Regex expreesion for last update file - regex

Please help me out with a regex to find the last modified file/latest updated file in the folder.
The files are in this manner:
Test.2014_02_20 updated 13:00:23
Test.2014_02_21 updated 15:23:23
Test.2014_02_25 updated 21:24:23
Using regex we need to pick up the file Test.2014_02_25 updated 21:24:23

Through the comments from #Theox and #piet.t, OP has concluded that regular expressions were not the best tool to accomplish the task here.
"You can use regexs to validate the format of the line (...)" - Theox
"(...) the concept of ordering things by some criteria is way out of the scope of regex" - piet.t


Batch rename files in Adobe Bridge

I want to Batch Rename a few thousand files. I have one part of the regular expression figured out just not the first part.
The filename is the employeeID_employeeName-sequence number. I would like to only keep the employeeID_employee name.
For example the file 123456_John Smith-00001.pdf should become 123456_John Smith.pdf
I was able to use Batch Rename, then string substitution then, find [-\d?] but that only changes the filename to _John Smith.pdf
Please see batch rename example image
The expression that worked was by Wiktor Stribiżew in the comment above. In the string substitution field I placed -\d+(.\w+)$ and left the replace with field empty.

How do I Build a Regex Expression to Find String

I've been studying content on the regex topic, but am having trouble understanding how to make it work! I need to build a regex to locate a particular string, potentially in multiple places throughout numerous log files. If I were keying the search expression into a text editor, it would look like this...
*Failed to Install*
Following is a typical example of a line containing the string I would like to search for (exit code # will vary)
!!! Failed to install, with exit code 1603
I would really appreciate any help on how to build the regex for this. I suspect I might need the end of line character too?
I plan on using it in a variation of the script that was provided by in the following thread
Use PowerShell to Quickly Search Files for Regex and Output to CSV
I'm a newbie to powershell scripts, but I'd rather spend the time to figure this out, than pour over hundreds of log files!
You're in luck - You only require very simple regex for this. Assuming you want to capture the error code, this will work fine:
^.*Failed to install.*(exit code \d+)$
Try it online!
If you don't care about the error code, and just want to know if it failed or not, you can honestly get away with something as simple as:
^.*Failed to install.*$
Hope this helps.

Batch rename URLs in XML file

I have a list with URLs and IPs for Office365 in XML format. Now I'd like to either write a script or use a text editor's search and replace function (regex) to automatically change some of these URLs.
These URLs
Should be changed to
I would appreciate any input on this issue. Thanks in advance.
Here is what I have tried so far:
1)Search for ..(?=[^.].[^.]*$) and replace with an empty string.This does a good job but unfortunately it removes the preceeding as well...
2)As pointed out by Tim, the list consists of FQDNs with different domains.The list is available from (This list includes all FQDNs - The IPs will get deleted)
3) Solved with the help of Sergio's input. The solution was to
search for (>)[^.\n\s]+ and substitute with \1\*
I will have to write another script to delete the multiple domains but that was not part of the question so I consider this issue closed. Thank you for your input.
You can use the regex:
and substitute with \1\*

How to match everything inside the first pair of square brackets

I'm trying to create a regular expression in sieve. The implementation of sieve that I'm using is Dovecot Pigeonhole
I'm subscribed to github project updates and I receive emails from github with the subject in the format that looks like this:
Re: [Opserver] Create issues on Jira from Exception details page (#77)
There is a project name in square bracket included in the subject line. Here is the relevant part of my sieve script:
if address "From" "" {
if header :regex "subject" "\\[(.*)\\]" {
set :lower :upperfirst "repository" "${1}";
fileinto :create "Subscribtions.GitHub.${repository}"; stop;
} else {
fileinto :create "Subscribtions.GitHub"; stop;
As you can see from the above, I'm moving the messages to appropriate project IMAP folders. So the message with the subject above will end up in Subscribtions.Github.Opserver
Unfortunately, there is one small problem with this script. If someone adds square brackets in the title of their github issue, the filter breaks. For example if the subject is:
[Project] [Please look at it] - very weird issue
The above filter will move the message to folder Subscribtions.Github.Project] [please look at it which is completely undesirable. I'd like it to be moved to Subscribtions.Github.Project anyway.
This happens because by default regular expressions are greedy. So they match the longest possible match. However when I try to fix it the usual way changing "\\[(.*)\\]" to "\\[(.*?)\\]" nothing seems to change.
How do I write this regular expression so that it acts as desired?
The answer is to change "\\[(.*)\\]" to "\\[([^]]*)\\]".
By reading regex spec linked in the question we disvover that POSIX regular expression are used. Unfortunately those do not support non-greedy matches.
However there is a work around in this particular case, given above.

Crashplan and regex - excluding files based on filename

Crashplan allows for excluding files from a backup set by using regex for the exclusion criteria (there is no inclusion criteria functionality). For my particular use case I have a folder that contains these files:
and I want to exclude any file that doesn't begin with the C_VOL filename. These are backup files from another backup software, Shadowprotect, but I only want to include the C volume files and exclude the others. The incremental files will continue to be added to each of the volume sets using the naming schema of -i001, -i002, etc.
So far I've tried the following:
and a few other variations, with no success. I'm not sure if Crashplan only allows for selecting based on the filetype extension (their regex examples are here ). They do mention that "Note that CrashPlan treats all file separators as forward slashes (/)."
I'm not sure if Crashplan recognizes all regex expressions. If it helps, back in 2008 I emailed their tech support with a regex question and one of the founders of Crashplan, Matt Dornquast, helped me with a the following regex:
I am trying to exclude any file that either:
1. have an extension of .spf, or
2. has a file name of the type, XXXXXX-cd.spi
3. But also allow for backup of files with the name type of, xxxxx.spi
And his regex worked perfectly:
I've contacted their tech support again but they said they will no longer help with regex questions.
It seems that you could use the following regex:
I created this based on this example (link) they featured on the website you linked in your question. Please let us know if it's working :)