QListWidget Insert Items - c++

I am trying to add two items into my QListWidget dynamically. However, the following codes only allow me to add only the last item into the list. strList.size() contains 4 items. Assuming name contains "ABC 1" and "ABC 2".
Is my loop incorrect? Or is my method of adding items into the listWidget wrong?
QListWidgetItem *item[2];
if(xml.name() == "OS")
strList << xml.readElementText();
int num = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < strList.size(); i++)
if(strList[i] == "ABC")
QString name = strList[i] + strList[i+1];
item[num] = new QListWidgetItem();
ui.listWidget->insertItem(num, item[num]);
num += 1;
Output (listWidget):
Expected output (listWidget):


finding the duplicated values in List of String Dart

i have the following list with duplicate values and i need to check if the values is duplicated print it else skip it
List lst = ["AA","BB","BBB","AA"];
what should printed is :
Thanks ;
Would this work for you?
List list = ["AA", "BB", "BBB", "AA"];
List distinctList = list.toSet().toList();
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i < distinctList.length; i++) {
//// or you could use a "for in" like this:
// for (var item in distinctList) {
// list.remove(item);
// }
Or using forEach() on the Set
List list = ['AA', 'BB', 'BBB', 'AA'];
void main() {
list.toSet().forEach((item) => {list.remove(item)});
List lst = ["AA","BB","BBB","AA"];
int duplicateDetectedCount = -1;
String duplicateItem = "";
for(String item in lst){
for(String innerItem in lst){
if(item == innerItem){
if(duplicateDetectedCount == 1){
duplicateItem = innerItem;
print(duplicateItem); // prints AA
lst.where((e) => lst.where((element) => element == e).length > 1).toSet().toList();
One Liner

QTableWidget to multiple files

I’ve got QTableWidget with data like this:
The table can contains only names from the QList:
QList<QString> shapes { "Triangle", "Circle", "Trapeze", "Square", "Rectangle", "Diamond" };
with random int values in the neighboring cell.
Table can contain all "shapes" or only a part of it (like in the example).
I try to create separate file for each shape form the table and write down corresponding int values to them.
To achieve this I wrote something like that:
QList<QTableWidgetItem *> ItemList
for(int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
for(int i = 0; i<columns; ++i)
foreach(QString itm, shapes )
ItemList = ui->tableWidget->findItems(itm, Qt::MatchExactly);
QFile mFile(itm + ".txt");
for(int i = 0; i < ItemList.count(); ++i)
int rowNR = ItemList.at(i)->row();
int columnNR = ItemList.at(i)->column();
out << "Values = " << ui->tableWidget->item(rowNR, columnNR+1)->text() << endl;
Files are created for every item from the QList – if the shape from the QList is not in the table, an empty file is created.
How to create files only on the basis of available names in the table?
You can write like this.
QList<QTableWidgetItem *> ItemList
for(QString str : Shapes){
ItemList = ui->tableWidget->findItems(itm, Qt::MatchExactly); // Get the matching list
continue; // If shape does not exist in table skip the iteration
QFile mFile(str + ".txt");
return; // This should not happen ; this is error
for(QTableWidgetItem *item : ItemList){
int row = item->row();
int col = item->column()+1; // since it is neighboring cell
QString Value = ui->tableWidget->item(row,col)->text();
mFile.write(Value.toUtf8()); // You can change the way in which values are written

How to count duplicates in List<Integer>

Duplicate of Count occurrences of words in ArrayList
i trying to counts duplicates of my JSON response.
Im got values from 1,2 ... to 13,14
First what i do is sort the list:
every value can be used 4 times.
So at last i have list with 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2.....14,14,14,14
I need to count repeated values and when any value like 1,2 etc will be repeated 3 times i need to give message to user.
How i can do this?
Thanks for help :)
Going with tutorial i create this:
public int count(List<Integer> nums) {
boolean inclump = false;
int clumpcnt = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < nums.size(); i++) {
if (Objects.equals(nums.get(i), nums.get(i - 1))) {
if (!inclump) {
inclump = true;
if(clumpcnt ==3){
Utils.showToast(getApplicationContext(), "WOW VALUE REPEATED 3 TIMES, YOU WIN");
} else {
inclump = false;
return clumpcnt;
but this count the values and when values like 2,2 and 3,3 and 4,4 then this function enter
if(clumpcnt ==3){
Utils.showToast(getApplicationContext(), "WOW VALUE REPEATED 3 TIMES, YOU WIN");
I declared a list private List<Integer> cardsValues = new ArrayList<>();
Then i added values here:
first 5 on start application:
public void onNext(#NonNull Cards cards) {
cardsArray = cards.getArrayCards();
for (Card item : cardsArray) {
And the on every click with "Get new Cards"
Im adding new value with this same method
for (Card item : cardsArray) {
And here i call the method
private void checkDuplicateAchievement() {
Here is my full method
private void getCards(final String deck_id, final int count) {
cardApi.getCards(deck_id, count)
.subscribe(new Observer<Cards>() {
public void onSubscribe(#NonNull Disposable d) {
public void onNext(#NonNull Cards cards) {
cardsArray = cards.getArrayCards();
for (Card item : cardsArray) {
cardsRecyclerView.notifyDataSetChanged(); recyclerView.smoothScrollToPosition(cardsRecyclerView.getItemCount());
public void onError(#NonNull Throwable e) {
public void onComplete() {
You can make use of a HashMap like below.
** Not tested , typing java after a long time!, Just to give you an idea.
public int count(List<Integer> nums) {
Map<Integer, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for (int i = 1; i < nums.size(); i++) {
if(countMap.get(nums[i]) != null){
countMap.set(i, countMap.get(nums[i]) + 1)
if (countMap.get(i) >=3){
Utils.showToast(getApplicationContext(), "WOW VALUE REPEATED 3 TIMES, YOU WIN");
countMap.set(i, 1)
Try this:
public int count(List<Integer> nums) {
boolean inclump = false; // Not used
int clumpcnt = 0;
int value = nums.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < nums.size(); i++) {
if (Objects.equals(value, nums.get(i))) {
if (clumpcnt == 3) {
Utils.showToast(getApplicationContext(), "WOW VALUE REPEATED 3 TIMES, YOU WIN");
Log.d("COUNT", "WOW VALUE " + String.valueOf(value) + " REPEATED 3 TIMES, YOU WIN");
clumpcnt = 0;
} else {
clumpcnt = 0;
value = nums.get(i);
return clumpcnt;
FYI, nums list contains 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3
28078-28078/com.ferdous.stackoverflowanswer D/COUNT: WOW VALUE 1 REPEATED 3 TIMES, YOU WIN
28078-28078/com.ferdous.stackoverflowanswer D/COUNT: WOW VALUE 2 REPEATED 3 TIMES, YOU WIN
28078-28078/com.ferdous.stackoverflowanswer D/COUNT: WOW VALUE 3 REPEATED 3 TIMES, YOU WIN
You can sort your list and then loop the sorted elements and compare values at adjacent positions.If they match then duplicates are present

how can I verify if multiple checkboxes are checked

std::string output;
if ((checkbox1->isChecked() && checkbox2->isChecked()) &&
(!checkbox3->isChecked() || !checkbox4->isChecked() || !checkbox5->isChecked() || !checkbox6->isChecked()))
output = " Using Checkbox: 1, 2 ";
if ((checkbox1->isChecked() && checkbox2->isChecked() && checkbox3->isChecked()) &&
(!checkbox4->isChecked() || !checkbox5->isChecked() || !checkbox6->isChecked()))
output = " Using Checkbox: 1, 2, 3 ";
using QT creator how can I verify how many checkboxes have been checked and change the output string accordingly?
with multiple if statements it's not working due to me getting confused with all those NOT AND OR.
and it takes a long time to code all possibilities.
All your checkBoxes should be in groupBox
Try this:
QList<QCheckBox *> allButtons = ui->groupBox->findChildren<QCheckBox *>();
qDebug() <<allButtons.size();
for(int i = 0; i < allButtons.size(); ++i)
qDebug() << "Use" << allButtons.at(i)->text()<< i;//or what you need
Use an array of checkboxes like this
// h-file
#include <vector>
class MyForm {
std::vector< QCheckBox* > m_checkBoxes;
// cpp-file
MyForm::MyForm() {
m_checkBoxes.push_back( checkbox1 );
m_checkBoxes.push_back( checkbox2 );
m_checkBoxes.push_back( checkbox5 );
output = " Using Checkbox:";
for ( int i = 0, size = m_checkBoxes.size(); i < size; ++i ) {
if ( m_checkBoxes[ i ]->isChecked() ) {
output += std::to_string( i + 1 ) + ", ";
TLDR: Place them in a container and build your string by iterating over them.
// line taken from #Chernobyl
QList<QCheckBox *> allButtons = ui->groupBox->findChildren<QCheckBox *>();
auto index = 1;
std::ostringstream outputBuffer;
outputBuffer << "Using Checkbox: ";
for(const auto checkBox: allButtons)
outputBuffer << index << ", ";
auto output = outputBuffer.str();
Use QString instead of std::string and then:
QCheckBox* checkboxes[6];
checkbox[0] = checkbox1;
checkbox[1] = checkbox2;
checkbox[2] = checkbox3;
checkbox[3] = checkbox4;
checkbox[4] = checkbox5;
checkbox[5] = checkbox6;
QStringList usedCheckboxes;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (checkbox[i]->isChecked())
usedCheckboxes << QString::number(i+1);
QString output = " Using Checkbox: " + usedCheckboxes.join(", ") + " ";
This is just an example, but there's numerous ways to implement this. You could keep your checkboxes in the QList which is a class field, so you don't have to "build" the checkboxes array every time. You could also use QString::arg() instead of + operator for string when you build the output, etc, etc.
What I've proposed is just a quick example.

Delete items of MultiSelectList in Windows phone 7

how can i delete items in multiselectlist
My code's working not correctly
for (int i = MyListBox.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//for (int i = -1; i <= MyListBox.Items.Count; i++)
if (MyListBox.IsSelectionEnabled == true)
MyListBox : multiSelectList
MyObservable : ObservableCollection<>
you are unable to remove the items because you are altering the collection while trying to use the collection. You need to gather the items you want to delete, then delete them as such:
ICollection<Item> selectedItems = new List<Item>(MyListBox.SelectedItems.Count);
foreach (var item in MyListBox.SelectedItems)
Item myItem = item as Item;
if (myItem == null) continue;
foreach (var item in selectedItems)
MyListBox.IsSelectionEnabled = false;