to a list to add to the spreadsheet:
<cfset row = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfloop list="#structKeyList(setRecord.columns)#" index="key">
<cfset ArrayAppend(row, "#Evaluate(key)#")>
<cfset spreadsheetAddRow(xlsObj, "#ArrayToList(row)#")>
Looks like the ability to specify a different delimiter is not supported yet. Since you are already looping, you may as well skip the array and use SpreadsheetSetCellValue instead. You should be able to eliminate the evaluate() as well.
<cfset cols = structKeyArray(yourStruct) >
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(cols)#" index="c">
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(xlsObj, yourStruct[ cols[c] ], lastRow, c)>
<cfset lastRow++>
Update: However, if the base object is a query, not a structure, then it is more efficient to use CfSimplicity's suggestion of SpreadSheetAddRows.
If the data you want to add to the sheet is in a query object (recordset) then the simplest solution is to use SpreadSheetAddRows(), (as opposed to SpreadSheetAddRow - singular).
<cfset SpreadSheetAddRows( xlsObj,query )>
The sheet columns are mapped from the query columns, so commas in the data won't matter.
Even if the data is in another format or you are only adding a single row, converting it to a query object is an effective way of getting round the issue, see
You can replace the commas with the character "#130;" (see the source:, which looks the same as comma but doesn't create any problems.