How to link opencv and other dll files to output exe of visual studio 2013 - c++

I am new with visual studio, opencv.
I am using visual studio 2013, opencv and c++ for my project.
I configured (copied path) the opencv and other library to my computer environment system.
After run the project in visual studio, normally, there will be an exe file in the project.
I can copy the exe file in the project folder and copy to other place in my computer and it will run normally.
This is because my computer environment systems are configured with opencv and other library.
I want to do the same thing with other computers BUT I do not want to manually configure each computer with opencv and other libraries.
Are there any ways that I can do to link everythings all in exe file after run the project in visual studio 2013 so that I can run the exe without depend on the path of libaries and opencv?
I use opencv installer opencv2.4.7.exe
In the current VS2013 my project, i configured my project and opencv installer as this link
question : Can i use the library in folder C:\opencv\build\x64\vc11\staticlib come from the opencv installer no need create my own library from source opencv?
question : In case i need to generate new library from opencv source ( or use lib in static folder of opencv installer, if i want to include it all to exe files, do i need to create new project and reconfigure?
Thank you.

First you need to rebuild openCV to generate static libraries instead of dynamically linked ones. This way all code that your application uses is thrown together in one single exe-file (which will probably be significantly bigger). This exe-file you can move to other computers and they should still work there, provided they have an architecture that is at least compatible with yours. So if you build it on an x86 perconal computer (32-bit), it should basically work on any other personal computer. If you build it on a x64 computer (AMD 64-bit), it will only run on other x64 machines. At least this is true assuming both systems use the same syscall API (Windows NT, POSIX...).
For openCV you do this by setting the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS build flag to false (see OpenCV as a static library (cmake options), the following line is taken from there):
Once you have done this, you will see that the openCV folder looks very similar to the one you have now, except that in your 'lib' folder there will now be .lib-files instead of .dll files (at least if you are working on Windows, which I assume you do since you are using Visual Studio).
Next step is to go to your project settings and set your linker to link with the static libraries instead of the dynamically ones. If you have used openCV's local method for linking, you can go to project settings -> linker -> input -> Addtional dependencies. There you change the extension of all the openCV libraries from .dll to .lib.
Now you should be able to rebuild your application and the resulting exe-file should have all dependent libraries contained in it.


I built an OpenCV project in C++ visual studio 2019 using static library, but still needs dll file at the run time

I built an OpenCV project in C++ visual studio 2019 using static library:
I made path to the lib file and also set Runtime Library (in project properties--> C\C++--> code generation) as Multi-Threaded/MT. Project is in Release mode.
Also I made similar to the following video:
Yes, you also need to set these dlls into system environment variables. The dlls are from [OpenCVInstallation]\build\x64\vc15\bin and OpenCVInstallation\build\bin, which is like:
the image

How to to build C++ code into both .so and .dll

I am trying to find a way where I can build C/C++ code into both .dll and .so when needed. Either through Visual Studio, CMake or any other tool. I need to also need to reference third party libraries depending on which extension I'm building.
I have tried looking into CMake but it seems to build the respective extension type to your Operating System, so since I'm using Windows it seems to only build .dll and not .so.
I don't think Visual Studio can switch easily between the two especially referencing the third party .dll or .so respectively. I haven't looked at Eclipse yet.
What I am trying to do is to build a C/C++ library to be used on Android phones (which uses .so files) but I would like to test my C/C++ code my Windows PC as a sort of unit test before deploying onto the phone.
Any suggestions?

Statically linking Visual Studio dlls to dynamically linked sfml project

I have an SFML, Visual Studio project that needs to be linked using the /MT option in the runtime library settings because I want to avoid having to install the microsoft redistributable to every computer that runs the program.
When I added sfml to the project, it appeared to work fine in its dynamic form. However, when I tried the program on another computer, it told me that I had missing visual studio dlls.
I understand that in order to link sfml statically to the project I would have to rebuild it with different runtime libraries. My question is why would it be able to correctly compile with sfml dynamically linked to the project and have the project set to /MT at the same time if it failed to statically link the necessary visual studio dlls to the project?
After discussions in the comments, we agreed on this:
It is not uncommon to link some libraries statically and still link dynamically to others, like the language runtime. So the compiler should not complain about this.
To get a single executable containing everything, the program must link all libraries statically and they must, in turn, also link statically to all their dependencies.
Otherwise, if we have one dynamic library, like SFML, that library will likely in turn link dynamically to the runtime library. And that will still require the runtime DLLs.
This is possible, you'll just have to build SFML yourself (which isn't that hard to do).
Just make sure that you set the CMake variable SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS to TRUE so SFML uses the static runtime, no matter whether you're actually creating static or shared libraries.
In short:
Clone the official repository.
Install CMake. (If you're using Visual Studio 2017, you can also directly open the source directory as a Folder, but setting the variables is a bit more tricky this way.)
Create a build directory, go there and run CMake: cmake -DSFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS=TRUE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/path/where/to/install/SFML C:/path/to/the/cloned/source/repository
Once done you'll find a Visual Studio solution and projects.
Just build the INSTALL project for the Debug/Release targets and you'll get your shared SFML using the static runtime.

How to create a .exe with visual studio 2015 that I can run from my desktop

I've written a game using OpenGL, GLFW, C/C++. I use third party libraries like SOIL and irrKlang. I use Microsoft Visual 2015. Both the debug and release version run ok from visual studio. In properties -> C++ -> Code Generation-> Runtime Library I selected /MDd. I did try other settings but the release version wouldn't work with any other. All of my .dll are saved in the release and debug folders.
However, when I go to my release folder and copy and paste the .exe found there, onto my desktop,it no longer runs. I keep getting a message that says the irrKlang.dll is missing. Could someone please explain how to get a standalone .exe of my game up and running?
Two things here. First, the .exe is the executable which contains the entry point of your application. So this is indeed the first piece you need. However, your application is allowed to depend on code that's not linked into it statically, but rather dynamically -- such dynamically linked code is only loaded at runtime. These runtime libraries of code are called DLLs ("dynamically linked libraries").
If your application depends on a DLL, it will look for that DLL while it's running. If it doesn't find it, you'll see that message box about a missing DLL. So, you need to copy not only the .exe file, but all the .dlls it depends on (and that they depend on) too. Note that your application links against many default system DLLs, e.g. kernel32, but these don't need to be copied next to the .exe because they're always present in the system search path.
Now, the second part. If you want to run your application on a PC that doesn't have Visual Studio installed, you need to make sure that computer has the C/C++ runtimes that the VS2015 toolchain automatically links against installed. These are not DLLs that you copy by hand; rather, there is a redistributable installer for them which installs them globally on the PC for all applications. You can ship this with your own installer.
For this to work, you want to be linking with just /MD in Release (the debug CRT is for debugging only, and is only installed when Visual Studio is installed -- it's not meant to run outside your PC).
This statement:
"Both the debug and release version run ok from visual studio. In properties -> C++ -> Code Generation-> Runtime Library I selected /MDd. I did try other settings but the release version wouldn't work with any other."
Leads me to believe that maybe you don't have a release version of one of your third party libraries.
/MDd causes your application to use the debug version of the MS runtime, which means that something in your project is being built with or as a debug version.
I use the 'depends.exe' application to see the dependencies of my executables and DLLs. It used to be provided directly by Microsoft, but now seems to be supported via a third party. Older SDKs will have it.

Using OpenGL with Visual Studio 2013 Express

To give you an idea of what I am really trying to do. My goal is to create a c++ program in Visual Studio and using OpenGl display a blackscreen and a white dot in the middle of the screen.
Before I can even get to the coding part though, I have to include the OpenGL library somehow.
Looking at OpenGL documentation they say that it's already installed, I just need to initialize it.
I'd rather not have to do all the initialization work as it's already been done several times, such as FreeGLUT, but I have 2 real problems that I currently just do not understand.
1) How do I compile FreeGlut?
I've downloaded the source code for FreeGLUT here
I configured it with CMAKE into a visual studio 2013 compatible project.
but once I open it with Visual Studio and try to compile it, I get a bunch of errors saying:
Error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'EGL/egl.h': No such file or directory c:\freeglut-3.0.0\include\gl\freeglut_std.h 136 1 One_static
2) Once I get it compiled, how do I link it to my c++ project so that I can do
#include <GL/glut.h>
Most likely CMake did configure it wrong; EGL is used in embedded systems (think Android, set-top boxes, and such) not Windows. Double check that CMake does something sensible there.
After you've built FreeGLUT copy it somewhere convenient (do not copy it into the Visual Studio installation directory) and add the directories where you placed FreeGLUT to your own OpenGL project's compiler and linker search paths (reachable in the Visual Studio Build configuration).
Personally I place customly built libraries at
C:\local\include\ (the header files)
C:\local\lib (the .lib, .a and .dll files)
I also tend to give libraries an architecture infix like x86_32 or x86_64. e.g. freeglut-x86_64.dll. It's unlikely Windows will ever get some kind of "fat binary" in which the code for several architectures can be merged.
For convenience put the DLL path into the system search path for DLLs. When deploying your program copy the required DLLs into the same directory as the EXE files.