How to repeat a process ( or to set a period of process) in linux? - c++

I have a process that does something and needs to be repeated after a period of 1ms. How can I set period of a process on linux ?
I am using linux 3.2.0-4-rt-amd64 (with RT-Preempt patch) on Intel i7 -2600 CPU (total 8 cores) # 3.40 Ghz.
Basically I have about 6 threads in while loop shown in code and I want threads to be executed at every 1 ms. At the end I want to measure latency of each thread.
So How to set the period 1ms ?
for example in following code, how can I repeat Task1 after every 1ms ?
//Task1(having threads)
Thank you.

A call to usleep(1000) inside the while loop will do the job, i.e.:
while (1) {
// Task1
usleep(1000); // 1000 microseconds = 1 millisecond
Since usleep() is already deprecated in favor of nanosleep(), let's use the latter instead:
struct timespec timer;
timer.tv_sec = 0;
timer.tv_nsec = 1000000L;
while (1) {
// Task1
nanosleep(&timer, NULL);

Read time(7).
One millisecond is really a small period of time. (Can't you bear with e.g. a ten milliseconds delay?). I'm not sure regular processes on regular Linux on common laptop hardware are able to deal reliably with such a small period. Maybe you need RTLinux or at least real time scheduling (see sched_setscheduler(2) and this question) and perhaps a specially configured recent 3.x kernel
You can't be sure that your processing (inside your loop) is smaller than a millisecond.
You should explain what is your application doing, and what happens inside the loop.
You might have some event loop, consider using ppoll(2), timer_create(2) (see also timer_getoverrun(2)...) and/or timerfd_create(2) and clock_nanosleep(2)
(I would try something using ppoll and timerfd_create but I would accept some millisecond ticks to be skipped)
You should tell us more about your hardware and your kernel. I'm not even sure my desktop i3770K processor, asus P8Z77V motherboard, (3.13.3 PREEMPT Linux kernel) is able to reliably deal with a single millisecond delay.
(Of course, a plain loop simply calling clock_nanosleep, or better yet, using timerfd_create with ppoll, will usually do the job. But that is not reliable...)


How to decrease CPU usage of high resolution (10 micro second) precise timer?

I'm writing up a timer for some complex communication application in windows 10 with qt5 and c++. I want to use max 3 percent of CPU with micro second resolution.
Initially i used qTimer (qt5) in this app. It was fine with low CPU usage and developer friendly interface. But It was not precise as i need.It takes only millisecond as parameter but i need microsecond. And the accuracy of the timer wasn't equal this resolution in many real-world situations like heavy load on cpu. Sometimes the timer fires at 1 millisecond, sometimes 15 millisecond. You can see this problem in picture:
I searched a solution for days. But in the end i found Windows is a non real-time Operating System (RTOS) and don't give high resolution and precise timer.
I wrote my own High resolution precise timer with CPU polling for this goal. I developed a singleton class working in separate thread. It works at 10 micro second resolution.
But it is consuming one logical core in CPU. Equivalent to 6.25 percent at ryzen 2700.
For my application this CPU usage is unacceptable. How can i reduce this CPU usage without give high resolution away ?
This is the code that does the job:
void CsPreciseTimerThread::run()
while (true)
QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex);
for (int i=0;i<mTimerList.size();i++)
CsPreciseTimerMiddleLayer* timer = mTimerList[i];
int interval = timer->getInterval();
if ( (timer->isActive() == true&&timer->remainingTime()<0))
I tried to down priority of timer thread. I used this lines:
And this:
That changes makes timer less precise but CPU usage didn't decrease.
After that i tried force the current thread to sleep for few microseconds in loop.
As you might guess sleep function did screw up the accuracy. Sometimes timer sleeps longer than expected , like 10 ms or 15 ms.
I'm going to reference Windows APIs directly instead of the Qt abstractions.
I don't think you want to lower your thread priority, I think you want to raise your thread priority and use the smallest amount of Sleep between polling to balance between latency and CPU overhead.
Two ideas:
In Windows Vista, they introduced the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service specifically so that they could move the Windows audio components out of kernel mode and running in user mode, without impacting pro-audio tools. That's probably going to be helpful to you - it's not precisesly "real time" guararteed, but it's meant for low latency operations.
Going the classic way - raise your process and thread priority to high or critical, while using a reasonable sleep statement of a few milliseconds. That is, raise your thread priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL. Then do a very small Sleep after completion of the for loop. This sleep amount should be between 0..10 milliseconds. Some experimentation required, but I would sleep no more than half the time to the next expected timeout, with a max of 10ms. And when you are within N microseconds of your timer, you might need to just spin instead of yielding. Some experimentation is required. You can also experiment with raising your Process priority to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS.
Be careful - A handful of runaway processes and threads at these higher priority levels that isn't sleeping can lock up the system.

CPU utlization on poll mode

For our project written in c++, we run the processor cores on poll mode to poll the driver (dpdk), but in poll mode the cpu utilization shows up as 100% in top/htop. As we started seeing glitch of packet drops, calculated the number of loops or polls executed per sec on a core (varies based on the processor speed and type).
Sample code used to calculate the polls/second with and with out the overhead of driver poll function is as below.
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/time.h>
int main() {
unsigned long long counter;
struct timeval tv1, tv2;
gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
while(1) {
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
//Some function here to measure the overhead
//Poll the driver
if ((double) (tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec) / 1000000 + (double) (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) > 1.0) {
std::cout << std::dec << "Executions per second = " << counter << " per second" << std::endl;
counter = 0;
gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
The poll count results are varying, sometimes we see a glitch and the number go down 50% or lower than regular counts, thought this could be problem with the linux scheduling the task so
Isolated the cores using linux command line (isolcpus=...), Set affinity, Increase priority for the process/thread to highest nice value and type to realtime (RT)
But no difference.
So questions are,
Can we rely on the number of loops/polls per sec executed on a processor core in poll mode?
Is there a way to calculate the CPU occupancy on poll mode since the cores CPU utilization shows up as 100% on top?
Is this the right approach for this problem?
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 # 2.50GHz
8G ram
Ubuntu virtual machine on Vmware hypervisor.
Not sure if this was previously answered, any references will be helpful.
No, you cannot rely "the number of loops/polls per sec executed on a processor core in poll mode".
This is a fundamental aspect of the execution environment in a traditional operating system, such as the one you are using: mainstream Linux.
At any time, a heavy-weight cron job can get kicked off that makes immediate demands on some resources, and the kernel's scheduler decides to preempt your application and do something else. That would be just one of hundreds of possible reasons why your process gets preempted.
Even if you're running as root, you won't be in full control of your process's resources.
The fact that you're seeing such a wide, occasional, disparity in your polling metrics should be a big, honking clue: multi-tasking operating systems don't work like this.
There are other "realtime" operating systems where userspace apps can have specific "service level" guarantees, i.e. minimum CPU or I/O resources available, which you can rely on for guaranteeing a floor on the number of times a particular code sequence can be executed, per second or some other metric.
On Linux, there are a few things that can be fiddled with, such as the process's nice level, and a few other things. But that still will not give you any absolute guarantees, whatsoever.
Especially since you're not even running on bare metal, but you're running inside a virtual hypervisor. So, your actual execution profile is affected not just by your host operating system, but your guest operating system as well!
The only way to guarantee the kind of a metric that you're looking for, is to use a realtime operating system, instead of Linux. Some years ago I have heard about realtime extensions to the Linux kernel (Google food: "linux rtos"), but haven't heard much of that recently. I don't believe that mainstream Linux distributions include that kernel extension, so, if you want to go that way, you'll be on your own.
modern linux on intel cpu does provide ways to make poll loop fully occupy the cpu core near 100%. things you haven't considered are, remove system call that will cause context switching, turn off hyperthreading or don't use the other thread that is on the same cache line, turn off dynamic cpu frequency boost in bios, move interrupt handling out.

Threads are slow when audio is off

I have 2 projects. One is built by C++ Builder without MFC Style. And other one is VC++ MFC 11.
When I create a thread and create a cycle -- let's say this cycle adds one to progressbar position -- from 1 to 100 by using Sleep(10) it works of course for both C++ Builder and C++ MFC.
Now, Sleep(10) is wait 10 miliseconds. OK. But the problem is only if I have open media player, Winamp or anything else that produces "Sound". If I close all media player, winamp and other sound programs, my threads get slower than 10 miliseconds.
It takes like 50-100 ms / each. If I open any music, it works normally as I expected.
I have no any idea why this is happening. I first thought that I made a mistake inside MFC App but why does C++ Builder also slow down?
And yes, I am positively sure it is sound related because I even re-formated my windows, disabled everything. Lastly I discovered that sound issue.
Does my code need something?
Now, I follow the code and found that I used Sleep(1) in such areas to wait 1 miliseconds. The reason of this, I move an object from left to right. If I remove this sleep then the moving is not showing up because it is very fast. So, I should use Sleep(1). With Sleep(1), if audio is on than it works. If audio is off than it is very slow.
for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++) {
theDialog->staticText->SetWindowsPosition(NULL, i, 20, 0, 0);
So, suggestions regarding this are really appreciated. What should I do?
I know this is the incorrect way. I should use something else that is proper and valid. But what exactly? Which function or class help me to move static texts from one position to another smoothly?
Also, changing the thread priority has not helped.
Update 2:
Update 1 is an another question :)
Sleep (10), will (as we know), wait for approximately 10 milliseconds. If there is a higher priority thread which needs to be run at that moment, the thread wakeup maybe delayed. Multimedia threads are probably running in a Real-Time or High priority, as such when you play sound, your thread wakeup gets delayed.
Refer to Jeffrey Richters comment in Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows (4th Ed), section Sleeping in Chapter 7:
The system makes the thread not schedulable for approximately the
number of milliseconds specified. That's right—if you tell the system
you want to sleep for 100 milliseconds, you will sleep approximately
that long but possibly several seconds or minutes more. Remember that
Windows is not a real-time operating system. Your thread will probably
wake up at the right time, but whether it does depends on what else is
going on in the system.
Also as per MSDN Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (Windows)
MMCSS ensures that time-sensitive processing receives prioritized access to CPU resources.
As per the above documentation, you can also control the percentage of CPU resources that will be guaranteed to low-priority tasks, through a registry key
Sleep(10) waits for at least 10 milliseconds. You have to write code to check how long you actually waited and if it's more than 10 milliseconds, handle that sanely in your code. Windows is not a real time operating system.
The minimum resolution for Sleep() timing is set system wide with timeBeginPeriod() and timeEndPeriod(). For example passing timeBeginPeriod(1) sets the minimum resolution to 1 ms. It may be that the audio programs are setting the resolution to 1 ms, and restoring it to something greater than 10 ms when they are done. I had a problem with a program that used Sleep(1) that only worked fine when the XE2 IDE was running but would otherwise sleep for 12 ms. I solved the problem by directly setting timeBeginPeriod(1) at the beginning of my program.

What is the best way to exit out of a loop after an elapsed time of 30ms in C++

What is the best way to exit out of a loop as close to 30ms as possible in C++. Polling boost:microsec_clock ? Polling QTime ? Something else?
Something like:
A = now;
for (blah; blah; blah) {
if (now - A > 30000)
It should work on Linux, OS X, and Windows.
The calculations in the loop are for updating a simulation. Every 30ms, I'd like to update the viewport.
The calculations in the loop are for
updating a simulation. Every 30ms, I'd
like to update the viewport.
Have you considered using threads? What you describe seems the perfect example of why you should use threads instead of timers.
The main process thread keeps taking care of the UI, and have a QTimer set to 30ms to update it. It locks a QMutex to have access to the data, performs the update, and releases the mutex.
The second thread (see QThread) does the simulation. For each cycle, it locks the QMutex, does the calculations and releases the mutex when the data is in a stable state (suitable for the UI update).
With the increasing trend on multi-core processors, you should think more and more on using threads than on using timers. Your applications automatically benefits from the increased power (multiple cores) of new processors.
While this does not answer the question, it might give another look at the solution. What about placing the simulation code and user interface in different threads? If you use Qt, periodic update can be realized using a timer or even QThread::msleep(). You can adapt the threaded Mandelbrot example to suit your need.
The code snippet example in this link pretty much does what you want:
Adapted from their example:
void runwait ( int seconds )
clock_t endwait;
endwait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
while (clock() < endwait)
/* Do stuff while waiting */
If you need to do work until a certain time has elapsed, then docflabby's answer is spot-on. However, if you just need to wait, doing nothing, until a specified time has elapsed, then you should use usleep()
Short answer is: you can't in general, but you can if you are running on the right OS or on the right hardware.
You can get CLOSE to 30ms on all the OS's using an assembly call on Intel systems and something else on other architectures. I'll dig up the reference and edit the answer to include the code when I find it.
The problem is the time-slicing algorithm and how close to the end of your time slice you are on a multi-tasking OS.
On some real-time OS's, there's a system call in a system library you can make, but I'm not sure what that call would be.
edit: LOL! Someone already posted a similiar snippet on SO: Timer function to provide time in nano seconds using C++
VonC has got the comment with the CPU timer assembly code in it.
According to your question, every 30ms you'd like to update the viewport. I wrote a similar app once that probed hardware every 500ms for similar stuff. While this doesn't directly answer your question, I have the following followups:
Are you sure that Blah(), for updating the viewport, can execute in less than 30ms in every instance?
Seems more like running Blah() would be done better by a timer callback.
It's very hard to find a library timer object that will push on a 30ms interval to do updates in a graphical framework. On Windows XP I found that the standard Win32 API timer that pushes window messages upon timer interval expiration, even on a 2GHz P4, couldn't do updates any faster than a 300ms interval, no matter how low I set the timing interval to on the timer. While there were high performance timers available in the Win32 API, they have many restrictions, namely, that you can't do any IPC (like update UI widgets) in a loop like the one you cited above.
Basically, the upshot is you have to plan very carefully how you want to have updates occur. You may need to use threads, and look at how you want to update the viewport.
Just some things to think about. They caught me by surprise when I worked on my project. If you've thought these things through already, please disregard my answer :0).
You might consider just updating the viewport every N simulation steps rather than every K milliseconds. If this is (say) a serious commercial app, then you're probably going to want to go the multi-thread route suggested elsewhere, but if (say) it's for personal or limited-audience use and what you're really interested in is the details of whatever it is you're simulating, then every-N-steps is simple, portable and may well be good enough to be getting on with.
See QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency
If you are using Qt, here is a simple way to do this:
QTimer* t = new QTimer( parent ) ;
t->setInterval( 30 ) ; // in msec
t->setSingleShot( false ) ;
connect( t, SIGNAL( timeout() ), viewPort, SLOT( redraw() ) ) ;
You'll need to specify viewPort and redraw(). Then start the timer with t->start().

Concurrency question about program running in OS

Here is what I know about concurrency in OS.
In order to run multi-task in an OS, the CPU will allocate a time slot to each task. When doing task A, other task will "sleep" and so on.
Here is my question:
I have a timer program that count for inactivity of keyboard / mouse. If inactivity continues within 15min, a screen saver program will popup.
If the concurrency theory is as I stated above, then the timer will be inaccurate? Because each program running in OS will have some time "sleep", then the timer program also have chance "sleeping", but in the real world the time is not stop.
You would use services from the OS to provide a timer you would not try to implement yourself. If code had to run simple to count time we would still be in the dark ages as far as computing is concerned.
In most operating systems, your task will not only be put to sleep when its time slice has been used but also while it is waiting for I/O (which is much more common for most programs).
Like AnthonyWJones said, use the operating system's concept of the current time.
The OS kernel's time slices are much too short to introduce any noticeable inaccuracy for a screen saver.
I think your waiting process can be very simple:
activityTime = time of last last keypress or mouse movement [from OS]
now = current time [from OS]
If now >= 15 mins after activityTime, start screensaver
sleep for a few seconds and return to step 1
Because steps 1 and 2 use the OS and not some kind of running counter, you don't care if you get interrupted anytime during this activity.
This could be language-dependent. In Java, it's not a problem. I suspect that all languages will "do the right thing" here. That's with the caveat that such timers are not extremely accurate anyway, and that usually you can only expect that your timer will sleep at least as long as you specify, but might sleep longer. That is, it might not be the active thread when the time runs out, and would therefore resume processing a little later.
See for example
The suspension time may be longer than requested due to the scheduling of other activity by the system.
The time you specify in sleep() is in realtime, not the cpu time your process uses. (As the CPU time is approximately 0 while your program sleeps.)