Image Processing (vector subscript out of range) - c++

I have spent probably too many hours looking for tutorials on image processing (WITHOUT the use of external libraries) with no real success. If anyone knows any good tutorials that can be found that can help in this way, I'd really appreciate that.
I am pretty new to coding (this is my first year in college), and the assignment our professor is asking for requires original code to transform 24-bit bitmap images.
I found a question in StackExchange that shows rotation of an image without use of external libraries:
My code rotates a bmp picture correctly but only if the number of pixels is a muliple of 4... can anyone see whats wrong?
Using this code (with the starter project we were given and I had to build upon), I was able to create this code:
Byte is defined as a typedef of unsigned chars.
void BMPImage::RotateImage()
vector<byte> newBMP(m_BIH.biWidth * m_BIH.biHeight);
long newHeight = m_BIH.biWidth; /* Preserving the original width */
m_BIH.biWidth = m_BIH.biHeight; /* Setting the width as the height*/
m_BIH.biHeight = newHeight; /* Using the value of the original width, we set it as the new height */
for (int r = 0; r < m_BIH.biHeight; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < m_BIH.biWidth; c++)
long y = c + (r*m_BIH.biHeight);
long x = c + (r*m_BIH.biWidth - r - 1) + (m_BIH.biHeight*c);
newBMP[y] = m_ImageData[x];
m_ImageData = newBMP;
This code doesn't show any red squigglies, but when I try to execute the rotation, I get a vector subscript out of range error message pop-up. I've only used vectors in one assignment before, so I don't know where the issue is. Help please!
I think the issue might be here:
m_ImageData = newBMP;

Assume your newBMP has width = 1 and height = 2 then
vector<byte> newBMP(m_BIH.biWidth * m_BIH.biHeight);
would be an array of size 2 with valid indexrange [0 1]. Your index calculation
long y = c + (r*m_BIH.biHeight);
would be 2 for c = 0 and r = 1. But 2 is not a valid index for your vector and with
newBMP[y] = ...
you access an element that is not part of the vector. Your index x would be -1 for this example.


Reading BMP file into an array

I am writing a longer program and I found myself needing to read a .bmp file into an array in a specific way so that the rest of the program can use it without extensive rewrites. I failed to find older answers that would resolve my problem, and I am pretty much at the beginner stages.
The image I am trying to read is used to create a text font, so I want to read it character by character into an array, where the pixels belonging to one character are added in order to a 2d bool (true if pixel is not black) array [character_id] [pixel_n]. The dimensions of characters are predetermined and known, and the file is cropped so that they all appear in a single row with no unaccounted margins.
This is the specific file I am trying to read, though here it might not show up as .bmp
As an example, shown here, I want to read the pixels in the order of the yellow line, then jump to another character. For clarity each character is 5px wide and 11px high, with 1px of margin on both sides horizontally.
Based on what I was able to find, I have written a function to do it, but I fail to make it work as intended, as far as I can tell even the pixel values are not being read correctly:
void readBMP(char* filename)
int i;
FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb");
unsigned char info[54];
// read the 54-byte header
fread(info, sizeof(unsigned char), 54, f);
// extract image height and width from header
int width = *(int*)&info[18];
int height = *(int*)&info[22];
// number of pixels in total
int size = 3 * width * height;
unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[size];
// number of characters to read
int counter1 = size / ((font_width + 2) * font_height) / 3 ;
// read the rest of the data at once
fread(data, sizeof(unsigned char), size, f);
//loop that goes from character to character
for(int i = 0; i < counter1; i++)
int tmp = 0;
//loop that reads one character into font_ref array
for(int j = 0; j < font_height; j++)
//loop for each row of a character
for(int k = 0; k < font_width; k++)
int w = static_cast<int>(data[3*(j*(font_width+2)*(counter1) + i*(font_width + 2) + 1 + k + j*font_width + j)-1]);
if( w != 0 )
font_ref [i][(tmp)] = 1;
font_ref [i][(tmp)] = 0;
(bool font_ref [150][font_width*font_height]; is the array where the font is being loaded and stored)
this code reads something, but the result is a seemingly random mess and I am unable to resolve that. Here is an example of lowercase alphabet printed using another function in the program, where white pixels represent true bools. I am aware that some libraries exist to work with graphical files, however in this program I wanted to possibly avoid that to learn more lower-level things, and the goal is rather limited and specific.
Thank you in advance for any help with the issue.
The main errors are in the offset computation for a pixel in the bitmap data:
int w = static_cast<int>(data[3*(j*(font_width+2)*(counter1) + i*(font_width + 2) + 1 + k + j*font_width + j)-1]);
j*(font_width+2)*(counter1) - This doesn't take into account that
although you say the file is cropped, there is extra black space to the right of the last character cell, so the true width must be used;
(as drescherjm and user3386109 mentioned) padding bytes are appended to the rows so that their length is a multiple of four bytes.
+ j*font_width + j)-1 - This part makes no sense - perhaps you tried to compensate the above errors.
This would be correct:
int w = data[j*(3*width+3&~3)+3*(i*(font_width+2)+1+k)];

Add 1 to vector<unsigned char> value - Histogram in C++

I guess it's such an easy question (I'm coming from Java), but I can't figure out how it works.
I simply want to increment an vector element by one. The reason for this is, that I want to compute a histogram out of image values. But whatever I try I just can accomplish to assign a value to the vector. But not to increment it by one!
This is my histogram function:
void histogram(unsigned char** image, int height,
int width, vector<unsigned char>& histogramArray) {
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
// histogramArray[1] = (int)histogramArray[1] + (int)1;
// add histogram position by one if greylevel occured
// display output
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
cout << "Position: " << i << endl;
cout << "Histogram Value: " << (int)histogramArray[i] << endl;
But whatever I try to add one to the histogramArray position, it leads to just 0 in the output. I'm only allowed to assign concrete values like:
histogramArray[1] = 2;
Is there any simple and easy way? I though iterators are hopefully not necesarry at this point, because I know the exakt index position where I want to increment something.
I'm so sorry, I should have been more precise with my question, thank you for your help so far! The code above is working, but it shows a different mean value out of the histogram (difference of around 90) than it should. Also the histogram values are way different than in a graphic program - even though the image values are exactly the same! Thats why I investigated the function and found out if I set the histogram to zeros and then just try to increase one element, nothing happens! This is the commented code above:
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
// add histogram position by one if greylevel occured
// histogramArray[(int)image[i][j]]++;
So the position 1 remains 0, instead of having the value height*width. Because of this, I think the correct calculation histogramArray[image[i][j]]++; is also not working properly.
Do you have any explanation for this? This was my main question, I'm sorry.
Just for completeness, this is my mean function for the histogram:
unsigned char meanHistogram(vector<unsigned char>& histogram) {
int allOccurences = 0;
int allValues = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
allOccurences += histogram[i] * i;
allValues += histogram[i];
return (allOccurences / (float) allValues) + 0.5f;
And I initialize the image like this:
unsigned char** image= new unsigned char*[width];
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
image[i] = new unsigned char[height];
But there shouldn't be any problem with the initialization code, since all other computations work perfectly and I am able to manipulate and safe the original image. But it's true, that I should change width and height - since I had only square images it didn't matter so far.
The Histogram is created like this and then the function is called like that:
vector<unsigned char> histogramArray(256);
histogram(array, adaptedHeight, adaptedWidth, histogramArray);
So do you have any clue why this part histogramArray[1]++; don't increases my histogram? histogramArray[1] remains 0 all the time! histogramArray[1] = 2; is working perfectly. Also histogramArray[(int)image[i][j]]++; seems to calculate something, but as I said, I think it's wrongly calculating.
I appreciate any help very much! The reason why I used a 2D Array is simply because it is asked for. I like the 1D version also much more, because it's way simpler!
You see, the current problem in your code is not incrementing a value versus assigning to it; it's the way you index your image. The way you've written your histogram function and the image access part puts very fine restrictions on how you need to allocate your images for this code to work.
For example, assuming your histogram function is as you've written it above, none of these image allocation strategies will work: (I've used char instead of unsigned char for brevity.)
char image [width * height]; // Obvious; "char[]" != "char **"
char * image = new char [width * height]; // "char*" != "char **"
char image [height][width]; // Most surprisingly, this won't work either.
The reason why the third case won't work is tough to explain simply. Suffice it to say that a 2D array like this will not implicitly decay into a pointer to pointer, and if it did, it would be meaningless. Contrary to what you might read in some books or hear from some people, in C/C++, arrays and pointers are not the same thing!
Anyway, for your histogram function to work correctly, you have to allocate your image like this:
char** image = new char* [height];
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
image[i] = new char [width];
Now you can fill the image, for example:
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j)
image[i][j] = rand() % 256; // Or whatever...
On an image allocated like this, you can call your histogram function and it will work. After you're done with this image, you have to free it like this:
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
delete[] image[i];
delete[] image;
For now, that's enough about allocation. I'll come back to it later.
In addition to the above, it is vital to note the order of iteration over your image. The way you've written it, you iterate over your columns on the outside, and your inner loop walks over the rows. Most (all?) image file formats and many (most?) image processing applications I've seen do it the other way around. The memory allocations I've shown above also assume that the first index is for the row, and the second is for the column. I suggest you do this too, unless you've very good reasons not to.
No matter which layout you choose for your images (the recommended row-major, or your current column-major,) it is in issue that you should always keep in your mind and take notice of.
Now, on to my recommended way of allocating and accessing images and calculating histograms.
I suggest that you allocate and free images like this:
// Allocate:
char * image = new char [height * width];
// Free:
delete[] image;
That's it; no nasty (de)allocation loops, and every image is one contiguous block of memory. When you want to access row i and column j (note which is which) you do it like this:
image[i * width + j] = 42;
char x = image[i * width + j];
And you'd calculate the histogram like this:
void histogram (
unsigned char * image, int height, int width,
// Note that the elements here are pixel-counts, not colors!
vector<unsigned> & histogram
) {
// Make sure histogram has enough room; you can do this outside as well.
if (histogram.size() < 256)
histogram.resize (256, 0);
int pixels = height * width;
for (int i = 0; i < pixels; ++i)
I've eliminated the printing code, which should not be there anyway. Note that I've used a single loop to go through the whole image; this is another advantage of allocating a 1D array. Also, for this particular function, it doesn't matter whether your images are row-major or column major, since it doesn't matter in what order we go through the pixels; it only matters that we go through all the pixels and nothing more.
UPDATE: After the question update, I think all of the above discussion is moot and notwithstanding! I believe the problem could be in the declaration of the histogram vector. It should be a vector of unsigned ints, not single bytes. Your problem seems to be that the value of the vector elements seem to stay at zero when your simplify the code and increment just one element, and are off from the values they need to be when you run the actual code. Well, this could be a symptom of numeric wrap-around. If the number of pixels in your image are a a multiple of 256 (e.g. 32x32 or 1024x1024 image) then it is natural that the sum of their number would be 0 mod 256.
I've already alluded to this point in my original answer. If you read my implementation of the histogram function, you see in the signature that I've declared my vector as vector<unsigned> and have put a comment above it that says this victor counts pixels, so its data type should be suitable.
I guess I should have made it bolder and clearer! I hope this solves your problem.

C++ - Convert uint8_t* image data to double** image data

I am working on a C++ function (inside my iOS app) where I have image data in the form uint8_t*.
I obtained the image data using the code using the CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress() method of the iOS SDK:
uint8_t *bPixels = (uint8_t *)CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(imageBuffer);
I have another function (from a third part source) that does some of the image processing functions I would like to use on my image data, but the input for the image data for these functions is double**.
Does anyone have any idea how to go about converting this?
What other information can I provide?
The constructor prototype for the class that use double** look like:
Image(double **iPixels, unsigned int iWidth, unsigned int iHeight);
Your uint8_t *bPixels seems to hold image data as 1-dimensional continuous array of height*width lenght. So to access pixel in the x-th row and y-th column you have to write bPixels[x*width+y].
Image() seems to work on 2-dimensional arrays. To access pixel like above you would have to write iPixels[x][y].
So you need to copy your existing 1-dimensional array to a 2-dimensional:
double **mypixels = new double* [height];
for (int x=0; x<height; x++)
mypixels[x] = new double [width];
for (int y=0; y<width; y++)
mypixels[x][y] = bPixels[x*width+y]; // attention here, maybe normalization is necessary
// e.g. mypixels[x][y] = bPixels[x*width+y] / 255.0
Because your 1-dimensional array has pixel of type uint8_t and the 2-dimensional one pixel of type double, you must allocate new memory. Otherwise, if both would have same pixel type, the more elegant solution (a simple map) would be:
uint8_t **mypixels = new uint8_t* [height];
for (int x=0; x<height; x++)
mypixels[x] = bPixels+x*width;
Attention: beside the problem of eventually necessary normalization, there is also a problem with the indices-compatibility! My examples assume that the 1-dimensional array is stored row-by-row and that the functions working on 2-dimensional index with [x][y] (that means first-row-then-column). The declaration of Image() however, could lead to the conclusion that it needs its arrays to be indexed with [y][x] maybe.
I'm going to take a giant bunch of guesses here in hopes that this will lead you towards getting at the documentation and answering back. If there's no further documentation, well, here's a starting point.
Guess 1) The Image constructor requires a doubly dimensioned array where each component is an R,G,B,Alpha channel in that order. So iPixels[0] is the red data, iPixels[1] is the green data, etc.
Guess 2) Because it's not integer data, the values range from 0 to 1.
Guess 3) All of this must be pre-allocated.
Guess 4) Image data is row-major
Guess 5) Source data is BRGA
So with that in mind, starting with bPixels
double *redData = new double[width*height];
double *greenData = new double[width*height];
double *blueData = new double[width*height];
double *alphaData = new double[width*height];
double **iPixels = new double*[4];
iPixels[0] = redData;
iPixels[1] = greenData;
iPixels[2] = blueData;
iPixels[3] = alphaData;
for(int y = 0;y < height;y++)
for(int x = 0;x < width;x++)
int alpha = bPixels[(y*width + x)*4 + 3];
int red = bPixels[(y*width +x)*4 + 2];
int green = bPixels[(y*width + x)*4 + 1];
int blue = bPixels[(y*width + x)*4];
redData[y*width + x] = red/255.0;
greenData[y*width + x] = green/255.0;
blueData[y*width + x] = blue/255.0;
alphaData[y*width + x] = alpha/255.0;
Image newImage(iPixels,width,height);
some of the things that can go wrong.
Source is not BGRA but RGBA, which will make the colors all wrong.
Not row major or destination is not in slices which will make things look all screwed up and/or seg-fault

Floyd Steinberg Dithering gray(pgm ascii) to black-white (pbm ascii)

I have image in pgm
after using this function:
void convertWithDithering(array_type& pixelgray)
int oldpixel;
int newpixel;
int quant_error;
for (int y = 0; y< HEIGHT-1; y++){
for (int x = 1; x<WIDTH-1; x++){
oldpixel = pixelgray[x][y];
newpixel = (oldpixel > 128) ? 0 : 1;
pixelgray[x][y] = newpixel;
quant_error = oldpixel - newpixel;
pixelgray[x+1][y] = pixelgray[x+1][y] + 7/16 * quant_error;
pixelgray[x-1][y+1] = pixelgray[x-1][y+1] + 3/16 * quant_error;
pixelgray[x ][y+1]=pixelgray[x ][y+1]+ 5/16 * quant_error;
pixelgray[x+1][y+1] = pixelgray[x+1][y+1]+ 1/16 * quant_error;
i have this
I want to get the same image only in black white colors
Last time I had a simililar smeering with a PGM file, it was because I saved data in a file opened by fopen(filename,"w");
The file had a lot of \r\n line endings (os: windows), whereas it needed only \n. Maybe your issue is something like that. Save the file in binary format, with
Edit: Asides from the smeering, your implementation of Floyd–Steinberg dithering is incorrect.
First, your error propagation should be XXX * quant_error /16 instead of XXX/16 * quant_error (which will always be equal to 0).
Then, you are mixing up the two color spaces (0/1 and 0->255). A correct way to handle it is to always use the 0->255 space by changing to test line to
newpixel = (oldpixel > 128) ? 255 : 0;
(note that the order 255 : 0 is important, if you let 0 : 255, the algorithm won't work)
At the end of the function, your array will be full or 0 or 255. If you want, you can iterate one more time to convert it to 0-1, but I think it is easier to do it once you record your pbm file.
It looks like the conversion to PBM outside of this function is doing something wrong. It looks like it is converting one PGM pixel to several PBM pixels, which results in this 'smeering' effect. Just a wild guess tho.
The function itself looks okay to me, apart from one little thing: I think due to you using int for everything, all your 5/16 * quant_error will be zero. Rather use floats or doubles and make it 5.0/16.0.

exchanging 2 memory positions

I am working with OpenCV and Qt, Opencv use BGR while Qt uses RGB , so I have to swap those 2 bytes for very big images.
There is a better way of doing the following?
I can not think of anything faster but looks so simple and lame...
int width = iplImage->width;
int height = iplImage->height;
uchar *iplImagePtr = (uchar *) iplImage->imageData;
uchar buf;
int limit = height * width;
for (int y = 0; y < limit; ++y) {
buf = iplImagePtr[2];
iplImagePtr[2] = iplImagePtr[0];
iplImagePtr[0] = buf;
iplImagePtr += 3;
QImage img((uchar *) iplImage->imageData, width, height,
We are currently dealing with this issue in a Qt application. We've found that the Intel Performance Primitives to be be fastest way to do this. They have extremely optimized code. In the html help files at Intel ippiSwapChannels Documentation they have an example of exactly what you are looking for.
There are couple of downsides
Is the size of the library, but you can link static link just the library routines you need.
Running on AMD cpus. Intel libs run VERY slow by default on AMD. Check out for details on how do a work around.
I think this looks absolutely fine. That the code is simple is not something negative. If you want to make it shorter you could use std::swap:
std::swap(iplImagePtr[0], iplImagePtr[2]);
You could also do the following:
uchar* end = iplImagePtr + height * width * 3;
for ( ; iplImagePtr != end; iplImagePtr += 3) {
std::swap(iplImagePtr[0], iplImagePtr[2]);
There's cvConvertImage to do the whole thing in one line, but I doubt it's any faster either.
Couldn't you use one of the following methods ?
void QImage::invertPixels ( InvertMode mode = InvertRgb )
QImage QImage::rgbSwapped () const
Hope this helps a bit !
I would be inclined to do something like the following, working on the basis of that RGB data being in three byte blocks.
int i = 0;
int limit = (width * height); // / 3;
while(i != limit)
buf = iplImagePtr[i]; // should be blue colour byte
iplImagePtr[i] = iplImagaePtr[i + 2]; // save the red colour byte in the blue space
iplImagePtr[i + 2] = buf; // save the blue color byte into what was the red slot
// i++;
i += 3;
I doubt it is any 'faster' but at end of day, you just have to go through the entire image, pixel by pixel.
You could always do this:
int width = iplImage->width;
int height = iplImage->height;
uchar *start = (uchar *) iplImage->imageData;
uchar *end = start + width * height;
for (uchar *p = start ; p < end ; p += 3)
uchar buf = *p;
*p = *(p+2);
*(p+2) = buf;
but a decent compiler would do this anyway.
Your biggest overhead in these sorts of operations is going to be memory bandwidth.
If you're using Windows then you can probably do this conversion using the BitBlt and two appropriately set up DIBs. If you're really lucky then this could be done in the graphics hardware.
I hate to ruin anyone's day, but if you don't want to go the IPP route (see photo_tom) or pull in an optimized library, you might get better performance from the following (modifying Andreas answer):
uchar *iplImagePtr = (uchar *) iplImage->imageData;
uchar buf;
size_t limit = height * width;
for (size_t y = 0; y < limit; ++y) {
std::swap(iplImagePtr[y * 3], iplImagePtr[y * 3 + 2]);
Now hold on, folks, I hear you yelling "but all those extra multiplies and adds!" The thing is, this form of the loop is far easier for a compiler to optimize, especially if they get smart enough to multithread this sort of algorithm, because each pass through the loop is independent of those before or after. In the other form, the value of iplImagePtr was dependent on the value in previous pass. In this form, it is constant throughout the whole loop; only y changes, and that is in a very, very common "count from 0 to N-1" loop construct, so it's easier for an optimizer to digest.
Or maybe it doesn't make a difference these days because optimizers are insanely smart (are they?). I wonder what a benchmark would say...
P.S. If you actually benchmark this, I'd also like to see how well the following performs:
uchar *iplImagePtr = (uchar *) iplImage->imageData;
uchar buf;
size_t limit = height * width;
for (size_t y = 0; y < limit; ++y) {
uchar *pixel = iplImagePtr + y * 3;
std::swap(pix[0], pix[2]);
Again, pixel is defined in the loop to limit its scope and keep the optimizer from thinking there's a cycle-to-cycle dependency. If the compiler increments and decrements the stack pointer each time through the loop to "create" and "destroy" pixel, well, it's stupid and I'll apologize for wasting your time.
cvCvtColor(iplImage, iplImage, CV_BGR2RGB);