query for name not like other name in neo4j cypher - regex

I'm trying to find nodes where node1's name is NOT contained in node2's name and vice versa.
I've tried this and variants of it. getting regex errors, not sure how to include the other node's literal name, and also how to do NOT includes.
START node1=node(*)
MATCH node1-[r]-node2
WHERE node1.name !~ '.*{node2.name}.*' and node2.name !~ '.*{node1.name}.*'
RETURN node1.name, node2.name limit 10;

I'll try to answer how to get your query to work, but this type of query looks a bit irregular for Neo4j. If you find yourself writing many queries like these you may want to rethink your model or choice of database.
Your '.*{node2.name}.*' contains node2.name as a string literal, not as a property reference. To resolve the property and use it's value in a regular expression you can use string concatenation, something like '.*' + node2.name + '.*'. If node2.name='Darby' then the regexp string will be '.*Darby.*'.
Regexp is signified with =~, if you want to use ! to check for property existence you can do node.property! =~ regexp. To exclude the results of your double regexp condition, do WHERE NOT ( condition1 OR condition2 ).
Since the operator order between string concatenation and regexp comparison is not obvious, it's probably best to put the string concatenation in parenthesis too, or you may end up concatenating the result of a regexp on the first string part with the rest of the string parts, i.e (node.name =~ '.*') + node2.name + '.*', which would be a type error.
Assuming you use Neo4j 1.9 the whole query could look like (for 2.0+ you can just drop the !)
START node1=node(*)
MATCH node1-[r]-node2
node1.name! =~ ('.*' + node2.name + '.*') OR
node2.name! =~ ('.*' + node1.name + '.*')
) RETURN node1.name, node2.name LIMIT 10
(It's an expensive type of query and it probably returns redundant results, since each node pair (A,B) that fit your conditions will be returned both as (A,B) and as (B,A). Try declaring direction on the relationship, it should exclude redundant results and improve performance.)

We can use this operator "<>"
eg : match(node:Application) where node.name <> "None" return node
This query is to return all the application node whose name is not "None".


RegEx 5 Strings to Match - Replace Based on Match

Angular/JS Application
I have this: input.replace('/<|>|"|&|&apos;/gm', need this to be based on match value).
So I want to search by all those strings - but I want to replace the value based on which one matched. So if " matches = replace with " and if > matches = replace with >
I basically want to avoid this:
input.replace('/</gm', <)
input.replace('>/gm', >)
input.replace('"', ")
I think it has something to do with capturing groups - not a regex person.
Maybe the answer can only be: inputString.replace('/</gm', '<').replace('/>/gm', '>').replace('/"/gm', '"').replace('/&/gm', '&').replace('/&apos;/gm', '\'');
What's commonly done is to simply chain the replacements, executing one after another as in your example:
input.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/&apos;/g, "'")
the downside of this it that it really doesn't scale well: Each replace operation runs in linear time. Thus for m replacement and a string of length n, the time complexity will be O(n * m). If you now were to implement support for all 2k+ named HTML entities, this would quickly blow up and your performance would degrade severely - not to mention the O(m) garbage strings that are created in the process, making for O(n * m) garbage data.
The proper way is to create a lookup table (a hash table, called a dictionary in JS) with O(1) access with all the named entities and their replacements:
const namedEntities = {lt: "<", gt: ">", quot: '"', amp: "&", apos: "'"}
return input.replace(/&(lt|gt|quot|amp|apos);/g, (_, match) => namedEntities[match])
this passes a replacement function to String.replace; no garbage strings are created and the time complexity - assuming an ideal RegEx implementation - is O(n).
If you want to religiously follow DRY, you might want to build the RegEx from the keys:
const regex = new RegExp("&(" + Object.keys(namedEntities).join("|") + ");", "g")
return input.replace(regex, (_, match) => namedEntities[match])
alternatively, consider using a more general RegEx, leveraging the dictionary to check whether an entity is valid and defaulting to no replacement:
return input.replace(/&(.+?);/g, (entity, match) => namedEntities[match] || entity)

php doctrine createQueryBuilder special character

Database store the value "&You" but the query below doesn't return result
$buildQuery = $this->createQueryBuilder('r')
->where('r.TitreSearch LIKE :term')
->setParameter('term', "%&You%")
On the other hand if I search "You" I have a result
why doctrine not understand character "&" ?
The problem is not the ampersand character but the query itself.
If you want LIKE to match a pattern within the column value, you must enclose the search term with percentage signs (i.e. %term%). Without the percentage signs, LIKE acts just the same as the = operator; it looks for an exact match.
Try the following:
$term = "&You";
$buildQuery = $this->createQueryBuilder('r')
->where('r.TitreSearch LIKE :term')
->setParameter('term', "%$term%");

SQL pattern matching using regular expression

Can we use Regex i.e, Regular Expression in SQL Server? I'm using SQL-2012 and 2014 and there is an requirement to match and return input from my stored procedure.
I can't use LIKE in this situation since like only returns matching words, Using Regex I can match whole bunch of characters like Space, Hyphen, Numbers.
Here is my SP
--Suppose XYZ P is my Search Condition
Declare #Condition varchar(50) = 'XYZ P'
#Condition varchar(25)
select * from tblPerson
where UPPER(Name) like UPPER(#Condition) + '%'
-- It should return both XYZ P and xyzp
Here my SP is going to return all matching condition where Name=XYZ P, but how to retrieve other Column having Name as [XYZP, XYZ-P]
and if search condition have any Alphanumeric value like
--Suppose XYZ 1 is my Search Condition
Declare #Condition varchar(50) = 'XYZ 1'
Then my search result should also return nonspace value like [XYZ1, xyz1, Xyz -1].
I don't want to use Substring by finding space and splitting them based on space and then matching.
Note: My input condition i.e., #Condition can have both Space or Space less, Hyphen(-) value when executing Stored Procedure.
Use REPLACE command.
It will replace the single space into %, so it will return your expected results:
FROM tblPerson
WHERE UPPER(Name) LIKE REPLACE(UPPER(#Condition), ' ', '%') + '%'

How can I replace just the last occurrence in a string with a Perl regex?

Ok, here is my test (this is not production code, but just a test to illustrate my problem)
my $string = <<EOS; # auto generated query
, roles.label AS role_label
, hr_orders.position_label
, deps.label AS dep_label
, top_deps.label AS top_dep_label
LEFT JOIN $conf->{systables}->{roles} AS roles ON users.id_role = roles.id
, MAX(dt) AS max_dt
fake = 0
IFNULL(position_label, ' ') <> ' '
GROUP BY id_user
) last_hr_orders ON last_hr_orders.id_user = users.id
LEFT JOIN hr_orders ON hr_orders.id_user = last_hr_orders.id_user AND hr_orders.dt = last_hr_orders.max_dt
my $where = "WHERE\nusers.fake = -1 AND ";
$string =~ s{where}{$where}i;
print "result: \n$string";
Code, which generates the query, ends with simple s{where}{$where}i, which replaces EVERY occurence of where.
I want to replace top-level WHERE (last occurence of WHERE?) with 'WHERE users.fake = -1' (actually, with more complex pattern, but it doesn't matter).
Any ideas?
Why do you want to build your sql queries by hard-coding strings and then making replacements on them? Wouldn't something like
my $proto_query = <<'EOQ'
select ... where %s ...
my $query = sprintf $proto_query, 'users.fake = -1 AND ...';
or (preferably, as it avoids a lot of issues your initial approach and the above has) using a module such as Data::Phrasebook::SQL make a lot of things easier?
If you really wanted to go for string substitutions, you're probably looking for something like
my $foo = "foo bar where baz where moo";
$foo =~ s/(.*)where/$1where affe and/;
say $foo; # "foo bar where baz where affe and moo"
That is, capturing as much as you can until you can't capture any more without not having a "where" immediately follow what you captured, and then inserting whatever you captured captured again, plus whatever modifications you want to make.
However, note that this has various limitations if you're using that to mangle SQL queries. To do things right, you'd have to actually understand the SQL at some level. Consider, for example, select ... where user.name = 'where'.
apparently, what I need was Look-ahead regex feature
my regex is
The right way to parse SQL queries is to do it using a parser and not using regex.
see SQL::Statement::Structure - parse and examine structure of SQL queries

How do I assign many values to a particular Perl variable?

I am writing a script in Perl which searches for a motif(substring) in protein sequence(string). The motif sequence to be searched (or substring) is hhhDDDssEExD, where:
h is any hydrophobic amino acid
s is any small amino acid
x is any amino acid
h,s,x can have more than one value separately
Can more than one value be assigned to one variable? If yes, how should I do that? I want to assign a list of multiple values to a variable.
It seems like you want some kind of pattern matching. This can be done with strings using regular expressions.
You can use character classes in your regular expression. The classes you mentioned would be:
h -> [VLIM]
s -> [AG]
x -> [A-IK-NP-TV-Z]
The last one means "A to I, K to N, P to T, V to Z".
The regular expression for your example would be:
I am no great expert in perl, so there is quite possibly a quicker way to this, but it seems like the match operator "//" in list context is what you need. When you assign the result of a match operation to a list, the match operator takes on list context and returns a list with each of the parenthesis delimited sub-expressions. If you specify global matches with the "g" flag, it will return a list of all the matches of each sub-expression. Example:
# print a list of each match for "x" in "xxx"
#aList = ("xxx" =~ /(x)/g);
print(join(".", #aList));
Will print out
I'm assuming you have a regular expression for each of those 5 types h, D, s, E, and x. You didn't say whether each of these parts is a single character or multiple, so I'm going to assume they can be multiple characters. If so, your solution might be something like this:
$h = ""; # Insert regex to match "h"
$D = ""; # Insert regex to match "D"
$s = ""; # Insert regex to match "s"
$E = ""; # Insert regex to match "E"
$x = ""; # Insert regex to match "x"
$sequenceRE = "($h){3}($D){3}($s){2}($E){2}($x)($D)"
if ($line =~ /$sequenceRE/) {
$hPart = $1;
$sPart = $3;
$xPart = $5;
#hValues = ($hPart =~ /($h)/g);
#sValues = ($sPart =~ /($s)/g);
#xValues = ($xPart =~ /($x)/g);
I'm sure there is something I've missed, and there are some subtleties of perl that I have overlooked, but this should get you most of the way there. For more information, read up on perl's match operator, and regular expressions.
I could be way off, but it sounds like you want an object with a built in method to output as a string.
If you start with a string, like the one you mentioned, you could pass the string to the class as a new object, use regular expressions like everyone has already suggested to parse out the chunks that you would then assign as variables to that object. Finally, you could have it output a string based on the variables of that object, for instance:
$sugar = new Organic($string);
Class Organic {
function __construct($chem) {
$hydro_find = "OHO";
$carb_find = "C";
$this-> hydro = preg_find ($hydro_find, $chem);
$this -> carb = preg_find ($carb_find, $chem);
function __TO_STRING() {
return $this->carb."="$this->hydro;
echo $sugar;
Okay, that kind of fell apart in the end, and it was pseudo-php, not perl. But if I understand your question correctly, you are looking for a way to get all of the info from the string but keep it tied to that string. That would be objects and classes.
You probably want an array (or arrayref) or a pattern (qr//).
Or maybe Quantum::Superpositions.