Resizing std::vector without destroying elements - c++

I am using all the time the same std::vector<int> in order to try to avoid allocating an deallocating all the time. In a few lines, my code is as follows:
std::vector<int> myVector;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
//use of myVector
In each for iteration, myVector will be filled with up to 4 elements. In order to make efficient code, I want to use always myVector. However, in myVector.resize() the elements in myVector are being destroyed. I understand that myVector.clear() will have the same effect.
I think if I could just overwrite the existing elements in myVector I could save some time. However I think the std::vector is not capable of doing this.
Is there any way of doing this? Does it make sense to create a home-grown implementation which overwrites elements ?

Your code is already valid (myVector.clear() has better style than myVector.resize(0) though).
'int destructor' does nothing.
So resize(0) just sets the size to 0, capacity is untouched.

Simply don't keep resizing myVector. Instead, initialise it with 4 elements (with std::vector<int> myVector(4)) and just assign to the elements instead (e.g. myVector[0] = 5).
However, if it's always going to be fixed size, then you might prefer to use a std::array<int, 4>.

Resizing a vector to 0 will not reduce its capacity and, since your element type is int, there are no destructors to run:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3};
std::cout << v.capacity() << ' ';
std::cout << v.capacity() << '\n';
// Output: 3 3
Therefore, your code already performs mostly optimally; the only further optimisation you could make would be to avoid the resize entirely, thereby losing the internal "set size to 0" inside std::vector that likely comes down to an if statement and a data member value change.

std::vector is not a solution in this case. You don't want to resize/clear/(de)allocate all over again? Don't.
fillVector() fills 'vector' with number of elements known in each iteration.
Vector is internally represented as continuous block of memory of type T*.
You don't want to (de)allocate memory each time.
Ok. Use simple struct:
struct upTo4ElemVectorOfInts
int data[4];
size_t elems_num;
And modify fillVector() to save additional info:
void fillVector(upTo4ElemVectorOfInts& vec)
//fill with values
vec.elems_num = filled_num; //save how many values was filled in this iteration
Use it in the very same way:
upTo4ElemVectorOfInts myVector;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
//use of myVector:
//- contains data (it's equivalent of std::vector<>::data())
//- myVector.elems_num will tell you how many numbers you should care about
//nothing needs to be resized/cleared
Additional Note:
If you want more general solution (to operate on any type or size), you can, of course, use templates:
template <class T, size_t Size>
struct upToSizeElemVectorOfTs
T data[Size];
size_t elems_num;
and adjust fillVector() to accept template instead of known type.
This solution is probably the fastest one. You can think: "Hey, and if I want to fill up to 100 elements? 1000? 10000? What then? 10000-elem array will consume a lot of storage!".
It would consume anyway. Vector is resizing itself automatically and this reallocs are out of your control and thus can be very inefficient. If your array is reasonably small and you can predict max required size, always use fixed-size storage created on local stack. It's faster, more efficient and simpler. Of course this won't work for arrays of 1.000.000 elements (you would get Stack Overflow in this case).

In fact what you have at present is
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
//use of myVector
I do not see any sense in that code.
Of course it would be better to use myVector.clear() instead of myVector.resize(0);
If you always overwrite exactly 4 elements of the vector inside the loop then you could use
std::vector<int> myVector( 4 );
instead of
std::vector<int> myVector;
provided that function fillVector(myVector); uses the subscript operator to access these 4 elements of the vector instead of member function push_back
Otherwise use clear as it was early suggested.


I use the [] method to assign values, and the data can be printed out through std::cout, but why does size() return 0? [duplicate]

There is a thread in the comments section in this post about using std::vector::reserve() vs. std::vector::resize().
Here is the original code:
void MyClass::my_method()
for(int k = 0 ; k < n_dim ; k++ )
my_member[k] = k ;
I believe that to write elements in the vector, the correct thing to do is to call std::vector::resize(), not std::vector::reserve().
In fact, the following test code "crashes" in debug builds in VS2010 SP1:
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> v;
v[5] = 2;
return 0;
Am I right, or am I wrong? And is VS2010 SP1 right, or is it wrong?
There are two different methods for a reason:
std::vector::reserve will allocate the memory but will not resize your vector, which will have a logical size the same as it was before.
std::vector::resize will actually modify the size of your vector and will fill any space with objects in their default state. If they are ints, they will all be zero.
After reserve, in your case, you will need a lot of push_backs to write to element 5.
If you don't wish to do that then in your case you should use resize.
One thing about reserve: if you then add elements with push_back, until you reach the capacity you have reserved, any existing references, iterators or pointers to data in your vector will remain valid. So if I reserve 1000 and my size is 5, the &vec[4] will remain the same until the vector has 1000 elements. After that, I can call push_back() and it will work, but the stored pointer of &vec[4] earlier may no longer be valid.
It depends on what you want to do. reserve does not add any
elements to the vector; it only changes the capacity(), which
guarantees that adding elements will not reallocate (and e.g.
invalidate iterators). resize adds elements immediately. If you want
to add elements later (insert(), push_back()), use reserve. If you
want to access elements later (using [] or at()), use resize. So
youre MyClass::my_method can be either:
void MyClass::my_method()
my_member.reserve( n_dim );
for ( int k = 0; k < n_dim; ++ k ) {
my_member.push_back( k );
void MyClass::my_method()
my_member.resize( n_dim );
for ( int k = 0; k < n_dim; ++ k ) {
my_member[k] = k;
Which one you chose is a question of taste, but the code you quote is
clearly incorrect.
There probably should be a discussion about when both methods are called with a number that's LESS than the current size of the vector.
Calling reserve() with a number smaller than the capacity will not affect the size or the capacity.
Calling resize() with a number smaller than current size the container will be reduced to that size effectively destroying the excess elements.
To sum up resize() will free up memory whereas reserve() will not.
Yes you’re correct, Luchian just made a typo and is probably too coffee-deprived to realise his mistake.
resize actually changes the amount of elements in the vector, new items are default constructed if the resize causes the vector to grow.
vector<int> v;
auto size = v.size();
in this case size is 10.
reserve on the other hand only requests that the internal buffer be grown to the specified size but does not change the "size" of the array, only its buffer size is changed.
vector<int> v;
auto size = v.size();
in this case size is still 0.
So to answer your question, yes you are right, even if you reserve enough space you are still accessing uninitialized memory with the index operator. With an int thats not so bad but in the case of a vector of classes you would be accessing objects which have not been constructed.
Bounds checking of compilers set to debug mode can obviously be confused by this behavior which may be why you are experiencing the crash.

Specifying the size of a vector in declaration vs using reserve [duplicate]

I know the size of a vector, which is the best way to initialize it?
Option 1:
vector<int> vec(3); //in .h; //in .cpp; //in .cpp; //in .cpp
Option 2:
vector<int> vec; //in .h
vec.reserve(3); //in .cpp
vec.push_back(var1); //in .cpp
vec.push_back(var2); //in .cpp
vec.push_back(var3); //in .cpp
I guess, Option2 is better than Option1. Is it? Any other options?
Somehow, a non-answer answer that is completely wrong has remained accepted and most upvoted for ~7 years. This is not an apples and oranges question. This is not a question to be answered with vague cliches.
For a simple rule to follow:
Option #1 is faster...
...but this probably shouldn't be your biggest concern.
Firstly, the difference is pretty minor. Secondly, as we crank up the compiler optimization, the difference becomes even smaller. For example, on my gcc-5.4.0, the difference is arguably trivial when running level 3 compiler optimization (-O3):
So in general, I would recommending using method #1 whenever you encounter this situation. However, if you can't remember which one is optimal, it's probably not worth the effort to find out. Just pick either one and move on, because this is unlikely to ever cause a noticeable slowdown in your program as a whole.
These tests were run by sampling random vector sizes from a normal distribution, and then timing the initialization of vectors of these sizes using the two methods. We keep a dummy sum variable to ensure the vector initialization is not optimized out, and we randomize vector sizes and values to make an effort to avoid any errors due to branch prediction, caching, and other such tricks.
* Test constructing and filling a vector in two ways: construction with size
* then assignment versus construction of empty vector followed by push_back
* We collect dummy sums to prevent the compiler from optimizing out computation
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "rng.hpp"
#include "timer.hpp"
const size_t kMinSize = 1000;
const size_t kMaxSize = 100000;
const double kSizeIncrementFactor = 1.2;
const int kNumVecs = 10000;
int main() {
for (size_t mean_size = kMinSize; mean_size <= kMaxSize;
mean_size = static_cast<size_t>(mean_size * kSizeIncrementFactor)) {
// Generate sizes from normal distribution
std::vector<size_t> sizes_vec;
NormalIntRng<size_t> sizes_rng(mean_size, mean_size / 10.0);
for (int i = 0; i < kNumVecs; ++i) {
Timer timer;
UniformIntRng<int> values_rng(0, 5);
// Method 1: construct with size, then assign
int method_1_sum = 0;
for (size_t num_els : sizes_vec) {
std::vector<int> vec(num_els);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_els; ++i) {
vec[i] = values_rng.GenerateValue();
// Compute sum - this part identical for two methods
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_els; ++i) {
method_1_sum += vec[i];
double method_1_seconds = timer.GetSeconds();
// Method 2: reserve then push_back
int method_2_sum = 0;
for (size_t num_els : sizes_vec) {
std::vector<int> vec;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_els; ++i) {
// Compute sum - this part identical for two methods
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_els; ++i) {
method_2_sum += vec[i];
double method_2_seconds = timer.GetSeconds();
// Report results as mean_size, method_1_seconds, method_2_seconds
std::cout << mean_size << ", " << method_1_seconds << ", " << method_2_seconds;
// Do something with the dummy sums that cannot be optimized out
std::cout << ((method_1_sum > method_2_sum) ? "" : " ") << std::endl;
return 0;
The header files I used are located here:
Both variants have different semantics, i.e. you are comparing apples and oranges.
The first gives you a vector of n default-initialized values, the second variant reserves the memory, but does not initialize them.
Choose what better fits your needs, i.e. what is "better" in a certain situation.
The "best" way would be:
vector<int> vec = {var1, var2, var3};
available with a C++11 capable compiler.
Not sure exactly what you mean by doing things in a header or implementation files. A mutable global is a no-no for me. If it is a class member, then it can be initialized in the constructor initialization list.
Otherwise, option 1 would be generally used if you know how many items you are going to use and the default values (0 for int) would be useful.
Using at here means that you can't guarantee the index is valid. A situation like that is alarming itself. Even though you will be able to reliably detect problems, it's definitely simpler to use push_back and stop worrying about getting the indexes right.
In case of option 2, generally it makes zero performance difference whether you reserve memory or not, so it's simpler not to reserve*. Unless perhaps if the vector contains types that are very expensive to copy (and don't provide fast moving in C++11), or the size of the vector is going to be enormous.
* From Stroustrups C++ Style and Technique FAQ:
People sometimes worry about the cost of std::vector growing
incrementally. I used to worry about that and used reserve() to
optimize the growth. After measuring my code and repeatedly having
trouble finding the performance benefits of reserve() in real
programs, I stopped using it except where it is needed to avoid
iterator invalidation (a rare case in my code). Again: measure before
you optimize.
While your examples are essentially the same, it may be that when the type used is not an int the choice is taken from you. If your type doesn't have a default constructor, or if you'll have to re-construct each element later anyway, I would use reserve. Just don't fall into the trap I did and use reserve and then the operator[] for initialisation!
std::vector<MyType> myVec(numberOfElementsToStart);
int size = myVec.size();
int capacity = myVec.capacity();
In this first case, using the constructor, size and numberOfElementsToStart will be equal and capacity will be greater than or equal to them.
Think of myVec as a vector containing a number of items of MyType which can be accessed and modified, push_back(anotherInstanceOfMyType) will append it the the end of the vector.
std::vector<MyType> myVec;
int size = myVec.size();
int capacity = myVec.capacity();
When using the reserve function, size will be 0 until you add an element to the array and capacity will be equal to or greater than numberOfElementsToStart.
Think of myVec as an empty vector which can have new items appended to it using push_back with no memory allocation for at least the first numberOfElementsToStart elements.
Note that push_back() still requires an internal check to ensure that size < capacity and to increment size, so you may want to weigh this against the cost of default construction.
List initialisation
std::vector<MyType> myVec{ var1, var2, var3 };
This is an additional option for initialising your vector, and while it is only feasible for very small vectors, it is a clear way to initialise a small vector with known values. size will be equal to the number of elements you initialised it with, and capacity will be equal to or greater than size. Modern compilers may optimise away the creation of temporary objects and prevent unnecessary copying.
Option 2 is better, as reserve only needs to reserve memory (3 * sizeof(T)), while the first option calls the constructor of the base type for each cell inside the container.
For C-like types it will probably be the same.
How it Works
This is implementation specific however in general Vector data structure internally will have pointer to the memory block where the elements would actually resides. Both GCC and VC++ allocate for 0 elements by default. So you can think of Vector's internal memory pointer to be nullptr by default.
When you call vector<int> vec(N); as in your Option 1, the N objects are created using default constructor. This is called fill constructor.
When you do vec.reserve(N); after default constructor as in Option 2, you get data block to hold 3 elements but no objects are created unlike in option 1.
Why to Select Option 1
If you know the number of elements vector will hold and you might leave most of the elements to its default values then you might want to use this option.
Why to Select Option 2
This option is generally better of the two as it only allocates data block for the future use and not actually filling up with objects created from default constructor.
Since it seems 5 years have passed and a wrong answer is still the accepted one, and the most-upvoted answer is completely useless (missed the forest for the trees), I will add a real response.
Method #1: we pass an initial size parameter into the vector, let's call it n. That means the vector is filled with n elements, which will be initialized to their default value. For example, if the vector holds ints, it will be filled with n zeros.
Method #2: we first create an empty vector. Then we reserve space for n elements. In this case, we never create the n elements and thus we never perform any initialization of the elements in the vector. Since we plan to overwrite the values of every element immediately, the lack of initialization will do us no harm. On the other hand, since we have done less overall, this would be the better* option.
* better - real definition: never worse. It's always possible a smart compiler will figure out what you're trying to do and optimize it for you.
Conclusion: use method #2.
In the long run, it depends on the usage and numbers of the elements.
Run the program below to understand how the compiler reserves space:
vector<int> vec;
for(int i=0; i<50; i++)
cout << "size=" << vec.size() << "capacity=" << vec.capacity() << endl;
size is the number of actual elements and capacity is the actual size of the array to imlement vector.
In my computer, till 10, both are the same. But, when size is 43 the capacity is 63. depending on the number of elements, either may be better. For example, increasing the capacity may be expensive.
Another option is to Trust Your Compiler(tm) and do the push_backs without calling reserve first. It has to allocate some space when you start adding elements. Perhaps it does that just as well as you would?
It is "better" to have simpler code that does the same job.
I think answer may depend on situation. For instance:
Lets try to copy simple vector to another vector. Vector hold example class which has only integer. In first example lets use reserve.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class example
// Copy constructor
example(const example& p1)
this->a = p1.a;
example(example&& o) noexcept
std::swap(o.a, this->a);
example(int a_)
a = a_;
std::cout<<"Def const"<<std::endl;
int a;
int main()
auto vec = std::vector<example>{1,2,3};
auto vec2 = std::vector<example>{};
auto dst_vec2 = std::back_inserter(vec2);
std::transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
dst_vec2, [](const example& ex){ return ex; });
For this case, transform will call copy and move constructors.
The output of the transform part:
Now lets remove the reserve and use the constructor.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class example
// Copy constructor
example(const example& p1)
this->a = p1.a;
example(example&& o) noexcept
std::swap(o.a, this->a);
example(int a_)
a = a_;
std::cout<<"Def const"<<std::endl;
int a;
int main()
auto vec = std::vector<example>{1,2,3};
std::vector<example> vec2(vec.size());
auto dst_vec2 = std::back_inserter(vec2);
std::transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
dst_vec2, [](const example& ex){ return ex; });
And in this case transform part produces:
As it is seen, for this specific case, reserve prevents extra move operations because there is no initialized object to move.

Replace vector of vector with flat memory structure

I have the following type:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> indicies
where the size of the inner vector is always 2. The problem is, that vectors are non-contiguous in memory. I would like to replace the inner vector with something contiguous so that I can cast the flattened array:
int *array_a = (int *) &(a[0][0])
It would be nice if the new type has the [] operator, so that I don't have to change the whole code. (I could also implement it myself if necessary). My ideas are either:
std::vector<std::array<int, 2>>
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>
How do these look in memory? I wrote a small test:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
using namespace std;
vector<array<int, 2>> a(100);
cout << sizeof(array<int, 2>) << endl;
for(auto i = 0; i < 10; i++){
for(auto j = 0; j < 2; j++){
cout << "a[" << i << "][" << j << "] "
<<&(a[i][j]) << endl;
return 0;
which results in:
a[0][0] 0x1b72c20
a[0][1] 0x1b72c24
a[1][0] 0x1b72c28
a[1][1] 0x1b72c2c
a[2][0] 0x1b72c30
a[2][1] 0x1b72c34
a[3][0] 0x1b72c38
a[3][1] 0x1b72c3c
a[4][0] 0x1b72c40
a[4][1] 0x1b72c44
a[5][0] 0x1b72c48
a[5][1] 0x1b72c4c
a[6][0] 0x1b72c50
a[6][1] 0x1b72c54
a[7][0] 0x1b72c58
a[7][1] 0x1b72c5c
a[8][0] 0x1b72c60
a[8][1] 0x1b72c64
a[9][0] 0x1b72c68
a[9][1] 0x1b72c6c
It seems to work in this case. Is this behavior in the standard or just a lucky coincidence? Is there a better way to do this?
An array<int,2> is going to be a struct containing an array int[2]; the standard does not directly mandate it, but there really is no other sane and practical way to do it.
See 23.3.7 [array] within the standard. There is nothing in the standard I can find that requires sizeof(std::array<char, 10>)==1024 to be false. It would be a ridiculous QOI (quality of implementation); every implementation I have seen has sizeof(std::array<T,N>) == N*sizeof(T), and anything else I would consider hostile.
Arrays must be contiguous containers which are aggregates that can be initialized by up to N arguments of types convertible to T.
The standard permits padding after such an array. I am aware of 0 compilers who insert such padding.
A buffer of contiguous std::array<int,2> is not guaranteed to be safely accessed as a flat buffer of int. In fact, aliasing rules almost certainly ban such access as undefined behaviour. You cannot even do this with a int[3][7]! See this SO question and answer, and here, and here.
Most compilers will make what you describe work, but the optimizer might decide that access through an int* and through the array<int,2>* cannot access the same memory, and generate insane results. It does not seem worth it.
A standards compliant approach would be to write an array view type (that takes two pointers and forms an iterable range with [] overloaded). Then write a 2d view of a flat buffer, with the lower dimension either a runtime or compile time value. Its [] would then return an array view.
There is going to be code in boost and other "standard extension" libraries to do this for you.
Merge the 2d view with a type owning a vector, and you get your 2d vector.
The only behaviour difference is that when the old vector of vector code copies the lower dimension (like auto inner=outer[i]) it copies data, afer it will instead create a view.
Is there a better way to do this?
I recently finished yet-another-version of Game-of-Life.
The game board is 2d, and yes, the vector of vectors has wasted space in it.
In my recent effort I chose to try a 1d vector for the 2d game board.
typedef std::vector<Cell_t*> GameBoard_t;
Then I created a simple indexing function, for when use of row/col added to the code's readability:
inline size_t gbIndx(int row, int col)
{ return ((row * MAXCOL) + col); }
Example: accessing row 27, col 33:
Cell_t* cell = gameBoard[ gbIndx(27, 33) ];
All the Cell_t* in gameBoard are now packed back to back (definition of vector) and trivial to access (initialize, display, etc) in row/col order using gbIndx().
In addition, I could use the simple index for various efforts:
void setAliveRandom(const GameBoard_t& gameBoard)
GameBoard_t myVec(m_gameBoard); // copy cell vector
time_t seed = std::chrono::system_clock::
// randomize copy's element order
std::shuffle (myVec.begin(), myVec.end(), std::default_random_engine(seed));
int count = 0;
for ( auto it : myVec )
if (count & 1) it->setAlive(); // touch odd elements
count += 1;
I was surprised by how often I did not need row/col indexing.
As far as I know, std::vector are contiguous in memory. Take a look at this questions:
Why is std::vector contiguous?,
Are std::vector elements guaranteed to be contiguous?
In case you have to resize an inner vector, you wouldn't have the whole structure contiguous, but the inner vectors would still be it. If you use a vector of vectors, though, you'd have a fully contiguous structure (and I edit here, sorry I misunderstood your question) meaning that the pointers that point to your inner vectors will also be contiguous.
If you want to implement a structure that is always contiguous, from the first element of the first vector to the last element of the last vector, you can implement it as a custom class that has a vector<int> and elems_per_vector that indicates the number of elements in each inner vector.
Then, you can overload the operator(), so to access to a(i,j) you are actually accessing a.vector[a.elems_per_vector*i+j]. To insert new elements, though, and in order to keep the inner vectors at constant size between them, you'll have to make as many inserts as inner vectors you have.

Different addresses while filling a std::vector

Wouldn't you expect the addresses printed by the two loops to be the same? I was, and I cannot understand why (sometimes) they are different.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct S {
void print_address() {
cout << this << endl;
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
vector<S> v;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
v.push_back( S() );
cout << endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
return 0;
I tested this code with many local and on-line compilers and the output I get looks like this (the last three figures are always the same):
I spotted this because making some initialization in the first loop I obtained uninitialized object in the subsequent part of the program. Am I missing something?
Because when vector capicity changes, it reallocates elements. If you std::vector::reserve enough capacity, no reallcation is needed, it will print same address.
vector<S> v;
Note: properly use std::vector::reserve will increase application performance, because no unnecessary reallocation and objects copy.
The vector is performing re-allocations in order to grow as needed. Each time it does this, it allocates a larger buffer for the data and copies the elements across. You can see this clearly in the first loop, where each address jump is followed by a larger sequence of consecutive addresses. In the second loop, you just look at the addresses after the final reallocation.
0xaec031 <--
0xaec012 <--
0xaec034 <--
0xaec018 <--
The simplest way to instantiate a vector with 10 S objects would be
std::vector<S> v(10);
This would involve no re-allocations. See also std::vector::reserve.
Vector elements are stored contiguously; that is, they're all in a row in memory. Your vector object has to allocate space for this contiguous block of elements.
Your vector can't just keep having things added to it indefinitely. It has to grow the space it has allocated. The memory model typically doesn't allow us to expand a memory block — we have to create a new one instead. When the vector does this, it has to move all its elements to the new space. This is occurring several times within your first loop.
If you'd done:
vector<S> v;
(which you can, since you know you'll end up with 10 elements), then no re-allocation would have been necessary, and the addresses would not have changed.
I'm not really surprised that they can change. As the vector initially has no size, it's likely to reallocate the vector once or twice during the initial loop. That'll change the base address of the vector. It's not impossible that after a resize, you'll end up using an address you used before (though I find that somewhat surprising. Are you sure about the first part of the addresses?)
If you want to ensure they don't change, you need to add a v.reserve() before you start pushing stuff on it.

Vector: initialization or reserve?

I know the size of a vector, which is the best way to initialize it?
Option 1:
vector<int> vec(3); //in .h; //in .cpp; //in .cpp; //in .cpp
Option 2:
vector<int> vec; //in .h
vec.reserve(3); //in .cpp
vec.push_back(var1); //in .cpp
vec.push_back(var2); //in .cpp
vec.push_back(var3); //in .cpp
I guess, Option2 is better than Option1. Is it? Any other options?
Somehow, a non-answer answer that is completely wrong has remained accepted and most upvoted for ~7 years. This is not an apples and oranges question. This is not a question to be answered with vague cliches.
For a simple rule to follow:
Option #1 is faster...
...but this probably shouldn't be your biggest concern.
Firstly, the difference is pretty minor. Secondly, as we crank up the compiler optimization, the difference becomes even smaller. For example, on my gcc-5.4.0, the difference is arguably trivial when running level 3 compiler optimization (-O3):
So in general, I would recommending using method #1 whenever you encounter this situation. However, if you can't remember which one is optimal, it's probably not worth the effort to find out. Just pick either one and move on, because this is unlikely to ever cause a noticeable slowdown in your program as a whole.
These tests were run by sampling random vector sizes from a normal distribution, and then timing the initialization of vectors of these sizes using the two methods. We keep a dummy sum variable to ensure the vector initialization is not optimized out, and we randomize vector sizes and values to make an effort to avoid any errors due to branch prediction, caching, and other such tricks.
* Test constructing and filling a vector in two ways: construction with size
* then assignment versus construction of empty vector followed by push_back
* We collect dummy sums to prevent the compiler from optimizing out computation
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "rng.hpp"
#include "timer.hpp"
const size_t kMinSize = 1000;
const size_t kMaxSize = 100000;
const double kSizeIncrementFactor = 1.2;
const int kNumVecs = 10000;
int main() {
for (size_t mean_size = kMinSize; mean_size <= kMaxSize;
mean_size = static_cast<size_t>(mean_size * kSizeIncrementFactor)) {
// Generate sizes from normal distribution
std::vector<size_t> sizes_vec;
NormalIntRng<size_t> sizes_rng(mean_size, mean_size / 10.0);
for (int i = 0; i < kNumVecs; ++i) {
Timer timer;
UniformIntRng<int> values_rng(0, 5);
// Method 1: construct with size, then assign
int method_1_sum = 0;
for (size_t num_els : sizes_vec) {
std::vector<int> vec(num_els);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_els; ++i) {
vec[i] = values_rng.GenerateValue();
// Compute sum - this part identical for two methods
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_els; ++i) {
method_1_sum += vec[i];
double method_1_seconds = timer.GetSeconds();
// Method 2: reserve then push_back
int method_2_sum = 0;
for (size_t num_els : sizes_vec) {
std::vector<int> vec;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_els; ++i) {
// Compute sum - this part identical for two methods
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_els; ++i) {
method_2_sum += vec[i];
double method_2_seconds = timer.GetSeconds();
// Report results as mean_size, method_1_seconds, method_2_seconds
std::cout << mean_size << ", " << method_1_seconds << ", " << method_2_seconds;
// Do something with the dummy sums that cannot be optimized out
std::cout << ((method_1_sum > method_2_sum) ? "" : " ") << std::endl;
return 0;
The header files I used are located here:
Both variants have different semantics, i.e. you are comparing apples and oranges.
The first gives you a vector of n default-initialized values, the second variant reserves the memory, but does not initialize them.
Choose what better fits your needs, i.e. what is "better" in a certain situation.
The "best" way would be:
vector<int> vec = {var1, var2, var3};
available with a C++11 capable compiler.
Not sure exactly what you mean by doing things in a header or implementation files. A mutable global is a no-no for me. If it is a class member, then it can be initialized in the constructor initialization list.
Otherwise, option 1 would be generally used if you know how many items you are going to use and the default values (0 for int) would be useful.
Using at here means that you can't guarantee the index is valid. A situation like that is alarming itself. Even though you will be able to reliably detect problems, it's definitely simpler to use push_back and stop worrying about getting the indexes right.
In case of option 2, generally it makes zero performance difference whether you reserve memory or not, so it's simpler not to reserve*. Unless perhaps if the vector contains types that are very expensive to copy (and don't provide fast moving in C++11), or the size of the vector is going to be enormous.
* From Stroustrups C++ Style and Technique FAQ:
People sometimes worry about the cost of std::vector growing
incrementally. I used to worry about that and used reserve() to
optimize the growth. After measuring my code and repeatedly having
trouble finding the performance benefits of reserve() in real
programs, I stopped using it except where it is needed to avoid
iterator invalidation (a rare case in my code). Again: measure before
you optimize.
While your examples are essentially the same, it may be that when the type used is not an int the choice is taken from you. If your type doesn't have a default constructor, or if you'll have to re-construct each element later anyway, I would use reserve. Just don't fall into the trap I did and use reserve and then the operator[] for initialisation!
std::vector<MyType> myVec(numberOfElementsToStart);
int size = myVec.size();
int capacity = myVec.capacity();
In this first case, using the constructor, size and numberOfElementsToStart will be equal and capacity will be greater than or equal to them.
Think of myVec as a vector containing a number of items of MyType which can be accessed and modified, push_back(anotherInstanceOfMyType) will append it the the end of the vector.
std::vector<MyType> myVec;
int size = myVec.size();
int capacity = myVec.capacity();
When using the reserve function, size will be 0 until you add an element to the array and capacity will be equal to or greater than numberOfElementsToStart.
Think of myVec as an empty vector which can have new items appended to it using push_back with no memory allocation for at least the first numberOfElementsToStart elements.
Note that push_back() still requires an internal check to ensure that size < capacity and to increment size, so you may want to weigh this against the cost of default construction.
List initialisation
std::vector<MyType> myVec{ var1, var2, var3 };
This is an additional option for initialising your vector, and while it is only feasible for very small vectors, it is a clear way to initialise a small vector with known values. size will be equal to the number of elements you initialised it with, and capacity will be equal to or greater than size. Modern compilers may optimise away the creation of temporary objects and prevent unnecessary copying.
Option 2 is better, as reserve only needs to reserve memory (3 * sizeof(T)), while the first option calls the constructor of the base type for each cell inside the container.
For C-like types it will probably be the same.
How it Works
This is implementation specific however in general Vector data structure internally will have pointer to the memory block where the elements would actually resides. Both GCC and VC++ allocate for 0 elements by default. So you can think of Vector's internal memory pointer to be nullptr by default.
When you call vector<int> vec(N); as in your Option 1, the N objects are created using default constructor. This is called fill constructor.
When you do vec.reserve(N); after default constructor as in Option 2, you get data block to hold 3 elements but no objects are created unlike in option 1.
Why to Select Option 1
If you know the number of elements vector will hold and you might leave most of the elements to its default values then you might want to use this option.
Why to Select Option 2
This option is generally better of the two as it only allocates data block for the future use and not actually filling up with objects created from default constructor.
Since it seems 5 years have passed and a wrong answer is still the accepted one, and the most-upvoted answer is completely useless (missed the forest for the trees), I will add a real response.
Method #1: we pass an initial size parameter into the vector, let's call it n. That means the vector is filled with n elements, which will be initialized to their default value. For example, if the vector holds ints, it will be filled with n zeros.
Method #2: we first create an empty vector. Then we reserve space for n elements. In this case, we never create the n elements and thus we never perform any initialization of the elements in the vector. Since we plan to overwrite the values of every element immediately, the lack of initialization will do us no harm. On the other hand, since we have done less overall, this would be the better* option.
* better - real definition: never worse. It's always possible a smart compiler will figure out what you're trying to do and optimize it for you.
Conclusion: use method #2.
In the long run, it depends on the usage and numbers of the elements.
Run the program below to understand how the compiler reserves space:
vector<int> vec;
for(int i=0; i<50; i++)
cout << "size=" << vec.size() << "capacity=" << vec.capacity() << endl;
size is the number of actual elements and capacity is the actual size of the array to imlement vector.
In my computer, till 10, both are the same. But, when size is 43 the capacity is 63. depending on the number of elements, either may be better. For example, increasing the capacity may be expensive.
Another option is to Trust Your Compiler(tm) and do the push_backs without calling reserve first. It has to allocate some space when you start adding elements. Perhaps it does that just as well as you would?
It is "better" to have simpler code that does the same job.
I think answer may depend on situation. For instance:
Lets try to copy simple vector to another vector. Vector hold example class which has only integer. In first example lets use reserve.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class example
// Copy constructor
example(const example& p1)
this->a = p1.a;
example(example&& o) noexcept
std::swap(o.a, this->a);
example(int a_)
a = a_;
std::cout<<"Def const"<<std::endl;
int a;
int main()
auto vec = std::vector<example>{1,2,3};
auto vec2 = std::vector<example>{};
auto dst_vec2 = std::back_inserter(vec2);
std::transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
dst_vec2, [](const example& ex){ return ex; });
For this case, transform will call copy and move constructors.
The output of the transform part:
Now lets remove the reserve and use the constructor.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class example
// Copy constructor
example(const example& p1)
this->a = p1.a;
example(example&& o) noexcept
std::swap(o.a, this->a);
example(int a_)
a = a_;
std::cout<<"Def const"<<std::endl;
int a;
int main()
auto vec = std::vector<example>{1,2,3};
std::vector<example> vec2(vec.size());
auto dst_vec2 = std::back_inserter(vec2);
std::transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
dst_vec2, [](const example& ex){ return ex; });
And in this case transform part produces:
As it is seen, for this specific case, reserve prevents extra move operations because there is no initialized object to move.